Finish this sentence:Saturated fat is _________
op is a fucking faggot
>>75718658Well, that just doesn't make any sense.
... bad and will clog your arteries.
saturated fat
saturated fat.
>>75718645The chariot upon which flavor rides.
>>75718645Testosterone boosting and heart healthy life.
Saturated fat is Homander
>>75718645mostly found in animal products and coconut oil.
>>75718645good in moderation
>>75719002goofy picture. You'd probably get sick if you ate a wooden board
Your mom
>>75718645Saturated fat is... fucking delicious
>>75718669>>75718694>>75718717>>75718917>>75718974>>75719002>>75719034>>75719220>>75719452>>75719753enjoy those deficiencies and heart attacks carnilardsevery single major health organisation worldwide as well as every meta analysis agrees that saturated fats cause illnesses including diabetes and heart attacks.not to mention that vegan alternatives taste just as good while being significantly healthier
>>75718645where you get your ApoA-1 from so your body can produce HDL
>>75719872here comes the 22 watermelons troll
>>75718645>fine in moderation when combined with a healthy, balanced diet low in added sugar.Sorry this might be controversial and I will likely be torn apart by both ketoschizos and vegans..
>>75719872>574g of carbs>252g of sugar>0 b12>assuming dietary cholesterol is inherently bad
>>75719939>>assuming dietary cholesterol is inherently badit is bad, ALWAYS
>>75721402ApoA-1 and ApoB-100 are essential fats, my shilly willy poster friend
>>75721588There is no need for any dietary cholesterol, it's basically a toxinThe body can make the very small amount needed
>>75721588There is essential in the sense that your body naturally creates all of the cholesterol that it needs. Dietary cholesterol is not essential.
>>75718645saturated fat is a type of fat in which the fatty acid chains have all single bonds between the carbon atoms. A fat known as a glyceride is made of two kinds of smaller molecules: a short glycerol backbone and fatty acids that each contain a long linear or branched chain of carbon (C) atoms. Along the chain, some carbon atoms are linked by single bonds (-C-C-) and others are linked by double bonds (-C=C-).[1] A double bond along the carbon chain can react with a pair of hydrogen atoms to change into a single -C-C- bond, with each H atom now bonded to one of the two C atoms. Glyceride fats without any carbon chain double bonds are called saturated because they are "saturated with" hydrogen atoms, having no double bonds available to react with more hydrogen.
>>75718645devoid of double bonds between the carbon atoms in the fatty acid chain.
>>75719930This. Low sugar is key. You can basically get adequate protein and eat whatever the fuck you want as long as it isn't processed. I love eggs, meat, and veg, and I'm not scared.
>>75718724Boomer mythology
>>75719872>a pound of bok choy>3/4 of a pound of kale>176 ounces of watermelon, by volumeIf you are going to keep posting this retarded b8, up your game.>>75719917>trollIt's like 14 pounds of watermelon. And the calories listed are off. 22 cups of watermelon is over 1000kcal.>>75719939Don't forget zero Vit D.
>>75718645>Saturated fat is _________.
>>75722371>Saturated fat is give her the dickI don't get it