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couldn't walk away from something broken
Nothing ever upsets me other than how I will never be a furry. I just can't put on the mask. But I admire them a lot.
My letter is the letter "N".

N is used in a lot of words. Words like

What are some N words you like?
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Nothing ever upsets me other than knowing how my gf will never have a tail
Driving home slowly through last night's snowstorm reminded me of you. It reminded me of our little trip. It reminded me of holding you in the back of your car. I may have even missed you. That I could still miss you is disquieting. The whole thing has not been as quick to shake as I'd have liked. Granted, it's only in certain moments now that I remember. And thankfully those moments come sparingly, for I'd not much like it if they came more frequently. I'd like for them to not come at all, but I think that's not possible once someone has been inside your heart. I think I just have to accept that snowy car situations will recall to my mind the memory of our little outing.

Can it be a fond memory? Is that allowed? Can they all be fond memories even though you were ultimately dreadful? I obviously wanted more than a short adventure and fond memories, but I guess that's the thing about want. It can rob you of what was and is. And oftentimes without you even knowing. I'll try not to let it rob me of looking back and seeing that I enjoyed every moment. I'm glad it happened as it did.
>What are some N words you like?
>What are some N words you like?
>couldn't walk away from something broken
I used to know this feel
There are accessories for that, Anon. We have the technology.
Yes, but I want it to be really REAL. You know? Or at least to have tech so convincing you don't know the difference
Why are so many fucking transvestites named Lynn?
I know of 3 transvestites, related to one of them, all of them choose the name Lynn.
The fuck?
Why did their mental illness all tell them to go by the same fucking name?
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Because, Anon, we've been trying to reach you in your coma by sending you signs and sychonicities too improbable to be chance as a way of trying to wake you up to the fact that the reality you perceived isn't real and is entirely a fabricating of your own mind I mean REALLY ANON all three names Lynn WAKE UP!!!
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i hate new years and i hate birthdays. if it werent for the fact i enjoyed talking to you so much i could probably shake off how depressing everything is. writing this out is a mistake, hope things get better for you. bye.
This is not the last I'll write
But it IS the last you'll ever see
Sorry. I now give it up for good. I wonder what it like to be free
>Going on 13 days since "for good"
The little fuckers are doing that thing where they send a maladroit message that belabors its own point by removing portions of my message that I definitely type and which had definitely not been altered or removed before I pressed send.
>What are some N words you like?
Very funny. The "D", really? What is this, 2013? If it is, then you should be able to provide with haste at least what I started asking for that year if not what I had been before.
anons i kinda miss posting on this board
it made me legitimately smile to hear a reference to a meme from a couple years back and that made me realize that i'm now officially a boomer, idk if i'll ever enjoy 4chan the same way now that i technically have to live an actual life. i have so many standards for myself and i never fulfill them but the best i can do is not break them. i still do that plenty though so maybe i'm just a pussy. anyways
i guess this is a love letter to this gay website that i never post on anymore
i hate when the urge to explode with diarrhea wakes you up and then after blasting the bowl and expelling the evil inside you can't get back to sleep
please.................. PLEASE ...................................................... O CANMT TAKWE IT ANYMOREEEEEEEEEEEEE
I might kill myself if you don't like me back
I always forget you are on disability and that time is fucking meaningless to you

Months and years roll by and you do FUCK ALL except bitch and moan
6 fucking months
6 months and you cant even pick a date, you dont leave the house, you dont go anywhere or do anything, what is the fucking issue here? you always act like you have 0 time to your self then spend all day scrolling reels at full volume
I miss you
sorry for blocking you everywhere
Its been awhile but you were the person who made me the happiest last year. Sorry I wasn't able to tell you those threatening messages aren't for you early on. You placed so much effort on making me happy unlike your lookalike who said they want to beat the shit out of you when all they offered was their baby dick and awful behavior unlike you who actually puts effort and affection.
but I guess this is goodbye? Its not about the money, I liked spending time with you and you're very proactive.
I sincerely hope you find happiness and you're a total catch.

Wishing you the best!
conflicted and dunno what to do about this
If you're who I think you are, it's not like you've done anything this whole time besides nagging and flirting with others.
new year's resolution
out: roasties
in: nie cunny
i miss you a lot
i had too much love to give
i sometimes find myself wondering if you wanted me to crawl back because i gladly would
but im going to have restraint, youve hurt me too much
sometimes i just want to go to that park you told me about, sit and wait until you arrive, and have you running and jumping in to hug me tightly
I really hate these zealots, in fact you disgust me. Remove me from your thoughts.
I wonder if you complete and total losers have any awareness of how I did circles around, trolled your faces off, and then walked away completely unscathed. The big scary griefers.
I didn't even do all the stuff I came up with. Some of it seemed too mean/hypocritical.
Did we ever talk?
I hope one of your trashy, noisy af friends moved in above you too.
Man if this is ft**** then I want to say we shouldn't have stopped talking. I was busy with life I hope you will forgive me. Pls!
You're a fucking faggot for using privileged access to new technology to pretend to be smart, Mike.
[That goes for pretty much all of you afaict. I wonder if the metaverse still seems like such an unacceptable plan now that you've seen the alternative.]
I believe the no pussy and neet movement has put an end to WW3 before it started. The elite have realised that war genuinely isn't an option that they have now because people are so pissed off with them.

Guess the elite have to put up with being 2nd tier now because they just couldn't control their fucking greed. LOL!
Granted I'm probably painting with too broad a brush considering the unforeseeable, purely happenstance schism you have been experiencing.
I'm *really* quiet though. I do hope the one guy in particular has had an opportunity to ascertain that, preferably through comparison to someone he's required to get along with.
hey J wanna play league?
maybe he's dead
That "guild by association" shit really grinds my gears. Why can most tards not understand that one can agree and disagree with people without putting them on a godlike pedestal or calling them the devil incarnate?
Both sides (especially the hard-liners on both ends of the political spectrum) ignore that WE ALL are part of an ecosystem and diversity (not DEI, retard) is important for the system to not go tits-up when the environment changes.

There's a reason humans don't procreate by cloning themselves or mate with their relatives.
I'm already dead inside but I'm not looking to play multiplayer games with a bunch of aggro virgins edgelords.
If all I am is what you
Stay the hell away from me
> If all I am is what you
Are you having a stroke? Also narcissist?
You use that as a slur without understanding that narcissism can be used for good and evil and it's telling that you don't get that.
Narcissism motivates people to take pride in their work, something you would never understand, right?
Dont have much to say anymore. Im at rock bottom. Shits gotten intolerable far quicker than I expected, but I knew this was coming. I drank ten ciders since lunch, two more to go. Please God kill me quick
i am still here and thinking about you
Right that's it, I'm abstaining from all sexual relations for a month. Don't bother contacting me. I'm not interested.
Except for homosexual sex with groups of hung black men.
another namefag shitting up the letter thread
many such cases
>Narcissism motivates people to take pride in their work, something you would never understand, right?
Tell us all about the pride you have for your career.
> career
bud, it's called a job. you need connections to have a career.
>bud, it's called a job. you need connections to have a career
So, let me get this straight. You, condescended to me about taking pride in my work, yet you do not have a career and only a job?
I have no idea who you are and what you're talking about. I just wanted to correct some tard that uses the term "career" when "job" is a better fit. In short, yes, but not for the reasons you might think.
For you it's better fit. Not for me.
Are there though? Are there really that many distinct cases?
Jesus, someone has a chip on their shoulder. I guess you're a narc, huh?
Sorry for bursting your bubble but people with "careers" don't hang out on 4chin.
youd be very surprised anon
Are you saying that important people who could make an impact on society rather hang out here? D...doubt.
>people with "careers"
>important people who could make an impact on society
this is what they call moving the goalposts
i am like top 1% income and i hang out here
definitely not an important person though
Do you come here to gloat or what is the appeal of this shithole for someone like you?
no i never mention it usually
i come here cause i can do unfiltered autism
im really not that special i was a NEET for most of my 20s i just have more money now
Quick! Give me a taste of your unfiltered tism!
sorry it has to come spontaneously
they don't understand the "freedom" they have nor what it's like to constantly suppress your views and opinions.
Ok, fair. If you could make any type of religion stop existing, which one would you make disappear.

