Bravo, King.
>>147131892Well not with THAT attitude.
>>147131892Owari Da...
>>147131892Maybe if you punched retards fear of needles It would help
>>147131924He can't even punch Jenny's fear of masks.
Chainsaw Man could kill a virus. Anime wins again.
>>147131892A government agent shilling coof madness and gates final solution? oh wai..really...
>>147131892>>147131936>>147131941Ah, another groundbreaking piece of masterful comic book writing from the literary genius who brought us "Batman is suicide"BRAVO KING
>>147131892Just use the fortress of solitude's super science to cure it
Superman should be immune to all earth viruses.If you really want him to be suseptible to lets say...the common cold, let it affect his powers in a way. Like instead of flying he can only leap or instead of heat vision he has ice vision like Bizarro or heat breath. Make it fucking unique for god sake.
>>147132001Yeah but that would ruin the story about how superheroes are useless faggots who can't solve any problem that doesn't involve punching a bad guy.>>147132012To be fair, he does say that the coof doesn't affect him. >>147131941
>putting a Covid storyline into your 9/11 trauma throwback miniKing really isn't beating the glowie allegations any time soon
Yes you can, you can literally laser eyebeam it, you can scream at it, you can stamp on it if you want because you're Superman. You're fucking overpowered as shit you can probably fart out a hyperspecific waveform that targets and neutralizes the virus because you're fucking Superman there's literally nothing you cannot do or pull out of your ass.Literally the only reason you haven't fucking buttslammed COVID out of existence is because you do not exist in the real world but if COVID existed in the DC Universe you can bet it would've been bullshitted out of existence by now.
>>147131973I mean that is just saying the quiet part loud.
>>147131973But what if Mister Miracle suicide???? He wrote this because he was depressed about drumpf winning btw
If Trump actually manages to neuter the intelligence agencies does that mean companies will stop promoting King?
I personally know 5 people who have had either pericarditis or myocarditis from the vaccine. I don't know anyone who has died from COVID. The only reason I even know I've had COVID is because I was forced to test for it. Completely asymptomatic. I know hospitals get paid money by the government for every COVID death and they can classify even people who died from cancer or car crashed as COVID deaths if they catch COVID while dying in the hospital. I wish all the people forced and coerced into taking the vaccine get justice. I hope all the business that were shut down due to covid while big chains were allowed to stay open get justice. But there never will be any justice for any of this because thats how it is... Can't believe COVID-19 was half a decade ago...
>>147131948Goku died of a heart virus
>>147131948Keep this stupid shit out of here.
>>147132007I wonder how they both got it?
>>147131892So is the implication that Superman only can solve problems by punching? Isn't Tom King supposed to be DC's top tier writer?
>>147132242Nah, DC's gonna be parading around that "EISNER AWARD WINNER" label for years, spook or no.>>147132427>Isn't Tom King supposed to be DC's top tier writer?See the above. Dude won a major award so as far as DC cares he can get away with literally anything, as long as he doesn't turn out to be a rapist or a pedo or something like that.
>>147132367It's all part of Batman's contingency plan.
>>147131892Superman has used wits to solve problems since the 40s though.
>>147132260T-two more months...
>>147131892We all ready to admit that the Covid measures were just the Patriot Act 2.0 and most you idiots fell for it like your boomer parents?
>>147132427"Superstar writer" is not a synonym for good writer. Look at how many characters Geoff Johns and James Robinson have killed or mangled.
There is still no cure or traditional vaccine and covid is part of the seasonal flues. It is now more dangerous than its ever been.Yet, nobody gives a shit anymore. Explain.
>>147132035>Unable to give anyone covid in a lab setting >The covid tests don't actually test for covid and are just as good at testing for covid as flipping a coinhmm...Nah. Not trying to get banned again>>147132242Just the people behind obvious false flags that intelligence agencies and people with coommon sense in the rest of the world openly laughed t.
>>147131892He can heat vision itSuck it in with super breath, fly into the sun and exhaleSend it into the Phantom Zone
>>147131892Lex could make a vaccine called Lexcoof that only works on humans and non-metahumans at that
Get Zatanna to say DIVOC 91 raeppasid
>>147132260The vax is makes your RNA create dummt proteins that are nerfed covid but the guys who made the vax didnt account for how fucking with your RNA can cause genetic errors that would never happen to you normally. The random side effects or rare conditions are recessive awful genes being switched on. The cancer is because messing with RNA fucks up the cells programming creating an increased probability of that cell becoming cancerous. If are vaxxed you should live in fear as you can drop dead at any moment due this storm of horrible genetic fuckups that do not stop.
>>147132681Divoc neetenin raeppasid
>>147132690>>147132260You really need to stop getting your medical information from Facebook.
>>147131941>a single slapKekaroo! What a bitch!
>>147132367Raped by Gorilla Grodd.
>>147131892This is why I read these comics, especially rippaverse comics
>>147131892The sterility of the liberal imagination should be studied
>>147133150>School strike for climateWhy doesn't he just go beat the shit out of China and India until they stop polluting?>There's no planet BThis doesn't really work in a universe where there's faster than light travel, multiverses, alien planets, etc.
>>147132560They'll never admit it
>>147132260So this is the power of /pol/ brainwashing....
>>147133219Not that guy, but my uncle died in his sleep within months of getting vaxxed. They did an autopsy and said it was heart failure even though he was fit and healthy.
>>147133251it's true am the uncle
>>147131913You've got no room to laugh, Doom.
>>147133266You can be obnoxious and flippant, but it really happened.
