Is this how she acts out after she caught KO fucking her mom?
>>147133541Kys manlet
>>147133455Pretty wild that Ian did the typical dyke pair for Enid and then at the end gave strong implications that Enid dumped Red and started fucking Rad since the end has that new character that's a lanklet mix of Rad and Enid.
>>147133577Is this how (You) act out after catching KO fucking your mom too?
>>147133669Gain some height faggot.
>>147133750its ok anon everyone's mom is weak to shotas it doesn't make you any less of a big strong man
>>147133760Kys manlet.
>>147133797utterly mindbroken
Too much bitching, not enough ass.
>>147134430Just want to dive right in
Can somebody tell me how to read RPG World in a way that skips over all the crap? I'm not allowed to watch OK KO until I read all of RPG World.
>>147136124RPG World turns to crap the moment it stops pretending to be a video game with things like save points.
>>147137464consequences will never be the same
>>147136566But I have to read it. I have no choice but to read it if I'm going to understand what's happening in OK KO.