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/fit/ - Fitness

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What's the point of lifting if you're not at least 7 ft?
i would rather be a 5'8 midget than a fucking nigger lol
No you wouldn't, little man
To look good and feel good?
Holy cope. I wouldn't swap all the money in the world to be a nigger.
t. 5'10
It would probably be obnoxious to be that tall. So much shit isn't designed for people that big.
6'2-6'4 is the ideal male height
>I'll say he's coping so he won't think I'm the one coping
You're lame, little guy. Really lame.
He has pretty sick muscle insertions ngl he might be one of the tall guys who can legit get strong but idk if he'll fit on a normal barbell
Not him but 100% look at that tard, he looks disabled, being tall isnt good for anything other than picking fruit from trees. Imagine that thing in a trench at war lmao.
Imagine him using that 5'8 midge as a fleshlight
easier to hit him
Try hitting his head
God damn, Haaland is so fucking ugly. Good thing he's tall.
1 hit in torso, he folds in half 2 hit in head boom k.o.
Lmao you sound like a 13 year old who watches too much anime
you never got hit in the liver
You should enter boxing or the UFC, you'll become an undefeated champion. You cracked the code
Go liver punch prime mike tyson when he wasn't throwing
Mike Tyson isn't 7'6 you mongoloid, that's his point, guys that tall have weak (thin) abs and terrible coordination and when you close the distance for the body shots they can't do shit, which is exactly what Mike Tyson did.
an argument against
>people fold when hit in the liver
>go back in time and fight heavy world champion
Ok so if you had the same exact frame insertions etc and one person is just taller you don't think they're gonna be stronger? You can argue you're better if you're stronger while short or like can jump super high and shit and you're just faster or something lol like look at LeBron he's been fucking me up but he's on steroids he's a twink and a grown ass man fuckin 40 and a 15 year old could beat his ass.
So you aren't the best to ever live? It's the future you know shit they didn't.
So what about how the best powerlifters are usually bigger dudes? Electricity is like the speed of fucking light I've heard that argument before and it was by a complete dumb ass.
This is the hard truth, fore example you could have an 8ft tall pajeet and Warwick Davis will still always mog him.
What? The guy was talking about fighting, when did he ever mention powerlifting lmao. Of course the best powerlifters are bigger guys cause they have more potential muscle volume due to larger frames. Even then Eddie Hall is 185-188cm. After a certain point being giant gives you terrible leverages even for powerlifting.
I'm stuck between people who actually think they're gonna fuck prime mike up and those who think he's scarier than like a 350lb steroid football person with mikes skills.
That's an interesting cope. I don't think you know the human mind if you think they actually want to be black in any way shape or form.
What makes you think someone who's fast twitch muscle fibers can lift like 500+lbs on bench and isn't fast I just can't. Maybe they're retarded sure but you can't just assume that bodybuilders are "as dumb as an ape."
More manlet cope. Keep it up, it's certainly not making you look more and more pathetic.
I h9mestly domt think if I was black I'd kill myself but I would definitely be pissed
dis nigga would turn into giraffe just to be taller and "mog" lmao
Anyone got a nigger to human translation for this post?
If you are tall, you don't need to lift to be seen as strong and be respected.
If you are short, no amount of lifting will make you big enough for others to respect you.
There's an in-between of people who are average height or a little above it, who lift, not realizing how little it matters.

People only ever want to get big because they get brainwashed by Hollywood movies, videogames and other media (anime, etc.) into desiring that kind of body.

It'd only be worth it to exercise if with it there was a way to significantly increase your height permanently in adulthood.
There is, but you people aren't ready for that conversation.
I think he just farted on his keyboard
Tall people arent normally strong you retard, check all the records. Famous uk guy eddie pangelli was like 5 6 lol strongest man back in the day. Being super tall is a hindrence in nearly every sport besides nogball.
That explains eddie hall, hafthor, brian shaw, etc.
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Ayy yo, why you edit my main midget swole /sci/ence Jeff?

Yeah I know cave jews are strong
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I wonder what is the theoretical limit for ' athletic' height with earth gravity and human genetics?
Like how tall before you start becoming unable to do what shorter people can. I imagine if your broad and thick boned, 7foot is probably it, much taller, with heavy muscles must become a burden. Like Olivier Richters Dutch giant is 7foot2. I can't imagine much taller being feasible. Maybe 7foot5 being it ,beyond that your heart must start to give out and gravity alone snaps your back, your disks will look like a 60yearolds at age 30.
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Yeah. This is true. If I was a 10/10 black guy with a high IQ and low time preference, so like a black White guy, maybe I would be black.
Otherwise being White is too good. Knowing my ancestors were heroic mammoth hunters. They conquered with Alexander, reasoned with Aristotle, ruled with Caesar, fought with Napoleon, marched with Hitler. I really can’t trade it away.
I honestly can't tell if this is a troll or not but I got a laugh
funny you posted that pic
guess the best (and most expensive) player there
>b-but mike tyson...
you lost
...the tall nigger?
spade lovers
based and fuck niggers pilled
Being called a little man is my fetish.
>whats the point of having a penis if you dont need to carry it on a wheelbarrow because of how humongous it is
Bad bait, not giving a (You).
Tall dudes come down to my height after a shovel hook to the liver.
I'm 6'7 and played football into college, the only lift that suffered because of my height and proportions was bench press. Having a 7'2 wingspan didn't help either. Best I ever did was 405 for 1rm. Squat and deadlift weren't too bad with 590 for 1rm and 705 for 1rm. Nowhere near as strong after quitting the sport, lost 80lbs going from 310 to 230 and all my lifts dropped a hundred pounds or more but I just didn't have any reason to keep eating and lifting that much after I stopped playing.
I'd just sidestep and draw my pistol and blast you for giving me the opportunity. Physical fighting is retarded and gay and anyone not carrying a gun is subhuman filth. Don't care if they're not legal where you live either, still subhuman filth.
it would be a good strategy as a 5'8" manlet to hire a 7' nig to accompany you at all times. It puts the 6'4" and 6'2" guys on equal footing with you visually, all 3 are just the small white bois.
Fuckin leprechauns lol
>Fuck I hate my life, why am I not as tall as taller person?
>It could be worse, I could be as short as shorter person
Uh being strong tyvm

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