Just saw a video of this big muscular guy killing someone in a bar fight
>>75721867Dyel faggot
average normie thinks that when you pick up a weight you'll look like a mr olympia physique, and those guys are objectively too stiff and immobile without any endurance to throw a punch.
>>75721937fat people have proved countless of times that weight is the most important factor in a fight
>>75721865Why did you kill that guy in a bar fight
>>75721944no they haven't, fat people are even worse than bodybuilders on the extreme end of the spectrum because they have no balance at allweight isn't "the most important factor", if one guy trains to fight and the other doesn't he easily makes up for 30-50lbs of weight, i'd argue more above a certain minimum weight as proven by a lot of pro heavyweight fights (where both fighters are very skilled) with such differences.
>>75721865I don't know considering that most of the guys who work out at my gym are also taking MMA or kickboxing classes.
>>75721951Not him but the more weight behind the punch the better.Why do you th>>75721975ink weight classes exist?
>>75721865>big muscular guyfor you
>>75721988people who haven't learned to throw a punch don't put enough of their weight behind it, a lighter guy can hit much harder than a heavier guy just through technique by training to do so and having the right punch mechanics, weight classes exist because its between 2 (equally) skilled opponentsdoing bodybuilding doesn't mean you can't learn to fight but it does hinder your mobility and speed a lot, and if you never learned to punch you will get schooled by a guy who did and the weight difference wont matter much, unless its very extreme like 100lbs difference.
>>75722014I agree that a trained smaller guy can beat a non trained bigger guy in a fight. If there skill levels are closer little guy will have to take it to the ground. Only tine i could beat a bigger guy in a fight was with a choke hold, personally. Huge difference between getting punched by a little guy vs a big guy.
>>75721951>if one guy trains to fight and the other doesn't he easily makes up for 30-50lbs of weightdelusional
>>75722242you're definitely the delusional one if you find it hard to believe, go to a boxing gym and spar a fighter lighter than you.