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sometimes you just want a nasty ass gas station burger
the vending machine at my job has these and they're not bad with a packet of mayo
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I get it. I got this from a Speedway once while on a business trip. The patty tasted exactly like what they served us in grade school (you know, like beef but not exactly, definitely some other shit in there).
No, OP. Often times I *don't* want a nasty ass gas station burger. In fact, no, I never do.
There is a subset of people within our society signaling to corporations and suppliers that eating the worst possible gas station food is normal and 'wanted' so they keep making it and shipping it to retail locations.

Who are these people and why are they buying this shit with any regularity to suggest there is a market for $5 garbage?
Nah I'd rather eat almost anything else at a typical gas station.
I get in the mood for one every couple months or so. I liked the grade school burgers growing up so it scratches a certain itch.
>Who are these people and why are they buying this shit with any regularity to suggest there is a market for $5 garbage?
poor drunks
I've bought one of these exactly once when I was hung over as hell on a fishing trip with college friends in the middle of nowhere; it was sandy's cafe that was closed and a gas station. Dude in college says he eats one a week and I was starving so I bought one and couldn't finish it. I've never not finished a burger any other time in my life.

I've had gas station pizza once and it was frozen and baked there. I don't understand the people buying this outside of desperation. But like, every morning I see manual laborers sucking down this shit on a daily basis and I think I understand colon cancer and obesity a lot more, but the flavors are horrific.
It's kind of amusing, and sad, to imagine the hopes and dreams of the marketers who introduced the "angus" meme to the American beef market.... 20 years ago? And how quickly it became utterly meaningless. We're just about at that point now with "wagyu", although I haven't actually yet seen wagyu burgers being donated to charity after they failed to sell at Dollar General.
speak for yourself, peasant
If you've never had shitty gas station food then you don't really know it's shitty
>Nah I'd rather eat almost anything else at a typical gas station.
This. Isn't something like this meant for people to have food when an entire city is already closed? I would think a frozen White Castle burger is going to be better.
sometimes I just want my nasty ass jackhammered behind the gas station
let me see that bussy playa
Women are like food. A fillet mignon, ribeye, swordfish or whatever is great regularly but sometimes you just want to have a greasy fatty burger smothered in goysauce
i try every frozen/prepackaged cheeseburger i can find
the best tasting one was also the biggest/most complicated to prepare. it came individually boxed from Walmart a few years ago, I wanna say the brand was "Drive-Thru" ?
but these things release so much water and grease you have to microwave the components separately and assemble after using paper towels
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It's basically advanced fast food, cheap, and convenient. The combination of these two things means there will always be a market for it. Hell Japan has an entire sector based on this idea. I would bet shit like vended burgers would do really well in the states.
>It's basically advanced fast food,
No, its the opposite of advanced. Its cheapest possible "food" frozen then microwaved at a gas station. Its not even cheap, shit costs more than going to fast food places.
I've never eaten gas station burgers/hotdogs/pizza. If I get hungry on the road, I usually just grab a bag of chips and wait to have a real meal until I get where I'm going.

Am I missing out on some fundamental part of the American experience?
m8 why would get one of those when you can just pop down to Caltex for a Mrs. Macs
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You're mostly just missing out on cheap burgers/hotdogs/pizza. Or boiled peanuts in the south.
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>tfw MAhole
>never even seen boilt peanuts before much less had any
>The patty tasted exactly like what they served us in grade school
yeah we called it mystery meat. this was back in the 70's we thought it was a soy burger. everyone thinks that beyond meat the first fake meat. nope.

every gas station/circle k/7 eleven burger is the same stuff.
They cut it with wheat, oats. Or granola, retard.
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Some truck stops have decent food
TAs and Petros often have Black Bear or Iron Skillet diners which are decently good
Almost every Flying J has a Denny's or IHOP. They also make a pretty spankin' pizza if theres a PJFresh sign.
Other than whatever fast food joints they have attached, Loves has good premade wraps, if you can find one thats not 80% spring mix or lettuce
I generally avoid gas station food, but on a trip through colorado the section of highway I was on did not have a city with an actual restaurant or FF place for 2 or 3 hours and I had to stop at this little corner store in the middle of nowhere, and had a burger like OP's. it had a very thick patty and I was instantly reminded of the mystery meat burgers they served us in grade school and high school. but I was hungry and it was the best choice in the cold foods section.
dude I don't care what they "cut it with", how the fuck would I know that when I'm 12 and there's no ingredient listed on the burger patty, you gibbering baboon.
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Also if you're ever through Iowa, the Iowa 80 truck stop has a pretty damn good buffet.
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Near me a few have this which isn't bad if you're on the road.
I don't.
Sometimes YOU do apparently.

