>had an activity at school>have to write one good trait about each classmate on that classmate's paper>receive mine>it's just quiet, funny, funny, quiet, quiet, funny, quiet, quiet, quiet, funny, quiet, funny, friendly, funny, funny
>>80068497sounds you are a funny guy!
>>80068497this is too relatable :( im sorry anon
>>80068497Well, are you quiet and funny? Those aren't bad things.
>>80068497Have some self-worth you cunt it's a dumb classroom exercise not a psychological critique of your personality
>smart, quiet, quiet, smart, quiet, friendly, mature, smart, quiet, quiet, quiet, smart, mature, quiet, friendly, quiet, quiet, smart
>sneed, feed, seed, sneed, seed, seed, feed, sneed, sneed, feed, feed, sneed, feed, feed, seed, sneed, sneed