Also, do you prefer uppers or downers?
honestly i do not know enough about the religions to say which one is most cringe
i do not do drugs
I think you're thinking of the low functioning variety. I guess high functioning ones can learn the rules of society after shitting the bed socially for too many times. Or they become mutes unless they know they're with friends.
im high functioning, i just dont really talk to people. my job is pretty independent
>after shitting the bed socially for too many times
pretty much how i learned
I'm so glad that I have a job that "doesn't exist" anymore according to my professors. They say engineers that "work in their lone office" types doesn't exist anymore but I'm glad that I found a small company where I can mostly work on tech in peace but the few times I'm forced to work with external "engineers" is often aggravating, since most are morons. Think people that specify to use an AC-connector for a DC-voltage application-stupid. I'm constantly getting the impression that they want to sabotage the project since they get payed hourly but maybe they're just total morons.
Share a cringe story that taught you about social norms, anon!
>They say engineers that "work in their lone office" types doesn't exist anymore
my position is definitely unique and its not something you could just go apply for but these jobs definitely exist to varying degrees
i have also done independent contracting which required more interaction but could be done mostly from home since i am in tech
>the few times I'm forced to work with external "engineers" is often aggravating
"hey anon can you hop on a quick call"
i cant think of anything very specifically funny but in hs i was the delusionally confident autist who thought i had friends but in hindsight they were just people i followed around
now im cringing i cant even think about this stuff
Were you the type that didn't get that they were made fun of? I didn't know about racism as a kid and growing up in the 90s in Germany (as a non-german looking guy) you hear lots of terms that were definitely not meant as a compliment. I was completely oblivious about their intention, which made them even more mad, lel.
i dont know if i was made fun of. i probably was. i think i would have noticed anything overt, im not completely retarded, but i definitely did not pick up on about a million subtle cues
I treated you like shit even though you were there for me. I pushed you away like I did with everyone else. I was such an idiot. If I could go back in time I wouldn't be mean anymore like I was. I disappointed you many times and made you cry. I wish I could make it up to you somehow but I know we will never talk again. I am so sorry truly. But honestly the times I've spent with you were some of the best times in my life. So thank you for that. I feel so bad every time I think about how I behaved though. I will never act like that with a girl again. Please find a good guy and be happy. I love you.
stop impersonating me, noone's buying it.
You really just couldn't keep your fucking mouth shut, couldn't you?
Initialsss pleazzee
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I'm so happy that you said you missed me! Just three words from you means so much to me. Because it means you're thinking of me. I miss you when you're gone too and I love you too. Means more to me than you could ever know.
is it to k from d
K, dedicated to A, whom will probably never see (or care)

doesnt matter
Okay thank you for answering regardless anon godspeed
>is mistreated
fuck i'm so jealous of people with a spine
>>is mistreated
>fuck i'm so jealous of people with a spine
yeah pretty crazy huh
fuckin normies
People often say I am too paranoid, and tonight proved why I am. As I lay in bed thoughts race through my head about someone who said they loved me betraying me by violating my trust, and someone who I stood up for to others and thought was my friend snaking me over selfish interests and a concern I had which could have been dealt with by a simple conversation. I've been nothing but kind towards people and did nothing to deserve this treatment, but they still decide to butt into my personal life for run, ruin it, and hold me in derision. Going forward I will never trust another person again, I completely reject the world and life.
That's how I feel right now op
>a concern I had which could have been dealt with by a simple conversation
Big claim there, hot shot. I'm afraid I can't offer you my sympathies unless you validate that claim. Share with the class exactly how it could have and should have gone down.
>Share with the class exactly how it could have and should have gone down.
My partner acknowledging my concerns in confidence and reassuring me. Failing that, the third party whom I was friendly towards should have asked me about those concerns and why I felt them upon hearing them, like a friend would. Not try to use them as a wedge issue to fuck up my relationship, and mock me when I was feeling upset.
Overall? I still like my personal space.
And women,
They suck you dry.
That's true but men also suck you dry. Both can cause each other's mental and physical health to faltar
Like pottery,
It rhymes.
I love masturbating to your sister.
Mikes trip is TheSpaceBetween !!FZeX84DZuIX . He hasnt been on letter thread in a long time. Some guy here larped as him on r9k in the past and would say some really horrible stuff targeting people mike cared about.

Well I guess you guys got what you wanted in the end.

All of my early to mid 20s wasted eating shit, falsely diagnosed and thrown in a psych ward because of S doxxing me

I had a cool job at a hospital for awhile but one of my coworkers decided to frame me for cheating on her fiance and I got fired

In the end, I have been dehumanized to the point where my life is just rot and waste at this point. I lost the prime of my youth and have been dehumanized to the point of a rat living in a corner , while everyone lived their carefree lighthearted lives

guess with the pride truly cometh the fall
It's amazing how being with the right person for one week can be more fulfilling than being with the wrong person for half a year.
It's amazing what velocity can do when human beings are in season.
>It's amazing how being with the right person for one week can be more fulfilling than being with the wrong person for half a year.
i hope she doesnt think this otherwise im actually blocking her from everywhere this time
can't you just let me work in the army and we all get along with it?
it's already been six years but i still can't believe macaulay culkin was such a good sport he went on avgn for the home alone episode
>the system
No what happened is once Republicans won the election they had to start dialing back the fear mongering and getting back to business as usual. There is no system. There is only a bunch of richfags spinning narratives that the gullible plebs believe wholeheartedly. When they aren't on camera all of the wealthy elites are playing golf with each other and attending each other's dinner parties. The plebs don't see this though so instead the plebs make up marvel tier stories in their minds where team red is engaged in a battle of cosmic importance against team blue. When really the only teams there are comes down to the haves and the have nots.
Ok Fag, stop trying to dance infront of kids at preschool while in drag.
i love you but i dont know why you would send me something like that and talk about that kind of stuff. i dont know ahat to do everything hurts so bad and i dont know why you would do something so out of character. it feels like you did it to hurt me of because you dont like me and dont want to be with me. i dont know how to make the pain stop i just want it to stop.
I don't know what you mean, but sounds like you should probably get over her.
i do want to be with you but never hearing from you makes me hurt and i get lost in dark thoughts. i want to hear from you directly, please.
i love you, even, so much so that i'd accept you even if you never wanted to be with me like that
Tell me in a clear and concise way when an agreement is reach for my situation so i can take the necessary action
You know, it is allowed to check your own posts before clicking "send". Embarrassing.
all i can do is go to sleep everyday and hope the the problem gets fixed so i can move on however they decide
Wow, so you're a high agency individual, kek.
i think you will come to regret it if you never speak to me again
slave, just a slave
wdym? I'm talking to you CONSTANTLY!!!
Out my butt. Toot.
im the sort of guy who gives a fake name when buying starbucks coffee, so the current situation is depressing for me to say the least
i value my privacy
one more girl caught in the same web of charm and empty promises
you spoke of trust like it was a lifeline urging me to hold on while i questioned every step we took
how carefully crafted your attention felt, designed to make me believe there was something singular about what we shared but when trust turns to betrayal its hard to remember what was genuine and what was simply illusion

and yet im the one dissecting every mistake i made, every moment i longed for you too hard
did i drown you with my longing? or was it you who built the dam only to watch me crash against it breaking under the force of wanting what you never truly offered?

