thoughts on June Chen, Ollie Chen's autistic little sister?
>>147138039She needs to be disabused of the notion that autism is a superpower. Preferably by way of abuse and ToT.
>>147139038Uohhhhhhhhh (ToT emoji) Correction.
>>147138039I’d be able to use my knowledge of arcane knowledge a la Alistair Crowley to convince her to accumulate a number of her classmates with the promises of sexual satisfaction.Only I’d just have them each debase themselves upon a pentagram to gain the greater powers of the Goetia.I might keep June around as a snack or last-minute sacrifice to the Darker Powers. Otherwise, she would live in a kennel in my garage so that my dogs had enough room to sleep in beds and under covers.She deserves worse and will get it.
>>147138039She's cute and it's a shame she only showed up a handful of times. Would have loves to see an episode with her and Libby getting up to stuff.
>>147138971I second that emotion.
>>147138039I fucking hate her