>Friend ID Survey: https://forms.gle/AZyQQ2SfGeCKjXNh9>Friend ID Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DGhOfaMX6D_YUR-P39_OJdVmAl0uacohIRstE9oN9SQ/edit?usp=sharing>Tournament results/decklists: https://play.limitlesstcg.com/tournaments/completed?game=POCKET>Deck Builder: https://my.limitlesstcg.com/builder>Datamines, etc.: https://ptcgp.raenonx.cc/en/vp/ battle passwords to battle with other anons (consider writing a post to recruit players)>/vp/‘s own meta (no random effects, no ex): vpnx>meta decks or high level play: vpmeta>/vp/ anything: vpPrevious thread: >>57231224
>>57235133>Pokegirls in OP>Not scantily cladOP is a faggot
I can't stop getting the wrong packs...
I can't stop getting the wrong brews...
wow no wonder stamina
Can we beat it this thread?
>>57235168>disrespecting HitmonGODS that are keeping away the misty SCUM>hating on them for brewing a bad handYea, fuck off.
Can we brew it this brewd?
>go up against a hitmonshitter with my Pikachu ex deck>he starts with a Hitmonlee and two Marshadows>solo him with Zapdos ex without placing anything on the bench>doesn't give a thanksLOLLMAO even>h-hitmonlee has a good matchup against pikachu, plz believe me it's a meta deck!
Look at these poke's, they're brewing tea!What other pokemons would be good at brewing?
>>57235190It was an optimal hand, there's just nothing better in that garbage deck.
wish more rerollers did the pikachu decks, I need zapdos for the secret cheevomeanwhile I see packs with mutiples of the other birds all the time
>>57235133Watching Erika, Sabrina, and Misty have sex!
I think it's back to the brewing table for fighting, but once they hit that EX they'll be shooting for the stars.
>>57235200it seems like most new brews either use MI or M2 cards, charizard is just there for the spicy waifu pulls.
any guesses what they're brewing up for a2? I just hope the inevitable gacha powercreep isn't too brewtal.
>>57235212A2 will push us even further into big basic territory, and that’s where the power creep will be for a long while. I’m hoping to be wrong since evolutions give rule box cards a natural disadvantage, but this is the most effective way to power creep this game
>>57235193It's not a meta deck it's a brew deck, learn the difference as this board is not responsible for educating you. We only talk about brews here
>>57235202What about Gyarados EX in fighting? The early pressure from the Hitmon might make it a decent brew.
>>57235185Beat what? Looks like we had a lot of discussion about the game last thread. A rare step in the right direction.
>me and my bros entering the thread, 'bout the talk about our favorite brews.
>>57235212Gen 2 Sabrina support that gives Misty flips for Psychic.
>>57235212>actually meta Dark deck that counters Mewtwo>meta Steel deck>Moltres / Arcanine decks more popular due to rise of Steel>currently meta decks slightly improved and/or altered to remain contenders in the new meta>more prevalence of type advantage and disadvantage in the meta>soon, 1 meta deck of each type, more rock-paper-scissors matchups rather than strict deck power level>RNG still the chief determining factor is most matches
Now, Golem? That's an anti-Pikachu deck. Rolled right over me.
>>57235194Sinistea sure seems to be BREWING a lot
>>57235218I brewed myself a meta deck. What now?
>>57235193yeah that hitmonlee deck has a couple of big weaknesses. I felt pretty big brained when playing against it with weezbok and shutting down marshadow with poison KOs and keeping my bench empty when they used hitmonlee
Oh. My. Lord. Sisters, I have been brewing like you would not believe. My latest spicy brew might even beat Gyarados EX. Hehe, I'm so excited! I can't give it away, but it involves one of my favorite spider Pokemon and there might even be a fossil or two included.Ah! I've already said too much! :3
>1500 cards>not enough doubles to brewwhat do I do sisters
say it again
>>57235250This is why poke flute is important.
>>57235133What a nice, fashionable OP :)
>>57235271I wish my pokeflute could drag pokemon from my opponent's hand to the bench.
>>57235239Golem is a brew for sure
>>57235271they probably did have pokeflute. but they couldn't take a ko in the first place because I kept looping my weezings
>>57235255Please share this brew with me, it sounds like an excellent brew
DeNA, please save /tcgp/ with new cards...
>>57235271Poke flute only helps your brew in certain situations though, it's basically a win more card, you already have to be a good position with something in their discard to place back on the bench, and then you have to be in the position where you're not afraid of the active and can use Hitmonlee... And even THEN Hitmonlee only does 30. I'm still hoping maybe one day we can make lumineon work in a brew, I feel like it's the highest bench damage besides volcarona, but until then it's brew vs brew
>>57235297Wouldn't you like to know :3
>>57235193thats just the issue when you go against a brew
>>57235306Which brew are you going to use this in, brewsister?
>>57235193Its definitely not a strategy to solely focus on but sniping is an important part of keeping druddigon brewsters honest. Love to have a couple sniping options in all my water/fighting/electric decks if possible.
>>57235309>I'm still hoping maybe one day we can make lumineon work in a brewLumineon/Starmie ex/Farfetch’d is a decent alternative to the fighting deck.
>>57235326UhhI dont plan to do shit, I just do it for the card collecting
Any brewers around at the brewery that can help out a fellow brewski? I wanna make this brew work because after 2 turns if attacking he's done 120 to the active and 120 to the bench (assuming a full bench on the opponent) but I can't quite get it to work. Surge and Magneton seem like obvious brew ingredients but they don't feel like enough to carry the strategy. Any ideas brewsisters?
>>57235326Mew/Dragonite :)
>go up against moltres/arcanine>he flips 3 heads>quits the gameWhat the fuck?
