I cannot wait till it's legal to put roids in a concentration camp and crush them to death with heavy mining equipment. Contrarianism is a disease. Rightoids are cocky, brainwashed swine. The world will be a better place when every one of them is dead
>>80071333>roidsWhat do you have against bodybuilders?
>>80071365Nothing, unless they're a dirty fucking conservative
>>80071333>usa conservatives >the right wingreally fucking cringe dude
>>80071333Literally none of that is the result of conservative policies. Lol. Also>Young people are not having sexNah, women are having plenty of sex. That is a result of female sexual liberation.
>>80071333>conservatives pretty much don't give a shit when they get their wayWell yes, that's the idea. They want to keep things as they are.It's hard to get excited about things that don't change, events that don't happen.
>>80071389Yeah, American conservatives are much farther right than "right wing" they're straight up fascist bacteria.
>>80071333 its crazy how the political right currently basically just runs on the exploitation of suffering and insecurity, and theyve made it very clear theyre just in it for the bullying at this point, and for some reason thats just become normal. Weve always known it was true i suppose, but for the past couple decades theyve bene getting good at gaslighting. And then, soon as they get their dictator in office, they take the mask right off. Its obvious they NEVER cared about any of these issues. they just see an easy target and go for it, because theyre weak people who need suffering to feed on.
>>80071422It was fascist conservatives working at these social media companies that banned you for naughty words, really? You expect us to believe any of this horse shit
Defeatists seething about right wingers is always so funny. The mental illness is more apparent than usual then.
>>80071435i used to pull this >>ooooooo freedom of speeeech i LITERALLY cant be horrible to other ppl on mainstream social media sites!!!!and i celebrated musk buying twitter. horrible mistake, and now i realize i only wanted 4chan politics outside of 4chan, because i was suffering so badly myself at the time. Anyone who is half decent or happy with their life doesnt give a fuck whether they can make fun of trannies online. Moderation on mainstream social media sites to prevent harassment and make the users comfortable to continue using it isnt fascism. Fucking lol
>>80071333You wanna put moids in concentration camps? I believe you anon. I hope you never attain any power ever.
>>80071456You fucking retards cant keep your story straight. Read the fucking picture he used. Did conservatives really do any of that shit or is just the result of unhinged progressives policing everyone and encouraging women to be whores for Chad. Fucking dipshit.
When did r9k become a communist demonic cess pit? Never. Go to reddit where you belong, monsters.
>>80071467yes picrel is 100% true republicans over the past decade have progressively become more and more of horrible human beings and now theyve gone full mask-off as nothing but bullies who want to hurt others who are easy targets, with no accountabilities.
>>80071477Good. Now that they are finally back in power they will fuck you in the ass next
>>80071483>they will fuck you in the ass nextliterally wehat i want them to do, i love chuds fucking me in the ass, im a tranny. Was this suppose to be an insultChuds only exist bc theyre repressing trannies fags or tranny lovers btwive proven it 1000 times over
>>80071477Cope kekekekkek
>>80071491Ohhh that makes so much more sense. You're a degenerate tranny. You and OP, cope harder lmao stay mad and take your degenerates nasty self out cause guess what? Trump is soon in office! He won for a reason XD
>>80071491You are a mentally ill faggot and no one is falling for your bait and switch. Hope you lose everything btw.
>>80071507>>80071505you hate me bc youre afraid of yourself, same as EVERY other chud, i know this, nothing you say can convince me otherwise. Best of luck with your unresolved personal issues>t. i used to be you (used to be miserable too, like you.)
>>80071477>CHOP THE BABIES GENITAIL OFF YOU FICKING BIGOT REEEEEEDEEYea conservatives are the worst kind of person>YOU DONT LIKE YOUR WIFE BEING A PROSTITUE? SEXIST REEEEEEDEERightwingers are the dumbest kind of people>ALL MEN SHOULD DIE, KILL ALL MEN REEEEEEespecially right wing men, what a bunch of goofs
>>80071522very based addition to /r9k/welcome alice, keep cleaning up the garbage :D
>>>/pol/>>>/lgbt/we have containment boards for your ilk
>>80071534this post made 0 sense and youre obviously getting very unhinged bc you know im right. its ok anon just b urself
>>80071435When will tardanons learn to separate CEO decisions from political decisions? Twitter banned the word nigger because the small minority of people who wanted to say it were less valuable than the much larger group of people who don't like that word. It's basic economics, there's nothing political about it.
>>80071547/pol/ is for "politically incorrect" edgelords./lgbt/ is for faggots.I'm neither of those, so I'll stay
>>80071333false flag thread
>>80071365Lmfao I thought the same fucking thing. I'm like>ROIDS?!? Wtf is a roid??? We talking about people on gear now?? Why are we gathering all the roids and crushing them??
>>80072432You're definitely a faggot if you're making political threads on /r9k/
>>80072765I made this thread because I was sick of seeing conservatives acting like retards and shitting up the board. If you don't like it, let them know to fuck off