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>My son is on juice with 3D delts and I call that "fit"

Retarded ass boomer
>22 dating a 32yo
hahaha yeah bro you can only achieve that physique with steroids.
there's something about that post, that dad, that son, that relationship, and your desire to talk about it on a fitness board that just makes me want to end it
>his gf is 10 years older
because most idiots who have low self esteem date singe moms because its "easy" pussy
mommy issues
young guys are morons when it comes to choosing women
I can't tell...is he bragging about this stuff or deeply disappointed in his son?
Not bad for a job that doesn't require any degrees. Hopefully the gf is pulling in at least 40k
70k at UPS? He works 80hrs a week?
It‘s funny this is listed as part of a flex
>mmm pussy feels good
captcha says sn42h lmao snatch
>70k a year at fucking UPS
Americans don't suffer.
Honestly can't tell. I'd be pretty upset if my son was uneducated, about to marry a woman 10 years older than him, was making only 70k (with no chance of promotion or salary increase) and was still living at home
Stop speaking our language and using our websites
You shouldn't even have access to our technology that you're using, you third world caveman fuck
>gf is 10 years older
He lives with his mom, and his girlfriend is another surrogate mother. This is not a man, but a boy. Should he doom himself by marrying that infertile hag, reality will hit him before he's 30 and his life will crumble. This is not what men are for
She can't get a real man, and he can't get a lady and the funny thing is they both think they're settling
just looked up the UPS union contract
drivers with 4 years experience get the top rate of $35.94/hour
that's $71,880 working 40 hrs/week with no overtime
People that think this is worth it haven't delivered 300 packages a day, every fucking day