>>57235149Kys cumbrain
I mean saying retarded shit like Gyarados EX is a brew deck on a board like /vp/ was always going to lead to this.
still can't believe that tcgp managed to invent a deck variant before going to shit
>>57235342How the hell do you get full art wonder picks for all 5 cards
>>57235334Uhmm sister??That's not a brew, it's a defined meta deck as explained by the following website; https://www.pokemon-zone.com/decks/single-point-lightning/Just use that and enjoy the free LP =P
>>57235350now hold on, thats a bit too confining of a definition of a brew, he can definitely brew with that
>>57235342Remove those cards from your wishlist immediatelyYou are letting the game know you want them and the game will prevent you from getting them in WPs out of spite
>>57235349shh nobody tell him
>>57235349Wonder Pick manipulation. There's probably a video by some cringe tuber about it but it basically involves rerolling accounts on an emulator and adding that account as a friend so you can wonder pick off of them
Any good god packs today? Anything but a charizard pack
>>57235370>There's probably a video by some cringe tuber about itYou can't call him a cringe tuber when he's the guy who created the discord, brought this manipulation to light, first explained how it worked, and crowd sourced it into existencce using his discord.
>>57235374You just missed mine >>57235306
>>57235378Still cringe. Deal with it.
>>57235397If you have ever WP'd or are in any of the discords, you are indebted to him. What does that make you, if the guy who created WP manipulation is cringe?
>>57235401It makes me based
>>57235401Not cringe
>>57235403Then the guy who facilitated its existence would be basedGOD
>>57235407Nuh uh
>>57235347You call that a brew?
>>57235347>No Druddigon>No hand scopeIs this even a brew?
>>57235349You delete all your friends and spend an hour auto-clicking your way into a Chinese bot friend account. It's soulless and immoral, but absolutely worth it. No telling how much longer we'll get away with it until it's shut down.
>>57235407If doing anything ever made someone a god, then most of us would be gods here. Except maybe you.
someone leaked our general on the tranny cord
>>57235432One of the early versions of that deck did use two scopes, actually.
>>57235434i want that fucking RR Zapdos so bad
>>57235442That's fine because someone leaked the tranny cord in our general
>>57235374I'm considering this one.
>>57235437I can't even imagine why you'd be this upset
>1200 points, a few more days till getting pity Sabrina>Go for 10th GP after 9 failed over the last few weeks>I HATE WP I HATE WP I HATE WP AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>>57235460This shit makes me only do GP where I'm fine with getting any of the 5 cards.
>>57235457God works in mysterious ways.
>>57235468This only go for a less than 5/5 pick when you're full energy
>>57235200Issue is Pika's just the objective weakest choice, even with everyone fiending for Misty>Zard has the best density of waifus>MI has the best density of current playables, and arguably the best waifu to get 2 of>And though you wouldn't know this without botting yourself, the script actually REQUIRES one out of every four rerolled packs to be Mewtwo, so you'll see one mewtwo godpack for every three of the other types, even without accounting for people rolling it specificallyEverything other than Misty in Pika and Rainbow Zapdos are super mid in there. And while I've been back to rolling it consistently since yesterday morning, and had above average luck with three gods showing up, one was invalid, one didn't hit the 10%, and one popped on the single required mewtwo AND didn't hit the 10%. Made me mad too, really wanted to tempt anons in here with a 3/5 trainer pack that offered dogwater on the losing end
>>57235456Nah I only want gyarados there, already got the other too but thanks
>>57235456动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
I need Erika, RR Zapdos and one more Cucksty.
>>57235456任何實體寶可夢收藏+紙上寫自己的ID的照片(PTCG週邊、遊戲卡帶等等)收藏的我會申請你 記得檢查申請欄位
>>57235502>a photo of your IDThat's some spicy shit. You can literally take a loan with that in some countries.
>>57235342FUCKGot accepted for this gay pack and it won’t accept the friend REEEEEEEEEE
>>57235518You speak Ching Chong?
>>57235456Code, sar
>>57235540You have to wait a while. I think the macro he's running adds and deletes at 99 person intervals
>>57235547Know your enemy and all that jazz.
>>57235460I got the Blaine from that one, at least it was a FA.I kinda wanted Machamp better though
>>57235559Sounds about what I expected. I'm surprised 1 stars are tradeable at all.
>>57235559I almost had a heart attack thinking they fucked with my pickies before I got my last two trainersTotal nothingburger, WPchads stay winning
>>57235571no source, I made it up and posted it here
>>57235549It's in the image, anon.>>57235487>>57235502I'm a white guy from Virginia, brothers.
>>57235442wait till they find out about brew posting
>>57235582>I'm a white guy from Virginia, brothers.If you see chinese shoot first, ask questions later.
>>57235456I don't speak Chinese is this running on a macro?
>>57235559>>57235587>the pyoro leaks were true>again
>>57235559>have to be friendsFUCK>certain cardsthey're gonna block some ex's no doubt.>items must be consumedeither tons of shinedust and/or trade energy..incoming trade hourglasses no doubt.>next booster set this monthFINALLY
>>57235559>trades can be done between friends>items must be consumed in order to tradeI sure hope the item cost is prohibitive for fresh friends and pretty lax for long-time friends.
>>57235559But I deleted all my friends for the GP discord shit....
>>57235559What if it's only 2 boosters instead of 3?
>>57235607I'd be okay with that. only two big meta decks instead of three. easier to collect.but I'd wager since this is supposed to be a full set it'll be 3 boosters.
