>neet l>used to be fit>fat as fuck now>have a home gym thats barely used>halfass all the workouts I doHow do I light a fire under my ass? I want to get fit and be happy and attractive again. I just can't summon the willpower. I have all the time in the world but sitting on the computer reading or playing vidya seems so much more fun.I lift probably 2 times a week for 10 minutes, lifting heavy. Otherwise I'm just sitting around or standing cause its so cold out.Would hiring a personal trainer help? Is there any super 4chan secret to getting more motivation to stop being such a lardass?
>>75731108Find what you want to live for and don’t let go. Take vitamin D and go outside and sit in the sun for a couple of minutes at least.
>>75731108>I want to get fit and be happy and attractive again.Apparently you don't, stop lying to yourself
Give me your address, I will beat you to near death everyday and rape your dad afterwards.
>>75731108Go to failure 1 day a week or two. I only do compounds (deadlifts or squats, and dips or bicep pulldowns).Binge eat a salad tubby