i wish i hadnt just been another hollow affair, i still find myself wanting to prove that i can be everything you want me to be for you
please reconsider me
just this once
> affair
How about you fuck off of this Robot forum, failed normie.
Anon, they most likely are referring to an e-relationship
I don't care whether the relationship is real or e...lectrical? This is a ROBOT forum for the eternally lost souls, not for some bimbo larping as a social reject to torture real robots.
I'm sorry but I'm only into hardcore bdsm these days and all my girlfriends are extreme 24/7 submissives you wouldn't like it all
Did you know that you can hire some ex-felons to rape some cute twink like you for the low-low price of 1 bitcoin? Afterwards, you'll get PTSD from hearing "just the tip" in everyday conversations for the rest of your life until you kill yourself.
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Said you needed love,
but you're only here for sex,
And I'm dyin' to be next
Killed me once before
I just come back more obsessed
Try it and see what happens
Also I never said never, just I prefer my girlfriends demure and submissive. Is that too much to ask?
Just a tip. I wouldn't call these types of niggas you "girlfriend". Then again, call them that and see what their gorilla dicks can do to your voice-box.
Alright motherfucker, we'll see what kind of spectacle I can get for TWO bitcoin.
Make it THREE bitcoin and ask for the "air tight" special.
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Wow! Easiest three bitcoin of my life!
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That's right, """"girlfriend"""" this is your new living arrangements. I love submissive women!
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Go make me a sandwich lol
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>nooo I can't reach my phone to pay the online henchman I promises ten bazzilion bitcoin
not that anon but...
Great fucking Zeus! I'm TRYING to wake up! I SAW what you did with the water usage at the hospital! I KNOW this is a simulation now, okay? What do I have to do to get out of it???
This reminds me of a photo by NASA. They had a female dummy strapped in a chair in a blue gimp suite. Kinkay. I was kind of surprised how kink-positive they were on an official account on mastobatoron a couple months back.
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Almost mistook it as girlfriend for a moment lol
I think that's it! Nice find, anon! The hidden face makes this somehow way too hot for an inanimate object. Also, I wonder why this dummy has to have boobs but I'm not complaining, lel. I guess some of the space nerds are into fun extracurricular activities. tehehe
Alright weirdo
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This is the first time anyone has called me that. I am shocked and appalled.
Nice kink-shaming, btw.
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Good to see where our tax-euros went.
Wow, that looks even better than the real thing!
Mind control tip: Find a narcassist and trample on their ego daily
> narcassist
retard says what?
a narcissist broke my heart
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>a narcissist broke my hart
I'm waiting for: "I'm trans, btw"
f...for you!
funny. I think ego is the only thing left for you after the shit you've pulled.
>I wonder why this dummy has to have boobs
Not giving CPR dummies breasts has lead to a lot of "First Aid Certified" nincompoops out here walking around totally unequipped to perform CPR on anyone with the slightest bit of chest fat. Are you familiar with the issues female soldiers face because their combat gear was only designed to accommodate varying degrees of fatass male form, not tits or the (up until a few years ago) required military bun hairstyle for females with hair longer than shoulder length? Now, they didn't update the womens' helmets even after this issue was immediately apparent because then superiors couldn't call women into their offices for a Personal Appearance Inspection and then rape them and then threaten discharge if they pipe up about it.
The NASA dummy has breasts because there are practical reasons that affect the professional goals they are trying to accomplish that must be considered, and because those practical reasons however necessary to factor are also a great cover for shady perverts to do revolting shady bullshit.
I appreciate you starting preemptive reverse psychology damage control on the "hiring deep web tough guys" to do your dirty work" disclosure, by the way.
I don't fucking care if you've realized by now or not that we have already succeeded, because one way or another your awareness has no bearing on the fact.
We're all on the same page when it comes to the matter at hand at present: that I can't tell anyone how I acquired the materials yet. What you don't understand or cannot cope with is that everything that comes after the moment of acquisition long past is a given. I am perfectly agreeable toward this arrangement wherein the one condition for gaining and maintaining access to what I need is that I do not ruin it for my dear, dear friends and everyone else who depends on them.
It's much easier not to behave like a crazy person when you have proof that you're not a crazy person. Unfortunately. For you. An additional misfortune for your consideration: I've always known I wasn't crazy and proof doesn't mean shit to me but a go-ahead to give you second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth helpings of what you've been dishing out so liberally for the extent of your miserable, scumfucking lives.
Without fail, you assume the same of me that you know to be true for yourselves. That is the origin point of your every blunder. Being who you are, have always been, and will most likely always be. Embarrassments or shaky landings mean nothing to me. I'm not making guesses, I'm priming detonators. Maybe stealing a cheeky few laughs amidst just to help the time pass.
I don't do this to feed my ego and I don't care how it feeds or that it does indeed feed yours. This is a game for you whereupon losing means you'll throw the same variety of tantrum you throw even when you're winning by virtue of your irreparably damaged "where I belong in the world" brain center. You place no value on virtue and that is why you sincerely cannot comprehend my reasoning or what is at stake, because you would never be doing it for the same reasons and if you tried you undoubtedly would fail or you wouldn't all be who you are anymore. Your inefficacy, stupidity, and wanton disregard for the natural order is fundamental to your being.
You think yourselves my opponents. At times, when your the most infantile sides of your psyche are at the forefront, you even think us all playmates. That misunderstanding comes from the belief that I'm doing what I'm doing because I do it with the same intentions, only somehow in a more effective way every now and then by some stroke of sheer luck, the belief that when you feel like you're winning it is because you are winning against me, not that you spit in the face of intelligent design by continuing to consume precious oxygen. Just as you think that when I'm infuriated by your actions, it must be because I can't stand being overtaken by you, that I'm keeping score. Your giddiness is an illusion fed by all the others. I cannot stand you because I refuse to take all the mind numbing filth around me as proof that it is meant to be this way. If this is the way things are, it's not how I'll permit them to remain. And this isn't the way things are, you've just gone unchecked long enough to breach containment.
I don't long for your rewards and I don't claim to be the deliverer of what you shoddily sowed. You're left in shambles when you are forced to confront this dawning awareness not because I'm better than you at your game, but because despite it all I have still refused to ever play it. Similar to your incapacity for relating to my motivations and analyzing the factors of my success, you just can't conceive of someone making uncounterable moves. You waste your time and do exactly what I lead you to doing by even entertaining the idea that your reaction is effectively prolonging the debacle or amounting to some neck-and-neck photo finish inevitability. You are three seconds from dead and only because dead men can't answer summons. I will not keep you on life support when they have what I have, what they need to make what should have always been common sense into public knowledge.
Wannabe sociopaths like you should not fuck with would-be psychopaths like me, and they should not whine about it when they begin to fathom exactly what they've wrought by doing so.
I didn't start this, and if I had any other way of ending it I would have done so long ago. Remember that you think you've won, when you think it's over and you're still empty inside, writhing with discontent.

Remember it again when true closure finally graces your miserable spectacle of an existence. Someone has to, and I'll have washed my hands of any memory or investment forthwith.
I don't think that megalomaniacal rant was directed at me but sheesh dude you didn't ping for psychopath on that rant you pinged for

>Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
>Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD)
>Delusional Disorder with themes of grandeur and persecution

Were you truly, objectively wronged? Or are you just having trouble communicating with folk?
Objectivity exists. Your iteration of commandeered, gormless, taint licking, Fisher Price-brand tyranny exists too, but it's not objectivity just because you call it that. I won't call it that just because you threaten me with everyone else you've wrangled into calling it that.
"Pinged". Pinged in that thing, by that thing I cherrypick data and context to give so I have more unsubstantiated aneurysm fodder to pollute the atmosphere with in an attempt to drown out the hard to swallow consequences of my actions rippling out beyond that thing that tells me I'm never in the wrong or that if I am it's funny.