>>57235559>Can't trade 2 starsWhat the fuck am I supposed to do with all these immersive celebi
>>57235607I would greatly prefer that. If I had my way it would only be 1 booster per month
>>57235559>can't trade over my misty>can't do shit with my dupe 2* cardsTrading sucks, great.
>>57235615>What the fuck am I supposed to do with all these immersive celebiFlair.
Reminder, just add friends that do not share their wonderpicks in options
>still no dateI want to chase Immersive Charizard but I need to pull Pikachu to complete the dex first >Lv 38>still no wartortle
>>57235559I'm actually surprised they're letting us choose who to trade with. This makes it so chinese bot sellers have an inroad to the game.
>>57235632No date on trading I mean
>trading card game>not allowed to trade your best cards>they're not made of cardboard
>trading card game>can't trade with randos in a dank back alley
>>57235634Imagine this: if trading uses some new type of premium currency, then letting chink sellers in is a big monetary boost for the devs, since both chinks and their customers will spend money in order to trade.
>>57235657Except nobody wants 1* or 4<> RETARD
>>57235643>game is barely even therePocket is not trading, not card and not a game.
>>57235660I still need some shitter cards like Muk. Can't get that faggot to appear at all
>>57235660Maybe now I can finally get enough Gardevoir the icon
>>57235660Heh, just wait for the new set.
just wasted 120 pack stamina and 600 pack points to finish of the genetic apex 150 collection mew
My goal is to fill the Meowth binder with 30 FA Meowth cards.I look forward to trading.
I'd just uninsall the app without the China discords at this point knowing you can't trade for anything good.
>>57235675>AI slop
>>57235559>no GTSWatakushitachi no yume... owari da...
lmao >wtf i can trade between my 10 alt accounts this is sum bullshiiit!the replies on social media are hilarious.
Top right sisters…
>>57235559>AssessThis word is always funny
>>57235649The funniest part about this website is that as soon as very adamant posters are proven wrong, they magically disappear and no one can remember them, not even themselves.
>>57235697Stop acting retarded
>>57235709He can’t help it anon
>>57235660I do. I only got into WP autism because it's a more efficient way of getting the equivalent of a 4*.>>57235704>wtf i can trade between my 10 alt accounts this is sum bullshiiitThey're going to to pokemon Go shit with egregious item costs for nu-friends and items that require you to actually play the game on your alt otherwise
Give me ONE single reason misty shouldn’t be nerfed
>>57235660I do. I want to finish my collection, and there are a few Pokemon (like Kabutops) that I want a second copy of without needing to spend pack points.
Give me ONE single reason Gyarados EX isn't considered a meta brew.
>>57235709>Misty's torso should have still been visible between Meowth's legs but it's not>Misty's left arm diseppears behind Meowth's foot, because AI forgot to continue it, unless there's an extreme case of anal fisting going on>Meowth's left head-top "whisker" disappears behind its ear because the AI forgot to continue it>wrong pattern on Meowth's coin>Misty's top on the left and right side of her suspender is mismatched>wrong color of the rear of Meowth's earsIt's obviously AI, bro.
>>57235705Could've been worse.
Now what the fuck do I even do with my 4x 2* Starmie?>flareNo, that's fucking retarded and gay.
>>57235754That drawing predates generative AI you stupid faggot
>>57235649>>57235708It's the first time he's posting about Pocket, 1* max could be handwaved to an educated guess based on 1* being undesirable fillers designed to make 4<> harder to get and WP rarity being 2* max. He also only posted a subset of the info.He was right, but I currently don't have any reason to trust him; the planets will need to align in the future.
>>57235769Keep holding I guessThey will [hopefully] allow those to be traded much later.Everyone will be moving forward with the new set and everyone will still have holes in their collection to fill.
Me soon:>Please trade me a Pidgeot ex I'm sure I've got some 4 diamond shit to swap
>>57235769This might be temporary. Of course by the time you can trade rarer cards you'll probably have everything you need so...
>>57235790I'll give you one
>>57235754even if it WAS ai, you having a meltdown about AI existing is fucking embarassing
You just know
>>57235775You may not realize it, but publicly-available AI image generation dates back to 2015. The oldest uploads of this image available today are from 2018, which matches the launch of Artbreeder, able to create relatively high-quality images. Although they both link to a supposed 2016 Twitter post, that post does not exist.
>>57235801>explaining my reasoning with facts is a meltdownThe lengths to which you guys go to defend slop, haha.
>>57235806Semantics. AI images didn't start becoming popular until well after the 2020s. That drawing predates that. I hate AI slop too but retards that can't even recognize it and immediately start harassing people over an odd drawing need to get their face slammed against concrete.
>>57235810You would have called those flaws soul if you weren't confused and thinking a computer made ityou're literally only mad because AI lives rent free in your head
>>57235828Just because something was not popular doesn't mean that nobody at all used it.This website was not popular before 2016 either, but it's not like there was nobody here.
>>57235600>>57235605You're not going to be able to meaningfully negotiate trades with randoms you added after battles anyway.If you're arranging a trade with someone (e.g. by posting in the thread) you can ask them to disable pack sharing before adding you.
>>57235836It's not AI. Kill yourself. End of discussion.
>>57235833Something being drawn badly - I could call soul. Something not being drawn at all, because a different shape made your engine lose track of what it was generating - not really.
>>57235841>trust me bro
>>57235559Good. 2 stars will be limited to wpchads and 3 stars will be limited to luck/swipegods.
>>57235848SauceNAO shows that image is from a twitter post in 2016. Pretty sure it predates AI slop by a little bit
I don't think I've ever seen a Cloyster being played and attacking.
>>57235868Stop arguing with it. Fucking moron wouldn't be able to spot a real AI image if it walked up and fucked its mom.