>>147133280sure and am supposed to drop dead in two weeks
>>147132560>the Covid measures were just the Patriot Act 2.0Except there was no lasting fallout. All of the COVID restrictions were lifted. Nobody cares if you don't wear a mask and don't wash your hands and cough all over everything, just like the before times.People who cry about having to wear a mask will always be the biggest fucking babies imaginable.
>>147133251It's hilarious how years after the coof situation you people are still SCRAMBLING to link every single death to the vaccination, even though nobody has been able to come up with an actual connection that didn't rely on vague "well he had the vax a while back so it must be the cause!" Meanwhile the same people are claiming that none of the COVID deaths actually count, because they all had "preexisting conditions" like having a headache one time last year.
>>147131892I'm almost positive he could punch it. Superboy Prime once punched time
>>147133289Well there are documented vaccine deaths, so your premise is nonsense.
>>147132560>We all ready to admit that the Covid measures were just the Patriot Act 2.0No, if anything it should be time to recognise it failed because morons didn't want to follow them.Complete idiots who hurt others and refuse to acknowledge they are in the wrong, despite every evidences of it pilling on. Truly depressing.
>>147133287>no lasting falloutExcept a generation of kids that will grow up socially maladjusted, people racking up immense debt, the suicides due to crippling loneliness, the loss of smaller businesses and the growth of mega corporations.But yeah, other than that, no lasting fallout.
>>147133308true, BLM has been a disaster for the world
>>147133292No, he punched the continuity wall, which was a solid object.
>>147133276He was sad because the planes didnt hit the Baxter building.
>>147131892>Superman can't solve the problem by punching it>Gives upWho the fuck writes this shit?
>>147133276How high on your own farts do you have to be to write something like this?
>>147133150>Ignoring the giant monster behind themWhat did DC mean by this
>>147133323Okay so we just need to get Superman to the disease wall and he can punch it
>>147133350I think that's Aqua Boy's emotional support rape monster
>>147133350Cthulhu will be allowed to wreck havoc on mankind until lawmakers increase the taxes on gas.
>>147131892But can't you use your super speed to study medicine and eventually make an actual vaccine instead of that shitty crisper stuff
>>147132819Reading a rippaverse comic and telling yourself it's better than that woke dc and marvel garbage
>>147133317BLM is a domestic(and failed multinational)terrorist organization backed by soros and hamas. It's a fraudA joke
>>147132751Yeah, he should get it from Stephen Colbert instead.
>>147132367all that charity work in africa rubs off on you
People who fetishized getting vaccinated and following pandemic restrictions as virtue signaling were retarded, but so are the idiots fear-mongering about a vaccine that's supposedly killing gorillions by the day and comparinng themselves to the victims of Holocaust because the Dollar General worker made them wear a mask>Both sides are retarded, leavesAdios
>>147131892>UMMM IS THAT A HECKIN HEART VIRUS??? I AM LITERALLY DYING AIIIEEE HEART VIRUS DONO I KNEELWhy is Goku such a pathetic jobber compared to Superchad?
>>147133515Project 2025 will make trump hats mandatory in order to leave your house.
>>147131892Pretty sure Supes could turn back time by flying counter-clockwise around the earth and prevent Covid from ever happening
>>1471333479/11 mindbroke American, and New York especially. They weren't exactly in a good headspace.
>>147133459>backed by hamasNigga, what
How many boosters are you folx on? I just had my 79th!!! I know I know :( I've fallen behind but I was misgendered at starbucks and I was kinda being a smol bean for a month :((((#transolidarity #trustthescience #magachudsdni
>>147133308>except [things that were already happening and were marginally affected by restrictions]Indeed. Glad we can agree there's no lasting fallout then.
>>147133552I rolled my eyes until the "smol bean" part, kek. It's too real
>>147131892What happens when you let weak men into the comic industry
>>147133545Take a look at who is actually running and in charge of that organization.
>>147131941He flies from planet to planet without any quarantine all the time. Stop this DC, this never ages well and shows out you were on the wrong side of history (again)
>>147131948wasn't the virus cured in 616 off-screen by a literally who? if a literally who could do what a main character in /a/ could do then that seems sad
>>147133276Doom would have known it was an inside job by the government.
>>147133488Who is getting medical information from a comedian/entertainer besides retards?
>>147133614You are.
>>147133632Prove it
>>147133353>disease wallAnd where is that?
>>147133649Prove what?
>>147133664>/pol/ image spammer incapable of reading comprehensionEvery single time
>2025>/pol/ is still talking about covid and the vaxLet it go, brother.
>>147133673I accept your consneedsion.
>>147133684nope, we are going to continue mocking the clotbloods forever
>>147131892Goku and Thor could.
>>147131892This is why nobody likes Superman anymore.
>>147133733Goku died from one
its honestly fucked how many people even ""Christians"" locked themselves out of heaven forever over this. more people would rather take the mark and burn forever in hell than face temporary social isolation.
>>147131892Superman has super breath, he could just blow all the virus away into space. He's Superman, he can do anything, that's the point. If a writer doesn't get that, then he shouldn't be writing Superman. Simple as.
Stupid dumbMaskie scum
>>147133306You know, did anyone keep track of how many people died in hospitals due to bacteria they got in their airways? How many people experienced side effects and died? How many steroid users died? You can look most of those things up, but I'm not surprised because apparently some people don't even know the difference between a regular ass vaccine and the bootleg. Pilpul nonsense.
If Superman can perform instantaneous lobotomy through an eyeball, why can't he kill a virus?And if for some reason he's busy he could go the All Star Superman route and have his buddies from Kandor do it
>>147131892Then call Antman, I'm sure he can beat 'em like he beats his wife.