In America we have boiled peanuts.
Advanced doesn't always mean better. A positive times a negative is an even bigger negative.
Mango wings? No.
don't be glib

There's one a half mile from me, tried them the other day, it was surprisingly good but he specifically asked if I wanted sauce, I said yes, but then there wasn't one in the bag.
much better than Dodge's chicken (also a gas station fried chicken place)
Or any Rutter's kitchen if you're in PA.
>sometimes you just want a nasty ass gas station burger
Sorry no, that doesn't happen to me, sweetie.
If beef is cow, why call it beef?
Because it sounds expensive.
If Angus is beef, why call it Angus?
Because it sounds expensive and we aren't technically claiming to use beef.
>Angus chargrill with cheese
Angus what, Davo?
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clearly with Connor Angus
Gas station chicken can sit and stay good for much longer than most food. The best is nonfranchise from small stores in bumfuck nowhere.
Been trucking for 10 years, no need to shit on em for what they are. Gets the job done. You eat what you pay for. I prefer some dogs myself.
Been at it for about a year myself, whats the best place you've eaten at that you can park at?
Bravo, Americans. On a board that's now 90% fast food and other assorted bottom of the barrel slop you managed something even more grim. I get why you need private healthcare, I wouldn't wanna pay to keep you alive eating this garbage everyday either.
That depends state to state. Love's is always good. But if your in the mid west brother. Maverick cant be beat. From dog's to rittos these fuckers get you fillled morn to night. Off straight interstate driving... you stuck with love's these guys got the mileages covered. Still good dogs.
Unlike you. I'd rather eat a gas station burger than penis.
Shutup faggot nobody asked what your opinions are
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>he specifically asked if I wanted sauce, I said yes, but then there wasn't one in the bag
I'm everywhere man, but I mean have there been any standout truck-friendly restaurants? Loves is definitely my goto for grab n go quick shit, but I like finding new or interesting sitdown joints. Went to a pretty nice one myself, Oasis on i10 between Mobile and Pensacola. Damn good monte cristo there, fudge too.
Went there recently I mean to say.
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can atest
t.fat fuck troll gorger
ate like 5-11$ for 500 cals ,at small gas stations trash while most whole meals at any fastfood place or restaurant will go for 15-35$ for about 1500-2500 cals
No you don't, what's wrong with you?
That's gross man.
Rekt the fatties
literally faster and tastier for me to put a slab of frozen ground beef on my cast iron
I get where you're coming from but let's be honest. I give my cast-iron griddle a good 5 minutes to preheat before adding a frozen patty. I like a well-done burger, usually cook about 10 minutes (flipping halfway through). And that's assuming that I actually have any burger buns that haven't gone moldy.

Whereas the microwave shitburger is done is 1 minute, and I don't have to worry about remembering to turn off the stove if it's been a "long night" so to speak. They're absolutely shit, but they still have their place on this bitch of an earth. (Just like me.)
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I see these at the grocery store all the time and want to try it but it's like $7.

A gas station/general store near me has a kitchen staff and they make a breakfast pizza. I hadn't had it in years but stopped in the other day. God damn, it is so good.
these are decent, i still microwave them with the bun separate but apply a strong hot sauce
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They sell those burgs at Costco..... and also, a few years ago, the big meme on the Costco subreddit (i know I KNOW i'm going back) was this Hatch Chile salsa. Let me tell you, a spoonful of this on the microwaved burg was CHOICE my friend.
For me, it's these
Liked these when I was a kid. I'd always burn the shit out of my mouth eating them though, it's impossible to get it uniformly warmed up in the microwave.
i usually microwave these to thaw the meat and bun (remove the cheese first) then finish it in the toaster oven. When you get the time ratio right, the bun in not too crunchy or soggy and the patty is fully reheated.
>like what they served us in grade school
I could never eat those, I remember those poor patties laying in grey water in the steam pan, I tried them one time and never again.
>Dodge's chicken
My son eats breakfast there almost every morning and swears that it is better than most sit down restaurants
>Not buying your pies from the local Vietnamese bakery like a real Australia would
Why do we refrigerate that kind of stuff? In Japan it's just sitting on a shelf

Is it one of those things where it actually is shelf stable but we perceive freshness if it's kept somewhere refrigerated like how they purposely make cough medicine taste kind of bad because if it tasted good you wouldn't think it worked
Things good for you have to taste bad
I have eaten far too many of these.