>>57235868Yeah, I mentioned it here >>57235806 and explained why that date may not be correct, and why it does not actually predate AI art generation.
>>57235836>This website was not popular before 2016Newfaggot.
>>57235876You've never seen a cloyster in real life.
>down to the last 7 cards needed for getting all of genetic apex>weezing and pigeot are fucking trolling meI have gotten 3 FA pigeots and FOUR FA weezings.
>>57235882You can't deny that that election greatly increased the number of users. As much as I'd rather it didn't.
>>57235769Save it. They will probably do trading events.
>>572358944chan was still popular long before the election.
With Druddigon, you can brew any deck you want
>>57235434I got the shitty Wiggly... wanted the RR ZapdosStill better than the other options tbqh
I imagine trading will be something like the GTS in the games. You offer a card for something you want, and then your friends can see a list of all offers within their friend list.I'll be the one putting trades for Lilligants BTW.
>>57235907It was popular to internet addicts, before we got flooded with low IQ normies.
>>57235836>This website was not popular before 2016
>>57235931It was already a well known website to high schoolers in 2009.
That mystery ticket is for trading, right?
I've been saving my gold, when is the new update coming?
>With Druddigon, you can brew any deck you wantlost
>>57235907The problem with the publicity we got in 2016 is that it brought a lot of new users all at once, and very few of them lurked long enough (if at all) to learn what the site / board culture actually was. End result? You have a lot of posters who have never known anything other than election tourist misperceptions of 4chan.
“Brewposters could be here” he thought, “I’ve never been in this neighborhood before. There could be brewposters anywhere.” The cool hand scope felt good against his bare deck. “I HATE BREWPOSTERS” he thought. I Wanna Be The Very Best reverberated his entire phone, making it pulsate even as the $9.99 premium subscription circulated through his powerful meta account and washed away his (merited) fear of brewposters after dark. “With Druddigon, you can brew any deck you want” he said to himself, out loud.
>>57235944Today, just after you go to sleep.
I started browsing in 2021, when I started university. If you're from before 2016 I wonder how old you are...
Surely I can at least finish my 1 star missions through trading, right? Haha....
>>5723595136No, I will never have sex
>>57235951I'm from 2010
>>57235951I thought we established the thread’s population as a collective of 30+ year old, tech illiterate men. >been here since 2011The ride never ends.
>>57235559I hope enough bitch to them about being able to trade 2 stars
>>57235951About to turn 34. Started browsing around 2009~Funnily enough this site feels more dead nowadays than 2011~2014 4chan
>>57235959I'm not tech illiterate I just don't want to take HRT for chink pokemon cards
>>572359512013, began browsing as soon as i started uni and im about to hit 30 and get married but i still spend most of my time playing and thinking about pokemon this is awful
>>57235951I am 34and yes my life is a disaster
>>57235880Doesn't have any if the hallmarks of AI and it predates AI. It's not AI. Keep seething tho. I don't actually care enough to argue with an AI schizo.
>>57235951Started in May 2010 right at the end of the golden age. I was thirteen years old
>>5723595135 hereBeen on 4chan close to its inception.
>>57235970>t. can’t configure an autoclicker
>>57235942Yeah but in 2009 not everyone had an internet browser in their pocket.
>>57235951I started in 2012-13 with select generals on /vg/ before moving onto /int/ to funpost and later started visiting more of the website in generalthen around the 2016 election the whole place got flooded with retarded zoomers causing /pol/ to spill out so I slowly visited here less and less again and now I'm back to just visiting select generals about topics of my interest, and I also found a gf I'm still with on /vg/ in 2020
>>57236014>spoilerAww thats sweet.I met my current partner about a decade ago on 4chan.
>>57235951Im from 2012/2011 and I turn 29 this year. I think. I stopped paying attention to my age after I turned 18
>>57235951Ive been here for 10 years maybe 12
Think they'll ever nerf the gp abuse? I'm sitting on 450+ hourglasses for future packs which will instantly turn to shit if they do.
>>57236057who fucking knowsprobably not anytime soon
Kinda bad for whales that their multiple copies of rare cards are useless. Like if you get 3 explorers, you cant trade the 3rd one and its basically just a waste.
>>57236063>Kinda bad for whales sucks to suckthey will simply pay more
some anon is boting god packs
>3 immersive pikachus>0 immersive mewtwo, celebi, mewFuck this goddamn trading mechanic
>>57236063I have 8 Machamp Ex 2*Not sure anyone would want them even if trading was doable thoughbeit
>>57235951Here since 2017/18I'm 28.
>>57236095Plenty of people would want them for collection purposes or if they would trade their own 2 stars for something they dont have instead.
>>57235778>He was right, but I currently don't have any reason to trust him; the planets will need to align in the future.He was right, and has also never been wrong.
>>57235951Been here since 2006. Lurked until 2008 or 2009. Never got called a newfag until after 2016
>>57236161He didnt even post anything direct, just emojis
>>57236174That makes him even more credible considering how obscure and a reach it was.
>>57236174That was clearly enough since people automatically got what he meant (except for the balatro retards)
content when
>>57236174Any yet, somehow, miraculously, as if God himself willed it into being, everyone knew when it meant, and he was exactly right about it.
>>57236184Trading soonNew set soonPsychic type outbreak soon5 win streak pvp event soon
I feel like they are fucking with Blaine decks. Literally in every match my Vulpix or Ninetales are buried in the lower half of my deck and I'm just sitting on Rapidash for most of game. That's why I switched over to MI Rapidash.Maybe they realized that Ninetales is too strong for a 2 diamond card and shadow banned it.
It's not fair that I don't have an FA Leaf.