>>147133864Superman doesn't have to do anything, he lives in a world with both magic users, metahumans, alien medical technology and super scientists like Mr. Terrific most of the real world problems we have wouldn't exist in the world of DC. The very concept of climate change can't possibly exist because of all the alternative power sources that exist that don't release pollutants
>>147132035He actually can't laser eyebeam it, anon. They were never able to locate and isolate the coof virus, which is why for the vaxx they had to do an mRNA garbage to fool your body into thinking you had it, instead of injecting you with the weakened actual thing. So yes, the coof is literally a thing nobody has actually ever seen. The Jesus Christ of viruses.
>>147133528Goku TANKED that.If Bulma could cure The Virus, why not Superman?
>>147132279Well yes but he caught it in a planet where the strongest namekian was like 6 times stronger than the strongest Saiyan was in planet Vegeta, so odds are the virus was indeed strong enough to infect him, and then develop as Goku himself developed. Whereas in this case, Superman is in a planet where he's way stronger than the strongest individual. So virus just get turbowrecked by his white cells.
>>147132592More dangerous than 0 is still not threatening enough for me to care.
>>147132560Did people fall for it, or was it the boomers in all local governments? Individuals at home were not the ones who passed every single ordinance in every single town demanding that everyone stay home and never leave their house for two weeks, one month, three months, five months, indefinitely. That shit required people in positions of authority to demand it. Individual voters were just doing as ordered by their superiors in the government who did not give a shit that it put every local business out, or closed up every restaurant. And now we blame all the people on the ground that were forced into it as responsible. Maybe if the US was not so driven to only vote for 70 and 80 somethings for all levels of government.
>>147132592Because based on exactly what you said, there is absolutely nothing that can be done about it and any preventative measure like wearing a mask is nothing but a placebo to help make you feel "safe" that is ultimately useless. There is no sense in worrying over something that cannot be stopped at all. Why give a shit more than a common cold at all now?
>>147131892What’s even more absurd is that Dini and Ross literally wrote a “JL fights a virus” story in 2003 and it was more nuanced, more relevant to today than anything modern creators churned out about the coof.
>>147131892Why can't heroes just punch villains from space any longer? I never once liked any comic trying to be real world topical. Real world shit boring me is the big reason why I liked the escapism of the whole scifi comic adventure in the first place. I just want over the top adventures with powers and robots god dammit. This shit is why I read manga more these days. No one preaches to me about some real world event taking up 18 out of 19 pages. I never read stupid stories that are just the writer venting how an election turned out or bitching about a country I have no connection to on the other side of the planet fucking with another country I have no connection to on the other side of the planet. It's just the fantasy escapism I am after.
>>147133955Government boomers fell for it, but normal people absolutely did as well (most of them also boomers). It turned people on one another as retards accosted or called the police on their neighbors just going for a walk or not wearing a mask
>>147134012Special PSA episodes of anything always turn out to be fucking awful preachy shit like this. There is a lengthy history of 80s media consistently doing this with special episodes about aids, or poor people in class, or rapey bike store owners etc. It just ruins the entertainment value when they get weird and awkward with their preachy very special educational material. It is no one's favorite episode or issue wherever it appears.
>>147133955>Individual voters were just doing as ordered by their superiors in the government who did not give a shit that it put every local business out, or closed up every restaurant. And now we blame all the people on the ground that were forced into it as responsible.Because they were responsible. All they had to do was say no and not obey like lemmings
>>147131892Lies. I seen Superman punch concepts before, and break reality with his fist.
BITCH PLEASE.Green Lanterns got this.
never forget they changed the definition of vaccine to market it as one
>>147134452what was the definition change?
>>147133350The giant monster is protesting for monster rights
>>147134467>immunity -> immune responseimmunity means immuneimmune response means fighting something
>>147133289>you people are still SCRAMBLING to link every single death to the vaccination, even though nobody has been able to come up with an actual connectionreality denial is a hell of a drug
>>147131941She ends up agreeing to it by the way
>>147134606Tom King looks at this page and thinks he's written something good.Fucking hell.
>>147134606if he's immune to it there's no way he could spread it by breathing on people, as his viral load would be non-existent due to the virus not replicating in his body
The Clot Shot killed both my folks.
>>147133536Or a wristband. You'll have to wear a mark of Trump either place (hand or forehead.)
So how does he turn this into Mommy Issues & the Bush administration as he always does?
>Lexcorp makes a covid vaccine>Puts trace amounts of kryptonite in it>Superman gets sick from constant minor kryptonite exposure from every vaccinated person
>>147133864This is some Jojo's Bizarre Adventure shit.
>>147133777Goku can overcome reality easure. It really depends on how strong goku is.
>>147131936they had to take me to another room and calm me down because i was afrais of the vaccine giving me cancer
>>147134606It insists upon itself.
>>147133306Denmark was back to normal by March of 2020. No masks, little social distancing, kids in school, old people not treated like solitarily confined prisoners. Almost all “the experts” you faggots treat like religious figures outside of America have agreed none of the Covid responses were helpful and in fact many extended the pandemic and worsened the fallout, along with destroying the economy, child development and mental health of the entire population.
Oh we’re crying about masks again, are we?
>>147134632This is the same guy who wrote an entire comic of repeatedly murdering Lois Lane.Also he's a war criminal. Can't forget that.
>>147135358>Denmark was back to normal by March of 2020really? huh.
>>147135358To be fair, the development of the children and the mental health of the populace was already on pretty shaky groundOn a virus related note, when will DC bring back it's Gender-reversal virus??
