>go on my first date ever with a girl>she starts talking shit about her coworkersgave me the ick, I don't plan on talking to her again.
>>80074715anon i hate to break it to you but every girl your gonna date is gonna do this. in fact id wager even if you dated men theyd to this too.because this is what normies do and 99 percent of the world is normies. gl
>>80074722does normgrels really talk shit behind each other's back? I dont believe you, I really don't.
>>80074722>But what about menEvery time
>>80074715Women literally can't help themselves.I talk to several at work who consider themselves nearly saintlike and then viciously punch down on anyone they consider lesser in the next breath.
>>80074715Somewhat unrelated tip: when you go on dates, make sure to never shit talk your previous partners. Dating for a man is basically like a job interview these days, and it's common knowledge, that you don't shit talk your previous employers during job interviews.