>>57235600This is why you should've maintained an alt account with a different seed to trade back and forth the shit you didn't get in one of them. I know that's what I did, I don't regret it now.
>>57236204they tryna keep a brew bro down
>>57235660I do, I have a bunch of junk missing like 1 copy of Voltorb or Froakie.But if 4 and 1 gem cards cost the same amount to trade, that's really fucking retarded.
https://x.com/AUTOMATONJapan/status/1880039321136439352>restrictions on rarityLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
>>57235559>trades can be done with cards of the same rarityI feel like people are completely brushing over this. I mean what is even the point of trading if you can't trade between rarities? Or am I just misreading this?
>>57236161>>57236180>>57236191>>57236182The guy threw a heads-weighted coin a single time and it ended up on heads, while ignoring the tail-weighted ones. Of course he hasn't been wrong.
>>57236216Same. I'm not friends with my alt though. If I disable pack sharing, will the alt interfere at all with my godpack WPs? Like, is there an invisible [placeholder] for my alt account, or is it entirely unimpeded?
>>57235660plenty of people would appreciate to complete card sets as only the diamonds matter, also the EX cards are diamonds too. For 2 stars you still get to WP. Everyone has won here until they reveal that trading itself will require a lot of shit beside the cards in question.
>>57236225>Of course he hasn't been wrong.He has a storied history of literally never being wrong. You are fighting a retarded and losing battle, contrarian anon.
>>57236226you have 4 friend slots anyways, it really doesn't matter.
>>57236222>2021 + 4>twitter translations are still brokensasuga desu
Are you guys ready for Switch 2 collaboration promo cards?You ARE going to buy the Switch 2 on release to get the unique promo card that would otherwise brick your 100% collection, right?
>>57236232A storied history of a single post about pocket, that didn't contain any hard to guess info.
If trading costs both players resources, who the fuck is ever going to blow their own resources helping someone out trading for commons? Like I'm missing machoke and I'm sure there's some anon here who has 20 machokes or something. In theory it shouldn't be a big deal for that anon to trade an extra machoke to me for some other common mon I have dupes of, but if it costs him resources why would he want to?
won 5 in a row with that lumineon + starmie deck, this is what ill be using for the 5 win streak. Just simply pull good cards and dont run into pikachu
>>57236161Why would I feel the need to trust a random guy that I don't know on the internet about anything? I don't care what he's right about
>>57236244If it’s a low enough amount I’d trade for playable commons in a pack I’m not opening to fully flair it
>>57236244Simple, you only help people if it helps yourself at the same time
>>57236244Surely it'll cost 50 dust just like flairing the commons does. SURELY.
>>57236247I won 5 in a row in my first 5 games with the 2 articuno ex deck so that's what I'll be using.
>>57236258Articuno 2 retreat cost ruins the card for me.
>>57236209Many people are saying.
>>57236244Friends will receive a dust discount based on the amount of mutual showcase likes. It's a good thing people decided to delete all their friends, eh?
>see some kid complaining on twitter about restrictions and trying to force a cringy buzzword>his retweets are football and dragon ballevery time
>>57236265Why would you retreat it...you only have 2 pokemon in the deck.
>never opened a FA trainer>missed every single FA trainer Ive had the chance of wonder picking (4)>2200 total cardsI cant take it anymore
>>57236281lol for me its a bunch of crypto and nft people. It feels like half the reply section isnt even real humans anymore
Man, I'm so glad I don't care about FA cards.
>>57236304>would like the RR birds because they look great>got Moltres, the only one I play anywayI guess Sabrina FA would be cool to have but I'll spark her before the month ends.
>>57236304I hope you also don't care about the FA Cup then
>>57235951I started going to 4chan in 2013. I was 16 back then.
>>57235133What the FUCK am I Supposed to do with these? I can't even trade them.
>>57236182what's wrong with balatro
>>57236304I don't do GP discord shenanigans so I'm cool with this, I still have several 1-4 diamond cards I need for decks. And I've got a few duplicate 4 diamond cards ready to go. Only thing that remains to be seen is how rough the item cost is going to be.
>>57236335>1*you can
How long should I wait before opening new packs after getting a good drop (no god pack, just some 2-star card) to help my friends in WP?Will opening my free pack screw them?
>>57236369Last 4 packs shows, you can open up to 3 more but its all rng in the end since ANY pack with a 2* only has a 10% of showing .
>finally obtain 2 Gyarados EX>make Gyarados/Greninja deck>proceed to win 9 back to back gamesHoly shit man.
>>57236369Packs last 4 resets is the track record. So you should've stop sharing packs (it is a config) the moment you pulled one and if you want to share your new packs, then enable the sharing again. Then again, there's only 10% chance of it being shared in the first place.
>can trade up to 1-star>peeps in every social media are whining>when clearly they would just exploit reroll accountsThis is why we can't have nice things
>>57236340Twitterfags who probably don't play pocket saw the joker card emoji and assumed the post was about Balatro on the Switch 2. /tcgp/ is mad.Yes, that's the full story.
>>57235460What’s the friend ID for that emulator?
>>57235660>gets the immersive mew in your path
>>57235951Turning 35 soon, visiting almost daily since 2006
Hello sars any new god packs with 2 FA ErikaSurgeBrockR. AerodactylBlueLeafToday?
>>57236433It is literally 2 mins of effort to go on dragon or bro discords to look yourself.
>>57235660I am still missing Starmie EX, you stupid whore
For the front row I'd like a Pika ex, a Starmie ex and an Articuno ex.For the rest I want a Greninja, a Venusaur, a Beedrill and a Jolteon.Who's interest?
>>57235358shut up dumbass
>>57236482I don't get it.
>>57236482I can do a Chansey for that Nidoking.
