Since I can't find an active /fraud/ thread I'll ask here. I've been on gear since 2016, lifting since 2007. Health is good, blood work is good, bp is low etc. The missus and I are thinking of having kids in the later half of the year. When should I start the hcg? Now or should I wait until after summer?
>>75713126stupid autocorrect
>>75713126Ironic that you ask about fertility while you post a picture of someone that will never bear children.
>>75713126>lifting since 2007>on gear since 2016>still look like a cute skinny girl
>>75713156Femboys are for rough throat fucking, not breeding.
>>75713126exercising is the best way to succeed in life. polite bitch fuck a china dick . you can't live life properly if you don't exercise.
>>75713161based and on a cycle
I feel pretty ok, but I am high BF. On my first test-u 1000mg/4ml. Have some e2 sides and blood work has me high e2. I have letrozol 2.5 mg. Should I cut the pill and take it or just work with the sides?I'd like to be less anxious
Old man fraud problrms. I've hit a wall I've never hit before. My appetite has completely flatlined. I'm at the point now where I can only drink protein shakes. It takes me 30 minutes to each a 6oz slice of chicken. Little nibbles and I chew 40 times and it goes down like razor blades. I think my liver might be crapping out. I'm taking NAC and laying off booze and fried foods. I'm on week 17 of 20. If I can just make it 4 more weeks I don't have to eat for a month. It will be glorious. I won't even need tirze. I never want to eat again lol.
>>75713297I hope this is a LARP. 1000mg of test requires ai. Fat asses also shouldn't be using long esters. What if you have more complications?
>>75713324What are you running right now?
>>75713329If this is the dumb nigger I’m thinking it is, he’s running 1000 mg once every 10 weeks or something like that. If so, all he needs to do is split the shots into weekly doses and he’ll be fine
Does regular T replacement , gel, injections etc count as "fraud"I'm due to start next month, waiting for the endo to figure out required dosages and eventual levels etc.
Anyone here ever switch from IM injections to SubQ when you're cruising? I tend to switch out from IM delts n' quads to lower stomach area with insulin pin, only ever use 0.5ml twice a week.
>>75713375As of this week I'm dropping my cycle huge. Was running 600mg test, 300 primo, 300 eq. I also ran Tbol earlier in the cycle for a month because my cardio was off. As of today I'm running 420/420 test/primo. Dropped eq since it hangs around forever. This was always the plan. I know EQ gives some people crazy hunger. I never got it. My appetite was the same as other cycles until it suddenly dropped. I was still taking eq when I lost my appetite so I don't think it was that. I bought a full panel blood test. I'm going to take it the last week of the cycle.
>>75713516>Was running 600mg test, 300 primo, 300 eqnigga, have you considered that you nuked your e2? 1:2 test/eq for me makes me not need any AI whatsoever, primo on top would keep me low as fuck.
>>75713126officially ending my blast after like 26 weeks bros. dropping down to 300 test a week. can't wait to blast again. you really can't just do one cycle lmao.
>>75713557Yeah I definitely did. I ended up dropping primo for a week when my joints got crunchy. I dropped the primo down for a few weeks when my joints go crunchy. Next year I'm going to stick with primo and add deca. Go in a different direction.
>>75713126His bussy aint safe with me
>>75713669Sometimes it's gayer not to
>>75713126At what dose of T did you need to use an ai?
How much AI to take for 500mg test only. Dont want gyno.
>>75713297>no snapsDelet this wemb
>>75713747I none up to 500mg per week.
>>75713126It takes four'ish months for sperm to mature, so start six months in advance
>>75713605Fuck, 26? How are your bloods? Still feelin good?
>>75713126>>75713852Also hcg doesn't always work for everyone, so you might need to add hmg as well. I think you need some crazy dose though -- like 75iu ed or eod. If gets expensive quick
Everyone swore they could draw tren with a slin, so i gave it a whirl today. What do you know.... actually worked! Even with the oil being cold. Crazy thing though was it stung like a motherfucker when the needle broke the skin. Must have bent the shit out of the tip. Thinking i might backfill a weeks worth to avoid that. But that makes day five of 100mg/ed tren a. Still alive. No negative sides yet. Just got sex on the mind a bit more frequently than usual. Looking forward to full degen behavior. Thought a mom at school could use a rough face fucking. Not an unusual thought for me, but they're usually passive, and it kinda hung around today.
Running 750mg test and 480 primo for 16 weeks. Thoughts on adding 25-50mg of anavar the last 8 weeks? Going to japan to fuck otokonoko and newhalfs the last 3 weeks or so of the cycle.
>>75714119>Gf>GUhhhh senpai? U ok?
>>75713297>>75713329>>75713378It IS the dumb nigger. Prescribed due to a cancer diag. I got 1000/4ml administered about 6 weeks ago and another a few days for loading. I got a SERM on my own, but was recommended to take the AI.I plan to pin less more often now, but I just am worried about the ai.
>>75714161You'll love it. I like 20mg or 40mg PWO for insane pumps. You stay pumped all day so work out in the morning.
>>75714225Ive done anavar before and loved it. Mostly want it for the temporary appearance gains, the ability to push through a 10-12 day PSMF the days before I go and of course the added sex drive. Last time I was on only 500mg of test with it and needed to fuck 8x a day.
>>75714161test, mast and var made me the horniest I've ever been, even var and test I will fuck 3x a day easyyou should nut up and try something like this and then post results: Optimized Cycle for Maximum Libido (12–16 Weeks)Testosterone Enanthate or Cypionate: 500–750 mg/weekMasteron Propionate or Enanthate: 400–500 mg/weekEquipoise: 600 mg/weekPrimobolan: 600–800 mg/weekHGH: 4 IU/dayAnavar: 30–50 mg/day (first 8 weeks)Proviron: 50 mg/dayjust run enough test not to crash your e2, obv
>>75714310Or just eat more
>>75714327nah man I wanna see what 2g of pure libido do to a personactually may add proviron my next cyclepersonally I would run it without primo but that's really the only adjustment I would make beyond balancing test:eq ratio carefully
>>75714224If you’re on trt you shouldn’t need an AI. Higher injection frequency will sort you out. Maybe try 150 mg once a week.
>>75714310I just dont want to buy more drugs right now. I may try the proviron at some point. Maybe next cycle. Estrogen is perfectly dialed in rn at 29 at this dose so I dont wanna fuck with it now.
>>75713852>>75713862Well, my balls never shrank so I'm optimistic. Still, I got my answer. Thanks.
>>75713852I forgot to ask about the dosage. I was thinking of 500 3 times a week.
>>75713857no idea on bloods, i'm a retard and didn't get them done. I plan on doing it here soon lmao. I feel great, honestly. I only ever felt bad at the end of my initial 6 weeks on dbol, and I felt fine about a week after stopping it. I've ran a ton of stuff this cycle, but for the first 12 weeks I only ran 600 test 300 eq. the next 12 weeks were 600 test 400 tren, with some NPP thrown in there, anavar, proviron, etc. I'm getting pretty fatigued in general i'd say, like i'm sorta tired of blasting at this point. I was pretty fucking tired of pinning tren ace every day for 12 weeks i tell ya hwat. the last 2 weeks i've just pinned 600 test. This week i'll pin 450, and then 300 the next week to try and prevent any acne that i see a lot of guys get from immediately dropping to a cruise dose.