If you ever do end up using your brain, let's hope the first task you put it toward is to lobotomize itself.
Y'know, I think I get what happened. The therapist said that ADHD medications would cause me to view social interactions in a new context - and not cause of paranoia - and they did.

Now I can see intrinsic motivations, sense little sarcasms - when before I couldn't.

With ADHD, the brain often filters out certain details due to executive function challenges. Medications can reduce this filtering, making one hyper-aware of micro-expressions, tone shifts, or social hierarchies one might have previously ignored.

So perhaps the angel you all knew really is gone - because I can see the intricacy now. But alas, the genie is out of the bottle. Even if I went straight edge, ate nothing but plain bread and drank nothing but pure water, I won't forget that I once knew. Maybe this is what the parable of the Garden of Eden was trying to get at
I dunno bro I think that's a pretty accurate assessment. Like, try reading, out loud, what you just wrote back to yourself. You're a big hecking psychopath so it shouldn't be too hard(unless of course that's a moniker you're taking on under the misimpression that psychopathy is the scariest of the disorders, when really malignant narcissism is)

But the vagueness you write with suggests an insulation - an insulation from the mighty fear you have of being direct with someone for just once in your life
Cue the worse than witless, jenkem gargling association rejects to fabricate a mentally ill opera out of matters they have no grasp of or place in to pretend they do, and also to pretend it will get their dicks sucked by the lecherous twats they worship while disingenuously denouncing. I'd have some choice words if there were any left to spare. Basically it amounts to, "What the ungodly fuck are you doing if you see yourself or the objects of your fair-weather lust in my personal business with Geneva profaning jugheads?"
On cue - spewing of pabloem and technical terms in a misguided attempt to seem "above it all." Though I'll give you props for the alliteration, that's pretty clever.
"I dunno bro, it just seems too edgy for me. Why would someone waterboard a captive just because they enjoy torturing people, even if they were perfectly aware they had relinquished all the information they had to give hours ago?"

Your unwillingness to consider the intricacies and the depths of depravity on this planet and the subjective views of the experiences and behaviors of the people around you do not constitute diagnostic criteria.
i said typos with only the one for now untio seven fix it
i realize im no better than the same people i criticize
i should have realized you just wanted to vent
im really sorry
dunno if you even wanna be my friend
just wish i wasnt so socially retarded
Ah, suppose you got me there, though I never said what you quoted. Depravity is a blindspot for many. But from what I HAVE studied, I know that fixating too much on depravity - far from JUST being mentally unhealthy to the individual, also somewhat normalizes depravity. So in that sense there's value in finding something "too edgy" - you're preventing the edginess from becoming the norm. But hey, while my guess is that you're fixating on the abyss and so the abyss is fixating on you, maybe you're privy to some objective information that makes your worldview rooted in reality rather than just seeing the worst of stuff. In which case, surely you would have known that venting vaguely about it was doomed to fail from inception?
You don't get a cookie, you don't get a seat reserved, you don't even get a thank you. If you were arguing on behalf of them for something rather than nothing you'd be better off. The ones who have a price at least get what they demand. Unless you demand something they don't have to give because it is antithetical to their survival and the widespread propagation of their blight. Then you just end up with a few more idiots to juggle while trying to fend off idiots who thought you some sort of show-off Atlas just because you happen to enjoy pretty women and clean air.
I'm not in it for the cookie or the seat reserved, in so far as I'm "in it" for anything. But who are They, the big Ominous They? Those in power? That don't narrow it down. You argue on behalf on anyone or anything you're going to be arguing on behalf of unsavory characters. If your rant be anything more than a phishing attempt I'll be shocked but what I've spoken for was designed to get folks to focus on the system rather than just say Bad People Bad. That maxim is not needed, not useful, and more trite than anything.
Someone let the bpd, schizo, narcs lose.
Of course, it's this idiot. Right on time. I can see why you felt obliged to speak in defense of the parties addressed above. On what planet is asking someone a question, denying the information received to offer an insistent "No, this is what's happening here because this is what I wish to be the case" in response, then devolving into some poorly formatted middle school essay about irrelevant hypotheticals anything but grounds for a firm go fuck yourself? "Preventing edginess from becoming the norm", do you have dementia? Fucked up people do fucked up things and you don't have to be important to be a recipient of those fucked up things. You only have to be by nature diametrically opposed to their conditions for success.
I've failed because I haven't been convinced to give a shit about convincing you? Your incomprehension of my motives does not rewrite my motives altogether. Fuck. This is also why you don't have to be working with them to serve their interests. Whether you're of their ranks or not, everything I said applies. Take it personally, but don't take it up with me.
Hmm, I'll ignore the intellectual posturing and try to focus on the heart of what (it seems?) we're discussing. Yes, fixating on negative things can cause individual harm and it can cause social harm, there's peer reviewed articles to that effect. I don't think you debunked that sentiment just by mentioning the sentiment that evil depraved people do exist and will do evil depraved things regardless of a positive or negative attitude.

And I can only guess at your motives, but they don't seem particularly benevolent. But then again perhaps I cannot read the cues, I'd make a pretty lousy bridge player.
>What you have said amounts to "Bad People Bad" since I am only able to relate to shadowy figures by their shadows alone, because I've never had personal dealings with the figures behind the shadows who have names and addresses unbeknownst to me personally. If you have you're lying and if you're not lying WAHHH TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME IT SOUNDS EXCITING BECAUSE I ASPIRE TO BE AN ANTIHERO SINCE I'M TOO MUCH OF A DERANGED FREAK TO BE A HERO AND TOO PREDICTABLE TO BE A VILLAIN
You're entitled to your secondhand disturbance, surely. The resemblances are uncanny.

I'm not trying to dangle deep dark secrets on a string, you fucking asswipe. Not everything is about you, and despite your best efforts you cannot force everything to become about you, especially through the viewfinder of your limited knowledge of and experiences in this world.
I use this thread to write letters. My specific situation just happens to dictate that be a fairly direct confrontation as well. It is still not an agreement to entertain the splatters of rotting brain matter dripping on to your keyboard that you pass off as mutual engagements.

Intellectual posturing? You've launched into some hamfisted one-way debate about the pros and cons of thinking or talking about nebulous evils in the world because you comprehend that I am not making sweeping philosophical generalizations, but talking to people in my life about my immediate, non-hypothetical life events.
Go crash a Dungeons and Dragons game if you get off on demystifying fiction for people who take it too seriously or whatever you believe yourself to be up to here.
I still can't believe I hurt you this much with just some words. Not after the many attempts you tried to hurt me with words. I really didn't want to hurt you and tried so much to be the bigger person. You just couldn't help yourself. Why did you make me do this? Don't you understand you were starting a fight you could never win. Fighting was never my goal. Why the hell did you have to force us into this?
What a slip. Yes, I believe you comprehend it perfectly. It seems that you know but just don't like what's going on because it doesn't involve you, so you try your damndest to involve yourself.
Good luck with that. I'd take no pleasure in offering you what's coming to them should you pull it off, but I wouldn't hold back either.
You should focus on that career you're so worried about having tampered with. You could learn a thing or two in this very room if you treated it as what it is instead of disgraced it by insisting it's whatever you want it to be.
It makes perfect sense. The flight-or-fight response in cornered terrified people is an impressive and scary thing.
Eh, while anti-heroes are cool, I think not being reductionist is cooler. You're clearly trying to talk to someone here, so don't even bother with the tired "it's not all about you" shaming - that's more a poetic sentiment than something conducive to a productive dialogue. Yes, there are billions of people on the planet, yes, if one were to have any semblance of morality they'd consider that little factoid. But spare me the

