HOW do gay people manage to have anal sex regularly?I have a vagina and a butthole. I had anal a few times from bf and it felt really good. I want more anal from bf now. I try to have a complete bowel movement and take a REALLY in-depth shower so I can, indeed, be ready for anal should he ask.But OMG. How do you do this? I will feel ready after bowel movement + showering and then suddenly (just 20 mins or so later) I often feel another bowel movement coming on. Therefore I must not be ready for anal when that happens, and have to reject if bf asks for it.And don't tell me I should just go to the bathroom and use a bidet. That wouldn't feel as clean as a full shower and I'd be too worried about getting poop on dick.How do gay people manage this life?inb4 anal is gross blahblah
>>80074035Idk leave me alone.
I assume fasting and enemasWhy do you liek anal? Dumb anal whore
>>80074035>I have a vagina and a butthole.Jokes aside, anal is disgusting regardless. You can clean and clean your ass all you want but you're still getting poop on someone's dick. I've also never met a woman (irl) who enjoys anal (besides that one virgin girl who only anally masturbated).Shit is whack. Buttholes are not meant to have anything go up them.
>>80074035try some dietary changes. people always tell you to eat a high-fiber diet, but I find a low-fiber diet is really underrated and has many advantages. if nothing else it's good to be aware of when you're eating fiber and time it for the right point in the day rather than gorging indiscriminately.
>>80074065Advantages like? Thank you!
>>80074054I'd be happy to do enemas every time I shower but from what I read, it's bad (unhealthy) to do them too regularly.Fasting would work for me but you still do have bowel movements while fasting. Just not as many maybe? So yes I'll try more fasting. Thanks!>Why do you liek anal? Dumb anal whoreIt actually felt physically amazing and satisfying. Plus the cum can stay trapped in your butt afterwards. Vagina feels good too. Vagina = more slippery euphoric sex, anal = more pressure-ful, rough but still also super pleasurable sex.
>>80074193Do you think you could cum just from getting fucked in the ass or do you need to play with yourself to get there?
honestly just develop a mild scat fetish and stop caring about hygiene during sex and just have messy disgusting amazing sexretard
>>80074035my ex didn't even care about poop on dick she was so crazy about anal shed try to move her pelvis so id go in her ass. So I'd have so stop and go have a shower because it stank like death.
>>80074120this guy makes a really good case for it here:
>>80074214I would want to do that, but unfortunately I've never orgasmed from sex. I think a climax like that can only happen with clit rubbing. However, sex already feels very close to an orgasm (both piv and pia), so I am not too sad about not necessarily climaxing from sex.The only way a climax might occur is if I restrained from touching clit for a long time? Would need to experiment. >>80074218This sounds like a good answer, I'd be down for that probably if I wasn't paranoid about bf being grossed out. Would have to ask him about his thoughts on that if I keep having issues not feeling clean enough to go for it. I don't want him to stop asking due to me rejecting too much.>>80074227>I'd have so stop and go have a shower because it stank like death.Oh no. So you would, if I'm understanding, become un-aroused and stop mid-sex and go shower? well that justifies my paranoia haha>>80074244Watching. Thanks so much.
>>80074277you're welcome. I didn't cut my fiber to zero after watching that video but I did reduce it and like I said, I make deliberate choices about the timing of fiber consumption so I can eat just enough at the right time to nudge my gut in the right direction without overwhelming it. I'm happy with the volume and timing of my bowel movements now.for me I also have to work around ADHD meds which affect digestion as well and have always complicated things, while for others it might be caffeine.I also recommend practicing deep squats since I found that did make me aware of more subtle signals from my colon without needing to be heavily backed up in order to coax something out.
>>80074325tfw make a post and actually get help. The deep squats as an exercise to help with digestion cues sounds like a really good tip that I would never have thought of. I want to e-hug this anon.
>>80074035read this:
>>80074578Awesome!!! oops, originally that is!
>>80074035Maybe your asshole is weak level 1 trash thenTrain your ass then come back
>>80074035There are several ways, 1. Have a bowl movement and a enema of just water to flush it out. 2. Don't eat at least an hour beforehand, eating causes the upper intestines to empty into the lower. 3. Eat more fiber based diet.
Gay here.After 14 years of playing with my anus, I have a rough idea of what it takes to clean my anus properly, but DESU, it's a fucking chore, and if I were in a relationship, I'd have no idea how to manage thisI tried just ignoring poop and developing a mild scat fetish, but no, shit is fucking gross.