Would you be able to survive a zombie apocalypse with the running zombies from the movie 28 Weeks Later? It has to be with your current body, no time for additional training.
>>75730371run begbie run
just gotta wait 28 days till the main wave of infected has died so if you got a nice hideout you should be fine and wont need to exert yourself too much. might even read some comics or watch columbo
>>75730421Yeah, but what if they find you before then?
>>75730371No amount of cardio can compete with owning a two story house and blocking the staircase.
>>75730522I think they actually did something like that in the first movie. But then they ran out of water because it never rained in London of all places.
>>75730522yeahhh. and then the food runs out.
>>75730555That's less of a problem if you aren't forced to run away from zombies all the time.
>>75730555just eat the zombies. no one ever tries that. they think they'll get infected. but perhaps that is untrue and there is plenty of delicious zombie long pig to be consumed.
>>75730597Lol holy shit. What if you cook it? Would that kill the bacteria? It must be like 10,000 calories per zombie.
>>75730600kek, I dunno. but it may. no one ever tries it.
>>75730421I unironically have enough food in my house to last longer than 28 days. Probably would last at least 2-3 months. Water would be the issue once that stops. Could fill up
I have a fake knee, what do you think?
>>75730670You could use the fake knee as a distraction to escape.
no. i’m fucked.
>>75730421>>75730479>take a bunch of food into your attic>smash your staircase>climb up into attic>wait out the zombie apocalypse
>>75730750Same, on a scale of 0-10, 0 being corpse, ten being olympic marathon runner, I'm a 2 at cardio. I would die in the first day of two of a 28 days later zombie scenario.
>>75730371Are zombies bulletproof?
I never do cardio but I do lift, so I'll just have to bench press the zombies to death.
>>75730371How do zombies never tire? These fuckers should be researched as a way to obtain unlimited energy.
>>75731088They bleed out very slowly.
>>75730479Good luck punching through a metal door in a 5 story building apartments
>>75730555Fill the tubs when lockdown starts and leave a few crates of water bottles and salt tablets upstairs.
>>75730522Hopefully your place doesn't catch on fire
>>75730371I live in the USA, so the average zombie is going to be a lot fatter and slower than me. I think I could manage it lol.
>>75730750I'm like....fucked-adjacent. I'm in better shape mentally and physically than the average normies, but my cardio is shit. I can see it going either way for me.
>>75730371only roon general survives
>>75731362It was kind of a plot point in the romero movies that the zombies completely defied science, in Day of the Dead a group of scientists of various disciplines had been trying to figure out how they work for years with no progress, to the point where one of the scientists flat out went mad. I think the original script did have trained zombies being used for labor and even turning a wheel to generate power, but of course it all goes to hell.
>>75730371yes I'm immune to zombie virus