this is one of the best cyclists in the world (Remco) inhaling ice cream, candy, and sugary drinks at the end of the day.i know endurance athletes need a ton of easily available sugar but does this still not damage their body?
>>75720045>guy who burns 10 calories on cardo a day whines about guy who burns 10k calories a day Move and you can eat.
>>75720054cant out move diabetes
>>75720045>sugar damages the bodyLOL!
Every day I browse here I swear I’ve seen the stupidest thing a nigger could come up with, and then OP posts…
>>75720066Yeah, I'm sure the world class athlete who has some of the best doctors in the world monitoring his body at all times is going to develop diabetes from consuming less than half of the daily amount of sugar a typical American after burning 3K+ cals
>>75720045why are so concerned about what a world champion athlete eats when 100s of millions of people eat the exact same shit every day themselves?
>>75720324>if he can do it so can IThat's how they justify everything
>>75720045They are usually done after 10 or 15 years max. Most of them live relatively healthy into their 60s, so it's fine.
>>75720045what is the question here dumbass. Do you want to become a world champ cyclist? or are you worried about this dude's diet?
>>75720322it has nothing to do with how much you burn retard. you are damaging your veins and kidneys every time you raise your blood sugar so high. as for whatever his doctors advise its pretty natural for athletes to push their bodies past their limits for a small edge.
>>75720707yeah but why do you care what another man eats? you care about other mens health? lol gay
>>75720675learn to read you stupid faggot
>>75720718i had some retard tell me to take dextrose during workouts. he probably had the same amount of brain damage you do
>>75720707he needs to replete his glycogen stores, just admit that you have no clue what you're talking his doctor gives him bags of blood on the reg, his kidneys are fine you retadr.
>>75720707lol.holy shit, you're serious.LMFAO!
>>75720764you're saying i have no idea what im talking about and then mention bags of blood as if that has any relevancy to downing 3000kcal of fast acting sugar lmao just stop, i cant stop laughing
>>75720869>he going to get diabetus from eating too much sugar>I KNOW WHAT I"M TALMBOUTLoving Every Laff.
>>75720045I’m sure he’s burning through the calories and not developing diabetes or anything like that, but is that really all there is to it? There has to be a reason every endurance athlete looks significantly worse than your average sedentary normie
>>75720071It destroys your teeth
>>75720045What exactly makes you think he's not damaging his body?
>>75720675Cant you read? He wants to snort lines of refined sugar
>>75720890>>75721999Burning the calories doesn't matter. The damage is done the second it goes through your bloodstream. It's not uncommon for skinny people who eat mostly refined carbs to have pre diabetes or even type 2.
>>75720707this is a troll post right?
>>75722224put down the candy bro
>>75722181Theres a difference between some 5'2 skinnyfat sedentary chinkoid and a world class athlete
>>75720045>>75720707you're retarded, burning calories does in fact matter, I eat 150g of sugar a day at 4k kcal/daily but I work out 7 days a week, do intensive cardio 4 days a week and do some boxing and my blood sugar levels are fine
>>75720707>you are damaging your veins and kidneys every time you raise your blood sugar so highIs this some new ketard pasta?
>>75723491>ketard>pastaanon, I...
>>75720707damn why aren't all these pro athletes listening to you instead of thei trainers and other pro athletes?
>>75722457are you fucking stupid? do you think a doctor can know the damage of your veins from a blood sugar test? by the time you walk into his office your pancreas has already dealt with it. he will only know once things start going wrong.anyways its obvious that people here ARE retarded and don't even know basic shit, like the difference between complex and refined carbs like >>75723491
>>75723584because they dont give a shit. why do athletes take lifespan reducing drugs like steroids despite what their doctors say? moron
>>75720066I eat an insane amount of garbage like this, bike about 7 hours a week 8% bf
>>75722452Look it up. Fit people also get beetus. Why are zoomers incapable of using google?
>>75723653You're a retard that has no fucking idea what you're talking about. Cycling is a real sport, going to the gym is not.By your logic the entire peloton in the TDF has diabetes. Nice theory, now you just have to prove it.I'll make it easy for you: point me a single retired elite cyclist that has developed diabetes after retirement from heavy carb usage.And btw, 100+g/carb per hour is the standard for the TDF these days. I can easily consume 60+g/carb per hour with an with lmao ftp of 320w.