Other honorable mentions:
>Jamaican beef patties
>banquet chicken pot pie
>ham & cheese hot pocket
>jalapeño white castle 6-pack
>Jamaican beef patties
Still trying to find a decent brand. Costco sells the "Caribbean Food Delights" brand, but despite the fat/salt content, they are surprisingly flavorless until you drench them in hot sauce.

>banquet chicken pot pie
Or better yet, the "Bremer" Aldi knockoff. I think they're like $1.

>jalapeño white castle 6-pack
They stopped selling those here, gotta get the cheeseburgers and add hot sauce. We get the 16 pack, because let's be honest, only having 6 is really risky, you're going to want more after 30 minutes.
It's nothing I would hold against someone, but it's definitely something that will make me respect someone on a deep level. Gas station food can be pretty good and it's always fun rolling the dice wondering if it will just be par for the course or actually a diamond in the rough - same reason many of us still browse this shitheap of a website. I would also much prefer OP image to a slim jim or other junk food. Gas station burgers are also just comforting oddly enough. If I'm across the country in god knows where in a pitstop and I see a boring turkey sandwich or a "BIG AZ ANGUS BURGER" the latter just sounds more fun as a pick me up. Kind of like that complimentary continental breakfast sketch, sometimes it's fun to enthusiastically receive a low and humble thing. Gas station food is a virtue.
For me, it's the cheesy pepper jack tornado. The best gas station hot food snack
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We had those at the work release I was at. The jalapeno burger stands above the rest.
maybe i'm weird but i'd take the jalapenos off before microwaving, i like them more cold
Rocked one of these after sheer necessity lastnight. I put microwave level at 8, heated it up until cheese melted then put a couple sriracha sprinkles around, but not enough to overpower.

I have no regrets, I manged that whole thing.
I keep a few of these in the office fridge for quick meals, no regerts
Seeing people ANGRY at the existence of a cheap frozen food item is fucking great.
Hilarious, I'm buying a case of these on Monday and mailing them to rich fags
I do actually make it a habit a stop to Sheetz for a chicken sandwich whenever I'm in PA, just for nostalgia.

Back when I was in college, I practically lived on MTO stuff from Sheetz. Shit was cheap, tasted great, and it spared me from having do deal with the dorm's communal kitchen that 40-50 people all had to share.
And that kitchen sucked; it only had a plastic table with benches, about 4x8" of counter space, 1 outlet, and an old ass electric oven. And over a decade later that damn dorm is somehow still in operation. Prisons are better than that shithole.
What a freak.
Devil's advocate here. I live in Texas, and with gas stations like Smiley's and Buc-ee's around that rival fast food restaurants quite well, but the kitchens aren't open 24/7 even when the gas station is.
Value is subjective, autismfren
i get a pack of 2 for 2.5 euros then just throw them in the sandwich maker, put the sauce under the bun and i'm all set for the day and the next
>Who are these people and why are they buying this shit with any regularity to suggest there is a market for $5 garbage?
the DoD, unironically. I've seen these wretched things in every PX I've set foot in. I once ate two of them with a giant honey bun and a lime freeze rockstar.
fuck Iowa, lowest speed limits in America just so they can hand out more speeding tickets
Those things are absolutely fucking terrible. I don't know about the chicken sandwich but I think their cheeseburgers have like FIFTY grams of carbs
stop microwaving things inside plastic
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get ready for the worst farts of your life
Which for 140g total is perfectly fine.
WHat do you think the percentage of carbs is for a piece of buttered bread?
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>eat two
>feel sick
every time
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for me it's the vending machine grilled cheese
Count me in
>Hilarious, I'm buying a case of these on Monday and mailing them to rich fags
No you're not, you're gonna giggle like an idiot at people disliking shitty "food" and masturbate to some disgusting porn.
Apparently there are 10 in a case.
While I will undoubtedly do the things you describe, I'm confused about why you think those activities will prevent me from using the mail service.