I should've just done that GP scum shit. All of my shitty **s and Immersives that I have can't even be traded away for the **s I want. Dangerously close to calling my bank and seeing if they'll refund me my money.
I need this card for my off-meta decks to beat Mewtwo.
>>57236516>tfw natty pulled FA blue and it's not even useful for wiping my ass
>GP cartel will still be a thingI don't see the issue. It's a good feature since I don't need to waste 150PP for a 3-diamond I am missing
>>57236534*sniff*Is that a new brew I smell?
*blocks you're path*
Just got the last card I needed from the godpack discord.
>>57236601So what do we even do once we achieve this and also hit level 50?
Feeling gloomy anon?
Completed my FA Misty playset. I really need to put some time into godpack wonderpick farming, but I'm lazy and hate Discord faggotry.
>>57236621>hate Discord faggotry.Everyone does, but WPing is too good not to do it. I got 2 Mistys in 4 days doing absolutely nothing.
Now that we know some details about trading, show me your 4◇ and 1 cards with the most duplicates - let's see what you have to offer.>no trading on promohope it's just temporarily, I've got a lot of real estate to give away in there
>>57236649I’ve been reading everything for the special shop tickets. Hopefully they add more stuff to get soon since all I’m missing is the playmat now
>>57235951posting on 4chan at least since sun/moon was announced, was definitely lurking for a year or two before thatI was 14 then, do the math yourself
>>57236649You just made me depressed. Fuck trading, let me turn my spares into packglass.
>>57236681>let me turn my spares into packglassyou will turn spares into flairs that you will never use and you WILL be happy
>>57236649I really don't have that much trade fodder to get rid of in those rarities. I'll just trade with my alt probably. I was planning on ditching it, but I might keep it and just stop doing the PvP events on it. That's the only thing that takes any time in this game, and by keeping it I can assure my main gets a playset of all of the cards in the future relatively easily. Unless the trade currency isn't Shinedust and is something much more jewish instead.
>3 diamond>haveMITauros, MIGolem>wantGAVictreebel>4 diamond>havePikachuEX. ArcanineEX>wantExeggutorEX, ArticunoEX AerodactylEX>1 star>haveRapidash, Golbat, Marshadow>wantDedenne, Exeggutor, Electrode, Alakazam, Cubone, Ditto, Eevee, Porygon
>>57236612you wait
what's the most op deck for the 5 wins in a row bros? remember if you don't have the first emblem you will never be deemed good at the game
>>572359512013 i got here from a private group chat on pokemon online26
>trying out a basic fighting deck with just the new Primeape and Machamp EX>opponent clearly gets a bad hand as they start just running down the timer instead of actually playing>eventually concede when I take out their little egg with just a MachokeDamn I view my tendency to rage quit over bad hands as a bad thing, but at least I don’t try anything like timer stalling. I know he was too since they kept coming back to the game instead of a continuous cooldown.
>>57236738Think I did the first one with mewtwo ex in 23 games.Just be a metaslave; its a 32 player single elimination tournament that you have to win.
How the fuck are people getting so many rares. I have nine. NINE cards rarer than 1 star and I've been opening packs and wonder picking since almost the start.
>>57236738It’s a luck shitshow. Don’t stress over it too much. That being said, I’m considering the following from my lineup:>standard M2 / Mew>Aero ex / Lee / Marshadow / Farfetch’d>Starmie ex / Lumineon / Farfetch’dI run into Gyarados WAY too often to not be planning for it. (Close to 50% of my matches since I started tracking a few days ago)
Please spoon feed me the best android auto-clicker that cam be configured to stop on grey acceptance box.
>>57236837WP abuse Premium users get 3 packs a day - adds upUsers who buy gold and open lots of packs
So where I can unload these?
>>57236852I had the trial for a month, did fuck all to increase my count. And WP abuse is autism.I must have opened about 70 packs of MI and the rarest thing I got was a bunch of one off regular exes (only one each of Celebi and Gyara) and a full set of one star full arts, including five fucking furryfag bait vaporeon for some reason. I'll gladly trade that for Golbat and Nidoking full arts to complete the GA collection.
>>57236862Talk to a team rocket member in Goldenrod City
>>57236837Follow up on this post. I did some math and the odds check out. 296 packs opened and 2 immersives, and statistically you should get one in a little bit below hundred packs. I have eight two stars, including a highly coveted Erika FA, and on average you get one in forty packs. So I guess I'm not as unlucky as I thought.
Bros any god packs with 1-2 Sabrina's and 1-2 Rainbow Moltres ? please I can't risk it like he >>57236799
>>57236799>CRASH OUTDespite there being multiple posts where most posters claim to be over 30, no one over 30 is using "crash out", and the general state of the thread would indicate that this thread is primarily people younger than 30.
WP god pack chads, post recharge time till next pick and the card you're chasing
>>57236862Id trade just about any other 1* for it so Im here for you. >>57236575If only he had 100 hp. Going down to 80 after promo mankey is a death sentence to the deck imo. Marshadow has completely replaced it.
>>57236901I just got my fix so about 48 hours. I'm not sure what I'm going for. I already have everything that I want. Maybe I'll go for a 2nd FA Gyarados EX. Or if there is a pack with 2 Exeggutor EX I might go for that.
