I'm 30 and I've never had coffee. I don't understand the fucking obsession. No.2 most traded commodity in the WORLD after oil?? What the fuck? Does it secretly give you an orgasm or something?
>>21103642I need it in the morning so I can make money. Coffee makes me feel energized and alert, ready for anything that might happen. It's like drinking booze at work, only I can drink this in front of my manager. Although a nip in the back warehouse never hurt anyone.
>>21103642tastes good, smells amazing, nice ritual, nice social event
>>21103658what does it even taste like.
>>21103642mild and mildly addictive stimulant and primary source for other distillations, ergo added caffeine isn't synthesized, it tends to be extracted directly from beans.
>>21103658>tastes good, smells amazing, nice ritual, nice social eventt. every druggie about his stuff
>>21103642ppl say that it suppresses hunger and it tricks your body into not feeling tired. it's perfect for mfs who don't exercise.besides that it's a highly customizable drink. almost everybody has a type of coffee they like, even if they don't know it yet.you can drink it hot, cold, you can use it to get sober, or drunk. you can give it lots of flavors.i'm a simple man. a cup of black coffee has between 2 to 12 calories. it stops hunger and does not break fast. great for weight loss.me? i'm too lazy to learn about the differences or brew it. i just get a pack of 50 instant coffee things and mix one with hot milk. i like the taste from time to time. i don't really feel the effect of caffeine even if i drink one litter of dark brew cuz adhd.in larger quantities it's supposed to make you jittery
"i'm a simple man" wasn't supposed to be there
>>21103766>>21103767I just assumed you had a preference for black coffee
>>21103766>in larger quantities it's supposed to make you jitteryreally i thought that was a cartoon thing
>>21103642>30if you're getting by without it there's no reason to start now
>>21103779it depends on a number of things from how sensitive you are to coffee and if you drink it on an empty stomach or not, but if you drink too much your mind locks on alert mode, and if you keep drinking you get jittery and anxious. the average joe won't accidentally reach that point
I think it's for people with "adrenaline junkie" syndrome
>>21103642my autism and/or depression keeps me from feeling the buzz I think, so i dunno.
>>21103779No, it's real. Back when I was living with my father I decided on a whim to use his coffee maker, I think I was just tired or something. I had never made my own coffee before. I looked it up online and the source I read said you should use 2 tablespoons of ground coffee for every 6 ounces of water. (This is a fucking lie, do not do this.) I put in like 12 tablespoons since I figured I'd have a few mugs, ~36 ounces. The filter was filled to the brim with coffee grounds. I drank the whole pot and I legitimately thought I was going to die. I threw up that day and spent hours simply laying in my bed, trying my hardest not to move a muscle, because my heart was pounding and I knew that even a small amount of exertion might give me a heart attack. And yes I was jittery as fuck.Fortunately I got over my trauma and now I'm happily addicted to coffee consumed in reasonable amounts.
>>21103642It's literally a drug, anon. Sapience is a burden and humans will consume anything that dulls the pain. At least coffee just makes you anxious, sleepless and jittery unlike its cousin alcohol which directly ruins lives.Literally every culture in the history of humanity has held addictive mind impairing substances in religious regard, coffee is just the most socially acceptable one in the modern day
Retarded threadIf you've never had it you obviously can't understand the fucking obsession.Just like I can't understand people throwing away their whole life and health for some fentanyl.We can keep going for a long time.
>>21103664Anon, it's the No.2 most traded commodity in the world after oil. It should be fairly easy for you to obtain and answer all these questions yourself.
>>21103664coffee can have a wide variety of expressions depending on the varietal, processing method, roasting technique, and brew methodit can be chocolatey, savory, fruity, floral, herbal, and more, with combinations of these flavors, as well
Yeah I don't get it either, it tastes like bitter shit without milk or sugar.
>>21103664like blueberry bombssorry i mean smooth an arabic
>>21103642>I've never had coffee>I don't understandDid you ever consider trying one so that you could obtain some context and form an educated opinion?
>>21103642I love coffee because its the one drink (the other is hot chocolate) that I can't fuck up making by myself.Of course I'm a simple person and drink instant coffee.
>>21103642Yes anon it does in fact give you secret orgasm. those stoney faced secretaries and bored expressions at red lights? all orgasming
>>21103664Burnt beans in water with whatever shit you add. It's basically all bitter burnt taste, similar to what you'd get eating a charred piece of chicken or beef.
>>21103642Caffeine delivery vehicle. Helps keep you up, makes your shit watery, and can be doubled and tripled down on to get more effects. Same reason tea and soda is SUPER popular and heavily drunk. Adults like coffee because it's bitter, which makes it the polar opposite of tea (dirt taste, aka "earthy") and soda (sweet & fruity). It's definitely an acquired taste that came from popular people doing it and it becoming the "in" thing to do. Add in the whole industry pushing it's "healthy" despite being a cup full of carcinogens due to burnt ass beans. Coffee = cancer, heavy metal poisoningTea = brain damage from flouride, plus pesticide effectsSoda = diabetes and obesity
>>21108586stop spreading misinformation
>>21108586coffee is actually an anti-carcinogen>Tea = brain damage from flourideI'm sorry you're American
>>21103642>I've never had coffee>I don't understandjust try coffee, you fucking retardif I could hit you with a cast iron skillet, I would
>>21103642>I've never had coffee>I don't understand the fucking obsessionMaybe you should try it then?
>>21103642>I'm 30 and I've never had sex. I don't understand the fucking obsession.
>>21103785>the average joe heh
>>21108574>has only had shit tier folgers from a mr coffee drip machine>wont pay for espresso or a pour over because “why would I pay more for the same thing!!”>palate dominated by salt, ketchup and chicken tenders
>>21103642Everybody ITT is retarded, anon is probably Mormon and can't have any.The answer is that it's a cheap legal stimulant.
>>21108574were you inappropriately touched by a Barista anon? or does your mom just suck at making coffee?
>>21103664>>21103642just taste it retard, even your 3rd world country has a shop somewhere. it tastes alright but the main appeal is that it wakes you up quickly and keeps you going for hours, plus it "keeps you regular" (ie makes you shit 20 min after drinking it)
>>21103642Hello, fellow Mormon