>>147132260I love how people like this cry about five people being unfortunate enough of getting a rare side-effect. But do not give a shit about over million people dying. That’s mothers, sons, grandparents and spouses that are dead. But fuck those people right? It’s all about me me me me. I only care about those five people because I by chance know them. That’s how selfish I am. People should have died more so that I wouldn’t feel inconvenienced.
>>147133289>still SCRAMBLING to link every single death to the vaccinationWe learned it from the medical professionals labeling victims of vehicle incidents as covid victims.
>>147132592The strains have mutated and become milder ie less deadly and there is better understanding of how to treat it. In early 2020 you had places like Italy where their healthcare system was overrun by covid patients needing hospitalisation and nobody knowing how to effectively treat it because it was a novel virus, you basically had to make guesses. It took months to even properly figure out how to virus spread, which is pretty important when you want to prevent the spread.
QRD on Tom King? I only know he wrote a comic that the Supergirl movie will be based on>>147135391>War criminalThe fuck?
>>147135529King's repeatedly said in interviews that he tortured and murdered POWs in Afghanistan as a spook.
>>147134683It's literally about 9/11, so that's one half down
>>147134606If only masks actually stopped the virus and the vaccine stopped you from contracting the virus. Alas neither is true.
>>147133556You're a retard, please kill yourself
>>147135449So true, sister. So how many boosters are you on? I'm hitting the big 100 tomorrow, so excited!!
>>147135449Why do you need a vaccine for a virus with a 99.3% survival rate?
>>147131892I bet there's like 50 comics where Superman, in all seriousness, punches a friggin virus.Also, he'd be a huge fucking danger with a virus potentially mutating into a super-virus.Generally, wouldn't it be a kinda cool plot if some of these cape assholes gets like a space flu that kills half of mankind?
Then: Jack "the King" KirbyNow: Tom "the King" King
>>147132279Yes and Bulma developed a cure.
>>147135529Ex-CIA who gained prominence for writing "The Visions".Is largely known for his mommy issues, general attempts at social commentary that usually turn out laughable at best and his tendency to write characters out of character, such as making them PTSD-ridden sad sacks (because of their war crimes/sucidal tendencies/whatever) and or just for the sake of whatever story he's telling. Notably, he wrote Batman's Rebirth run and Heroes In Crisis (i.e. the one where Wally kills a bunch of people and Harley outsmarts the Trinity), which is around the time people started noticing that his writing was turning to/actually shit.Also, he killed Alfred, though Alfred actually dying was apparently Didio's idea.
>>147131892>It's a virus, i can't punch it.Can't the Atom do that?
>>147132560There were no lockdowns, that's just rightoid grifters rewriting history.
>>147131941>>147134606wtf is even this
>here's your (annual) covid shot bro
>>147136008Also, he's the most read writer in this board.
>>147134606Are we supposed to like the blond cunt?>captcha: V0DKA
>>147131892>can’t punch a virus kwab
I miss lockdown. Staying home while extrovertfags seethed was great.
Damn.... even Batman can't solve this conundrum!
>>147136194Forgot image like a bitch.
>>147132260>I know hospitals get paid money by the government for every COVID death Why the fuck were governments even giving monetary incentives for covid death?
>>147136247>woe>liliputians be upon ye
>>147133287This makes me very mad. Pretending that the extent of Covid tyranny was that you had to wear a mask. I was complaining about being forced to wear a mask because they were objectively useless, but it was so much more. Business were destroyed. They didn't come back after the lockdowns. They were destroyed and never game back. Massive inflation didn't go away after the handouts. People's loved ones died alone in hospital rooms, and they weren't allowed to hold funerals for them. You can never give these people back what was stolen from them. No forgiveness for the monsters who pushed lockdowns.
>>147136051>There were no lockdownsWhat kind of bait is this?
Who wants to read a "realistic" take on Superman in a pandemic? They should do some shit like Superman accidentally releases and engineered Kryptonian virus from the Phantom Zone that turns people into superpowered drone soldiers and he has to go back into the Zone to force the imprisoned Kryptonian scientist who created it to find a cure.
>>147133684Nice try, demon
>>147135449But all those people died even with all the lockdown and vaccine shit you support.
>>147136321>Business were destroyed.So start a new a business.
>>147136321>People's loved ones died alone in hospital roomsThey should have masked, socially distanced, and got the vax. Not my problem.
>>147131948>Redditsaw man
>>147136411I absolutely understand how the holocaust happened now. These people would've turned in Anne Frank, and bragged about it to their friends.
>>147136411>I haven't taken anything seriously sinceNo worries, you're not relevant.
>>147133684And outside their ghetto.
>>147131941Are we really pretending supes can catch human covid
>>147136379Authoritarians are so fucking evil. No regard for the lives they destroyed. I'll never forget what was done to me and others, and I'll never forget who supported it.
>>147132083Is this even a little bit worth reading? His Vision was fucking awful.
>>147131941>>147131892Why is he doing a covid story now? Old News, No one Cares!
>>147136475>I'll never forget what was done to meDid they use lube?
>>147136495>Tee hee, I destroyed society and now I'm making jokes about it lol
>>147131936Holy shit western comics are so fucking bad
>>147131936Even if I'm not anti-vaccine, this is objectively garbage.
>>147136493Pfizer cares
>>147136523>Tee hee, I destroyed anon's anusFixed.
>>147136493is this recent?lmao
>>147136475>But all the people who died from the virus? I don’t care.
>>147136450you lost the election, nigga.
>>147136587nta but that does not justify your crimes.