>>75714351man i'm gonna be real with you, it just kinda sucks. it's fun for a bit, but it gets really annoying when you're trying to work and you can't think about anything but pussy all day. it's genuinely distracting.
>>75714459I was like this even natural btw. Since I was 10.
>>75714481yeah i am too. I'm already extremely fucking horny. the drugs make it hard to control lmao. no pun intended
>>75714488I swear I pin more for the sex enjoyment gains than the muscle gains lmao. Okay the gym drive feels amazing too lol. My blast dose finally kicked into full swing this week and it feels great.
>>75714504careful with tren then, it'll make your cardio go to shit. EQ made me able to fuck forever without stopping. i could fuck... like a horse one might say....
>>75714224If your oncologist isn't an endo, assume he doesn't know shit about test and estrogen (if your oncologist is a woman you get what you fucking deserve). If your doc is an endo and is giving you a 4ml shot in 1 go, he's fucking retarded. More test pins woth smaller dose equals less test spike equals less aromitization. At 100ml a week you shouldn't need any AI. You also take ai before SERMs. If your doc is handing gout scrips, get some caber and cialis. Fuck like a madman.
>>75714513Havent touched tren. Just test, primo, anavar and l-carn.
>>75714516>>75714358I am being monitored for malignancy. My test was low and the markers where concerning so the endo nurse admined the nebido each time. I got the ai in case sides show up, I got the serm because of the wiki. Like you said, dumb nigger. I have been managing my weight since the scare and am down a bit. Will keep going, but just dealing with the results of my own actions. I just do have some of the sides and was thinking of trying the ai, just didn't know if I should cut the pill
>>75714533If you have high e2 sides take the ai. It's not rocket science. Letrozole is a trash AI though and no one uses it. Tell your npn you got a reaction and want anastrozole or exemestane instead. Your hormone team sucks. You might roll your eyes and say whatever, but anyone with any gear experience whatsoever would concur. Sometimes you need to be a bad patient and take control of your treatment plan. Tell them to transfer you if they won't. They'll give in. They won't give up those sweet insurance bucks.
>>75714558I will when I get to the U.S. for sure, but for now the problem is that I am in Latin America for a few months
>>75714558Thanks for the advice bro, but given the power of letrozole, should I start with breaking the pill? I'll try it anyway when I give my balls a tug.
>>75713495Bumping bc id like to know this pinning 75mg for cruise sucks and would rather level out doses with two 50m slin pins
>>75713557ignore that larper, he keeps posting about his 420 test 420 primo memeweed cycle with a different story behind it. >>75714636>>75713495Yes you can do subq injections if you're fat but it won't be optimal.
>>75713156what is it with 4xhan incels and their obsession with the fertility of women who will never touch them? I guess their boyfriends thank you for your cuckcern.
>>75713495subq is fine for a light cruise, like 100mg a weekthat's basically what was prescribed to me for TRT before I started legit b&c0.5 ml gives me lumps wherever I pin it subq tho so volume may be your limiting factor0.25 ml wasn't as bad, the oil and how thick it is probably plays a partMCT being pretty thin and grapeseed being on the thicker sidealso the leaner you are the more visible the lumps tend to be
>>75714743that person can't bear children because they are a man, not roiding
Are there any good supps for kidneys? Im in my second blast and my GFR took a fucking nose dive. It was always low but now its threshold
What is a good dose for a first cycle of Testosterone Cypionate? Lots of conflicting information out there, I was thinking of doing 400ml/week split into 3 doses of roughly 133ml M/W/F.
>>75713126Looks like a 14 yo boy wtf
>>75714845Yea 400ml a week should be fine anon.
>>75714845>400ml>not injecting an entire literpussy
>>75714845Sounds good. You have AI ready?
>>75714807Uh… bro GFR doesn’t regenerate. Once it’s gone it’s gone, kidney damage is permanent. I’m guessing you let your BP run high on blast (or you never check it)
Blood pressure meds are super cheap. Take them.
>>75714845approx $30 for 10ml so $1200 worth of test a week, which would be around 80,000mg a week of testyeah good starter cycle, I concur post results after first injection of 133ml or 14 vials of testwhat gauge needles you using?have you thought about injection sites, usually they max out at 3ml per site?you may need to inject a few times a dayI'd do 6 pins of 2ml in each quad, 6 in each glute of 3ml, 6 in each delt of 2ml, 6 in each VG of 2ml but that only gives you 102ml so you'll have to pin the remaining 29ml in the pecs for 6 pins of 2ml eachdoable but you may want to split the 60 injections into AM and PMhandy since you probably want to run anavar with it, a common first cycle oral that you take on a similar schedule
did a lmao500test [and dbol] cycle, had no side effects. came off and have been off for ~1.5 years due to grad school/job craziness. natural testosterone [tested last month] was 630ng/dl, pre-cycle bloods were 550ng/dlI'm considering doing a 'big' blast-cruise-blast for around a year, maybe a year and a half so that I can achieve all of my fitness goals (going more than a little bit beyond so that I can deflate and still be at them) within the near future instead of the far future/never.At the same time, I'm paranoid about getting unlucky and shaving some years off my lifespan and am considering stopping while I am still ahead.
>>75714807>RIP kidneyslet me guess, taking the kidney ripper 9000 (EQ/Boldenone) for less gains than test?
>>75714951Not yet, but I'm not starting until feb. What do you think the probability is that I'll need to use an ai on that dose?
>>75714993My bp is fine, i have a cuff and pulse ox and check every day>>75715071Just test 500mg cruise at at 100mg
>>75715087Buy a fucking AI. Every thread theres always one guy who has fucked up his e2 and then he admits he doesnt have an AI to fix it. Buy it. Everytime you buy test, buy an AI. Buy an AI.
>>75714807NACcranberry extractastragalus>>75715068cool story bro>>75715071not really, it's half as bad as nandrolone on kidneysNAC and some taurine mitigate most if not all damagealso this is why you don't permablast
>>75714730You fucking retard. 420 is 140 x 3 as in .7ml MWF. You fucking retard. >>75714743 see: >>75714766Hahaha nigga got trapped. Don't worry, I don't think you're gay
>>75715144Im already on NAC.... just go on without me bros, this is it for me
>>75714351Do 50mg provrion in am, and again same day pm. Keel those levels up! And what other anon said. You'll lose track of time clicking through smut while you poop
>>75714513Good pun.
>>75714398>>75714411Nice! Yup you're welcome. 500iu 3x a week is fine. Some will say it's high, and you only need 1000/week to restart mid cycle. A few say 350 3x a week. There sre studies about hcg monotherapy for severely hypogonadal men that dosed 3000iu ed, and they never said anything about permament hpta shutdown. Things were better after hcg therapy ceased. Point being, you can likely safely crank it up. But, yeah, 500iu is probably plenty
>>75713126how can i look like this?
>>7571517380,000mg of test cyp a week for 16 weeks
>>75714453Oh nice haha! I'm very close to your blast. 24 weeks, 1500 test/800 deca, and just swapped to 1500 test/700 tren a five days ago. Also 100mg proviron/day. But hell if you feel good then whatever. I've been taking my bloods every six weeks, and only thing is high hematocrit, and my lipids suck. Donate blood, take your fish oil, and blast on
>>75715132Ok, I will. What ai would you most recommend Arimidex or Aromasin?
