I've been reading Les Sisters. Its cute as all fuck and the art is nice, but the name couldn't be dumber.
I always read it as "les sisters" as in "lesbian sisters", which is what I wish the comic was about.
>>147074649What's it about?
>>147075504SoL and CGDCT.
>>147075504Slice-of-life wholesome comedy about 2 sisters who annoy each other
Calvin & Hobbes if Calvin were female and Hobbes a 12 year old loli.
It's more popular than I thought. It's got cartoon series adaptation and 2 video games
>>147075346"Les" means "The" in French. You are WRONG!
>>147077153But "sisters" is English.
>>147076986The cartoon looks like ass and poo, and there's a gorillion shovelware games for frog cartoons.
>>147077472Well I didn't say they were any good
I wish the animated version wasn't a shit.
>>147078032Itls it really that bad?Or is it just mediocre? I think the animation wpuld be seen as okay if the comic didn't look so good.
>>147075671>Quelle chouchoute !have a larger imageEnglish version storytimed at number 3 below:https://desuarchive.org/co/search/subject/Les%20Sisters%20Storytime/type/op/1 https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/1320332562 https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/1320905803 https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/1321423604 https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/1323320035 https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/1325169876 https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/1326861387 https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/132892744
>>147079078Even larger from the English edition titled Honestly, I Love My Sister, while "Quelle Chouchoute" is "What a darling".writer and artist: Christophe Cazenove artist: William MauryThey both also produce Tizombi about a goth-like Margotik meeting and befriending some Zombies
>>147079581The end of each issue has them grown-up.
>>147079633That's cute!
>>147079455>I wanna murder a pedophile because he wants to see naked childrenFTFY
>>147079633>>147079780True, here's some more.
>>147079781Yeah, that's pretty bad. Looking at cuties hurts no one, specially if they're fictional.But wanting to kill? That's horrible. Seek help.
>>147079888There’s nothing horrible about killing pedos.
>>147079923This is from English issue 01, from the French Tome 02 À la mode de chez nous
>>147079923>George Washingtonisn't Napoleon?
>>147079954>>147079963Henry IV (there were dozens) in the original French (Les Sisters 04 C'est nikol creme) ; translations were sometimes tricky to adapt
>>147079954English issue 04, from French Tome 7 Mon coup d'soleil, c'est toi
>>147079954Not gonna lie, I hate that she got a tattoo.
>>147074649>>147077153>>147077169"Les Sœurs" doesn't have the same ring en français.
>>147075346Wait, it isn't? What abouy OP's pic?
>>147080583she was the les sister the whole time
>>147079914You're a psycho.
>>147080583>even edited the pic on the bookaboveandbeyond/10
Any toilet scenes?
>>147082516You're a pedo.>>147083459And so are you.
>>147079455try spewing that kind of worthless rhetoric in real life.
>>147080063The translators also did that for the Asterix books as in the Book Asterix and Caesar's Gift he has a sword fight with a drunk and quotes lines from Cyrano de Bergerac's (A writer with a large nose who is studied in French schools and colleges) works in the original French version but quotes lines from Shakespeare's Hamlet in the English Version.
>>147083484>Having a moral crusade on fictional characters >on /co/ of all places EVERYONE POINT AND LAUGH!
>>147083484I AM a pedo
>>147074649>>147079078As I know I've asked this question every time there's a Les Sisters thread on /co/ but why didn't the person who Storytimed like the whole series and the translated books of Les Sisters do a Storytime on the Les Super Sisters spin-off series and it's own set of books that we're translated, it's like a missed opportunity we have here?
>>147074649>le sisters>somewhere some shitty ass guy who's 10 years younger than me drops dead laughing about the le for some fucking reason
>>147083974>whyNo idea, and this is the first I've seen of this spin-off, TiZombi may have been better received.Dumping a few TSS pages.
>>147084256>>147084272Do these book show what they had to do last week?
>>147084289>>147084290>they had to do last week?not that I've seen, they seem stand-alone episodes
>>147084289>50 shades of claywhat the fuck?
I always thought you never see the mom until it turned out, their mom is Esmeralda from Hunchback.
>>147084340After this, skipping to first appearance of Mermaid Tuna page 37
The way the artist draws grown up women reminds me a lot of Barbucci's books.
>>147084464Sammie superior character
>>147084565after this skipping to page 81
>>147084504Oh, she's called Wat in this dimension.>>147084585>page 81>wondering...