>>147136587Those people died from the virus when everyone was forced to wear masks and socially distance and take the vaccine. Your bullshit did nothing.
>>147132260>I personally know 5 people who have had either pericarditis or myocarditis from the vaccine. I don't know anyone who has died from COVID.As anecdotal as it is anon, there's probably many others that had the inverse happenAs much as we wanna think the coof wasn't a big deal it still fucked a lot of shit up for people, regardless of whatever redditors and twitterfags were crying about
>>147136659I think every single person I know who got the vaccine got Covid after. I don't know anyone who was permanently fucked up by the vaccine, but I know a lot of people who were made sick from it. I'm the only one in my family who didn't take the vaccine, and I enjoyed rubbing it in their faces when they all got covid later.
>>147136587Died FROM the virus or WITH the virus? The distinction matters even if it didn't to doctors at the time.
>>147132690>2025>retards still think the fauci jab will turn you into the X-Men but with cancer
>>147131941>>147134606God damn, King is the biggest hack retard in the industry. I 100% believe he is a CIA plant.
>>147131913can you post that doom template?
>>147136558>>147136587Ha ha, so true! So you guys are masking and boosting regularly, right? You're not some antivax /pol/tards, right?
>>147133298>nuhuh I'm right cuz I said soAlright post them then smartass
>>147136714It probably won't do that, but it runs the risk of seriously hurting you for no real benefit, as Covid is not a serious risk to most people, and most people already had some immunity to Covid before the vaccines were introduced. The vaccines were probably good for certain people, particularly elderly people, but there's no reason for most people to have ever gotten them.
>>147132260My dad died from Covid. fuck you.
>>147136730We don't deny the existence of anything we don't like, no.
>>147136730That's such a good point that needs to be stressed. The people who were obsessed with following the science, who made life hell for everyone else, I don't know anyone who of them who are still getting boosted regularly like the "science" suggests. They just stopped caring.
I was in AmeriCorp (peace core that stays in America) right after college with this super sweet girl that had the best taste in movies and music. We would go out drinking on the weekends and I swore I had the biggest crush on her. We all part ways after the two years together and now about 8 years later she's gone straight off the deep end with the Covid paranoia on social media, even to this today. It's all how society failed her and she can't leave her house, no one wears a mask anymore even though everyone should be in public for basically the rest of human existence. yadda yadda. They totally broke her and I hate to see it. She seems so sad and lonely now.
>>147134912That was the plot of Superfolks btw
Generally speaking there's a reason why most comic book super heroes don't SOLVE real world problems. If they solve the problems it feels like they trivializing it and it comes off as gauche, and if they don't solve it then it largely makes them look, if not ineffective, then uncaring. Not that it can't be explored, but it needs to actually be explored. And I don't think King is capable of doing that.
>>147133287>People who cry about having to wear a mask will always be the biggest fucking babies imaginable.Not everyone is pathetic faggot devoid of dignity and self respect.
>>147136753I'm not going to dunk on you. I'm sorry your dad died of Covid. But I will point out that all the lockdowns and masks failed to prevent it, while they did irreparable harm to society. Of course Covid is a disease that does kill people, and I'm sorry for your loss. The point is that the tyranny was not justified.
>>147136800This was supposed to be for >>147136747
>>147136692>Covid can’t be a contributing factor! It just can’t!
>>147136405>>147136405Masks and socially distancing doesn't work >and got the rushed experimental untested genetherapy for fluLegit retard.
>>147136753Covid boosters are still given to risk groups. The current variants are no longer as dangerous for most people as the ones that were initially spreading.
>>147136438>muh hall of costYour math skills are so fucking bad that i can hear baldi.And 1940 was still age of coal, but you are way too tetarded to understand that.
>>147136748Ugh, I knowww! Some people, right? Anyway I'm using two different mask designs now, I have like an Arcane themed one for when I'm in a safe space (Vi is sooooo me sksksksks) and I also have a plain black one for when I'm boymoding so that chuds don't harass me. Aaaand I've obviously already made an appointment for my next booster because I'm a decent h*cking human being but I might go for another one on the same day lmaooo im so crazyyyyyy!!!
>>147136587>>But all the people who died from the virus?Do you even know homw much people die from common cold and flu every year, retard?
>>147133287A precedent was set that the government had full autonomy of your body. I get the feeling you actively shit yourself over Roe v. Wade bwing overturned but don't see the irony of giving Covid restrictions and mandates a pass.
>>147136843It was never dangerous, it was just fucking common flu.
>>147136843They weren't very dangerous at the time for most people. What we should've done is tell elderly people to be cautious, while everyone else lives normally, and this thing would've been over very quickly, with less death and way less mental abuse.
>>147136843The initial strains had 98% survival rate. It was never dangerous to the general populace.
We were literally abused by our government for two years. What hotline do I call?
>>147136800>But I will point out that all the lockdowns and masks failed to prevent itMaybe because you halfassed it and had a guy in charge who kept saying it wasn’t a big deal and actively kept encouraging people to think it didn’t matter and you shouldn’t do anything if you didn’t want to. That sort of behaviour severely sabotages the effectiveness of any attempts to contain and minimise spreading the virus and killing people.
>>147136865Not that anon but agreed to this point and to why I am 100% por-choice. Whether its a life or not doesn't matter, its a property rights issue. The most important propriety of all (your body). No one can demand use of another's body without their consent to foster the health and shelter of another.
