There isn't a day that goes by where I haven't thought of how good my life would've been if I was taller.
>>80063313whatever dude you probably would've been just as miserable in due to what was more likely shitty parents than the bullshit you think is making you sad
>>80063334I don't care. A lot of the issues and conflict in my life simply boiled down to me being short and not fitting the norm. At least with shitty parents, you can move away from life and find a better life.
>>80063346yeah fuckin right you're not a midget you're blaming something insignificant because you can't grasp the deeper psychological problems holding you back get a grip
>>80063368I basically am a midget. I'm just a bit above 5'3 and there are no psychological problems holding me back. I didn't have autism, ADHD, or anything like that. It's simply just because I'm short and the way people view you when you're this short.
>>80063368I think you are a bit too aggressive anon. Think about it like this, OP could also be brown. Being brown and short is almost as damaging as getting your butt blasted by your father on the daily.
>>80063313being 6'0 doesn't cut it anymore, all the 6'3+ guys are getting the local girlswhat the fuck is up with girls and height, it's so stupid
>>80063390The blue pilled fag stop responding when he realized people are actually fucked
>>80063313Being taller wouldnt do anything for me since im an ugly cunt, and even if that got fixed, im socially inept
>>80063368Aaaaaaaacccckkkkk kill yourself normalnigger
>>80063390I've had 2 friends as short as you, both were smart, funny and charismatic but both got absolutely obliterated just for being short.
>>80063391Thank you for understanding my situation anon I appreciate it. It just seems like people nowadays are willing to empathize with any struggle but turn their backs whenever the challenge of being a short male is brought up>>80063397True, but you have a significant advantage from just being above average and average height in general. Anything above a certain height is just icing on the cake>>80063620Yeah, lots of "incels" nowadays are just vocel or normies in general. I remember watching this black pill livestream from this one YouTuber and the guy that claimed to be an "incel" was around 5'11-6'1. Another guy who considered himself shortcel was about 5'8.People don't believe in struggles of incels or outcasts anymore because normies are taking over the space
>>80063628Well as long as you're average height or close to that and aren't permanently diseased in anyway, you still have potential and you shouldn't let it go to waste. Only a minority of people are too far gone from being able to improve >>80063691Brutal, it's sad how society treats you this way just because you don't have enough of a certain gene
>>80063911You're right. I would actually like to hear more about your experience with being short, if you'd like to bother writing. Weirdly, in my childhood and teenage years, I thought girls weren't attracted to taller guys because they saw them as not compatible and freakish. I would rather be shorter and a little more handsome because being tall, or at least taller than everyone else around, never got me anywhere by itself, although I can see that short guys get treated worse in many other areas. But the shortest guys in my class were the most popular ones, so that's something. They were either handsome or good at something like sports.
>>80063313ight dude ima be honest i am tall and i get no playjust get out there nigger
>>80064021The "shortest" in your class that was popular likely wasn't the shortest guy but was the guy that was average height. I know this because I was often the shortest guy in my class I was frequently ignored. I was basically invisible with all the other short guys and you probably knew them as the outcast group. As you grew up and gained more experiences about the world, you likely picked up upon world views and some of those included dating preferences or requirement and that's basically where the height thing for men came into play. Preferences of course aren't just created through socialization but they also spawn naturally from biological reasons. My experience with being short was strange but it started off being terrible in the early grades but then diminished a bit as a I moved through the grades. It got worst during the puberty school years as this was when people around me started to grow noticeably taller and I began to look even more so different from the norm. It started to lessen in high school but then got worse after high school. I think this was due to the fact that people knew I wouldn't be growing any taller and I would remain short for the rest of my life.I'll be one of the very first things they notice about you and what they mainly insult you about. They'll bring up stereotypes and along with other stuff like that. It's ironic that the end of high school was when I would say people were most mature about this kind of stuff
>>80063346>At least with shitty parents, you can move away from life and find a better life.>there's a cure for not having a childhoodI swear NTs with normal families are just retarded or something