Whatever, I guess.
I don;t fuck with the froze berders and am at home, so have no box to check, but I know the fat, carbs, sodium, and fuck knows what else is waay too high on these shits.

They still hit the fukkin spot when you're working, need a break, and want to avoid going out to eat. Shit, I could eat one right now, even though we're prepping Sunday dinner.
A dozen donuts, two big bags of doritos, one of those cheapo one gallon bottles of the generic brand fruit punch, and a nasty old rotting banana
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we got good ass burgers at my gas station doe be it
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Packaging strategy is so drunk
The "rustic" packaging there was used by places like costco and other big name semi-premium companies because it's "artisanal" to come off as more small scale and thus use packaging that looks more humble, cheap, and homely. Oddly enough this made rich hipsters decide that cheap looking shit was the new gourmet shit worth the expensive tag. Now you have actual poor people food, a fucking vending machine grilled cheese, imitating the expensive company which was imitating the humble company in the first place.

Someday we'll have ironic packaging, where a pricey/highquality thing will be packaged like some joke/retarded walmart food as a joke to reflect that they're so confident in their product that they'll make it look like shit on purpose as a gatekeep
>Now you have actual poor people food, a fucking vending machine grilled cheese, imitating the expensive company which was imitating the humble company in the first place.
Someone found out plain paper packaging is cheaper than some 37 color plastic bag.
Humans are animals, sometimes we crave slop
Nothing wrong with not wanting complex cuisine everyday
There is no conspiracy schizoanon, take your meds
>you know, like beef but not exactly

Holy shit that is probably THE most apt description I have heard holy shit you just unlocked like some core fucking memories.
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I had these for lunch all the time when I used to work construction. Pizza subs, 7 layer dip combos, and Java Monster drinks kept me alive, at the cost of destroying every toilet used.
>sometimes we crave slop
I understand that. Now I'm telling you there are guys who eat nothing but slop. No home cooked meals, no actual food, no nutrition, just actual garbage for years upon years at a time.
The fuck is 'nasty' about them? They're god damn delicious
Action packed trip to Detroit
Sometimes I just wanna get fucked in my ass but then I remember I don't want to burn forever in hell
>Muh hell
You're already in hell kiddo,may as well get that bussy creamed,who cares? (It feels really fucking good )
If we were really in hell then he wouldn't derive pleasure from butt penis
the bathroom actually
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waffle and spice chicken sandwhich from ampm hit
Sometimes you just want to destroy a toilet
only burger I've actually had that I would describe as mystery meat is the shit they sell at white castle. I swear those sliders are not made with actual beef.
Face fuck me with 100 of those until I choke to death and die faggot
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>comparing food to something you stick your dick into
This is even more retarded than food analogies for video games and movies, you thought you had some kind of gotcha but only proved yourself to be an absolute retard.
Why is it spelled wrong? Is it because it sucks that bad? Probably

Reminds of those nasty frozen burritos
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Yep. Going to have to agree with these fine gentlemen right here. There's also no avocado on that, ugh... ''burger'', OP. And where's the nice, hoppy IPA to go with it?

some people ''get'' burgers... and some people are OP ;) if you know you know.
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Yes. Often I want this
No I actually don't hate myself and try to eat better quality food
I just had a cheeseburger and fries tonight that was way better than that bullshit slop
There's much better things you can find at American restaurant stops than those horrible burgers. Some have restaurants or delis in them which make food fresh.
>americans get their nourishment from petrol stations
These are fucking disgusting. Small Marathons have garbage food.
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does anyone know where this pitcher was taken? I cannot find any of these locales
A pitcher was stolen?
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Combos were always my road-trip snack of choice, although I had some a few months ago and it completely fucked my stomach. Just made me feel like shit all over, if that makes sense.
I might have to retire them now that I'm getting older. Feels bad.
huh like advanced stage cancer.
i bet the burger is better than that though. right?
speaking of bad burgers who went to school and ate the burgers they'd pull out of a hot water vat? what a disgrace. an animal died for that you tasteless bitch (me talking to the lunch lady right before getting suspended)
I eat dogshit food sometimes just to remind myself how bad it can really be
Like a palate cleanser lol

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