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People who have been both fat and skinny before, do people treat you differently when you're fat? I assume so. Give examples.
Yes, especially women. Being (reasonably) skinny makes dating a lot easier. When I put on weight, my romantic prospects evaporated. But hey, omw to losing it again.
Less attention from women and always having to wear shorts

People act like crabs in a bucket and act pissy with you for not eating as much as them
Are they bitchy? Or just not flirty anymore?
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i used to be thin and more muscular. now im a chubster. people definitely are more critical of my lifetsyle now. the irony is that the same people who told me being skinny was unhealthy befpre are now extreme fitness gurus and drink/eat the same way i used to. theres no winning.
Generally the latter
Lost 90~ lbs
I'm still kinda fat but reasonably muscular, everyone is much nicer, had some old ladies that know what I used to look like before mirin my gains, feels good bros
Cant wait to drop 50 more
I've been 20 lbs overweight and felt self conscious.
But 140 lbs? How is that even possible? You must be insatiable. Eating every waking moment like you're high on some drug or something.
most people gain it over a period of years, not months, consistently overeat by just 500 calories a day is 50 pounds gained in a year, stop pretending to be retarded so you can put people down that are already bettering themselves
No. Maybe it makes a difference if you have a decent face under the fat. Or you're tall. Or white.
t. giga retard
This is how they all treat me. Everyone is so mean to me.
I peaked dangerously close to 400
Depression, close to zero protein, diet almost exclusively of carbs, no exercise, all of this for almost 12 years
It stacks up anon, I wasn't eating every waking moment, you don't have to as long as you do what I described above
No real difference for me. I've weighed 180 and close to 400, I am a huge guy though.
Some people would make dumb ass comments when I was whale but I've always played sports and lifted weights so I'm at least muscular.
Fuck what normalfags think anyway.
I grew up on carbs and was never that fat. Then again I'm not a stress eater.
you're just being sensitive
I'm not a stress eater either, there's a myriad of reasons that affect these things, not important though, if anything, it gave me massive calves and I'm using all of that stored energy to build good muscle now, and I am simply going to win
I was both tall, muscular and have a pretty face (puberty hit me early + I worked out and did very physically demanding sports like water skiing) for my age but also diagnosed autistic.
Basically I would get a ton of attention from girls. I was never one who wanted to fuck a bunch of people and I actually broke some hearts on accident because I reciprocated the attention thinking they were just being friendly and that I wasnt desirable compared to the cool kids. After high school when I came out of my shell I realised how many guys gfs were eye fucking me and I know for a fact I caused fights, maybe even break ups. At the same time people can smell the autism at one point or another and I still had some humiliating experiences.
Being a fatass is much less fun, people expect less from me though.
How does one go from chad to chubs?
Is it less fun because it's physically tiring? self consciousness? Or because people treat you bad?
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I truly believe my life cannot actually "begin" until I lose 20 lbs. It's such a scary thing too because I genuinely think all my hobbies and interests only exist because I'm chubby. If I didn't have this belly, I would literally be a different person. It's not cope or wishful thinking, because I was skinny in the past and lived a life completely distanced from the one I live now.
I was never chad. Im autistic as fuck. I didnt even fuck the chicks giving me attention in high school apart from my bi polar gf. Same goes for after hs. And from being in full control of my diet, living a sedentary lifestyle and having a artificially slow metabolism from self medicating with opiates and benzos (I was basically too agoraphobic to leave my house when I was 20)

All of the above. I sweat super easily. I cant water ski anymore. People dont treat me badly per se, I just dont have women spinning around as I was past and stuff, some people treat me more like a child or look scared that im gonna flip out, the anxiety is blatant
as I walk past*
>had a gf
>lots of mires
>not chad
Mentally ill chad. I'd call myself mentally ill brad. Skinny fat, no chin, baby face, but lots of girls have been into me sexually despite hating me on a personal level like everyone else in the world because I never laugh.
You dont know what you have until it's gone. I miss it but it's not like things were ever awesome (suicidal for as long as I can remember, easy target for bullies). I have bigger problems now and Im focusing on them, I basically have a whole team including a psychologist, physiotherapist, personal trainer, dietitian and a support worker (hire a friend) who are helping me catch up to speed, thanks taxpayer. Im basically asexual from opiate addiction, im on maintenance nowadays. Sex is fun but not as good as heroin. And gfs are a massive pain in the ass unless you get super lucky, both of mine were abusive as all fuck, the first ruined my reputation in school and cheated on me. The second was even more insane (at least for the first year) and threatened my life multiple times even holding a knife to my throat once.

Have you tried growing out a beard? Also working out feels great, if you can afford a personal trainer its worth it. Why dont you laugh? Self conscious or obscure sense of humour? (Man, I miss being funny). If you live in Aus its worth getting evaluated by a psychiatrist because access to the NDIS is a godsend.

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