Are deadlifts enough to build the quads, or should I be squatting too?
>>75730862Squats are better for quads and deadlifts are a meme that'll fuck your back up.
>>75730862I've been thinking lately that sumo deadlift is more quad-focused, so maybe it could replace the conventional/squat combo.
>>75730862i have literally never felt pump from deads in my quads and i 5x5 4pl8
High bar back squat and wide grip barbell back extensions, all you need.
If you want to build quads, you need to stop falling for barbell meme.
>>75730862look at the diagram you posted dudeI think you can work it out yourself
>>75731204his quads are red
>>75730862Do squats.
>>75730862>is this glute and hammy dominant lift enough for quads?Dunno anon. Is bench enough for front belts?