If you were only allowed to do 3 exercises for the rest of your life, what would they be?Mine:>BTN Press>One-armed snatch>One-armed clean and jerk
>>75720757What's the point of these threads?.
>>75720757>OHP>Yates Row>Ring Dips
>>75720769not op but to hear other peoples opinions are on what they consider a TOP 3 exercises that are the most important
>>75720757Clean and press
>>75720757why I am only "allowed" to do 3?I'll do what I want, faggot. Why do you dipshits sit around thinking about these stupid scenarios? Just go to the fucking gym already, loser
>>75720757>incline press>deep squat for spine activation>bent over row
>>75720757>btn press>weighted chins>weighted Dip
>>75720828oh yeah bro, let's have another >"GUYS IF I SHIT WILL I GET LAID?">SHOULD I TAKE TREN IVE ONLY BEEN LIFTING FOR 3 MONTHSthreadsor some guy asking the most basic dipshitted question
Why are these threads always about only being allowed to do X number of exercises? Why is it framed like this? What's the enforcement mechanism?
>>75720863>>75720828it's a hypothetical
>>75720904>low iq psycho: "dunno">high iq psycho: "i dont care how that person felt, he's dead dumbass"
>>75720757Clean & PressMuscle UpLungesSkiing for cardio because it always snows in santaland.
>>75720757kettlebell snatchpull upgoblet squat
>>75720757DipsPull upsPistol squats.
>>75720757>sandbag clean and press>sandbag bear hug carry>firewood splitting (sell the wood for side income)
>>75720882But why a hypothetical? What dopamine receptor gets tickled when people are constrained to 3 exercises? Why not just say hey what's your 3 favourite exercises?
>>75720959>goblet squatwhy not regular squat?
>>75721123trying to keep it thematicif I'm limited to only 3, i want them flexible where i don't need a gym or racks or extra equipment just for 1 exerciseJust some sort of weight or support bar and away i go. Plus you can do jumping variants easier with just a kettlebell.i feel like those 3 can be gamed to hit everything if done in high enough volume.the kettlebell snatch hits nearly everything and the pullup covers the rest. Does a muscle up count as a pullup? I say yes so that's chest handled.
>>75721119Because if you could only do 3 exercises then you'd have to choose carefully or you would neglect large parts of the body.>hey what's your 3 favourite exercises?Is an entirely different question. You may not choose your favorite exercise for your only exercise. Someone's favourite exercise could be pinch grip behind the back rack pulls but that'd be a stupid exercise to choose if it was 1 of 3.
>>75721119>>75720904sub 90 IQ spotted
>>75720828>>75720863>>75721119I think people are trying to minmax. "How can I get a decent looking body with the minimum of effort/gymtime?" In that spirit for me its: deadlift. chinups, ohp.
>>75720757>Power snatch>Incline bench>Front squat