I can't fucken sleep
>>80075409Have you tried masturbating, anon?
>>80075449Yeah I rubbed one out. I don't think I've ever really gotten sleepy after sex/masturbation.I'm drinking beer hopefully I'll catch a nap.
>>80075455Try jacking off for like 10-20 minutes maybe? I am not sure how it works. You could also try getting off your phone/computer and doing some reading or a puzzle or whatever for like 15 min and then go back to bed, works for me sometimes.
>>80075464Thank you for being helpful anon
>>80075470Yea, no problemo friend.
>>80075409By Melatonin pills from your drugmart whateverTake 1 or 2 if you are super awake around 20 minutes before the time you want to sleepThat shit kicks in like a mule and you will be sleepy as shit
>>80075495OP wont be taking those at 9AM, anon.