Waste of life
You can achieve even less on steroids actually and still be called jacked by dumbfucks.
I doubt he's a driver at 22. That's usually where senior guys go. Young guys like him load trucks in the plants
for 0 education it's decent.
but it won't support a family by itself in a non-flyover state.
this is all by design. It's not his fault, it's his fathers generations fault. They pushed to make boys step back and push the girls to the stratosphere. It's why guys are like him with no real idea what to do with his life and girls are just graduating college nonstop.
I'm probably genetically closer to anglo saxons than you new world mutt.
Who's talking about Anglo Saxons, you dumb fuck? You aren't weaving a tapestry but thats all the tech you have claim to
A smart man doesn't have a gf in the first place, you merely have women you occasionally meet for sex. All this horseshit about being sociable or having so called social etiquette as if that's what's gonna differentiate you from all the other billion peasants
So what do you do if you call her for sex and she says she's busy with one if her other flings since you never made her your gf
I find it crazy that Americans get paid that much money to work at UPS
Same thing you do when you want to hang out with a friend but he's busy. You reach out to another friend.
the rent is 2000$ for an apartment and a gallon of milk is 6 bucks. you probably rent for 500
that's only enough money to share rent with a roommate.
You faggots exaggerate things, next year you'll say 70k a year gets you a nice homeless tent. Dumb fucks
wanting to marry her and have kids is cringe, but taking advantage of a 32 year old roastie to practice for a gf 10 years younger in a couple of years is based. 32 year old will teach him dick skills that his future wife will be mindblown by. imagine your first dick being so good that you can't even fathom anything else.
you live in a flyover state.
1 bedroom apartments start at $3,500 here.
why do you think the guy in the OP is living at home with his lucrative $70,000 career?
I don't care about your nigger states, I wouldn't live in a shithole that sucks off all my money.
>gf 10 years younger in a couple of years
anon? that's illegal.
only a dipshit gets an apartment, owning a home is infinitely cheaper
We got some cougar baddies driving ups trucks around here, one total qt3.14 and a 6'2" blonde gigastacy Uma Thurman knockoff.
>houses start at $1,000,000 and they're fixer-uppers
there's nothing wrong with a 26 year old having a 16 year old gf. it's not even illegal in half the country. even if it was, who cares? a 16 year old would be infinitely happier with a 26 year old who has great dick game than with a loser 16 year old bf. gives a great headstart on having kids too. you can leave school at 16 without much consequence.
Absolutely based I wish all foreigns would just struggle and shove their opinions up their asses.
you are over exaggerating like hell
this is why you're suppose to have multiple girls on the line. If one girl pisses you off it doesn't ruin your night you just call up girl #2.
It can, but that family won't be well off. I have a buddy who is currently making around 23k and his wife makes a little over 40k. They have two daughters, rent out a 1100 sqft house, and they manage to make it work.
Jeff Nippard's fallen on hard times I see
Juggling multiple women sounds like such a hassle desu. I'd rather have a gf
It's actually very apt for this new type of man that's emerging. Counterculture yet subservient to feminism entirely
America is a mountain of gold that is patrolled by demons. You can come here to mine your share of gold to take back with you while they whip you and feed you crude oil, but you have to give 90% to the demons and the demon king otherwise they make an example of you. If you're jealous of me for being born here, I think it's just because you're greedy and don't appreciate having a family and community of humans back home
When you get to know women, and I mean really know them, they're very awful. Historically men put with their shit because of the family obligations, having to have a stable family unit so that the children can prosper. Now that it's mostly obsolete, you suffer from women being women without any real reason to do so.
Becuse he didn't ask for your consent first IG
This is more than I make as an engineer with 10 years experience in Sweden. Fuck me.
Some women yeah. I love my wife though, you just have to trust that you can pick a good one
Eurofags are poor
Not if you live in california, florida, or near (not even in) any major city seattle, portland, chicago, new york, dc, dallas, denver, or a large body of water or ski mountain
denver was the only place you mentioned id even consider being near
Oh, what's that? She's getting her pussy blown out by other teens her age every night? Oh well that's okay.
She probably groomed him
it's 'only,' a hassle during holidays to be honest.
>juggle 3 girls
The only time I am struggling is holidays. Having to preplan everything so all 3 of them feel 'bf treatment,' and having to deal with sex multiples times by 3 girls in one day is also exhausting. It's not too bad though.
Dating older women sucks. Don't do it ever. This guy is talk and jacked and has a good salary for his age. He should be going after 20 year olds.
>3D delts = roids
he’s a 22yo man, if he was lifting since a teen that’s entirely possible natty. nice one outing yourself as a retard that probably only got onto lifting in their mid 20s cos you never got laid
they're not even that big
i'm almost 100% sure he's natural
we dont even see his front, he could be rocking a fat bulk belly for all we know. his right tricep, while it has definition, has that watery fluffy look like he just pounded a nice dinner.
It's crazy how women brag about their sons like this.
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Lol. Lmao even
Since when is having a gf older than you something to be proud of?
whatever man you do whatever you wanna do im not gunna waste the effort
Why are zoomers crashing out lol?
Sharing walls with other cucks sucks
>a gallon of milk is 6 bucks
what nigger infested shithole do you live in?
gallons of milk in my city are $3.40
now you're just making shit up
dont bother he clearly loves being a retard
Because older women aren't nearly as retarded as the younger ones.

t. Dated 33 year old at 24
This. Dating younger women is suffering if you want a good conversation or anything with any sort of depth. You can screw them sure, but it is like screwing a bunch of vapid kids.
I don't understand this obsession with teenage girls. Have you met teenage girls? They suck. At everything. Explain the attraction. I do not understand. 20 to 25 is peak for most women.
20 year olds aren't even looking at him.
Yo doing this right now and literally couldn't be happier. Shocker, /fit/ lied to me again.
I wonder if it's a generational thing or an age thing.
It's the problem incels face; in their eyes women are not human but breeding machines, they then ask themselves why women don't want them when that's all they treat them as
>I don't understand this obsession with teenage girls
why do you not understand it? the incels on fit who didnt have their first sexual experience until their late 20s or older are terrified of being with girls who have any prior dick experience to compare their virginity to, so they believe that a teenage girl will have had fewer or zero sexual partners to compare him to. failing to realize that the type of 18-22 year old girl who is going with a guy in his late 20s or 30s is one of the biggest sluts you can find.
fit incels dont care about the "conversation", all they care about is the sex, where all they care about is that the younger woman theoretically had fewer sexual partners than the older one. and theyll also say their "women do not mentally mature past the age of 13 anyway so 18 year olds think the exact same way as women in their 30s so theres no difference"
My last girlfriend was a 22 year old virgin, very religious, wanted to be a housewife, have a bunch of kids, and she was a complete fucking psycho. Just decided to go completely the opposite direction. Only downside is a 33 year old woman isn't going to want to fuck nearly as much as a 24 year old dude is, but that's kinda like getting an awesome cake and complaining the cherry on top is smaller than you wanted.