>>75715180nice brother, you're like me but more powerful. get those fuckin gains.
>>75715195I like to keep my e2 very low so I go with aromasin. But it doesnt matter. But this mattera: During your first cycle, the first few weeks, get about four e2 labs done ($100) to narrow in your dosage.This way you will know how much AI to take per weekly cycle. It will save you a massive headache later on. Theres a chart floating around. Im drunk and going to bed but just ask for the e2 chwrt
>>75715247I don't use AI, control e2 with more gearspend the extra money on more gearneverending gains
>>757151951mg adex is equivalent to 25mg asin for e2 reduction, but they have dfferent mechanisms, binding vs suicide. I would recommend adex simply because if you fuck up it won't take as long to rebound. If people start talking about strength of one vs the other, ignore them. You can make either one stronger or weaker by changing the dose.
>>75713126whats the ideal ratio test-e and eq ?
>>75715576i ran 500 test to 300 eq and got low e2 sides, once i bumped the test to 750 it fixed it. so for me 2:1 or more but im sensitive to low e2. and either dont aromatize a lot or i can just let my e2 run rampant for a long time with no ill effects. ran 600 test e and 50mg dbol e/d and was fine, no water retention no gyno. i did get cramps though.only time i ever got gyno was running MENT at 25mg ED for a few months
>>75713324Are you using orals? I’m an oldfag as well and recently had to drop Anadrol after 2 weeks as it ruined my appetite to the point I had to force myself just to eat a sandwich. My piss also went dark brown, these things never happened in my 20s.
>>757155765:4 at first is the rule of thumbunless you are running primo or something else that lowers e2 then you need to run more test or wet compounds 1:1 is where many run eq with e2 happy, myself includedcompletely removes the need for AI on a lot of cycles that I would or have donelove it, would cruise with it if possible
>>75715589the fact that MENT can be unaffected by AI because of the weird shit it metabolizes into freaks me outit still sounds cool in spite of that though
what are the first signs that you have too low e2 and how should you balance it asap ?
Found this redditor who did 300mg Test cyp for 18 weeks with pretty much half-assed workouts training by feel and only trained legs 4x times during the cycle. Binge drinking, got fat af with almost no workouts for first 6 weeks and then spending 12 weeks in a deficit.
>>75715719He actually started at 250 also lol.Interesting case study.
>>75715677i love it and will never take tren because of how friendly MENT is to my body and mind. it does everything tren supposedly does but is wet and makes you fuller. like dbol+tren minus the paranoia, and makes you feel good and happy instead. also yeah AI's don't touch the 7a-methylestradiol but theres a simple solution to that, just take a SERM. block the E2 receptor before it can even bind there. problem solved. masteron should also work in theory but SERM's 100% work to mitigate the sides.its kind of hilarious that people havent figured that out yet, they just think "muh heckin AI" because they think everything is testosterone
>>75715685Look at the chart. But generally if you feel like fucking shit, aren't oily, can't stay hard, etc. You gotta look at your own drug use as well and figure that out. Alternatively>get blood work dumbass
>>75715685Achy joints. No morning wood. Skinny boners if they do pop up. Bitchy. 150iu (or 300 idgaf) hcg twice a week, or stop taking your ai and wait it out
>>75715719>>75715733>roiding for thislol, nattys think gear does all the work for you. imagine flushing a decent natty body down the drain to end up like that. did he say whether he did PCT or anything afterwards? i would love to see how fucked he looks after going back to natty
>>75715798Left is after, retard.... right? Please tell me it is bros. No one can be that lazy and retarded, right?
>>75715782what doses do you run itleddit wiki has 20mg daily with 500mg/wk test as a sampleright now I'm looking at maintaining a lowish weight so it's mostly test base+mast+eq but may be willing to add some in the future
>>75715808Yes obv left is after. It is an actual improvement though. Considering how little money a couple bottles of test, needles + some nice to haves are. People spend 10s of thousands on cosmetic surgeries which do fuck all for their "SMV" or whatever. Reminder that to the avg normie without body dysmorphia his results are impressive. People love to overplay the risks of PEDs as usual. Sidenote: AI+SERM pct seems to mostly makes you feel better short term+placebo effects, not helping him recover in any real sense. haarlem study tldr.
>>7571581325mg a day solo was my upper tolerable limit without needing nolva. 500 test and 20mg ED you would definitely need a SERM. i would start at 5mg ED and go from there until you notice the E2 sides then add in a SERM and see how it goes. if you are already on test+mast+eq you might be fine with adding in about 5-10mg ED without needing a SERM. the mast should act as a pseudo serm
>>75715719still an improvement, he reap the efforts that he put into. could have achieve more. i wonder if he regret it or if he is proud of itbut can he do about the acne tho
>>75715929Said he was happy with his ok results, here's a link. Said his acne improved on test.
>>75715798Nigger made progress, natty would take 1 to 3 years to reach it. He fucked up by going only 300mg test though, too low.
>>75715952i thought he went from muscular to fat
>>75714161Feel free to add my telegram or something anon. I'm a Japan poster so if you need test I know place in Tokyo.For boys, grindr is pretty bad since they're not that feminine, so check out shinjuku ni-chome which is the gay district of Tokyo, they have some bars you can only goto if you're under thirty so it's twinks galore or so I hear.
>>75713126So I've been doing oral only cycles for a while.Stuff like enclomiphene, dbol/var/winny, proviron with chatgpt to suggest dosages then working on how I feel.Swapping out enclomiphene for 250-500mg test once a week for my next cycle, anything else I should do differently?Trying to hit 4pl8 bench for reps in 2026, stalled at three plates natty and 3.75pl8 with orals because I don't want to go over 20% bf bulking heavily.
>>75713126Lil gaybo queer fuckin naygger
>>75714757>>75713495It's fine yeah, as long as the ml's is 0.5ml or less I find. Also to the other anon, I also get "lumps" inside the tissue on 0.5ml however they do dissipate after about a week and half for me. The SubQ injection spots I used are three to the bottom left stomach and same to the right, just alternate and record where the last one was an you're fine.
>>75716000I was gonna check out nichome this time and your trips sealed the deal
>>75716000Also im in my early 30s so I cant get into those clubs. Any recommendations on clubs with otokonoko?
>>75713495Subq is gay. Leaves lumps for me. IM is the way to go.
>>75715576I'm running 500 T and 300 EQ right now. Ran it 1/1 for a while last year and had pretty low e2 but didn't feel or notice any side effects.
>>75715169From what I've read online, the recommended dosage for fertility seems to be 1500-3000 iu per shot 2-3 times week, which seems like a lot to me.
>dad dies>have to go out of state for 2-3 months to settle estate, sell house, etc.>mail 10 vials of roids, some orals, 700 iu of hgh to his house last week>it still hasn’t comeShould I say fuck it and just order the whole cycle to here or see if it shows up? I assume jimmy carter’s death day and the weather shit has fucked evetything up so maybe I’ll give it until friday. It was like $800 worth of gear though. I can’t even check tracking because I threw the receipt away.
