I know not everyone here likes Humberto, but I appreciate he always draws women with big boobs
>>147140508It was utter trash, but still have a fondness for DV8 cuz of him.
>>147140508It doesn't matter since his art sucks.It's like putting sprinkles on a pile of shit.
You guys like how he draws breasted woman but I'm much more of a fan of how he does monsters and villains honestly.
>>147140508Ever head of manga?
>>147140508Carlos Gomez draws women with huge boobs and isn't an artist with an acquired taste.
>>147142577He's only good at pinups. His interiors are lacking.
>>147140508Bacchalo is better
>>147140508I have always felt his style went really well with Spider-man
>>147140508Low standards
>>147140508I too.
>>147140508that looks ugly as hell
He's a great artist. There's nothing bad about his art