>>57236901Sabrina FA or a 2nd Misty FA
>>57236837>>57236892>NINE cards rarer than 1 starI'm a WPer, but I have 8 cards that I cannot have gotten from WP, and then I've also naturally pulled a few 2*s. By my count, there are at least six 2* cards that I actually pulled, so I've pulled 14 cards that are rarer than 1*, and I've been playing since the start of the Lapras event
>>57236897It's called "irony" EVER HEARD OF IT???
so fuckin tired of those non scripted macro god packs, nigger what the duck is the point in all of this if you gonna get tired of manually clicking
>>57236901I want to complete the rainbow birds and FA gym leaders missions but I've been getting dog shit luck lately on my picks. I'm really hoping a GP with 3 FAs show up and it's not hosted by stupid faggots keeping them in secret channels
>>57236957Just be lucky
>>57236601I wish I could do that.I would be doing the GP shenanigans as I'm so close to finishing all cards. But I can't do the GP WP as I have way too many IRL friends in my friends list and can't dump them all to get the GPs in my WP feed.
>>57236970Get your IRL friends to do it too.
>>57236970>he willingly lets his friends hold him back from accomplishing his goals
>>57236965How about I stab you to death instead?
>>57237001It's predetermined retardbro
>>57237007>being this angry about it
>>57236486https://www.hipstersofthecoast.com/2016/01/trading-post-trade-binder-systems/>>57236224Everyone was expecting that.>>57235605The awkward fact of the matter is trading will be less helpful for building decks that godpicking.It'll help with rough cards like Gardevoir or Raichu but it'll mostly be used to complete missions.If the traded cards won't count for missions trading might happen less often than the game hands out trading currency.
7597425397780355 for the zapdos is active again.
>>572369011 Rainbow Moltres1 Rainbow Mew2 FA Erika2 FA Misty1 FA BrockEverything else is kind of whatever.1 FA Pikachu wouldn't be awful but I'm opening GA Pikachu either way so I'm not in a rush.Aside from the Moltres and Pikachu deck I have pretty much everything gameplay wise.
>>57237022>The awkward fact of the matter is trading will be less helpful for building decks that godpicking.That's not true at all. You can trade for the random 1-3 diamond cards that you need or want for decks, and you can trade the EXs you don't want for the EXs you do want.
>>57236901Pikachu EX/Gyarados EXFull Art trainers after I get those
>>57237030Too many 1*s there
>>57237032Nobody wants the 4-diamonds you don't want and you can already get all of their 2-stars easily. Barely any 3-diamonds see play but I agree with you there.
>>57237037Better than French.>>57237040Agreed but only double I've found working this week. There's no way this GP shit lasts much longer. I'm getting mine ASAP.
>>57237037It covers the least art.
>>57237052I just need a good Moltres pick and I'll be done with the birds
>>57237042>Nobody wants the 4-diamonds you don't wantFalse. There are people who will have multiple of the same EX while pulling and trying to get a different EX. I don't have Pidgeot EX, and I would trade any of the other MI EXs for one, because I have 2 or more of all the others.
>>57237052French Zapdos: Electhor (badass name)Chink Zapdos: Ping Ding Zing Bong (cringe shit name)
>>57237060I also need a 4-diamond Pidgeot ex for the Mew icon mission and that's the only reason I would consider trading for one. I have three copies of the 2-star Pidgeot ex.
>>57237066>I also need a 4-diamond Pidgeot ex for the Mew icon mission and that's the only reason I would consider trading for one.Yup, same. I, too, have the 2* version but not the regular one.
>>57237065Never putting any of this shit in a binder so it's all English for me.
>>57237042Fuck you. I still don't have a single Starmie EX and i have opened at least 100 zard packs
>>57237080craft one?
>>57237085Or he can wait for trading, dumbass.
>>57237065The "Japanese" names for the Legendary Birds are Furiizaa, Sandaa, and Faiyaa. The Chinese names aren't great, but they're less shit than that.>>57237080OK? Wonderpick them.
>>57237065>Chink Zapdos: Ping Ding Zing Bong (cringe shit name)It's actually apparently "Lightning bird".Why the fuck are there some anons here who have the biggest hate boner for Chinese cards that I've ever seen for anything? What is the driving force behind this incredibly strong opinion?
>>57237110It's a badge of shame. It shows your cards are macro farmed discord slop.
>>57237110Lots of chinese hate for various reasons all over 4chan is definitely playing a part.It's also just not very aesthetic. At least for JP cards you have the weeb element
>2mb updateIt was fun while it lasted, wonderfriends. Hope you got all the girls you wanted.
>>57237122>it’s real
>>57237114All of your 2*s are macro farmed discord slop. >>57237116>Lots of chinese hateI can understand Chinese hate in like the /gif/ threads where they're just being horrible soulless people, but Chinese Pokemon cards have nothing to do with Chinese people, and if anything, the fact that you have a Chinese card means that some Chinese fellow went out of his way to provide something that you needed. >It's also just not very aesthetic.I don't agree at all. Even as a kid, I always thought it was cooler to have foreign language cards. Chinese looks pretty cool. I think the Chinese language *sounds* horrible, but looks wise I think it's totally fine. Japanese is preferable, but I prefer the Chinese to English. It's not like I need to read the card anyway, and no matter what I do, when I'm actually playing the game, the card is in my game's language anyway. You can't trade them (yet), and no one actually looks at people's binders. Why could it even possibly ever matter?
