remember nothing is your fault anons. None of us have control of our own actions.
>>80073496free will deez nuts
>remember nothing is your fault anons. None of us have control of our own actions.>Here's why he's mistakenWhatever, I don't care. Even then, I've already read the research done into "free will".
>>80073496Define free will please
>>80073506flop doze nutz on dis free willy niggaaaaaaaa
Every determinist is a hypocrite until he demonstratively rapes a child to prove that nothing really mattress and we cannot be blamed for anything. Rape a child right now or stop wasting my time.
>>80073795But what if I'm not determined to rape a child?
if free will is real then make a trillion dollars right now
>>80073881It's free as in free beer.
>>80073881>free will = omnipotenceDo people actually believe this argument
>>80073496Determinism could be true, but it's still impossible to accurately determine the actions a person will take next. Even if there is no free will, we functionally are free, we lack the capability to see our determined paths.
>>80073496Will still exists though
>>80073496Free will debate is retarded and only normies or delusional people entertain it, its pretty obvious how folk psychology version of free will is incompatible with contemporary science>>80073795The same determinism that "compel" people to do wrong things also "compel" law enforcement to act so nothing really changes
>>80073496>NOTHING MATTERS, GOD IS FAKE, THIS IS JUST A SPACE ROCK, WE HAVE NO FREE WILL!>"Ok great, I need to go rape.">I... WHAT?>"I'm compelled by biology to rape i need PRIMO pussy NOW."determinists are fake and gay until they actively say "ermm actually gang rape is a good thing because it creates more pleasure than harm!" that's literally the ONLY way I will consider their beliefs
>>80075608No one is stopping you but the law.
>>80073496this bitch got gangbangedlel
>>80073496Not my fault, but certainly my problem