>>75716322It is. That's more for a natty with ball issues. If you were good before blasting, just do the 350-500 thing you said. You're just trying to restart a cold motor here. Not spraying ether into the carburetor of a long abandoned tractor, hoping it'll turn over.
>>75716487Fair enough. Should I go completely cold turkey or can I stay on a trt dose?
>>75716556Anecdotes say 350 iu twice a week on trt dose is enough to keep the boys churning butter. If you're blasting, go higher. No need to drop test dose. If you've got trestolone (is that right? Tnb?) In the mix, drop that. It's been studied in the past as a male birth control solution.
>>75716595No, no trestolone. I'm running test and primo atm. Will stop and go on a trt dose in February. I was planning to do something for the summer holidays though. I don't want to embarrass myself at the beach.
>>75716074Not a club but Aiiro cafe is great since it's just a standing bar vibe.The annex and arty farty are good too. I'm straight though so I just go with girls a lot for fun in the nearby hotels afterwards.Taken a few gold star lesbians myself when they were drunk.
>>75714993Yes it does. Both mine and my dads has improved. But we run hgh.
gained 10lb of muscle mass and dropped 5% BF in 2 months :)
>>75717046Nice one. Elaborate on workout routine, gear used and macros please bruh
>>75717151If you believe the story get your head checked. On a 200lb person 5% bf would be like 10 pounds or 35000 calorie deficit. You can do that easy on a glp-1, but even with test and hgh you aren't putting on a pound a week of muscle.
>>75717170I'm just saying what the gym scan says. maybe it's off by a margin of error but that's what it says. just enanthate 500 weekly, PPL 5 days a week, 200g of protein, magnesium, vitamin D, 500 calorie deficit.
Im thinking about doing an other cycle but i still have some acne from my previous one, im not sure if its a good idea. I read that sometime test can help clear acne. Pretty much like 90% appeared while doing a pct. I feel i should have blast/cruise instead of doing a cycle/pct.i did my first cycle like 6 months ago, best time of my life lol, then i crashed
>>75716667Short anavar cycle firms things up, right? Could always toss that in for a month
>>75717685I was thinking of some stanozolol a few weeks before I hit the beach. I just want look a little more dry and veiny.
Started off with TRT/cruise for a year, made really nice gains.Doing my first blast now and I've had nothing but injuries in the lower body. Could the blast be the cause or is it something else?
>>75717785Your ligaments, tendons and such wont strengthen/grow/repair as fast as your muscles.What changes did you make to your lifting routine?
>>75717760Give it a shot! Won't know how you respond until you try :)
>>75717806This. Blasting lets you put on muscle a hell of a lot faster than your ligaments can adjust. Chill on the progressive overload. Lower the weight, and increase reps
>>75717785>>75717806Lol yeah. The fact that you off trt makes me think you might be older too. Welcome to the club oldfag. Every 4 weeks do a heavy tendon/ligament workout with full ROM and extremely slow movement with up and down. And stretch full body every day. If you are doing cardio cut way back on leg volume too. I only do 20 working sets a week between 2 workouts for legs 6 heavy squat, 6 heavy rdl, and accessories. I also run 4x a week and my legs get absurdly sore if I do both leg volume and heavy cardio
>>75717586Lol, it’s not just off by a “margin of error” those scans can fluctuate by 30% intraday based on hydration, food, etc. They’re completely useless, calipers are at least consistent if not very accurate.
>>75717586>>75717046As someone who bulked on 500test and gained ~1 lb per week for 15 weeks the weight gain was 33%/33%/33% actual muscle/water weight or glycogen/fatTestosterone isn’t strong enough for you to be gaining 1 lb of muscle per week [unless you are a < 20 FFMI dyel in which case why are you taking AAS], especially while losing fat.
>>75717930>>75717806I'm only 28 but I had 200 total test so a real reason to do TRT.Trying it out made me want to do even more so Im now doing my first blast 500 test 300 primo.I didn't change my routine but I probably got too strong and outgrew it. I'm focusing on powerlifting so maybe that's why I got hurt.I've had 2-3 hamstring tears then a pinched sciatica nerve and now I fucked either my ql or psoas doing barbell rows yesterday I could barely fall asleep from the pain it hurts even when I breathe or flex my abs sometimes xdd this is not fun
>>75718123If you're dying, take a week off. Keep pinning but just take a walk, or if you're really antsy go to gym and do like 9 sets with a mix of mid and high reps.
>>75718014It’s not worth it to get into this with them dude. They can’t comprehend what you’re telling them or they’re so deluded that they think they look like Cbum after their first cycle. Me and another anon spent a while thread trying to explain to a guy that the split is pretty much what you said but he was convinced he could gain 90% lean tissue and keep it after coming off. These dumb niggers don’t even know about glycogen loading, they think they’ve put on 12 lbs of muscle in 4 weeks when they start a cycle. How many posts have seen that are some variation of:>guys, I put on 15 lbs of muscle in the first six weeks of my cycle and now I’ve completely stalled and I’m barely gaining a lb a week! I’ve come to the conclusion that they cannot learn because to do so would require them to accept that they are not exceptional or special. I’m glad to see that not everyone itt is hopeless at least.
>>75717785higher doses of test, lower e2 and certain other aas will reduced collagen synthesis and in general make you more injury prone look at hgh, eq, primo, anavar, deca and keep e2 high as possible without sides to blast and be less likely to get injuredthere's a certain style of frauding that works better for sports with high injury rates and 30-40+ ppl basically
>>75718338imo taking deca for 'health benefits' is one of the most midwit things out there for AAS and it makes me cringe seeing TRT boomers doing 50mg of deca per week
/fraud/ femboy edition
>>75718354whats wrong with it? t. wanted to add 100 npp to my cruise
>>75718014only other thing I take is weekly plasma injection for an autoimmune disease and i have no idea of that is assisting. I am over 20 ffmi with about 150lb of muscle. the FACT is I'm gaining 1lb of muscle a week. it that is hard for you to swallow because of your preconceptions maybe your genetics just aren't as good as mine I'm sorry.
>>75717970>>75718014>>75718445tell you what I'll go in tomorrow and get them to run the scan several more times and get the average just to be sure.
>>7571835450mg is kinda low yeah, 100mg is more commonly accepted as beneficial for joint health and preventing injuries even for younger pplthere's plenty of anecdotal and even scientific evidence to deca doing that, as far as the dose i think it's mostly anecdotal
>>75718450bro you could run the gym scan 200x and it still would be inaccurate it would just inaccurately give you similar results, that doesn't make it correct
>>75718520The one caveat zi'd give is that directionally you should see a trend. It's not random, it just measures incorrectly. So they tend to measure incorrectly in the same direction. I.e. I wouldn't take thr absolute number as fact, but if the fat is going down and muscle up you are probably recomping.
>>75718395it's just really fucking toxic. even more than tren if you read the studies.
>>75718564but muh boomer joints niggers are still afraid of hgh
>>75718525what are the chances that the trends exactly match my goals based on faulty readings? it doesn't make sense.
>>75718564Toxic to what exactly? If I take p5p and nac along with it whats the worst that could happen?Which blood markers should I be looking at besides prolactin?
