Marmalade I like marmalade
smush 'em together and eat it like a sandwhich
>>21104951that's an innovative idea anon, but sadly I have scarfed them down already. will have to try that next time so long as this doesn't produce nerve gas
>>21104947That is one psychedelic breakfast, Alan.
>>21104959Oh you’re an autism frog. Kill yourself asap
only had marmalade a few times and it tasted like fruit rind, I don't like it
>>21105020>>21105524yeah it has a bitey rindy edge to it but I like it. all the flavour of citrus fruits is in the outer peel (aka the zest), this is why lemonade is made mostly from the pee than the actual flesh. I wonder if it's possible to make orangeade the same way
>>21104947I like marmalade and 4cheese pizza
>>21104947I'm eating this at the moment but it's marmite instead
>>21106328Marmite-lade. Maybe after dinner tonight I’ll have some vegemalade myself
>>21106404sounds good to me!
>>21104947Drag your hot little pink nutsack across the toast.
marmalade is best on some toast with peanut butter.
>>21105020Came here to post this or something similar.
>>21106701everyone knows this is surely not true. strawbree jam/preserves/conserve yes, but marmalde? idunno man. maybe tonight I'll make one vegemite and one marmalade w/peanut butter, we'll see>>21106702confirmed as not underage zümer
>>21104947hello Paddington
>>21104947Do you... do you ever call it marmalaad?
>>21106805try it. toast, then a layer of peanut butter, then orange marmalade.
>>21108555I will try it anon. I couldn't try it last night because my power went out after dinner and stayed out for about 12 hours, so I had no access to a toaster either in the evening or before work. I'll try it tonight or tomoz though
>>21104947Growing up we had a plum tree in the back yard (among other fruit trees) and my Polish immigrant mom would make powidla sliwkowe, plum butter. That shit was SO good.
>>21109430Fuckin hell I've never even heard of that. That sounds great. As a kid my favourite fruit was plum (not prune to be clear, although I do enjoy prunes more than most). I would love to try that shit.There's a produce market nearby that specializes in €uropæn imports and they have shelves and shelves of wilde shit to explore. I might have a looksee for some plum butter
>>21104947hello paddington
>>21109489hello sir
>>21109430i grew up with a dago grandmother and dagos all on that side of the family who would make jams/ preserves out of everything. it was based.
>>21109497Paddington is off the perc
paddington would-be ashamed of this thread
>>21111644but why