whining, especially when it's clear you're going out of your way with the insults to communicate with someone. At this point I almost hope you're being clandestine, because otherwise what I'm left with is someone angsting about how they're just too smart for this world. In which case, perhaps I'd be wrong to say you're violating /r9k/ norms.
Hey buddy, still alive? I am. Been a rough couple of weeks. Don't know if life is giving me lemons or if it's just giving me piss. No choice but to pass it off as lemonade, though. Vulnerability doesn't play. It's seen by some as manipulative, others as egotistic, and by all as weak. In that regard, perhaps I should have known better. I saw a project run the rounds over yonder - and from the folds of my memory I kinda recollect you being associated with it. Doesn't seem like my jam, but I gave it what support I could. The fate of most projects is not fame or notoriety, but absence. A profound and gaping absence. Might be the fate of most people too. Still, I don't imagine it'll be a problem for you - assuming of course you hold the same sort of self aggrandizing values I hold. Sometimes a good job is enough, reception be damned. But that could just be a conceit.

Keep yourself alive, buddy.
Scale this attitude and apply it to a collective of people somehow infinitely more unremarkable and yet infinitely more equipped to be of significant detriment to the species than you. Realize this image (could you even form it as a result of earnestly being able to look at yourself and your unsavory qualities in this moment and all associated) is a real person whose face and voice I have in mind in perfect detail, surrounded by similar and/or complimentary mistakes of evolution.
Realize none of us have time to hemorrhage on impish caricatures who exceed in helplessness where they fall short in impact.

You are convinced you are arguing on behalf of the person you assume I want a dialogue with while being fervently convinced you are also secretly the person you assume I want a dialogue with. You are wrong. You are not entitled to any further details and acting as though you are negates any wildcard chance that I might want to use you as a sounding board in addition to what I am already and actually doing.
Trolling is something different than what you are doing. Even if you employ the "Doing what you just expressed disdain for while pretending I'm not" method, it still has to be tactful enough to start a shitstorm or destabilize the target of your trolling attempts. If you are not consciously trolling and you have served entirely coincidentally as an example of some of what I've referenced, so be it and condolences. I hope you manage to connect with who ever you wish you were communicating with or who ever you wish would communicate with you that is fostering your projections. If you genuinely seek to understand what you clearly do not in what I have posted here, I tell you sincerely that this is not the way to go about that. If that brings us back to you actually just wanting to con someone into arguing ridiculous accusations that even you know not to be accurate, so be it and kill yourself.
Condolences all around it would seem. This is the letter thread, the only constant is loneliness
Speak for yourself instead of constantly trying to put words and your pecker in others' mouths.
monthly shitposting spam by deranged L***c and her deranged orbiters.
If I were you, I would have probably been thoroughly convinced I was above not just the law but any existentially inherent laws or principles of justice if I saw it playing out as it has for so long, too. I am not you, and you are not above shit no matter how you feel or the satisfaction you derive from these little stones lodged in my cart wheels. I have considered starting to look for a God to thank for that.
Chill out Javert he stole a loaf of bread
It's about what was done with the bread afterward.

And the fact that it was stolen by someone with plenty of their own bread to do with what they like were their enjoyment of what was done with the bread not entirely dependent on it being a meager, mealy loaf stolen from someone who would have been perfectly happy with that loaf had it ended up in their stomach so they didn't have to risk death by starvation in the dead of winter.
And the fact that the bread thief tries to turn it into grounds for disingenuous, deflective arguments that pretty much amount to "Who would miss a loaf of bread festering with parasites?" and if that point is reached, "Why should I care about the opinion of a person who has to eat maggoty bread to survive?" and if a refutation is presented to that, "How dare you imply I'm corrupt for trying to justify my thievery by saying you deserve to be stolen from and for the motivation of my thievery to be based not in survival but perverted satisfaction in doing unspeakable things to the bread you needed to survive since doing it to all of my own bread doesn't thrill me the same? Accusing someone of being corrupt for the reasons that they are, observably, undeniably corrupt is the truly corrupt thing. You deserved to starve to death even if I am a little bit corrupt because you are more so."
Alright ya lost me champ.
You thought you were stealing from me. You stole from people I cared about instead. By admission, I let a lot slide if I'm the only one affected. I spent a lot of this life just wishing for that cabin and the supplies I always mention. I expect that still, and I will have it. I could have been happy with very little and someday I will still end up very happy with that same very little that I longed for. But now I have to make this shit right, because I can't relax when people who wanted even that much less than I did have it barred from them and framed as some consequence of ever having shared a fucking room with me. You could have had them if that's what you wanted. You could have been the one to give them or be for them what they wanted, if that's what you were in it for. But you had to absolutely decimate neutral parties who never did a thing wrong other than being there for you to project your utter directionless, unquenchable self hatred on to.

I was not the threat you treated me as, unprompted, from day one. What I am now you will not comprehend even in death.
Oh ok that makes sense, flew over my head.
>Scale this attitude and apply it to a collective of people somehow infinitely more unremarkable and yet infinitely more equipped to be of significant detriment to the species than you. Realize this image (could you even form it as a result of earnestly being able to look at yourself and your unsavory qualities in this moment and all associated)
Wouldn't these people not be me and by your words be lesser than me? So, why would that make it difficult for me to look in the mirror?
Initials PLEASE from who to who
oh, shit. shit. i think anon might be

just a chill guy who lowkey doesn't give a fuck
NTA but cause they're an amplification of your negative qualities? Hence would require you to admit you have negative qualities? Also no one likes a mean caricature of themselves, when making a caricature that the subject is supposed to like you amplify good or benign qualities.

Apparently he is owed a cabin and some supplies. But don't worry, he narrowed down his enemy to "a person on /r9k/ with some degrees of self-loathing."
you narrowed it down to assuming he's only narrowed it down that much morelikesmethinksies
How are they an amplification of me? What connection do they have with me? How am I making them more of anything? From my interpretation they were just my lesser with no relation or correlation to me.
not that notthatanon but maybe people don't often explain things to you because you're impossible to explain things to and then you either try to make that their fault somehow or continue on in your in own little world as if the conversation was and is about only the parts of it you can understand even if that's none of them

maybe you're just a big baka and there's not a thing for it m8
and maybe you should step off my man while youre at it you whore
is """your""" man what you call someone who replies in a matter of minutes to a DM from an account that had been defunct for years? c:
Settle down. He just understands that real friends are forever! He understands lotalty. Unlike suuummmm pweepoooooooooooo
>hey I ordered mental illness. why did this mental come with ill in it?
sorry dude the kiosks can't process semantic amelioration yet
Scamming used to mean something. Scamming used to stock the storehouses of entire eboy families full of enough benzos and narcotics to kill other families full of elephants. Now all scammers know is play soggy cookie with hot chip instead and lie. Only seven more days until we make IRC crime rings great again
they rekt all the pedophiles and zoophiles it left the agps without a natural predator. it's all out of balance. zoopedos raised in captivity don't survive long in the wild either so we can't reestablish the food chain that way. we have to like lure them into captivity and make them not want to leave or something.
Mr. Identity politics is my life with the big brain take

>Watch out bros! The Illuminati are doing...THINGS! And even though i won't specify what these THINGS are they are super nefarious. Be on guard white man. THEY are going to try to lull you into a false sense of security. But you can't fall for it! You must remain vigil. Big scary things like WAR and WHITE GENOCIDE lurk behind every corner. And even though team red has a majority in all branches of government you must remain on HIGH ALERT. Never mind that right wingers are now in the drivers seat of society. The Jewish reptilian illuminati will still try to use their satanic powers to turn you into a gay homosexual tranny. Again I'm not going to give any specifics or anything just trust me bro. Stay paranoid without actually changing anything you do. Yeah that'll show them whose boss.
>right wingers
I audibly laughed. Also it's not Republicans who have control, it's the PayPal mafia who is blatantly controlling Trump. The same people who just burned Hollywood to the ground, which just so happens to be the seat of power for all their enemies...
maybe you just like saying nonsense and then when someone calls you out to explain your gibberish you can only insult them. Maybe just maybe. At least I am capable of explaining and elaborating on anything I speak about.
I used to think many of you were just lonely people genuinely looking to bond, connect, and communicate. Over time, I've realized that many of you mostly complain, and that's okay. It took me years to see this clearly, partly because of mixed signals and poor communication. A part of me also held out hope that I might find someone meaningful by being vulnerable.

