Would they have made a better couple than Sam and Danny?
They were
>>147126482she could be his mistress but Sam is needed to further the white race
>>147126482Yes. Never liked Sam.
>>147126482They are
>>147126536Sam is one of (((them)))
Wasn't there an episode where they meet a future version of Val and Danny crushed on her?
It's weird. I could've sworn Val wasn't that ghost hunter, but it was Paulina.
>>147126482If only there was an alternate universe story where that happened
>>147126482Redpill me on her.
>>147126826I'm tried of (((Big Toothpick))) running everything.
>>147126536>but Sam is needed to further the white raceDanny could just use his mom
Should have been end gamehttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2wOS9FYC-Bc&pp=ygURZGFubnkgYW5kIHZhbGVyaWU%3D
>>147126826Sorry about your small white penis anon
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hahZEltxABc&pp=ygURZGFubnkgYW5kIHZhbGVyaWU%3DThey make a great team
>>147127431>im 14 If I had a nickel for everytime a kid show drew a 18 year old and called her younger...
>>147126482>>147126536Make it a threesome thenhttps://rule34.paheal.net/post/view/6590207#search=Danny_Fenton%20Valerie_Gray
>>147127538Right. But this is how it should behttps://rule34.paheal.net/post/view/6291123#search=Danny_Fenton%20Valerie_Gray
>>147127482>He says showing Azula standing a full two heads shorter than the adults around her.
https://rule34.paheal.net/post/view/6684060#search=Danny_Fenton%20Valerie_GrayTrue end game
>>147126536>Sam>WhiteChoose one Anon
>>147127575>males are taller than females wow
WMBF is really hot.
>>147127586ha, sometimes I want to rewatch this show, but it lows are too low. Val was too cool for DF
>>147127575Shut up manlet
>>147127622>malesWant to take another look?
>>147127643There's a guy there, so I'm still right. Plus it doesn't change my point.
>>147127601>No DaniTrash
>>147127655There's maybe two inches separating the height of the woman and man behind Azula. Roughly the disparage in most asian country's adult heights difference. It's not just that this one woman's a freak. All fire nation soldiers are all sizable taller than Azula including the women. They're also all taller than Ty Lee, Mai, Zuko, and Sokka, and no one else in the main cast is mistaken for an adult.
>>147127859Azula doesn't look 14.
>>147127482>>147127893This. Maybe the makeup is throwing me off? Suki also looks a bit older than Sokka. But also she def looks the average height for women and men are usually taller than women.
>>147127955I guess it is the makeup. Plus they're cartoon characters so it's pointless to take real life asian heights into account. Azula looks 18 for sure.
>>147127482Phineas and ferb also did this shit and made a joke about her age. Little faggots knew they drew an 18 year old.
>>147128043I hated when they did that shit bro. If it doesn't matter what age a loli is, then it doesn't matter what age you give a drawing who looks like a fully grown women, like Azula. They're adults.
>>147127955>>147127893>MakeupAnons they're cartoons. Azula's not "wearing makeup" hell her face gets more definition when she is wearing makeup. Azula has no pores. Most of the time she doesn't have nose bridge, she doesn't have cheekbones or a brow. Because her face is 6 lines.
>>147128197>Azula's not "wearing makeup"Are you playing retarded on purpose?
>>147128244>Are you playing retarded on purpose?He is. It's cause his shitty Danny phantom ship isn't liked so he has to bait.
>>147128244What am I supposed to be seeing? This picture of Azula, awoken in the middle of the night, unexpectantly looking exactly as she does during the day?
>>147126482And the "no shit" award goes to
>>147127256iirc, Paulina was meant to be the Ghost Hunter but the staff decided on Valerie instead,
>>147126482No because they were just teenagers trying something but didn't have the interest to know each other better.You may not like sam but she and Danny had the entire series to actually know everything about eachother and lived irreplaceable moments that can't be shared with anyone else.That's why Sam was the endgame, if you put any other girl in her place and they have the same development with Danny they would be endgame.All the other girls were chapters at best.
I can't say that girls of 14 already have an adult body because they really do have an adult body.
>>147128487it depends on the person at that age
>>147127321She's black
>>147126482Every pairing is better than Sam/Danny.I am being hyperbolic, and not every single one, but i detested Sam and Danny. because Sam is such a bad character to me.Danny's chemistry with so many other female characters made the, "teenagers too shy to admit they like each other." tiresome, because he just was more natural sounding with other characters.the sam and danny was so cliche it felt like they went, "they get together because thats what this book i read on writing says has to happen."
>>147130580>the sam and danny was so cliche it felt like they went, "they get together because thats what this book i read on writing says has to happen."The first season was so much better written that it literally mocked the concept with Ember's debut episode. Very painfully at that.
>>147126482just give to paulina valerie's character how it was planned in the beginning and you are gonna be right
>>147126482Butch bible shows really don't need this many /k/opers when it comes to shipping.
>>147127408Keep seething tranny
>>147126482It's really weird at first seeing Valerie get more screen time out of nowhere but they managed to make her an interesting foil/love interest for Danny. Shame that her alter ego wants his dead.