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>Include only enough exercises, sets and repetitions to congest the muscle -- then quit. When the muscle has been fully congested there is no need to continue. Forcing it more leads to overwork and could nullify the results you are seeking.
>This is the secret of gaining muscle weight for most individuals. The less energy it takes you to achieve a thorough congestion of the muscles, the better are your chances to gain faster.
>Not too long ago great emphasis was placed on "forcing the reps", which advised, as the term indicated, that one should force the repetitions one way or another. Forcing extra reps is excellent to increase the endurance on one's muscles and make them work to the limit, but if this is done workout after workout results will not be obtained. Many bodybuilders catch themselves squeezing out a few extra reps all the time, which is not favored. Straining in this way puts a drain on vitality and reserve so that sooner or later one reaches a point where training is abhorred instead of inviting.
-- John Grimek, the greatest natural bodybuilder who ever lived

Is training to failure really bad for you? Is the "pump" really what drives hypdrtrophy?
>listen to Mentzer and lift to absolute failure while resting a lot between gym days
>listen to Grimek and leave a lot left in the tank while resting less between gym days
It sounds like what Grimek is arguing against here is partial reps or assisted reps after you've gone to failure. Which completely tracks with reality. Generally, people who get big & strong do roughly as many reps as they can do with the same form & then stop. Some might do a partial or two and some might normally leave one or maybe two reps in the tank but this is pretty standard.
Basically the reason for this is that muscle is built through sufficient mechanical tension sending signals inside muscle cells. When you do as many full reps as you can by yourself, you're activating like 100% of the fibers for the last like five reps or so and sending a strong signal. What happens if you go way past failure with many many partials or lots of assisted reps is that due to how tired you are by being passed failure at this point you're not producing much actual force. The stimulus from doing this is disproportionately fatiguing and not very growth inducing. It's not the more fatigued the muscle is the more growth you get, no. It's about producing high force, enough times, (you have to do a certain amount of times, otherwise a 1 RM would be all we need).
>lift weights
>grow muscle
oh my gooood what the fuuuck is gooing on???
whats congest mean
Training to failure isn’t bad for you as long as you don’t overtrain. Pump style workouts are still able to cause progressive overload but you will have to compensate with more volume and more frequent training.
>Is training to failure really bad for you? Is the "pump" really what drives hypdrtrophy?
Yes, and we have known this since the 80s.
in his articles, he's really clear that going to failure and leaving reps in the tank is the best way to train for hypertrophy, whereas if you want to get strong you need to go near your limits. Still, Grimek was an olympic lifter, so it's not like you can go to failure even on those Olympic lifts, not to where your form breaks down to dangerous levels. HIs recommendation was to train moderately every other day, and to only have 1 strength day per week

pump. he recommended doing higher reps even so you could "congest" your muscles faster


you mean the 30's

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