>>147084651skip to page 87 and enter She-Bulk
>>147084289What's that The Only Living whatever books? Didn't realize they had a whole line of varied comics like this.
Thanks for the storytime, Anon!
>>147079888God told you it’s wrong.
Cute villainess.
New episode are now up from last week. The other one will follow tomorrow. Decode when ready.aHR0cHM6Ly9zZW5kZ2IuY29tL2VoV0JDUzcwdWRpCgpSZWNvcmRlZCBhbmQgYWlyY2hlY2tlZCBieSBmZWxpbmcwMDkgZm9yIEd1bGxpLg==Also, for those if you're in France, Switzerland or both... We are looking to rip new episodes of Les Sisters. It will soon expire after the 3rd Season finale. This French cartoon show is considered a Lost Media. If you guys interested for the small group and such to contribute, do let us know soon. No english subs at this moment now.https://www.m6.fr/les-sisters-p_21200andhttps://www.rts.ch/play/tv/emission/les-sisters?id=10905690
>>147087619>>147087628She also has her own book.
>>147086668Media being lost sucks but the show is incredibly soulless.
>>147090175At least try to get the font right.
>>147091096>>147091498>>147088667artist drew her naked before, see:https://boards.plus4chan.org/pco/t463597.html#p463766
>>147088667Is there a translation of any kind?
>>147074649What are you talking about? There's literally no way to get it wrong.>Sistersas in they are sisters>Lesas in they are lesbians
>>147091510Isn't she supposed to be based on a friend of one of his daughters?
>>147091510Is it said somewhere that that image is her? Because I'm not really seeing it otherwise.
>>147086668Episode recording today, unless Wendy sees thread posts...
>>147094993New episode is OUT. Decode as well, when ready.aHR0cHM6Ly9zZW5kZ2IuY29tL281Y1I2QlpKZ3lIEnjoy the weekend.
>>147076986I'm not a fan of this property, nor have I read the comic, but I was so annoyed when I saw a clip of the cartoon, the comic is so stylish and expressive with its angles and swooping lines. The cartoon buffed out all the corners and anything remotely interesting about it and just looks like some goanimate bullshit.
>>147091096>>147094787>watYes, that's the name>>147092982wrong file, then internet outage prevented me from deleting in time, here's what I meant to post
>>147094897You are right, it's most likely one of the other fairies in Wat, there are a bunch of them.Author also has a lot of other sexy art, and published an artbook of it, sadly only 500 copies were made.>>147094453I have no idea, but the artist has been drawing her as a sort of personal trademark since the very first books. The two sisters were definitely based on her daughters (there are pics of them on his blog), but I have no clue about that character.
>>147096630>murderface and skwisgar on the posterI know that dude loves his references, but I didn't expect that.
>>147096736>Author also has a lot of other sexy art, and published an artbook of it, sadly only 500 copies were made.Was it ever scanned?
>>147094453No, she's his OC far prior to the Sisters comic
>>147097810probably not, given it had only 500 copies made.
>>147095463It really does. People point out the different eyes a lot, but it mainly just feels cheaply put together
>>147096298Stiff, lifeless. No soul.
I should have known the thread would be still up, because God spoke to me again and told me again that it's okay to enjoy the beauty He has created.
>>147099941Enjoy, but don't ruin, Anon.
>>147100612That's SO Chibi Maruko-chan!
>>147100749These aren't even a little bit funny.
>>147074649The blonde girl in the left with the bobcut haircut is the cutest hair style
>>147101743What about the rest of her?
This thread is very uooh
>>147102281Yes, she's tiny and I love her, and her hair is cool.
>>147079078Thanks anon for all of this content. And anyone else I may have missed. Much appreciated.Was there only 7 issues?>>147079633God, I loved that aged up Maureen.
>>147102747Please don't.
>>147102747this thread needs correction!!! #
Why even delete >>147100612 ?
Is the smaller sister a redhead, or blonde?Because her friend with the bobcut has yellow hair.
>>147103296>only 7 issuesThe storytimes were of the English Papercutz "issues" one to seven, each being translated versions of two French (Bamboo) Tomes combined. So Papercutz 1 is Bamboo Tome T01 plus T02, Papercutz 2 is T03 and T04, and so on. At the time of storytime 7, September 2022, English Papercutz 8 would not issue until November 2022.