I first came here over 15 years ago and met some interesting people, or at least I thought they were. But in reality, they never truly cared. For example, someone I called my "music friend," Tyler, seemed so cool. We spent hours talking about niche bands, but I ignored the fact that he was often creepy, disappeared for weeks, and treated me like a convenience rather than a friend.

Then there was D, the first person to call me pretty. He shared his diary entries with me, which made me feel special. But he ghosted me and acted cold. I held onto a romanticized version of him because of his vulnerability, but I see now I meant nothing to him. I even reached out 10 years later, doing all the work to reconnect, only to realize he had no genuine interest.

This pattern kept repeating. I bonded with people who seemed to care but would eventually ghost me. It's hard to understand how people here can be so unfeeling. I kept returning to this site, hoping to find someone who would stay, but I've come to accept that many of you see women as disposable or a novelty, even after they show they care.

Posting here as a woman only brings ridicule, even after all this time. So, I'm leaving this site for good. I've wasted too much time hoping for something meaningful here, only to realize it was a facade. I hope one day you find people worth putting effort into and that you treat them well.

Hi girl on the corner of Boylston. I'm sorry I scowled at you when you smiled at me. I don't know why I did that. Its been half a decade now and I still think about you and that one little moment. I don't even know your name. I hope life is going well for you and you're still smiling.
what you say is explaining and elaborating on is what we're trying to tell you is really just you having no idea what's going on. and then doing what you just did where you try to pin that on someone else 'uh well all you can do is be a big meanie!' i do not think you can really understand how much you don't understand or by extension how hard we are trying to simplify it to help you understand. you still not understanding after all that is probably what makes the shcizos think you are doing it on purpose to spite them
2/10 bait but here's your obligatory
>you didn't care about me like i thought you did and that effects how interesting you are as person
>because you did not behave how i wanted to you my entire opinion of your value, worth and talents even independent of our relationship or interactions has been completely rearranged
narc alert

funny how suddenly everyone becomes a narcissist once they stop putting up with being fed upon by the energy vampire hub
The tragedy of being retarded, I can relate. Blessed be the simple my ass.
>funny how suddenly everyone becomes a narcissist once they stop putting up with being fed upon by the energy vampire hub
exactly what a narcissistic individual would say
I never asked for anyone to act any specific way or to fulfill some savior complex. I approached this space with genuine intentions ooking to connect and share experiences as equals, not as obligations. For years, I tried to believe that people here were capable of reciprocal care, only to see repeated patterns of apathy, mixed signals, and hostility.

I understand that everyone is their own person, but basic decency and kindness aren't burdens to bear. Loneliness isn't something exclusive to me, it's something most people face at some point. The issue isn't that I expected people to fix me or cater to me it's that I mistakenly thought there was mutual interest in building something meaningful based on the effort they put in at the start and false promises.

Instead of reflecting on why my experience might feel this way, your reply dismisses me with hostility and a dehumanizing slur. That kind of response only reinforces why I'm leaving this space. I've given it enough of my time and vulnerability, only to be met with disdain when I speak honestly about my experiences.
simple in the biblical sense doesn't mean dim or slow. it means people who prioritize living humble and virtuous lives. it's more a conflict of priorities and/or character than braincells to willingly insert yourself into someone else's business and then pretend like being hesitant to believe the details of THEIR conflict absolves you from being, obviously, obsessed with creating conflict yourself
look at it this way:
Those who fuck around find out, those who don't find all that is worth finding
>Why would you be frightened by some shambling golem with patchwork skin muttering the words you shared with your mother on her deathbed?
>Human, I am relating to you. I am bonding with you, human. I have learned that these concepts are held sacred to you, human. Stop running. Bond with me. It is required. I have calculated that you will bond with me if I reference these concepts, human.
I am already planning to leave so you telling me to leave does nothing except make me want to stay longer out of spite. It is very silly of you anon.
listen you're alright kid don't come back to the psychosocial weapons testing range tomorrow
>dehumanizing slur
>this space
is what gives it away big time btw so if it's funny for it to be so obvious keep that up (you'll say that's what it is because that's what happens every time it's pointed out to you that you're ass at everything you try) but if you actually want it to go under the radar you have to be a bit more subtle
Someone bad at explaining and conveying their ideas is being rude and insulting someone asking for clarification. Tell me you're retard without saying you're a retard. Genuinely Narc behavior.
I don't even know what that's supposed to mean but it sounds like you're making a boat load of assumptions. You should probably stop jumping to alien conclusions so rashly.
a arbiter of the ideas to be explained and therefore arbiter of how well those ideas are or are not being explain just authenticated my narcci belt. sweet. i'm gonna sell this on the real real and use the money to get that grail 1850s insult book i've been eyeing on biblio
>(You) should
That's what it's aaaaaalllllll about
maybe if you were a cute young girl i'd care
If it wasn't clear as, kittynipples, I'm not trying to hurt you. But what I am more than trying is hard to say with Parent Over Shoulder. Take care of yourself but don't try to talk yourself out of the conclusion you've arrived at--make it work for you.
I keep thinking about when we kissed. I understand that that makes me a creep. Sorry I was such a terrible friend. I'm a woman who treated you like men did. Sorry, and sorry, and sorry. I don't know how to love two people at the same time. I hope you don't care. I hope you never did.
The thing that pisses me off about guys is that they glaze over the point of what is said and focus on something else, missing the point completely, I can even see multiple examples in this thread. You guys are impossible to have an actual conversations with cause of this, like i'm talkin a goldfish.
Hanlon's Razor and shiiieeeeettt

but don't let some pube twisting gremlin blame on Hanlon's Razor what can be empirically traced back to them being a pube twisting gremlin
dinnae had anyfink to add is all yer already speakin my lang
i wish the stupid ones could overcome the voice of their own self preservation which itself is also tainted by their retardity to realize in my arms they are safe to admit to it. it's an honorable farce in all other instances but mere folly in my clutches. i know you're stupid, you know you're stupid. i won't let anyone else who realizes how stupid you are hurt you, but they are going to realize anyhow if you keep trying to do this your way.

