I have no fever anymore buy i feel like i was hit by a truck.
Lingering inflammation is common with the flu. Media used this to fear monger so pharma companies could make more money during Covid. If it persists more than a week so, maybe see a doctor IDK I'm retarded.
>>75731757Elderberry deficiency.
>>75731757>>75731757I got sick last night woke up and I feel like absolute shif. Sore throat and cough to mow whole body hurting. Knees back legs head elbows all ache. Dizzy. Rundown too me 4 attempts to wake up.This is probably the 5th time I’ve ever been sick in my 30 years and this blows. No energy at all. Super hungry and in pain from hunger but no appetite, drinking water hurts my empty stomach.You may have seen me bitch about the old guy I work with in the feels thread a week ago. Well yesterday he kept coughing open mouth and coughed on me. Sore throat kicked in hours later perhaps that’s too quick but I blame him. Dudes got nail clubbing from catching pneumonia too many times I better not end up like thatAnyone have remedies? Emergen-c, zinc, what else??