>>147104629 (me)As of now the most recent Papercutz is The Sisters Vol. 8: My NEW Big Sister, available on amazon, but not libgen nor annas-archive, nor rco.The TPB 8 "Anything to make her happy" on rco is incorrect as that is the 2013 Bamboo edition Tome T08 Tout pour lui plaire !The full French issue list should be:bedetheque.com SLASH albums-19121-BD-Sisters DOT html1. Un air de famille 05/20082. À la mode de chez nous 10/20083. C'est elle qu'a commencé 05/20094. C'est nikol crème ! 11/20095. Quelle chouchoute ! 11/20106. Un Namour de Sister 11/20117. Mon coup d'soleil, c'est toi 11/20128. Tout pour lui plaire ! 11/20139. Toujours dans les pattes ! 11/201410. Survitaminées ! 10/201511. C'est dans sa nature 10/201612. Attention tornade 11/201713. Kro d'la chance ! 11/201814. Juré, craché, menti ! 11/201915. Fallait pas me chercher ! 10/202016. Cap ou pas cap ? 11/202117. Dans tes rêves ! 11/202218. Tu veux ma photo ? 11/202319. Ça déménage ! 10/20243D. Délires, dégâts et disputes 02/2014BO1. Le Best Of 12/2013BO2. Le best of 12/2014BO3. Le Best Of 12/2015BO4. Le Best OF 05/2016BO4. Best of 06/2021BOSP. Les Secrets des Sisters 04/2015HS. Tonnerre de tendresse 09/2013HS01. Mode d'emploi 06/2010HS02. Mon journal intime 09/2012HS03. Les toutous des Sisters 06/2013HS04. La cuisine des sisters 06/2014HS05. En route pour les vacances 07/2016HS06. Les Sisters en 3D - Délires, dégâts et disputes 04/2018HS07. La nature, c'est kro bien! 06/2020HS08. Les Sisters en 3D spécial vacances 06/2020HS09. Spécial jeux vidéo 06/2021INT2. La compil' 2 09/2015Poche1. Le chat a la bandouliere 09/2012Poche2. La foire aux secrets 02/2014Poche3. Amnésique et périls 08/2019PUB. Best of 01/2015RJ1. Exposé grandeur nature 04/2010RJ2. Le parc à quoi tik 02/2011RJ3. Le lapin des neiges 02/2012RJ4. Le chat à bandoulière 09/2012RJ5. Les sisters olympiques 02/2013SP. Les sisters fêtent leur anniv' avec leurs ami(e)s 05/20
>>147104629>>147104654I like that we have a devoted expert.Thabks for being here.
>>147101108Deleted post aside, what did you mean?
>>147105556I mean that Sachiko is the older sister, much more rational than her little sister, less messy, into romance, and Maruko is messy and crazy and annoys Sachiko.In the deleted page we saw the li'l sister annoying her older sister with a nonsense game while the older sister is trying to do homework. That scenario has happened exactly like that in Chibi Maruko-chan.
>>147104629Ah, thanks for correcting me. Until this thread I was only aware of the cartoon when someone mentioned it here last year. I like it although I prefer the french ones found on Dailymotion, I've seen a couple of english dubbed episodes but I don't care for the voices. And they also call Maureen "Marie".And I have to say I love the art style of the graphic novels.>>147104654This is excellent information, I appreciate it. Thank you for this.
>>147096736BwaAAAaaAaaah, the French...
>>147080583The face of a satisfied reader...
>>147110861Uffffff... What's the context?
Please don't delete pages from the comic.
>>147092982>the heart
>>147114087Shit, now I'm gonna have to re-read the books to see how many Tizombi references are there.
>>147096630>Wat: What are you doing to my foot, Dorg?
Is it ok that I have fallen in love?
>>147108574>>147108788Neat. Where are you getting these?
>>147074649>softcore french lolicon doujin is popular on /co/imagine my surprise
>>147116333>softcore french lolicon doujinWhat does that even mean?Make sense, please.
>>147083942So am I.
So you're not denying this is a pedo thread now?
There's a Spanish translated version? I had no idea.
>>147118626Careful anon, throwing around accusations like that can actually get you banned, I have seen it happen before.
>>147118626go back to discord.