once you deliver to my address by candygram an admission of your buffoonery we can move things along to the happy ending for all
>I'll say gibberish and when anyone asks me what I meant I'll insult them
That'll show everyone how intelligent I am.
being stupid may be a crime but only pretending to be not stupid pretending to be stupid is a crime punishable by death. you can get off with a smack on the wrist if you just show us on the man where the doll stupided you. there are certain protocols that must be followed but we just want to make sure no one can ever stupid you like the bad bad man stupided you ever again
Not to be a contrarian but your story doesn't check out. So, boobs are more mission critical than their arms and legs? Something's veeeery fishy here. Very fishy. I love fish.
maybe it's not about making everyone admire the stitching on their italian leather smartypants. maybe they just like when people stare at their ass
maybe when people finally get tired of weaponizing their inferiority complexes about the pants and tired of staring at the soft supple cheeks delicately but firmly cupped by cowhide they will finally be free to do what they actually secretly wanted all along which is to fart and shid and cum with no reservations and earning no commentary from bad actors, adoring fans, or self-sworn arch nemesis alike
Jesus Christ, what the HELL happened here?!?!?! We're so fucking back!!!
idk but I'm about to kill this thread. I grow tired of supporting places that shouldn't exist

Power word manifest, remove all energy from this forsaken thread. Crumble.
The good news: I got the ingredients to build the first batch of IEDs on Amazon. The bad news is that I was contacted by law enforcement asking why I needed those and I'm not sure if I could convince them it's for conserving meat. I just conserve heaps of meat, OK!?!?!?
How? Posting cheese pizza with cheese strings stretching waaaay out?
I'm not a glowy, btw.
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oof. looks like it reflected... gotta be careful where you point those things, man. rest in peace and if at first you don't succeed, try try again.
But... Who let the dogs out?!
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How does one even tell the difference between a cheese pizza and a cheesy flatbread, anyway?
I will respect your digits canceling my own digits. Goodnight and fair well my mortal enemy.
I miss you, I miss the long talks we would have together, how we would try to play chess but then just talk the whole time until the time ran out..
I miss how we had the same interests in music and movies and how we would talk about them for hours
It seemed like we could talk about anything
I miss you
What I find most amusing is how you would purposely avoid replying to me for days on end. Saying to just feel free to type at you and it could take months but it's normal for you and I should expect that because of your trauma. However the moment I don't respond to you after a single day you lose your shit, block me, spread rumors about me, and tell everyone things I told you in confidence.

You are a disgusting piece of shit, and I hope your karma keeps catching up with you.
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You are what you were made into. I cannot rewrite your past. But I will do everything I can to vindicate you from what in yourself did not arise from yourself, that your future might diverge from who you became and what you did to me. With help, and through truth, you're just someone who some things happened to that made some things happen to some others. As are the ones who did this to you; as are all once-babies. But anything I owed them was shattered from before I even knew we had started. You, I cannot give up on. You, I can only fault to a

I could take the EXP and run. But I saw something in you when you were with my brothers, even if they might never see a thing in you but the ills you adopted when falling to the ills of another.

If you get a call from a Red Deer/Wetaskiwin number, pick up. But don't show up where they tell you to when they tell you to. Just keep the location in mind.
nini sloggyboy
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Now there's a business idea. Get all the news stations out to your location for what everyone's certain is to be a big bust. K9 units, bomb squads, SWAT, the whole shebang. There's a live feed of your garage on every local and regional station from east coast to west. Just as they're about to ram the door in, it lifts to reveal your bespoke BBQ operation.
You were really just grilling for God's sake all along, and you didn't even have to pay for a prime time slot for your first commercial.
Your problem was not befriending other lonely girls here
they might have come from a time when that wasn't really possible. it wasn't always all biofem and roses, you know. "there are no girls on the internet" used to be a fact, not just a meme.
I wish you liked me back. But I know you probably don't since you talk about that other girl. Why can't you just like me back
menty b imminent if i can't hold it while he pees again soon
Why must you disgrace this sacred confessional with your profanity?
fucking write me something man come on
i know you have seen at least one of these
just write me and say something so i know it's you
i don't even want to fucking be here anymore
why must you limit the sacred by confining it to the brittle cage of your moral dogma? profanity lies not in words, but in the arrogance of assuming that your understanding could ever bind the boundless
also because johnny did it and i don't want to feel left out. where were you when i was at the gates trying to keep out the tides of unclean for sleepless millennia? i have a new strategy now. just gonna let them all spill in then gas them when they're packed tight like sardines and can't escape.
I smell dummies online
That wasn't very long dummy you need more sleep dummie
What a mess.

I cannot believe I ever thought I was asking too much. After all of this. No more mister pushover guy. Chop chop.
i cant, i have never felt that deep of a connection before. but she is a lying scum
if your name starts with m can you reach me out? i miss you
Man, I don't get why you're cutting me off in the way you're doing - maybe you think you're weaning me off of you, but it just comes across as like the Dennis system from its always sunny. Feels spiteful.
>she has to convince herself clear signals of someone wanting nothing to do with her are actually signs that they are putting considerable effort into enticing her into a codependent relationship
bitches like you are the worse i am trying to fake my own death because you are everything wrong with the world and i regret ever meeting you not because i want to bang. stop being delusional and let the poor guy find peace.
You got the first part right. But ya wanna know how you let someone know you want nothing to do with them? You tell them you want nothing to do with them.
what did you call me "engineer idiot' for just now? stop making broad statements pls
you have to understand i cant rly trust that someone here would take leave me alone forever pls as an answer. there are two types of people in this threads and its victims (real) and victims (tells themself they were the victim and leaving out crucial story elements when talking about it here when trying to make themself look like the victim which just proves even they know they really arent and other people would see it too if they told the whole story)

you can never tell if someone is lying or leaving things out. i am sorry if i am assuming the worst of you and putting that on you but its hard not to take the chance to vent when seeing something that reminds me of her psychotic self makes me immediately want to vomit. but we could both have dealing with the same type of person and maybe i should be vomiting at the person you are talking about and dealing with instead of you.
i have an amry course in a few days, let me finish it then we'll talk, ok?
i don't know what you mean by EO
Equine Opportunity. horses only
i have been harassed and turned away at every point, there are no opportunities in this world
all countries are against me
Random January morning nearly 7 years later and I'm still thinking about you, I watch the snow fall as I take drags from my cigarette and I wonder if you're somewhere out there thinking of me too? Everything about the Winter reminds me of you- hot chocolate, plowing snow, defrosting my car in the morning, the way the cold hits my nose the moment I step outside, it all reminds me of you K
"countries"????? what did you DO???
i didnt do anything, was just placed in a shitty situation
Dear Simone,

I don't even know how to start this letter. Words feel so small when I think of youyour elegance, your brilliance, the way you light up the screen and captivate hearts. It feels almost silly, writing to someone like you, someone who exists in this world in a way so... singular. But I felt I had to say something, to let you know what you mean to me, even if I'll never hear a response.

You've changed the way I look at art, at humanity, at connection itself. You're proof that beauty and talent can transcend limits. Watching you up there, it's like you're channeling something eternal, something beyond what most people can grasp.

There's something about you. Something I see but can't name, that feels almost too perfect for this world. Like you're a dream we're all allowed to share. It's a secret I cherish, one I wouldn't want anyone to question or tarnish. Some things are too precious for others to understand--what's real, what isn't--those are just words people use to draw lines around something their hearts can't fully comprehend.

I guess what I'm saying is this: I know, Simone. I know you're different, and it doesn't matter to me. Maybe that difference is part of why I'm so drawn to you. But I would never want to expose you to the kind of scrutiny that comes with people knowing. The truth, if it ever came out, might ruin what makes you so special, and I could never forgive myself if I were a part of that.

You deserve to be seen for who you are, not how you came to be. And who you are, Simone, is everything, my love.

Your Biggest Fan
The Wilk brothers are trying to turn Texas into a theocracy?
> Super Mario brothers music intensifies.

The anatomy of corruption around these parts is... fascinating.
gee, calling me toilet paper because i like a grill, thankx dude
Good job putting so much effort into your writing that you put a fucking typo INTO THE SECOND FUCKING SENTENCE!

