I would make a batman villain called "Wrong." Not Wrong man or Dr. Wrong. Just "Wrong." He's convinced he can make the world a better place, that the world is all wrong. He has ideas to help people that are all wrong, and Batman has to stop his wrong evil plots from going through. But wrong is also wrong about the identity of Batman. Sometimes when he would appear he'd go "I know batmans' secret identity! and Wrong would go out and try to kill them. That's the other half of Batmans' problem with Wrong. He has to save specific other billionaires and community leaders from Wrong trying to kill them. Then when Batman catches Wrong, batman has to show something like a parking ticket that Wrong signed and Batman keeps hold of to prove he is truly Batman. I think Batman needs to put more effort into the secret identity and a villain trying to eliminate potential secret identities is a challenge he needs.
Inb4>Always wrong.>Not a woman.