Someone in the archive said "I have no idea who this is for". Honestly, after skimming through the threads, I also have no fucking idea for who this is (except the usual suspects). It's like its just drawing practice for the artist.>the kids are whiny and annoying>it's boring to read for the target audience>it's, for some odd reason, devoid of charme>none of the jokes are funny, NONE>the parents don't discipline their kids, Marine literally destroys the house in most comics.>inconsistent character designs (for fapbait?)Hell, I like Zits more. I said it.
>>147110861They constantly trying to find the elder sister's diary and get busted, so she tries to find an excuse.
>>147118657holy shit 4chan is actually based?
>>147118685>none of the jokes are funny, NONEI like, never find jokes in media funny personally, if I ever laugh it's usually unintentional + at someone's expense, a heavy nostril breath laugh, or in the rare occasion a joke actually gets me, but other than that I'm mostly just like "oh that happened"
>>147118685It's for kids
>>147120239A kid's comic for kids? How uncanny
>>147074649What page is this panel from?
>>147116360It means trying to get reactions by posting random tags.
>>147122336I want to rape all the women in this
>>147116324Apparently they're from a book that came out to promote the video game tie-in
>>147118706No they just ban anyone bringing it up.But at the same time you can have entire threads about Bart getting hard for his mom.
>>147123709>But at the same time you can have entire threads about Bart getting hard for his mom.holy shit 4chan is actually based?
>>147122336sammie's titties so big her sign can barely stay on
>>147123737If they were based they'd stop censoring any thread I'm interested in.
>>147124301Amazing bid, butter face...
>>147123591Show me the book cover of it
Is this Lovin' Sis?
>>147125775But maybe it is?
>>147126398uooo itty bitties
>>147075346Pornography and lust is a sin, an attack on the human soul by demons. I hope you anons get this information and warning to heart so you guys can awaken and see the light. Stay safe anons and bless this thread and may it stay away from evil.For further help i suggest reading this article.https://www.gotquestions.org/overcome-internet-porn.html
>>147122376Respect women.Also see >>147126473
>>147126473 #>Pornography and lust is a sin, an attack on the human soul by demonsThat's abhorrent talk. God doesn't work like that, He told me Himself many times. Demons aren't real.Why would they be? What kind of God would allow them?
>>147126686Found the demon.
>>147127179Why would God allow demons to exist?I asked God this question directly, and he laughed.
>>147127263God didn't create demons, Satan did.>But why would God create Satan?He didn't, They're just basically twins.
>>147125536uh no?
>>147125536No, this is Soeur aimante
>>147128838Why not?
>>147074649What's the context for this panel? Do they almost kiss?
>>147122336I swear that looks like a slightly older Agnes from 'Dispicable Me'.
>>147129657Naw, it's something like this. They're sneaking a peek at Wendy's diary
Why are comic pages deleted but this stays up?>>147108574
>>147124960>bid>butter facePoor typography and poor taste.
>>147126473>Pornography and lustSide effect of capitalism, to take every bit of a relationship and market it at valuable price.But since I am here, since the system is here to stay and since I don't plan to reproduce nor have nothing better to do than living paycheck by paycheck, I am gonna enjoy the little joys that life offers me.
wendy and maureen
I wonder at what age they lost their respective V cards.(If Maureen ever lost hers at all).
>>147135760Let me guess, you're into her feet...
>>147137871Ugly, huge teeth.
>>147105915that was a cute anime
>>147137975Yeah, Sachiko and Tama were cuties.
>>147137929>huge teeth>uglyAre you kidding me? That's the cutest part.
>>147138309Nah, she's like seeing the head of Stick from PreTeena on a sexy French girl's body.
>>147138485>Stick from PreTeena
>>147124301holy canoli
>>147138778Stick is a qt
>>147139703Oh, I should have imagined. Les Sisters fans are into PreTeena...
>>147118685>>the parents don't discipline their kids, Marine literally destroys the house in most comics.Is it the negative continuity trope?
What if Sammie had sex with The Sisters' dad?
>>147090175The sense of "game" in "The Most Dangerous Game" is that of an animal being hunted. The most dangerous game is Man.
>>147141643Not funny.
I wanna kiss them.
>>147143462What do you mean?
>>147144291I mean:she's so cute,she's so funnyI wanna shootmy cum on her tummyCUNNY!
>>147126398>>147135760love her toesies
>>147141643>>147142068Doesn't help that anon fucking sucks at using the correct font and font size. I bet his talent isn't even enough for decent AI tags. He's a loser, and always will be.