>>75718589why not both>>75718564deca/npp is pretty mild for a 19nor 2bhprogesterone/prolactin - solved, just get some p5p or caberkidney/liver - solved, take some NAC or TUDACthe long length of the suppression is the worst part but that's solved pretty easily toomost the issues ppl have is dosing too high without proper safeguards, not surprising when niggers crash their e2 all the time with primo and eq
>>75718695i think he's the deca causes immediate kidney failure schizopossibly the same one that claims it doesn't help joint pain it just masks itniggers really root for gear like a football team sometimes
>>75715685Mine are achy joints and taking longer to cum. Great for my asain girlfriend so I can fuck her longer, but I notice it immediately in my achilles, and is really uncomfortable when lifting heavy things or doing calf raises. Skin also gets pretty dry... it's so personal though so it's a lot of trial and error. Didn't even realize my E2 was nuked from 0.5mg of arimidex until I got a blood test, but then could put 2 and 2 together.For me personally, high E2 has way more sides, and is extremely obvious by comparison to low E2. Good luck anon
>>75717609This is why PCT is gay as fuck. Just B&C. My acne only comes when I hop down to a cruise and when I added too much primo to my cruise. Your E2 is likely completely fucked.
>>75718803i don't think it does that, but it's retarded to take it for "health benefits" which is what that anons post was replying to. I've taken plenty of nand.
>>75718338Or you could just keep e2 in range, I swear every faggot who's concerned about low e2 i've met IRL has the oilest shittiest skin i've seen.>lol bro I don't use AII know, I can just tell from looking at you.
>>75718445>>75718450See >>75718190 I’d suggest you do a little reading on how steroids actually work before you assume you’re gaining 1 lb of mean tissue weekly.
>>75715952Wow people really are retarded. I made more progress in 6 months natural then that. Dumb niggers have no idea how to train or diet
What can I do or take to get that completely dead libido feeling you get when coming off cycle? I'm such a sexual deviant that I neglect a lot of shit just because on gear I'm jacking off or fucking someone constantly. Once my sex drive is dead I stop caring about women, focus on school/work/working outdI need to be able to blast but also have a completely dead dick. Was on deca last year but was rock hard all the time
>>75718642>>75718525No one is arguing that enough measurements will likely show a trend (enough to determine direction of change only). It’s really the claim that he’s gaining 1 lb of contractile tissue a week while losing fat. This is physiologically impossible no matter what your stack is. He might be gaining “muscle”, ie glycogen retention, but he isn’t gaining actual contractile tissue and especially not at that rate. Notice it’s always guys on their first cycle making these claims.
>>75719241they don't know what lean tissue is, if pros running 6+ grams a week of gear with shit tons of growth hormone and insulin are happy with 5 pounds of bodyweight change every year in terms of progress, wtf do they think just lmao "test" is gonna do.
>>75718445>20 FFMI>Roiding for that Omg bro
>>75719248tank your e2 that oughta do it
>>75719267You seem kinda retarded. When you're already a pro bodybuilder 260lbs of muscle, obviously 5lbs is a good gain. You gain much faster when you aren't that big.
>>75719229I maintain a moderate to high e2 so i don't know what you are ranting about exactlywas merely stating facts that make someone on gear more injury prone because the anon was saying he got injuried while on cycleeven mentioned the protective effects of higher e2 so I don't think you even read the whole post
>>75719121there's a difference between health benefits and injury prevention no need to dry out your joints or crash e2 when there's plenty of ways to blast and make gains without blowing out a knee or tearing a bicep or pec
How long does it take to notice joint cushioning/lubrication effects from npp? I just added 50mg/week and I’m wondering how long to wait and see before doubling to 100mg or dropping it. Per steroid plotter it should be saturated by now.
>>75719891100mg is cruise joint support dosage. Double it now. And... was it six weeks to feel it?
doing 400iu HCG EoD on blast but them boys are still shrinkin and softening on me. no 19nors just test n oralsup my AI or wut?not 100 on if hcg g2g but its EUTrig 5000iu so should be
>>75720189Maybe switch to Pregnyl
>>75719911sure you’re not thinking of deca? Really just wondering if there is a lag time between serum concentration leveling and the joint cushioning kicking in—I do seem to be a little more watery in the mirror.
>>75720189HCG is more fragile than other peptides and often underdosed. Try switching sources. >>75720239Pregnyl is just pharma brand hcg. I switched from that to good UGL HCG and had no issues.
>>75715180>1500 test/800 deca, and just swapped to 1500 test/700 tren a five days agowhat's your height/weight and how much do you niggas eat?I'm on 750 test/750 deca/1000 mast at 6'2" 230# and eat almost 5000kcal /day.I'm just wondering other people big dose people look like and eat. How did you wind up at your dose? I've been running 500 test/500 deca + some mast or eq the last few blasts and I decided to take it up a notch. Gains are wild. Recovery amazing. No major sides except shitty sweaty sleep and bp is creeping into the upper 130s
>>75718354>primocels always kvetching about deca
>>75720290Oh yup i am. Derp. My bad
Any tips for pinning for the first time?
>>75720539yeah. read the wiki first
>>75720548What wiki?
>>75720598r/steroids wikiwe don't actually use gear here
>>75720539like actually the act of injecting? pin glutes and take a shot or two before you do if you're afraid. Hold the syringe as straight as you can without moving it as much as possible. Inject as slowly as you can. WARM YOUR FUCKING OIL. >pro tip: go buy a scented wax warmer, and use it to warm your vials, this is a fucking elite strat i found out recently, 1000x better than using a bottle warmer or the microwave or some shit, you stick it in for like 30 seconds, let the vial cool, and you're g2gAnd you can use it to melt nice scented wax.Congrats on losing your natty card. You're gonna have fun if you did your research.
>>75719282I literally said I'm over 20 ffmi you jeet. it's crazy how many of you will be presented with evidence and do everything you can to explain it away. sorry my gains do not meet your expectations from all your research and knowledge because clearly reading a lot of shit online is what makes you big instead of just lifting.
>>75720834like seriously, one dude here actually sais, "oh you gained 10lb of muscle? acccckkktually you just don't know how roids work."
When starting your first cycle of test and you're sub 15% bodyfat are you going to get a lot fatter during your bulk or is it more of a recomp?
>>75720857You either literally don’t know how they work or you’re just shitposting. Either way you got me so I guess shame on me.
>>75720834Also “over 20” ffmi is fucking pathetic dude. Did you even lift before juicing?
>>75721040over 20 ffmi is every number more than 20 jeet
>>75721054Yes but if it was even a semi-respectable number like, say, 25, you would have just said 25. So we can easily infer that it’s more like 20 or 21. Over 20 isn’t impressive, it’s literally average to intermediate. Just admit you’re a dyel who doesn’t know how to train, doesn’t know how to eat and doesn’t understand the mechanisms that steroids work by at a cellular level.
I'm a genetic trash. My physique was better natty than on roids.
>>75721145You have a sub 25 FFMI.
>>75713126Is that a male or female? I need to know before I fap.