>>147136800>But I will point out that all the lockdowns and masks failed to prevent itThey aren't supposed to prevent you getting sick you imbecile. They were meant to lower the chances of you getting sick, thereby saving human lives, and preventing the health system from getting overburdened. Our healthcare system can barely cope with the yearly flu seasons, if half the adults were sick all year long the system would have straight up collapsed and hospitals would have looked like Uganda during an Ebola outbreak.Peasants in fucking Medieval Italy managed to grasp this concept and somehow you cannot.>The point is that the tyranny was not justified.You consider needing to wear a fucking mask to be tyranny?
>>147136903If that's what you think, I sincerely want you to take the quiz.
>>147136859Yes, considerably less than what covid deaths were. And that’s when people pay less attention to washing their hands, not covering their mouth when they sneeze, go to work sick, don’t wear a mask when sick, etc. Imagine how less deaths we might see from yearly flu if people actually followed safety precautions like you should if you don’t want to make people with compromised immunity sick.
>>147136923>No one can demand use of another's body without their consent to foster the health and shelter of another.You do realize anytime you have sex you are consenting to an act that may lwad to the creation of another individual right? Also how does that property right work for the baby who has its own body and ergo its own rights?
>>147136887>The initial strains had 98% survival rate.2% of 1 million people is 20 000 people. Or one in every 50 people. Basically one person would be dead in every second class in school.that sounds pretty fucking dangerous to the general populace.
>>147131892So powerful and brave
>>147136887One million dead doesn’t matter. But five people getting side effects is evil. And that’s doesn’t even take into account all the long term issues the virus would cause in people who didn’t die.
>>147136957>americans are retardedgo and eat a burger.
>>147136926>You consider needing to wear a fucking mask to be tyranny?Yes, but even more, I consider being forced to shut your business down, being forced to fire employees if they don't undergo an irreversible medical treatment, not being allowed to have a funeral for a dead family member, social media being pressured to remove factual information by government agencies, and cops arresting people for playing catch in the park with the kids to be tyranny. And I will never forget who was in favor of it.
>>147136961Oh come the fuck off it. Instead of asking the 2% to stay home and practice caution you demanded 98% of people who would be just fine to comply. Fuck off with this shit.
>>147136769Cool fic, bro.
>>147136961Vax free and feeling groovy
>>147137003>Oh come the fuck off it. Instead of asking the 2% to stay home and practice caution you demanded 98% of people who would be just fine to comply.If you didn't have the 98% stay home, the death rate would have been far worse than 2%, because more people would have gotten sick at the same time, and there would not have been enough doctors to treat everyone at the same time.
>>147136795>>147136857>dignity and self respectIf you had any you wouldn't be here, anon.
>>147136961So it’s nothing then? Because there are worse diseases going around and no one gives a shit about them. Also very nice use of class to attempt to use children as a method to make it seem more severe and make anyone that is arguing against you seem as if they don’t care about children. But in reality children are at the lowest risk of dying unless they are immunocompromised.
>>147137038>there are worse diseases going around and no one gives a shit about themWe need the USA to import Ebola. It'd be so funny to see amerilards denying its existence.
>>147136587Lives don't matter, only treats matter in America
>>147136994>being forced to fire employees if they don't undergo an irreversible medical treatmentMany jobs mandate vaccinations. Even schools do.
>>147137028Anon the 98% wouldn't have needed to be hospitalized you dumb fucking retard because their natural immunity would have kept them safe. Ironically keeping the 98% in made it easier for the 2% to get covid since the asymptomatic ones were giving it to people without even realizing it.
>>147137029So when's your next booster, anon?
>>147137028There wouldn't have been enough doctors to put people on ventilators and actively kill them. Are you a Cuomosexual?
>>147136961Bullshit, the people who dies from this are elderly and/or people with severely impaired immune systems.You know, those who has died from the flu every season, but we don't put the world on hold because of that, we instead try to isolate those vulnerable as much as possible, something the rest of the world was capable of doing, but the US for some reason was absolutely worthless at, like Coumo who sent Covid patients to nursing homes.Covid is still out there, just like the flu, elderly people still die from both.
they lash out in anger cause they knew their government and scientists lied to them but they don't want to admit it
>>147137050It's come to the US multiple times and has been stopped immediately because they detain those infected and don't just shut down the entire country.
>>147137028You might need to go back to school
>>147137038>Because there are worse diseases going around and no one gives a shit about themYou have had Americans hyperventilating because there was two ebola death in the country.
>>147137028Sure thing, little redditor./s
>>147137054I'm against that too, but I'm especially and profoundly against the government mandating vaccinations for private companies, and particularly when it's an experimental vaccine that most people objectively do not need.
>>147137072>their government lied to themTrump? Lying to us? Never.>>147137079I thought doing something was frowned upon in USA?
>>147137096Removing people's rights are frowned upon.
>>147137087Panic is common among retards, and it always ends up being nothing, the government uses it to keep people in line. They tried doing it again recently with that avian flu shit and no one fell for it.
>>147137090Stay unemployed but free, anon.
>>147137105>>147137108>Removing people's rights to spread diseasesFixed.
>>147137109Tell that to Randy Weaver.
>>147137122Freedoms come with risks retard. If you're so scared of viruses then you can stay inside your house like a hermit.
>>147137055>because their natural immunityThen why was Italy’s healthcare system in crisis when the pandemic started? Why were morgues forced to put corpses in refrigerator trucks because they ran out of room? Why were respirators running out everywhere? If there’s a sudden surge of people needing hospital care at the same time, it kills people. If people who already are sick with something get a virus that hampers your ability to breathe, it kills people.
>>147137122So that means you're boosted, right?
