Is this kind of reading material popular among women? It has a lot of ratings.
>>80083555Oh, by the way I forgot to mention that it's just SATIRE! Describing in detail how she kills a man for ghosting her friend and writing entire novels about depicting men as rapists who need to be killed while she herself was never even abused in any way is just a JOKE! In fact, I'm autistic because it didn't click with me at first.Female writers are domestic terrorists and they are responsible for more damage to social cohesion and trust than the FUCKING JEWS themselves. It's just that nobody ever looked their way to see what they're really up to.
>>80083555why wont foids just target us randomly? im ready to roll the dice ladies, shoot me in the back of the head already
Femcel genociders are the perfect storm western civilization is not ready for
>>80083802>ITS MOIDS FAULT ITS MOIDS FAULTim not prepared to take the blame for this too guys
>>80083802It's not just these books. Read Weyward. Female writers use covert ways to plant resentment and a sense of being persecuted inside of young women. They are very intelligent and understand perfectly well how the female psyche works and how they MAY be able to separate fiction from reality but the resentment and fear will remain anyway. It's literally emotional terrorism.
>>80083555All women resent men for their inherent position in the world as sexual objects and take this out on men by trapping them in financially draining marriages, manipulating them, and even undermining the structures that give men joy. Women would kill men if only their jezebel hearts would allow them to drop their deceitfulness. The only logical solution is to teach little girls that constant rape and harassment from birth is the female ideal while banishing the goyslop culture that "liberated" women to ovens.
>>80083555You'll live. You'll be okay. The words cannot harm you.
>>80083921oh no anon, the feminist propaganda worked on me, me mind is broken lol, i had a serious part of my life i genuinely considered choppin the yanker off, because why do i need it?
>>80083955If you thought about chopping your penis off then you should have done it.
>>80083966>your penis off then you should have done it.this is just another example of the feminist propaganda at play, desiring to make me suffer.
>>80083955At this point, I think it is obvious what you need to do anon. You need to kill yourself
Anything that lets them feel better about themselves is worth reading to them.
>>80083990i envy the people in society, that society ignore>WHITE MALE WHITE MALE WHITE MALEgenocide US THEN ALREADY FUCK
>>80083973Its not feminist propaganda anon instead it's my totally pragmatic desire to have obsequious men like you dickliss and within my domain. It keeps those of us who will carry on the purpose of the species happy and it prevents the impotent from soiling the gene pool.
>>80083555op is a whore whos off her meds againprescription? spit roasted
>>80083555No. It isn't. It's like that stupid movie 'Gone Girl' that rides on shock value alone.
>>80083921>words cannot harmwords can not harm, they can however create feelings which can then affect your decision making
>>80083955keep that smug AGP smirk on your wrinkled ass face when we hit the long awaited zero birth rate and Elon imports another billion jeets to replace workers
>>80084071You're delusional if you won't acknowledge that a lot of people will prefer malice over greed, especially in this day and age. Machiavelli never truly understood just how petty and hateful human beings can be and I honestly think he would have a very different mindset if he lived today.
>>80083921Every action in this world, over time, builds up to create something that impacts everyone.
>>80083782>>80083555It's their way of coping and playing pretend like they have power and will. Women being passive and docile and overall weaker than men causes a huge feeling of resentment on their part knowing that if push came to shove men can simply use the threat of violence to take away all their rights. So to cope women have these violent fantasies where they tell themselves that they aren't weak, that if they really felt like it they could murder their husband in some cowardly way like using poison or killing him in his sleep.
But men are the violent nigger gender, right. The only reason women aren't just as violent and terrible is that they're physically weak. You couldn't get a book published called "How to kill women and get away with it"
>>80085142the fact that men hurt women just because they're physically stronger than women and society says they can just makes them worse peopleit's funny how black people, and trans women are forced to carry the sins of men, because men represent every single danger they tell you to fear from any other demographic, the statistics for men are so bad, yet they're free to live their lives unburdened by anything other than their own insecurity
>>80085656Terminal libcuckery lol
>>80085656>>80085710you're not funny, you're just a run of the mill dogshit poster who never managed to entertain anyone
What is the female equivalent of The Turner Diaries?
>>80085656The fact is women would be no better if they had the power men had.
>>80086108but men are the ones with the power they have and they have the ability to make choicespeople who abuse power are not good people
>>80086108there's no testosterone demon whispering in men's ear that they have to do what they do, it's not like being a vampire
>>80083980>kill yourselfanother solid example of feminist propaganda trying to convince me to suicide
>>80084009>totally pragmatic desire to have obsequious menfor from obedient to demonic foids like you. you cannot fool me. if you want me to die, you will have to do it yourself. you will never convince me to kill myself. i will forever work against you, to free men from your evil nature and its slavery
>>80086638>people who abuse power are not good peopleit's women who abuse their status en masseyou live on other peoples good will and you still decide to be a vermin
>>80084146>smug AGP smirkamerica is already dead anon, its just a corpse, with a living head, desperately trying to reawaken the someone who can sufficiently provide for myself, can build, create all of itand im not joking in the slightest either, all of the women saying i HAVE to be this that or the other, or work myself into the grave just to even be considered to be loved. this hatred of me, without knowing me, was given to me, from a very very young age, and i intend on liberating young men and boys from this hell, freeing them from their nazi labor camps
>>80083555growing up a friend of mine found "how to kill your husband" in the search history on his moms computer and this lead to the divorce
>>80083921So why do women complain about misogynistic remarks or cat calling or being told to smile or cyber harassment? Get real. Feminists always play a two faced game of saying men are insecure losers repressed by toxic masculinity while simultaneously calling them fragile if they get upset by the verbal abuse they dish out
>>80086782>why do women have double standards