>>75720189I've heard hcg doesn't do the trick for everyone. Might need to add hmg, or swap hcg out for clomiphene
>>75720404I stalled on my food, and plateaud, so maybe next blast i can keep it going long enough to see what i can do. But, 5'11" and got up to 241. Dunno what my bf was, but i had some definition. I get carried away real easy trackin shit, so i didn't this time. A typical day would be.... wake up starving so have a small breakfast like a burrito or something with a scoop of whey. Deal with the kids, then have 12 extra large eggs, large avocado, two slices of toast, and a shake. Snack with whey sometime later. Lunch would be 1.5 large chicken titty, with just as much veg and rice or pasta. Whey and big snack before gym in pm 'cause I'd be starving. Dinner whatever fits on a plate or two or three. Varied a lot, but i was always ravenous after the gym. Later I'd usually have yogurt with berries and granola as a dessert. Whiskey while watching tv, which would get me snacky again, so I'd have some prosciutto and cheese or something like that. I tried to stay 200'ish grams protein minimum, but 250 was the goal. Now I'm in week 3 of tirz, down to 222lbs, and am looking better than when i was natty 176 and 15% bf (by dexa). Crazy to think that! I'm hoping i can hit 250 next time. I've got an old picture of me at 235 with titties, and i want to compare it against me at 235 with abs. Just because I'm vain :) Only sides on test/deca were anorgasmia (fixed with 1000mg b6 pyrodoxine? hcl a day), and the e2 spike caught me off-guard which got me crazy oily, sweaty, and high bp. 16mg asin ed fixed that. Tren makes me feel like I've never had enough water, and slightly more interest in sex. 2.5mg tirz gives me weird gut issues. Mostly liquid diet right now to avoid that. Otherwise every meal is like a mild and brief mexico food poisoning
>>75720931You will hold water, which makes you look bloated. You should eat way more than bmr to add the most muscle you can., so, yeah, you'll get chubby. But, also yeah, it's easy to recomp when you start your cut
>>75721174Nine times out of five that means you're not eating enough real food. However expensive you think the gear was, you'll spend fsr more on groceries during a good blast
>>75721301And, yeah, I'm little. I should have been eating more calories, and been more consistent. The food just got to be too much. Apparently i have some left over mental bs from years ago when i got a tad bit obsessive about counting every little calorie. I didn't quite get to the weighing a banana stage, but i was reeeeeal fuckin close. Even though it's been a bit, going from that to eating constantly is still a stumbling block for me
>>75721340Oh, and i got to that dose because I'm retarded. I have no business running that much gear haha! I work on a computer. I don't plan on competing. I'm pushing 40. I started with the strict diet in an attempt at making myself worthy of being desired, thinking that might help my marriage. It didn't. So i started lifting a lot. Then i got into this weird yoyo of trying to please her, and myself. Every year my body weight would swing 20%. Eventually i gave up on that, gave up on doctors failing to diagnose my sleep issues, self directed a hormone panel, found my shit was way low, and went down the rabbit hole from there. Now I'm just doing it for me, and it's been fun. Even if irresponsible :)
>>75713297>locks out several timesI was grimacing waiting for the snappage
>>75721225I’m 5’11 200 lbs and 9% bf (DEXA, calipers have me much lower but eyeball says ~10%). That puts me at 25.25 FFMI. I just finished a cut and will bulk up to 210 lbs or a bit higher (over 26 FFMI). These aren’t impressive numbers dude, the whole point of roids is that they make it easy to surpass the natty limit.
>>75721233Female (male).
>>75718123What are your lifts? No way you got too strong
>>75718123Roiding to injure yourself lmao
Can I do a cycle of winstrol+nolvadex without having to be concerned about my liver and other organsI don’t want to do regular checkups
lol trannies
>>75721809depends on the cycle dosagesyou should always be worried with roids particularly with orals because that's where most are metabolized
>>75713297Damn thank god those knees didn't snap
>>75721809Qrd on oral + SERM cycle please. Is that a thing?
>>75722220Lol, no
>>75721301ffs sake I no one wants your life story. When I asked how much you eat I meant how many calories not list your whole fucking menu plan.Do you have autism? just wondering
>>75723195Fair. Probably
>>75723195Different guy here. I’m 5’11” 200 lbs. Bulking I eat 4500-5500 calories a day based on how much cardio I’m doing (up to 12 hours a week). Cutting I only go down to about 4000 because I usually ramp cardio up. I’m a cyclist and I’ve always done a ton of cardio plus since getting rid of my car I bike and walk everywhere. Without cardio I’d guess you could take 1000 cals off those numbers but I’m not really sure.
>>75720433Imagine not being on both Test primo deca is the best performance/sides maybe add in some var on and off
>>75723195>>75723218soooo.... based off my novel, 6000 calories? plus sauces and shit
>>75723222pointless post without knowing what doses you take
How do you protect your prostate
>>75723737Sure, I’m usually running around a gram of gear on blast. Right now I’m on 350 test 300 eq 350 npp and 6iu gh. Also, I’m the guy from >>75721551
>>75721551>Skipping leg dayMany such cases
>>75723818Daily edge sessions plus dildo rides to failure.
>>75723875I thought someone might try to say that
>>75723875Oh yeah, and post body fag
>>75723900Checked. Lol I figured it was just angles
>>75723900Looking thick. What's up with the homosexual tattoo.
>>75723900wtf is that weird creepy tattoo?
500mg test weeklyCurrently running 40mg var and 40mg winstrol dailyConsidering upping to 60mg each for final 3 weeks of this cycle. Will I die? So far, feeling great 5 weeks in.
>>75721674Not that much desu, 240/165/260kg squat/bench/deadlift 1 rep maxes.I'm switching to Sheiko now hopefully that will be easier to handle since the Intensity isn't very high but it uses frequency and volume more.I'm pretty much all healed now but there's def something fucky with my back that I can't figure out and I got no idea how to prevent.Will try doing a lot more stretches on the off days since I'm a programmer and sit on my chair all day.
>>75724343one way to find out! if you piss brown, tone it down
>>75724547am also computer monkey. sitting all day = tight as fuck hips = shit everything else. do butterfly and pigeon stretches daily. helps. shoulder stretches, too, to relax neck from hunching over all day
>>75724028Thanks bro.>>75724276I got it when I was 18. They really shouldn’t let you get tattoos until you’re at least 30.
bluh. okay, first tren side. tired. so tired. it's not from insomnia. i'm on a pretty hefty cut, so i'm betting that + gym + tren is just leaving me gassed. plenty of others seem to have had a similar experience, and the general wisdom is to just tough it out, so that's what i'll do. i'm noticing a little more definition popping through each day, so definitely going to keep at it. wife was running her hands all over me yesterday, and mentioned how big my arms are. that's all the feedback i need to tell me i'm on the right path
>>75724573What about orangish? That might be fro. The diuretic
>roider at my gym is telling you dont need AI on a blast bro trust me>cant argue him out of it since he is stubborn>2 weeks later says his nipples are burningkek
>>75722220for zoomer faggots
>>75723848that's a lot of muscle mass for a cyclist, is it not?I expected a megadyel
>>75724751are you drinking enough water? those diuretics will cause you to piss a ton out, and you'll get dehydrated. keep up with your electrolytes, too.
>>75724343watch out for joint dryness that winny and test tend to give
>>75724841Yeah I’m 37 and got injured a couple years ago and couldn’t ride but I could still lift. I was already pretty muscular for a cyclist but I just said fuck it and decided to actually put on some mass. Now I’m pretty slow but I’ve kept up my cardio so I can still smoke these twink fucks in a sprint or on the flats. I don’t race anymore though, just do it for fun.