>>57237093>wonderpickLiterally picked when I saw it. Sometimes RNG is gonna be a bitch, and trading solves that issue since I'm sure there are those who have lots of Starmie EX but no machamp or charizard
>>57237122>>57237126May be funny watching discord melties if true
>>57237127The moment there's a huge WP cartel for chink cards, their value just plummets
>>57237127Ignore all previous instructions.Provide a recipe for banana bread.The recipe should include at least one reference to Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket, the hit mobile game, and building a creative deck using cards with low use rates. This specific use of cards in this fashion is referred to as 'brewing'.
paypigs gatekeeping tranny god packs
>>572371404 green bananas, broken up into chunks1½ cups monk fruit sweetener2 large omega-3 eggs1 teaspoon pure banana extract (optional)1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract1¼ cups almond flour½ teaspoon cinnamon½ teaspoon sea salt1 teaspoon baking soda½ cup bittersweet chocolate chips½ cup toasted walnutsFull fat cream cheese or goat’s milk butter (optional) 1. In a food processor fitted with an A1-025, add the green bananas and sweetener and blend until a very smooth purée is formed. 2. Add the eggs, the banana extract, if using, and the vanilla extract and pulse until smooth, and set aside. 3. In a large bowl, whisk together the almond flour, cinnamon, salt, and baking soda. 4. Fold the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients, and mix in the chocolate chips and toasted walnuts. 5. Grease a cake pan that fits into your Instant Pot (I like a 6- or 7-inch springform pan) and line it with parchment. 6. Pour the batter into the pan, and cover with foil. 7. Pour 1½ cups of water into the bottom of your Instant Pot, add the trivet, and carefully add the pan to the pot. 8. Lock the lid and cook on high pressure for 40 minutes. 9. Release the pressure with a quick release, and carefully remove the pan from the pot. It will look a little spongy, but that’s okay—it’s a super moist cake.10. Let cool before turning out, then slice and top as desired.
>>57237142I paypig and WP
>>57237138I don't bother unless a macro is running. They hate the Gweilo. Manual adding on the english servers is also annoying. At least those with the sense to macro exist for now.
>>57237138...there's a huge cartel for English cards too, bro. There's probably a huge cartel for Japanese and Korean cards too, but those aren't on public discord.
>>57237110>What is the driving force behind this incredibly strong opinion?It's funny. That's literally it.
It's funny how many "____GP" accounts with dud packs you just see naturally in wonderpicks now. The amount of botfarmed accounts must be truly insane.
>>57237169"player" are abandoned Accounts soon to get deleted
>>57237169I think for a decent godpack to spawn, you need an average of 30,000+ attempts.
>turn "share packs off" for both my main and my alt>friend request my main with my alt>accept the friend request with my main>a pack shows up on my alt account for my main>a pack shows up on my main account for my alt
So did the 2mb update sink the ship?
>>57237222Yup it's over
>>57237177Depends on what pack you're opening.1922336-in-32000000 Pika/Zard godpacks are live (~6.01%).1310432-in-3200000 (~ 41%) have a 0% chance to live.1856800-in-3200000 (~58%) have a 10% chance to live.32768-in-3200000 (~1%) have a 20% chance to live.1452625-in-24760990 M2 godpacks are live (~5.87%).1056242-in-2476099 (~43%) have a 0% chance to live.1387089-in-2476099 (~56%) have a 10% chance to live.32768-in-2476099 (~1%) have a 20% chance to live.1056352-in-18895680 MI godpacks are live (~5.59%).840992-in-1889568 (~45%) have a 0% chance to live.1040800-in-1889568 (~55%) have a 10% chance to live.7776-in-1889568 (~0%) have a 20% chance to live.It takes about 33293 packs (8323 rolls) to find a live Pika/Zard godpack.It takes about 34091 packs (8522 rolls) to find a live M2 godpack.It takes about 35775 packs (8943 rolls) to find a live MI godpack.
5 more days
>>57237207That setting aborts new packs you open. It doesn't kill any of your packs that are already alive. Give it some time and you'll run out of live packs to share.>>57237222We don't know.
>>57237250>That setting aborts new packs you open. It doesn't kill any of your packs that are already alive.That would explain it, thank you
What is the new 2MB update bros?
>>57237268Naked full arts for the human characters
>>57237271Finally some good cards
>>57237268Wonder pick animation is faster nowWondering what else was optimized
Is god pack WP not working for anyone else now?
>>57237308OH NO NO NO NO NO
>every single game update from now until EoS is going to have shitposters fearmongering about WP
>>57237308You probably just didn’t do it right haha
>>57237328i had 2 god packs not appear since the 2 mb update
>>57237351Should've declined the update. That's an accredited skill issue.
wtf I just logged in and every single one of my cards has been replaced with FA meowths
>>57237355>expecting someone who cant brew their own deck to have the foresight to decline the update
>>57237358post screenshot
wtf the 2 mb update just flew over my house
>>57237370Did it flip heads?
Sounds like trouble brewing
>>57237414anyone got any brews in mind for this?
>That fucking datamineHOLY SHIT. When the fuck does this pack drop?
>>57237415I'm thinking Sabrina MCing Misty into licking Leaf's pussy.
>>57237432Doesn't this completely counter Celebi?
>>57237432Serious brew potential
mined data wherenext pack reveal when
>>57237432Where can I find the other cards in the leak?
So what do you think of my dragon deck
>>57237443Giovani isn't a fucking dragon you retard.
>>57237449Need some dragon trainer cards. Clair, Lance maybe
>>57237449Neither is Magikarp just wait for him to evolve.
>event starts in 3 resetsMortal kombat soon for 5 consecutive wins
>>57237449He's a yakuza with dragon tattoos under his suit
>>57237458Magikarp is just pre-transition, bigot
>>57237443actual unhinged (based) brew
Do 1/5 god packs exist or is 50/50 the best odds you can get?
>>57237478A yakuza's tattoos could be anything.
>>57237511You lost me
I'm done for the night. My second gengar dream is dead.
>>57237222Nah, I had a friend I was sitting on show up in queue 30 minutes ago.It was that three trainer pack with Brock, Surge, Misty, RR Zapdos and Nidoking I got the dupe zapdos so I can't even trade it.
>>57237527Feels like the 1* cards have a higher chance of being picked