Drinking first time. What do you guys usually do when you get drunk?
>>80065593The same things I do when sober. Watch tv, listen to music, play video games, eat some dinner
the same shit i usually do but drunki.e scroll the shiternet and play video gamesyour first time getting shitfaced is always the best, appreciate it
>>80065593there are only 2 women in this picture
>>80065593Say my friend's sister is hot and then get banned from his house
>no arm hairwhitoid leftists man... so fucking pathetic
Usually if I'm drinking, I'm hanging out with someone I enjoy speaking with. I prefer to hang out with less than four total people while drinking, and I prefer to do it at my house or theirs, not at a bar. I usually enjoy talking about random life experiences and views on different things in the natural sciences with some calm music on in the background. Sometimes I enjoy watching documentaries with subtitles on with calm music and no sound while I talk with someone else. I usually only get drunk 1-3 times a month, and only spend about 4 hours max drunk, otherwise it's not a fun time and feels miserable.
>>80065593Feel relief as my social anxiety subsides somewhat, then I usually embarass myself by overdrinking because Im enjoying myself and getting shitfaced. Im not a very good alcoholic.
>>80065593Either try some cocktails that are classic or ones that sound like they'd be good for you, or get some beer. Light beer for middle of the road stuff. I prefer miller and michelob. Goes well with barbecue if you pace yourself. Not a fan of IPAs. I suggest you get guiness or blue moon if you're getting into drinking. Decent enough pallette
>>80066524bros proud of being a stupid monkey lmao