>>147137109I know that when the Biden administration was planning to mandate vaccines for all companies with over 100 employees, my employer was gearing up to start pushing these things. If they hadn't been stopped by a judge Trump put in, the mandate would've gone into effect and I would've had to quit my job. The stress and the fear and I dealt with during this time is another thing I'll never forgive these demons for.
>>147137122So not only can you not argue what I’m saying but you have to attempt to lump me in with someone else in an attempt to make it seem like we’re saying the same thing so you don’t have to argue it?
>>147137090>I want kids to get polio againHey we found an RFK voter.
>>147137132Half these things were fucking made upmHell it later turned out the respirators were causing more damage then they helped. Also Italian healthcare is notoriously bad.
>>147137131And it’s my right to give you typhoid.
>>147137140Not going through with that mandate is just another of Biden's many failures
>>147137131>>147137133>>147137140>>147137144If that makes you happy...
>still malding about CovidIt has been 5 years, they didn't execute you for not having taken the vaccine, it's time to get over it.
>>147137164But what if I'm vaccinated for Tuphoid?
>>147137174So are you just going to throw a tantrum? Why is it that you retards claim to be intellectuals and can never actually argue the most basic shit?
>>147136747Probably for the best
>>147137179>Why are you guys upset over a gross trampling of your rights?>Yes I'm Canadian, how could you tell?
>>147137179>OMG, you're still angry about how we treated you?
>>147137174Are you taking your boosters or not? It's a simple question, anon.
>>147137197Why are upset about this imaginary tyranny and not all the people that died who could've been saved? was it that hard not going to McDonald's everyday?
>>147137155>Hell it later turned out the respirators were causing more damage then they helped.And why was that? Oh right because it was a novel virus where the normal treatments we had didn’t effectively work on it, you moron! That was part of the problem!
>>147137219>all the people that died who could've been saved?Oh I'll never forget about all the people you murdered.
>>147137202if its fake why does this bother you? you cant die from nothing
>>147137219>died who could've been savedThe sad reality is if Covid didn't kill them they still would have died do to other morbidities that same year
>>147137240But you killing people by carrying the virus and doing nothing to stop it from spreading to others when walking around in public was the Christian thing to do.
>>147137243Take a good look at the IQ of these people that try to minimize the damage caused by their own actions
>>147137202Damn... Huxley was right
>>147137219>>147137236Exactly! It's a huge fucking deal, like omg!!!So you guys are taking your boosters, right?
>>147137257That's a good way to cope about you disregard for other peoples lives
>>147137202Remember this?
>>147137259>killing people by carrying a virus with a 99.3% survival rateDamn them for walking around with the common cold
>>147137262He was right about everything. People will become absolute monsters if given permission.
>>147136970*Ahem*, make way for the real heroes.
>>147137265Again: over a million people dead doesn’t matter. But a business going under? Unforgivable tyranny.
>>147137273No I don't remember that. I've never heard of him before. I never said or thought that, but I did say that there's no reason for me to get the vaccine, and I was objectively correct.
Brainworm Man can't come soon enough.Fuck Pfizer, fuck Big Pharma, fuck Fauci, fuck Democrats, fuck Liberals, fuck Canada, fuck Corporate News, and fuck you if you like or indentify with any of them.
>>147137301>over a million people dead>of covidIn your fucking dreams lmao
>>147137277>I choose kill people with my actions and it’s fine
>>147137314Make sure you lock down and self isolate for 2 weeks every time you get the sniffles
>>147137311Make Polio Great Again! Kill More Children!
>>147137301You're operating based on the completely fictional assumption that the tyranny actually stopped anyone from dying. There is no evidence to support this.
>>147136811>Man gets turned into street pasta as a result of a motorcycle crash>Cause of Death: Covid
>>147137301>noooo! think of muh pplrinoes!
>>147137311Amen. I'm ready for them to be removed.
Imagine taking an experimental vaccine and calling it "science juice"
>>147137322And don’t you forget to go to work and make other people sick intentionally. That is the morally correct thing to do. If people die because of your actions, it doesn’t matter.
>>147133898Weakened strains of the virus do exist they were just used in vaccines outside of the US. IIRC the russian vaccine was that type.
>>147137349This but unironically
>>147137301They count people who die in accidents as Covid deaths if they also had the virus, those numbers are so bogus it's insanePeople dying of cancer, oh, they might have had Covid, write Covid death so we can sell more vaccines for tax payer dollars
>>147131892He can punch the people who have the virus.
>lol, what rights were taken away from you?
>>147137301>Again: over a million people dead doesn’t matterAbsolutely.>But a economy going under? Unforgivable tyranny.Correct.
>>147131936I genuinely do not understand how the modern "woke" crowd can be HYPER aware of how Americans medically experimented in Africa in the modern-fucking age and even did it in lower-income black neighborhoods, but then also turn around and go, "I trust all doctors wholeheartedly".I had to get a new doctor and on my first check-up, she said I was overweight and recommended a weight-loss pill. I instantly said no thanks. She then scheduled me with the dietician to talk about diet plans, and she wanted me to pay for their own personal appetite-controlling granola bars and probiotics + antibiotics. Nobody can hear this story and think they want what's best for me instead of they just want extra fucking money. You gotta be a BIT skeptical, man. There's too much history to not be.
>>147137406So how fat are you then.
>>147137402Did they just expect 80% of the country to become homeless or what
>>147137314>>I choose kill people with my actions and it’s fineYes, absolutely correct.
>>147137426230lbsI got a gut, I like soft drinks. We can all have a couple of small vices.
>>147137349Again, yes, absolutely correct.
These people are literal demons
>>147137349I absolutely don't care about fate of people who worship conformity above all else and leftists.Their lives don't matter to me in slightest.