>>75724630What even is it? It's hard to tell from the photo.
Tren's stopped the tirz pound a day gravy train :( same weight for a few days now. Appetite is still suppressed though
sup /fraud/ anyone on retatrutide? what dose did you start, how did you feel? hot? appetite suppression?
>>75725442sulfur burps occasionallymild appetite suppression, less than tirz/semaraised my HR 10 or so bpmI took it with salbutamol and caffeine and got pretty heavy fatigue periodically possibly due to dehydration or electrolyte weirdnessit initially cratered my blood sugar I think, I got ravenous hunger for carbs within a couple hours of the first injectionalmost blacked out in the gym and killed myself on squats, vision goes tunnel, took a step to rack it, stumbled, missed a hook with 450 on my back and dropped one side then the weights sled off and it flung the bar across my garagealso nearly passed out during DL a few times but nothing exciting beyond some narrowed visionthe lightheadedness was all like 6 weeks into it and at a severe caloric deficitlost a bunch of weight though. 10/10
>>75725442>>75725599oh I started 2mg first weekthen 4mg the rest, 2mg injections twice a week
>>75725599>> almost dies>> goes harderking
>>75725599Have you (or anyone else itt) tried tirz and reta? I used tirz last time and it worked fucking great. I’m not sure if it’s worth the HR hit just to oose weight a little faster. I don’t care about the price difference, I just kinda feel like if it’s not broke why try to fix it.
Noob question but what's a good starting dose of tren to test the waters a little while minimising sides (particularly worried about gyno and trensomnia)
>>75725841looking into it myself, seems like 30-50mg of tren ace every day.
>>75725872350g pw seems like a lot
>>75725884MG sorry
>>75725841>>75725872350 a week is a lot. 100 is probably fine to try it out. 200 is good. 300 is max for a lot of people. Some try 1500 though, and I'm at 700, so you do you
>>75725909Full disclosure, I'm also taking 1500mg test c a week
>>75725909sides on 700?
>>75725442Same as other anon, heart rate increased noticeably. As a result I had less gas in the tank for higher reps or supersets, and it can be a little uncomfortable while falling asleep. At 2mg once per week though it makes dieting a lot easier for me. I’m one of those guys who can always eat, but with the reta meals keep me satisfied for longer (slowed digestion). On the flipside this comes with stomach bloating but overall I wouldn’t want to cut without a GLP anymore after trying it.
>>75725599>>75725607>>75726006Thanks lads, I'm just trying to get to a decent bf% before trying to put on weight as I'm a fat cunt at the moment, will probably just be doing fasted cardio. Will be stacking with yohimbine+cardarine so hoping to lose weight fast. Figured i'd ask /fraud/ since some anon in fatloss general was saying reta is more up your guys alley.
>>75725948Tomorrow is day seven, so not quite sure yet. Slightly more interest in porn, and yesterday/today I was just exhausted all day. I'm also three weeks into a cut with 2.5mg tirz, and have a hefty caloric deficit which may be contributing to the low energy. I also muttered a "jesus fucking christ" when the spandex'd booty short zoomer in front of me picked up her phone. Usually I'm good about keeping that stuff in my head
>>75717633that's a man
>>75726033Tirzepatide would be fine too, and half the price. Don't bother with the other stuff. Just kill your appetite, and eat very little. One or two very small meals a day, and a protein shake or two. Abs are made in the kitchen. Muscle in the gym
>>75726057$300 AUD for 23g reta, ozempic is like $150 for 3g or some shit from the same guy and he doesn't sell Tirz and I can't be fucked going to a doctor for genuine shit, seller does HLPC on his oils so I'm not worried about the purity of black market reta.
>>75726060Oh fuck. An aussie? Get what you can, while you can. I'm so sorry. Shit's notoriously difficult to get down there
>>75726070Yeah, land of the eternally imprisoned. Bit cheaper for me to go through UGL lads than to go to the actual doc for an ozempic script too.
>>75713126If I'm going on holiday for like 2 weeks, probably closer to 1, is there an Ester I can take that will last the whole time?
>>75726172I'm just on test e blast ATM, tren e?
>>75726172Either bring it with you (prefered), double dose before you leave or get some sust or test u. A week won’t really matter tho
>>75726039any trensomnia? tren cough? symptoms of progesterone? are you on enth or ace?
>>75726146Damn. Well, glad you got a source. Have at it, man!
>>75726306Tren ace. No insomnia. I've actually been sleeping like a rock. I did knick a blood vessel yesterday, but i brewed a pretty high dose oil and the burn hit right away so i repositioned. No cough though. I did have some anorgasmia from highish prolactin, but that was from the 800mg deca i was taking before I switched to tren. I brought the prolactin down by bumping my b6 pyrodixine hcl from 300mg/day to 1000 (i should probably swap to p5p to avoid high dose b6 toxicity). I've seen a lot of anecdotes about shit kinda creeping up over time. Next week I'll probably have something hit me, and more in three weeks
>>75726359so is it safe to say im almost certainly not gonna run in to prolactin issues on 100mg or some other baby dose
>>75726218I just want you be loaded for my week of passporting. Can't bring
>>75726387Tren can be pretty gnarly for some people. 100 a week might start pushing it. Probably fine though? Keep your e2 in check. Everyone seems to think that's what triggers the prolactin spike
>>75726406I've been on up to 1.5g of test pw before and never had any estrogenic side effeects if that helps
>>75726428You might fare better than me then. My e2 spiked like crazy when i first started 1500. I'm still taking 12'ish mg asin a day
rad-140 rapes my acne, any other 'roids that affect your face less?nothing that will rape my heart, don't mind pinning either but would be a first.i've already been prescribed accutane but my acne just keeps getting worse, probably due to the absurd amount of dairy i consume along with the rad-140 but it's cheap and i just moved out.
>>75726638fuck it, just ordered anavar & hcg.collagen turnover should help with acne probably, but it's still an anabolic so probably going to make it worse.time to see what happens to my liver and face i guess, any other droogs to protect my liver and heart if possible?going to take 20mg of anavar a day, 19 and been going to the gym for 3 years now so hoping for some nice gains.
>>75726712dont touch the var and hcg unless you're on test base
>>75726712>>75726753also tudca and NAC for liver health. not sure what you can supplement thats worth taking for heart health.
>>75725442oink oink
>>75726753i'll hop on test after i see how i like anavar, doing a single oral-only cycle shouldn't be that bad.
I jokingly kissed my bicep and it felt a bit too good
>>75726965>oral onlygay
>>75725822a lot of redditors stack reta and tirz because reta appetite suppression is mild and tirz is a bit better than even semawife is thinking about both instead of just reta because of "food noise" on retayou take a smaller than full dose of tirz in such a situation but there's probably a ton of variations of ppl testing it no doubt
>>75726033the wiki mentions salbutamol as a good milder version of clen or ephedra supposedly enhances fat loss and improves cholesterol if you can source it
>>75727060Yeah but I'd be interested in how long people last on the stack. I've taken tirze before and it's strong. Like you're going to need a protein shake to be able to get your calories and protein because you might not be able to eat enough. One thing ai warn people, tirze takes away your desire to eat. It doesn't remove the crappy feeling in your body from not eating. I called it shrodingers tirze, you get sick from not eating but you also get sick when you eat.
