All you need. I've learnt it the hard way
What is your regimen for those two drugs?
>>75721713Stanozolol is a DHT derivative so that's a no. DBol has high liver toxicity, so that's also a no.All you want is a good ratio of Test/Deca/EQ, wit some Finasteride for hair/acne safety, and HCG for your balls. Everything else is a meme.
>>75721920>Test/Deca/EQ, wit some Finasteride1. don't mix deca with finasteride2. deca is the AAS with the most studies on left ventricular hypertrophy and long term changes to brain function3. EQ is a horse drug, weaker than testosterone, that fucks with your blood pressure and kidneys
>>75721920>DHT derivative>BadWhy? Var and winny are fucking awesome, I agree with you on the dbol thoughTest, HCG and Var blasts are kino
>>75722562Testosterone also fucks with your blood pressure and kidneys (and a whole host of other organs).
deca and dbol taken sporadically so you don't have crashed e2, fuck test dat shit gives u acne, bald and tits
D-bol Tren Winny vs D-bol Tren vs D-Bol Winny?I'm thinking D-Bol Tren. Two orals seems redundant, just up the D-Bol dosage, ja?