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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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Do you use everything in your kitchen, or are you just another hoarding boomer with more money than you deserve?
no I have a bunch of stuff I don't really use, mostly canned stuff that I can eat if we get a ton of snow or something
I'll eat it before it goes bad
no I buy food then just eat out every day. Don't you?
I always try to keep 4 to 6 months worth of food for 6 people stocked up.
I don't buy kitchen gadgets but, and I'm ngl about this, I do have hoarder tendencies with food and household goods since I'm a super-shopper and I get shit so incredibly, incredibly cheap. What I do, however, is all the extra stuff that's within a month or so of expiration gets donated to either our Meeting (Quaker) or a food-and-home-goods pantry or kitchen run through a disabled advocacy group I volunteer with. It gets used up quick by the Meeting and the advocacy group so it doesn't go "bad" and it helps folks out.
Because if this, for a family of three, we make very, very little weekly garbage and since our area has garbage collection twice a week, we sometimes go a week and half or even two weeks before we have enough garbage to be collected. And since we don't eat a lot of packaged food (excepting coffee), our recycling goes out maybe six times in a year.
Our stock could possibly last us about that long if the electricity keeps running and the freezer keeps stuff come. We don't have a backup generator. I'd get one but afaiu, they run on fuel and even then, not for terribly long.
none of your fucking business, cunt.
Dang dude you are hardcore!!
>more money than you deserve
Let me guess, you have put yourself in the position of judgement of who deserves their station in life.
>hourly "owning things BAD" thread
dey took ‘er deeeenz
Why would anyone need so much A1?
I have significantly more food than that but I'm also autistically aware of expiration dates and will eat a 12 cans of beans in a day if they were going to expire
For 60 percent of the first world purchasing things is their most gratifying hobby.
… but also they probably got a 2 pack from costco

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