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sometimes i wonder if my life is some elaborate simulated experiment designed to study the effects of social isolation on the human psyche
i wonder if every instance of social interaction i witness between other people is a performance by malicious actors intended specifically for me, that completely vanishes the second i stop looking

and then i watch videos of people being murdered and i feel a little bit better
>i wonder if every instance of social interaction i witness between other people is a performance by malicious actors intended specifically for me, that completely vanishes the second i stop looking
I've had similar thoughts in my mind
Sometimes I wonder if I'm the main character to some cosmic play
great work agents keep it up
>Sometimes I wonder if I'm the main character to some cosmic play
same, but i whenever i do find myself entertaining those ideas i can't help but worry that whatever god created me (if he is out there) would never forgive me for hiding away from the world and socially withdrawing out of fear, and for leeching off of my parents like a parasite.
Okay schizo find God and stop wasting your time on nonesense
thanks, it's always an honor to hear praise from my supervisors.
>i wonder if every instance of social interaction i witness between other people is a performance by malicious actors intended specifically for me, that completely vanishes the second i stop looking
Of course it is. Other people are NPCs, and they disappear when you're not looking. Please don't delete this thread or I will also stop existing. Thank you.
looks like among us
>main character syndrome
There's a diagnosis as to why you have no friends.
Who do you think is running the simulation?
God created us but his design far exceeds our comprehension. It can't be watered down into a "simulation" or coding, not even the world's strongest computer could come close. Focus on God and not such pointless claims. The answer to life is really already here, all ye gotta do is read the bible and have faith. It is said everything that happens to his believers good and bad happens for a reason ultimately to serve for a greater purpose/good. God is where morality comes from otherwise life is completely pointless and meaningless but that's obviously not true.
theres been many points in my life where its all so uncannily terrible, ive thought to myself "i must be a science experiment". i try and use it as motivation, overcoming the struggles.
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1. i recognize that i'm a worthless human being, it's just a fantasy that makes me feel a little bit better about my circumstances
2. i really just want friends or some form of community
3. see the first point
4. i just don't like being looked down on, as much as i might deserve it
5. i recognize that i'm not owed anything by anyone in society, including friendship
6. i used to be a doormat to make friends before withdrawing from society
7. maybe, honestly i feel so emotionally burnt out from my situation that
8. i often find myself getting jealous of other people's problems and wish i had them instead of mine, but i have nothing anyone would ever envy. maybe some child used as a meatshield halfway across the world would be envious of my living conditions.
9. that's up for you to decide i guess
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whenever i start to daydream about this kind of stuff i like to imagine that it's all a secret conspiracy orchestrated by NASA
and i would escape one day by infiltrating their headquarters and heading to mars on a stolen spaceship so i could make friends with the different alien species who live there in secret
>1 you aren't worthless we are all equally as valuable, reality is that you have a savior and if you are willing you can accept him and he will give you purpose and happiness
>2 your true companion, Christ, focus on him and he will bless you with all you need.
>4 God can forgive you of all your wrongdoings and make you new again, what matters is you improve as you walk forward. And sure you may fail some times but don't feel bad cause we all do.
>5 NO ONE deserves anything. No one deserves anything more than the other, we are all flawed, but God is so loving and merciful that he has given his only son to die for our sins, so that we have a way out. So that we may have hope, christ carried all our sins so that you and I didn't have to because we could never.
>6,7 you don't have to be alone anymore. I went through something similar, people will always fail you because again no one is perfect, and some people are selfish. But Jesus will always be there to comfort you, guide you and bring you peace like he did to me.

>8 I realized that every one's experience is different and I wouldnt trade mine for anybody's regardless of how much "happier" they seem. They mightve had to risk a lot of things in the past I could never myself. Our life defines who we are. And there are so many children that would wish to be in your position rather than their own. But that too is a flawed idea. Yeah we all want better for ourselves and it's normal to compare yourself to others, but it's unproductive. Learn to be comfortable with what you have right now, be grateful for the little things, so many people who were born blind or deaf or lost either, would do anything to have it, something we take for granted. Help others if you are capable of doing so. This life, everything is temporary. What matters most is our soul and the eternity that awaits us, like I said, it is not bad to want these things. But make sure you ask God (pray) for His will to be done above yours.
Jesus was a false prophet, and god clearly isn't merciful if he
1) allows evil to exist
2) punishes children for the "sin" of their parents
3) endorses eternal damnation
The first step of everything I just previously said here >>80086126
Is to accept Jesus christ as your one and only savior genuinely. That's the first step, saying that. And then, you could start praying, even if it's just 5 minutes every night, make sure to end it by saying in Jesus's name, amen. And if you are asking for God to give you something say let your will be done before my owlife.

Some people demand things to God, and then when God doesn't give it up them they turn bitter. That's a huge mistake, God doesn't owe us anything, we owe him everything. Start small, eventually it becomes easier. Dedicate him what you can. And if you want to read the bible start with reading the NT gospels, it shows what Jesus did, and you will see how he not once failed or sinned, and the wonders he did, that he can do with you.
God bless you OP and anyone who is open to read this
Jesus was not.
Evil exists because of the angels who rebelled against God, they too were given free will. We all have free will and God chose to limit his power to an extent to create us not to be some God worshipping robots. It's free will. We all have a choice to do either good or bad. And everything has its consequences, wether good, or bad. Which ties into your second point, those kids aren't being punished by God. It is the consequences of the parents actions. Those children too have the choice to accept God and do good and be saved, just like the parents. There's many people who've gone through horrible things but once they found christ they've been freed from all of that and are at peace. We all have a choice.
Wdym endorses? It's our choice, again. We either want to live together with him, or choose eternal separation from him. He makes sure everyone gets to hear his word, we have free will. He won't force you to accept Him. Damnation is the sad reality. He gave us the way out of that through his son aswell as more peace in this current life.
The thing is I don't think I'm special or better than anyone else
Quite the opposite, really

Its more of these little, seemingly insignificant events that make me ask "why didn't happen earlier?" "why did this happen now?" "why is it happening at all?"
Just very little things that help shape my cognitive perception of the world around me

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