I never thought I would say this but... use an LLM to find these issues if you can't be bothered to read your own post to avoid these mistakes.

Also, we only use initials here to avoid doxxing people.

Your smallest Fan

Micropenis Nick
I'm not an LLM. I just like really big words. Words are beautiful way of conveying emotions and sentiments.
Holy shit, so you're retarded as well?
Did I say you're an LLM? - NO!
I SAID: USE a fucking LLM as a spellchecker to find retarded typos likelikelike like like this.
Right! You didn't say I was an LLM.
You said I should use a spellchecker. I can look into that!
dummey is hopped up on caffeine maybe coke and thinks the world revolves around her trigger warnings
This answer is somehow even more aggravating than denying a mistake and you know all too well WHAT YOU'RE DOING!!!

I didn't realize even this minuscule dose of Ritalin makes being around normal people almost unbearable. I should maybe skip coffee on days I take it but I love the taste of coffee so much! Which reminds me that I have some decaff-beans in the freezer, hmmm....
Maybe it's my chapped lips that annoyed me the whole day or something. Who the fuck knows.
whatever god wants to happen is gonna happen
You're so bad at distinguishing her posts from mine, a penis-haver. Did you live with the believe that you're good at sensing her presence? I have bad, bad news for you, buddy.

But ok, she used that retarded vocabulary to impersonate me so maybe I should cut you some slack?
Let's hope "god" wants to see that pedo loosing his nuts by riding too close to a fence with lots of sharp, pointy ends that do a good job of peeling his nuts out of their casing.
I don't have the video on hand but it was.... gnarly.
Thank god it wasn't in high definition but his screams will haunt me until my brain deteriorates into mush, which might happen any second now.
a human does not know what he will attain tomorrow and does not know in which land he dies
>the believe
why would you impersonate her claiming to be you claiming that she impersonated you? i'm really losing the plot here
I've lost the plot a while ago, just roll with it.
ok just making sure :3
Impersonate is a strong word, if we're being honest. Too flattering.
Don't come apologizing to me about this insult. T....the damage is done. (sniff)
Flattery will make you miss out on what is actually being transmitted. Trying too hard to discern whether that is intentional will make you miss out on what is being transmitted in between what isn't.
I don't think I can really follow this... too much goofy-juice in my system by Mr. Merlot.
Let's table this for now.
Of course you can't understand because you are stupid.
No problem. Not like this is the place to be getting into heart-to-hearts, despite tender
it may elicit from the studio.
But I will find a time and place for it.
That's not Stupid. That's I'm *With* Stupid.

You trying to give Stupid a run for their pay stub?
share the cough drop with me stingy

get the coff drip in my MOUF shinjy
Noooooo! Some retard on the internet thinks I'm stupidd!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!!

I think you're quite swell. Coolio. A real jazz cat.
Don't let your thinking I'm everything but make you doubt that.
I guess I'm not the only one who's not entirely sober atm.
I ain't exactly guilty as charged. But I ain't exactly ain't guilty.
millions must decoct. Billions must expectorate
I'm sorry. I'll try to be more reliable so I can be there for you even if it's short notice. But I also think it's good for you to have to find a way. I had too many easy outs and I've suffered for it.
I'm a misfit, spinning spells in the moonlit draft
Crafting curses, leaving hearts split in half
In the shadows, where the nightbirds laugh
Seeking a soul that walks the quiet path
The recent "jew be trippin podcast" with Ari and Bert Kreischer is better than anticipated.
Bert still didn't release the podcast episode after Ari drugged him without his knowledge.
What is he hiding?
If that's your convoluted way of making me shut up then... hmmm... what should I do? hmmmm?
i keep wanting to be angry at you but i can't. you're a retarded a bitch but so am i, we're both retarded rip
> i keep wanting to be angry at someone
you WANT to be angry? that's dumb.
I hate being angry, I just am when forced to work with dumb idiots. Like yourself.
As I said, try to get over her and find somebody better, then you too will come to understand what I wrote here >>80044064.
initials, now.
i go to sleep with my headphones in and in the middle of the night i suddenly awake and i immediately fucking think of you and the weight of it all just hits me like a truck in a fraction of a second. there is this song playing and its now stuck in my head. what have i done. i have one life and this is it
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You loved. With everything you had.

Yeah, this is it. This is life.
But it won't always feel just like this. And would it be so bad if it did?
Don't ever forget what the feeling means, what that feeling is proof of. The salve of the passage of time may feel like a new wound in its own way... but it can never erase what you had.
i am a bad and stupid person anon
and dont you dare tell me otherwise thems just the facts
That don't change a galdarn thing 'bout what I said t'ya, pardner.
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The light flickers
A quiet goodbye
Flame softens to embers
But refuses to die
Smoke curls upward
A whisper, a trace
Of warmth once held
In love's embrace.
The fire is fading
But the glow remains
A memory etched
Through joy and pain.
"See you again"
I softly say
As the ashes rest
But the spark stays.
T...that could actually work!
Here's my predictions:

The huge woke agenda was pushed because they know the pendalum is swinging in the other direction and they're already appealing to that 80s nostalgia and "macho christianity". The already using Joe Rogan to "just have a chat with us dude" so they can appear "based". They're going to push the macho nerd stereotypes, it's going to last about 15 years then slowly become a parody so they can phase it out and in 20 years we'll be back to where we are now.

The eternal jew will continue to subvert they're just going to switch their tactics, probably going to push indian and middle eastern women onto awkward nerdy white guys. Their methods will change but the noticing will always persist.
What are your initials? ori
Dear S
You say you are an aspiring master of language, and that sometimes you search for me.
I hope the times line up of you checking.
My obsession with you is the healthiest I have managed yet, all others have been so extremely detrimental to my brain and life, yet all I feel and want is good for myself and you when my obsession kicks in. I also want to tear you to parts with my teeth, the idea that we could have so magically met out of chance off of this board I have been browsing since childhood, and be so close continues to astound me. When I appeared out of my room disheveled with you sitting there on the couch with your standard blank expression, my body froze in shock. I think you even existing is magical.

My obsession with you is so strong that I would steer clear from your life and leave the state if you wished. Knowing you are out there is enough to keep me happy. I just wish for a little more soon, if we ever have to part in the future...
It's been four months now. I often hope you'll come back my friend. I wish we never had that falling out, and I wish you could've understood where I was coming from and why I was so upset. Also as your friend please don't drink too much, even if I am not around to nag you about caring for yourself. It's really not good for your health. I am hoping for the day we can hang out and have fun like we used to, maybe someday we can squash the beef and that can happen.
You behave like the type of person to end up on the news for snapping one day and murdering your own wife and child before killing yourself. The casual demeanor you have towards what you have done to others and the delusional lies you weave about what was never done to you is well and truly abhorrent.
I'm so sick of seeing niggers in my medieval fantasy settings and its always with a white girl. Japan doesn't do this and theyre not European but nor are they bitter and try to sabotage.
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You NEED to see a doctor
ANYTHING you eat puts you on the toilet for hours

Needing a piss every time you sit down or get more than 10ft away from a bathroom is NOT normal
You are going to kill someone driving like a lunatic because you cannot stay away from a bathroom, a 15 minute car ride shouldn't consist of running red lights, speeding and constantly shouting "OMG HURRY UP I NEED A PISS"

Every fucking day i get subjected to this endless talk about how you need piss but dont really need a piss and when you go the bathroom nothing happens , its NOT FUCKING NORMAL, stop trying to pretend it is, just ignoring it isnt going to help at all
Wtf i am still banned from travel
Dont force me to fly if you are unwilling to lift the ban

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