Why doesn't Copra get any love here?
>>147126527>CopraThat's an unfortunate name
To indie for capeshittersToo capeshitty for indiefagsI respect him for basically doing an American doujin
>>147126527There is love. I at least remember 4 Copra threads. Excluding this one.
I love Copra, but I'm always a little superstitious that talking about it will eventually put it on the radar of Marvel and DC's lawyers.
>>147127886Copra was published by Image for a time but they let go of it due to low sales. That could be attributed to how the assholes were selling it right at the start of a new arc than copies from the beginning. It was a screwed deal from the start.
>>147127886Both of them are aware of it and were generally okay with him doing this since it isn't exactly doing big Marvel/DC numbers and some people in the industry like his stuff
Is this right, or just bullshit?
>>147126527Too niche and good for /co/, I wander what Fiffe will do after now that it's ending
>>147126527never heard of this before, what's with the Deadshot expy though? are they all expies of existing comic book characters?
>>147127886Why should they? It isnt really a threat to them. Besides it is just a similar look to Deadshot and Dr Light. But they look different enough to be just inspired by them. Could always say it is a satire of them.
>>147132305Suicide Squad expies actually it seems
>>147126527I'd honestly storytime the whole thing before the finale if I didn't decide to retire
>>147129822Death of Copra is being published through Image
>>147132305Not all of them, but most of them yeah. It's basically a Suicide Squad knock-off with some random Marvel characters thrown in for funsies.
>>147130838The fuck?
>>147130838I don't care enough to check if the Versus chapters are placed correctly, but it's true that #25 technically takes place before the main story. Versus is a bunch of one-shots that give you a bit of background for the various villain characters, so I guess you could read each issue as the villain it's about becomes relevant. Though honestly I wouldn't bother with a reading guide like this. Just read all of Copra in release order and then decide whether you want to read Versus afterwards.
>>147132597seems like a "chronological" order of eventsyou can just read the trades in release orderRound 1 #1-6Round 2 #7-12Round 3 #13-18Round 4 #19-24Round 5 #26-31Round 6 #32-41 (#1-6 of Vol. 2)Round 7 #25, #42-45 and COPRA VERSUS #1-5Round 8 that will collect the Death of Copra