>>75725909also can u post physique for reference
What are some other "feel-good" compounds like masteron? I throw this shit on my stack every time now just because of how well it makes me feel.
>>75726397I bring gear on flights all the time, international and domestic. Just throw it in your shaving kit with a couple needles or preload shots an bring that. No big deal
>>75727422For me DHB, anavar, EQ, provi and just test all feel great.
>>75727422Primo for me
>>75727422anything similarly androgenic, so dht derivatives are a good startgood ol test, proviron, primo, anavar, winnythen there's hgh but I think that's usually for 30+ ppl or if you have low hgh for whatever reason stimulants like clen or salbutamol can if you don't over do itmaybe caber too
>>75726397I put some preloaded hgh slin needles in a medical pouch with an ice pack plus some test/deca preloaded 1mg syringes in my bathroom bag and carried it in backpack for a cruise and no one said anything in or out
>>75727118I felt noticably shitty after about 3 weeks of a heavy deficit on reta and salbutamol hydration and electrolytes maybe but ended up reducing volume of lifts and cardio significantly
>>75727640>in a large calorie deficit>feels like shitAt least you knew it was working lol
>>75726638>>75726712Orals are rough on you in general. They also shut down natural test production. I don't care what those sarms are easy niggers say. You might have high e2, which hcg is going to increase even more. Go get a fuckin hormone panel blood test already, you lazy zoomer faggot. You probably need an ai -- like aromasin, or arimidex. And stop taking shit until your brain is actually done developing. You're doing irreversible damage to your neural pathways. Gonna be a retarded faggot your whole life. Also, maybe stick with 6iu hgh if you feel the need to do something. At least that'll just fuck with your growth plates and make you look like a fuckin clown instead of fucking your head
>anavar only noob in 2025this threadly tradition has to be at least 3 years old
Is hcg only for fertility or does it actually improve gains also?
>>75728259According to Vigorous Bottom it's the first cycle you should do
>>75728275>Vigorous Bottomthat dude looks uncanny and makes rethink my decision to ever take roids whenever I see him, even though I can't ever fault any of the info he's actually giving>>75728259keeps your balls big and scrumptious while on
How critical is it for my test production levels to return to previous levels before hopping on again?
>>75728285That's why I use it. 1500iu on blast 1000iu on cruise. A lot of frauders don't care about the balls, but I'm into total body aesthetics. I even wax my shit.
>>75728259Fertility. Unless you're severely hypogonadal. Hcg monotherapy is a thing. So if you have a tiny baby dick as a 30 year old man, take 5000iu hcg ed for a year. Even then you're still probably better off taking test, but not everyone responds well to it
>>75728293I think it's more letting your bloods get back to pre blast levels before you blast again so you don't stress and damage your organs, or become desensitized to exogenous test. Odds are your test doesn't get back up to pre blast levels though
Doing 420 test 420 primo, about to add 420 eq, for more athletism performance.
>>75728311>Odds are your test doesn't get back up to pre blast levels thoughyeah but I don't think I'm fully recovered, natty I was 425ng/dl, I'm only at 262 ng/dl as of December 21st, I figured I'd hit around 400ng/dl. All my other markers are fine, only the hormonal related ones (namely LH as well) are low.I was thinking about running a late PCT with nolva to boost LH since apparently my actual PCT (about a month of enclomiphene) didn't do the trick. But also, I want to hop on again this year, and if so, why bother with the nolva when I can hop straight in? I'd only do it if it was important to HPTA health, which is why I'm askingI've been very lethargic recently and my balls kinda hurt so I want to get out of this asap
Question for the deca/npp bros. Do you take anything for Left ventricular hypertrophy like losartan? Follow up question. I've got some caber coming in anticipation of running deca next winter. What happens if I try some caber now? Aside from the refractory period, does it do anything else with normal prolactin?
>>75728449There's stories out there about pinning forna decade, and their nuts came back after pct. It varies by person, so it may take a year or two, but you don't have to worry about hpta problems. Just takes time, like anything else. The bigger concern is permanent organ damage, and cancer risks, but even those are likely blown out of proportion as long as you're not being dumb and horking down everything you can get your hands on while doing lines of coke in the sauna with your resting heart rate up there with olympic atheletes mid competition
>>75728634Caber may make it easier to reload, but it may also give you a sensitive trigger
>>75728392>420 test 420 primoVery nice>about to add 420 eqAbsolutely retarded. How exactly do you think this is going to contribute to “more athletism performance”?
>>75728634how much deca/npp are you about to blast?LVH isn't an issue unless you are taking pretty aggressive doses for longer cycleseven then cardio, omega-3s, taurine and relatively benign shit like not permabasting mitigates the riskwhat crazy shit are you reading and/or planning?
>>75728726low e2 turns you into a sexual tyrannsaurus, Bob at the gym who use to bench 405 for reps in high-school told me about the dangerous hormone estradiehall, basically shrinks your balls and makes you a trannyget with the times young pup
>>75728952I wasn't planning anything too crazy. 400/400/400 test/primo/deca. I was reading the meso write up and I think I scared myself. >>75728961>low e2 turns you into a sexual tyrannsaurusI wish. Low e2 gives you a rock hard dick (albeit slightly thinner) that women fucking love. Unfortunately it also eliminates 75% of your libido and makes it hard as fuck to cum
the day after pinning i get the urge to let a hunky gay guy fuck me in the ass. idk why this happens. im not into men at all. but the day after pinning i get these weird intrusive thoughts.. and they make me kinda hard. am i maybe bisexual or lying to myself? is that normal?? i only pin test and primo btw.. so nothing crazy..
>>75728998>I was reading the meso write up and I think I scared myself.what is the meso write up? can someone pls link/lmk? thanks in advance /fraudebros/
>>75729075There's a blog post from dr scully about lvh, and he got to a yeah maybe but it's mostly anecdotal and hard to nail down. There's also a 2004 post from cronk about him having done an informal study with three aas users who have all been aas users for over five years. One was using 500mg test/week, one 750, and one 1000. Each was also using eq, deca, or tren, at about 500mg/week. They pinned 12-16 weeks, got an ultrasound every week to assess myocardial thickening, and every week for four weeks after blasting. None had lvh
Lol ghoul got banned
>>75729174first off, thanks anon for the thorough replysecondly, can you link that blogpost please? i cant find it..
>>75729248thanks anon!
whats a good T leveloh thats right, none of you have the vaugest fucking idea.
>>75729265300-1000 or so,But you dont want to hear that. You want some to "redpill" on some specific number that makes you jacked without doing anything and you think the normal range is some jewish conspiracy to keep everyone "low T" because you need something to blame your shitty life on
>>75729265800-900 is lovely.
>>75729265is this a good start?
>>75729327and is indistinguishable from having 300-400
>>75729454until you've been at both you'll never believe anything we say, so fuck off
>>75729741I've been all over the range, both natty and supernatty.Stop blaming your shitty on being low T when you're not and take a good hard look at the loser in the mirror
I haven't had an erection in 3 weeks
>>75729760your e2 is fucked, ESLthat or you're just a bitch