channel-tan thread? channel-tan thread.
>>147148324>bean mouthskek of course
>>147148324Let's see:Fuck, kill, marry. Then and Now.
>>147148527Marry top left and bottom right. Fuck top right and bottom left. Kill both middles.
>>147148324top left is best design by far imo
>>147148324Fuck off with your shit.
>Nickelodeon girl has shoes onYOU HADONEJOB.
>>147148324>*gets run into the ground by deranged slav anon and implodes*
>>147148939honestly i totally ignored the whole schneider gossip back when this redesign was being drafted out so
>>147148872honestly yebesides, Cartoon Network hasn’t updated its logo enough for me to really give ‘er a redesign; i just did it cuz’ someone told me ro
>>147148324I like how exhausted/depressed CN us, can't think of a more utterly broken channel.
>>147148324they are all dead, not big surprise
>>147148324post their feet
>>147152150i mean, they’re still around, you just didn’t notice ‘em
>>147152273pick one
>>147152784i think someone already did nikki:
>>147153218>dan schnidershould have expected thatbut I am not happy
>>147148324Man, can't you just stop namefagging for one day?
>CN TanSide Grade>Disney Channel TanMinor Downgrade, I preferred the old color palette>Nick TanSlight upgrade, but it's hard to improve on what's already perfect
>>147151781you can blame exec meddling for that
>>147154744it is what it is, rlyngl tho, i also find this anon’s concept for current-day CN-tan to be an interesting concept aswell: (heck, they got a better idea than I have)
ngl i wonder what'd happen if these were the channel-tan designs used way back when
>>147148324For me it is Nickelodeon, because she is a redhead.
>>147148324Are they all depressed now? Also are there versions of them from the 90s/00s?
>>147148939Dan got canned so that’s not flying any more.
>>147148324have an unfinished drawing of nickdisney's next if i continue this
>>147148324I wondered whatever happened to these threads, then I remembered that TV is basically dead
>>147148324 you?
>>147155812nah, i wouldn't be caught dead using genAI art
>>147155729Don't worry, there's still more time to finish this art.>>147155648Oh boy, those designs...