Is time under tension a meme, or is it the most important factor of training? If it's not a meme, doesn't that discount Mike Mentzer's entire philosophy?
>is X the most or least important thingJust go to the gym and lifyou fucking geek. Only people 6months into this still ask stupid questions like this
>>75729634If time under tension was all you needed then people doing wall sits for time would have the biggest thighs
>>75729634I've been doing speed reps to try and max out peak force and it does a lot better than that shit maybe for size but I already do well enough volume and wait a fucking minute I'm doing the same thing but better.
>>75729634It depends on what you are trying to do, but the basic general principle is that volume matters more than anything. Number of reps * weight will always determine the results. For strength, higher weight matters. For hypertrophy, higher reps matters. If "time under tension" means higher reps, then yes, this will give you better hypertrophy.
>>75729674You watched a science midget (pick one) video who didn't read the article and you're misremembering what they said
>weebfaggot op>sage and hidefeels gud mane
>>75729634It can definitely help you feel where you're weak on the muscle and what part of rom to work on