Any abs exercises you can recommended? I've ever only done inclined sit ups but I want to try out more exercises preferably with higher loads.
>>75733316ABS Warning lightBack to /o/ Faggot
>>75733316then try them out i don't get what the question is?
If you can't do this, stick to crunches, faggot.
>>75733394I'm asking if you can recommend some in particular. Most mainstream outlets will recommend you bullshit "7 minutes to get the perfect abs for summer" type shit for dyels.
>>75733316Squat deadlift and ab wheel.
>>75733405then don't look at most mainstream outlets but let chatgpt give you a list of common ab exercises?
>>75733401This looks cool, thanks.>>75733413Already doing the first two and I've already wanted to try the wheel thing out>>75733436faggot
>>75733436+>>75733447=lesbianssex sex sex
>>75733447The wheel is a meme. Do leg raises and crunches. Weighted if they stop burning.
>>75733316Pad spreads and rotor tuns to failure. You can throw in caliper bleeds as an accessory.
>>75733316Triceps push downs