>/co/ thread>Look inside>/pol/ thread
>>147138117>tripfag>look at post>cringe
>>147138134>Says I am a tripfag>No tripcodeEvery time. Go back.
>>147136954>baby who has its own body and ergo its own rightsSo it should be able to sustain life without being hooked up to another body. Anti-abortion people always get caught by this one easy trap.
>>147138173You're right, we should kill the crippled and the comatose.
>>147138173>Alright better let people using dialysis, oxygen tanks, and anyone hooked on a feeding tube die.Yeah nice gotcha retard. Still doesn't explain how the baby isn't already a direct result of two people's choices and as a result their responsibility.
>>147131948He's too busy wasting everyone's time with femcel drama
>Cured it in 5 mins>Btw the virus had it's origin in the wet markets of Krypton
>>147131948>jobs to four numberslmaoooo
>>147137314People who are this unforgivably stupid are why I got armed after covid. They really will believe any lie no matter how ridiculous it is and will obey any order that said liars give them. Sane people aren't safe around NPCs. If NPCs like this are told you're killing people they'll believe it, and if they're ordered to drag you out of your house at 2 in the morning they'll do that too. It's just that easy to scare them and trick them.
>>147133923It was a virus from Earthand how does a virus attack the heart anyway
>>147139162We gave the government too much power and as a result retards literally rely on the government to tell them what to think and do.
>>147133898>So yes, the coof is literally a thing nobody has actually ever seen. The Jesus Christ of viruses.See pic
>>147137311I sure love his plans to increase government regulations on the pharma industry That's what he's doing right? That what he means with >Fuck Pfizer, fuck Big PharmaRight, more government regulation and oversight right?
>>147136729Here you go pal.>>147133276>Doom should've never hired those goatfuckers to crash the Baxter Building>Doom will never outsource jobs again
>>147139400No, he means breaking up the pharmaceutical companies to where they can't fix prices, can be sued and can't control the news.
>>147133289this is the exact opposite of true.YOU are the one who SCRAMBLED to blame every death on the coof YOU were claiming ALL deaths were unrelated to the vaxx, while ignoring deaths were INCREASEING placing the blame on us. You claimed that the vaxxes weren't working because we weren't taking them.You are just projecting your flaws on us
>>147138173>Take off every single person on life supportnice, very based
>>147133515>idiots fear-mongering about a vaccine that's supposedly killing gorillions by the daydeaths still elevated and cancer and heart condition rates are exploding in children.nothing to see here.
>>147137323When this doesn't happen, are you going to apologize and admit you fell for propaganda?
>>147131892I wish to go back before politics.
>>147137402I demand my right to work. No vacations, no sick days, no parental care, damn it I WANT MY WORK. I want to work 24/7 for my jewish overlords as I believe they own the wealth and I am just a worker. I know it sounds weird but trust me.
>>147137028>the death rate would have been far worse than 2%No, they wouldn't have, because the lockdowns did nothing because they didn't flatten the curve.
>>147140112NEET opinions are not important
I feel like this thread has gone somewhat off-track.We're meant to be o spitting on Tom King.
>>147140089You know that Gunn is a pussy since his GI Robot didn't talk about slapping japs
>>147131936>has heart attack
>>147133864>>147135231Spoilers; he was bluffing.
>>147131892>>147131913>>147131936>>147131941Tom King might be the worst comic book writer since Dan Slott.
>>147133447They unironically are better written than the woke DC and Marvel tripe, since I can read them without wanting to hang myself.
>>147133476Covid really showed everyone who the retards truly are. And before some nigger faggot gets cheeky with my assumptive comment, it's the people who obsessed about masks. It's always been them.
>>147133649You seriously want us to give you 22 separate links each comparing and contrasting the HOAX vs TRUTH, only for you to respond with "lol don't care"? Go fuck yourself, queer-faggot aids-retard. Die in a fire.
>>147133476I'm very comfortable saying that I don't consider these people human.
>>147133883>Superman doesn't have to do anything, he lives in a world with both magic users, metahumans, alien medical technology and super scientists like Mr. Terrific most of the real world problems we have wouldn't exist in the world of DC.Thus proving Lex right, Supes plays God too much by having a gods apathy for mortal concerns.
>>147136523>and now I'm making jokes about it lolThat's a bad thing now?
>>147131892What really symbolizes the era is that he's wearing a surgical mask.People forget that the reason people were told "don't buy masks" early on is that the masks they were likely to get were surgical masks, which are made for stopping droplets and are not intended to stop an aerosolized virus. To do that you would need to wear a respirator, and they needed to save those for medical personnel.Then at some point the narrative shifted, I think because they were looking at countries like Japan that were keeping the virus low, and they decided that maybe all the surgical masks were doing some good.I don't think it had anything to do with the masks, but I think it was worth a shot, it's just that media coverage portrayed this as if it were a proven scientific fact, instead of the longshot experiment it was.
>>147131936Why is the panel so big for such little action? You could show the whole lab in one panel and have the rest be halfs of it so you don't flood the page with literally nothing happening, Is it literally just filler because they couldn't be assed to add more detail to it? You would use this sort of composition in like, an emotional moment to show isolation or something.
>>147140701Worse. Slott at least has his She-Hulk and GLA stuff. Sure it's long-since eclipsed by decades of spiderslop at this point but it's there. What does King even have?
>>147141051Nah, it was to remind the normies that there was still a scary virus about by putting it (literally) in their faces.
>>147131941>karen slapped the mask out of """"""super""""""man's iron gripKEKYPOW! What a weak little BITCH.
two more weeks