>Inb4 just date normal women in your age group!

I garuntee you your average zoomette has a higher body count by 20 then a 30-something millennial woman has, and zoomettes are completely fucking brain dead. No I don't want to talk about nigger music and whatever new TikTok you saw, I want to talk about how much I hate people all day.
I never got the whole "Just fuck a teenager, bro" mindset. Sex is great and all, but if if it just empty, meaningless sex it grows old. Finding someone who I fell in love with really opened my eyes to that fact.
Makes sense, but do partners really matter in the long run? I've had nearly double digits and my girlfriend is similar. Still love her and she is crazy for me and life is good, really. Bodycounts outside of extremes can often happen, especially in todays society. Slutting around is pretty gross though, imo.
shit is brutal on your body. UPS dudes brag about the cash but they never talk about how UPS owns them and they don't see their families.
right, 22 year old virgin until she fel to your seductive charms, right anon?
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No nigga she was just weird and fucked up and parasitically latched onto me. I get that you guys are incels so your perspective of women is a little warped, but if someone who browses this website (so you) is genuinely her first, there is something inherently wrong with her and you need to get the fuck away ASAP.
did this when I lost my v card to my 29 year old gf while I was 22. It’s worth it by the time I was fucking girls my age again I was ahead of the curve
dick dick dick porn balls cock and ass fucking porn porn porn sex sex sex vagina
>but if someone who browses this website (so you) is genuinely her first, there is something inherently wrong with her and you need to get the fuck away ASAP.

theres something inherently wrong with most women who are dating or married to a guy on 4chan. especially if its a woman in her late teens-early 20s fucking some guy on 4chan whos in his late 20s through 30s like so many guys on here claim
Why do cucks always think it’s about being afraid of not measuring up to a nonvirgins standards, sounds like projection to me.

If you had to put your dick in a used sex doll or a fresh out of the box sex doll which you pick? Exactly, virginity is better than nonvirginity ceteris paribus case closed.
>theres something inherently wrong with most women
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Good lord, get a load of this faggot
actually it because virgins can pairbond.
A 25 year old virgin is worth more than a 16 year old whore.
roasties hate this because they know in their heart of hearts they should have saved themselves, now they will never have that disney romance.
But what if I'm an old hag and I just want to baby qt small tiny adorable 18 year old guys and pay for their food
my gf pairbonded HARD. i’d like to say it’s my dick game but it’s absolutely cos it’s the only dick she’s had

Imagine a 32 year old man dating a 22 year old in this day and age
He'd be called a pedophile and canceled
lmao as a dude who knows plenty of hags this is so untrue. they are just better at hiding their real nature than younger ones.
Another false statement, go outside.
You won't believe how much their A&P mechanics make working on cargo planes.
You can have our 30 year olds, we'll take the 20yo off your hands
Go to Twitter. Women literally believe a 30yo guy dating a 21yo girl is a pedophile. The 21yo girl hasn't "mentally matured" and is being taken advantage of by the 30yo.
>Go to Twitter.
Ah that's your problem.
The point of a relationship is to grow together. The point of a husband is to finish up the upbringing that the parents started. Dating a 25 year old hag is pointless because she has nothing to learn, and no purity or fertility to offer
>They suck. At everything.
They don't suck at sex and giving birth, which is the entire purpose of women. You're not one of those feminists who want their woman to challenge him and argue about everything? When men say "I want a woman who's smart, funny, kind" they're just sweet talking her, women aren't smart and she can never intellectually challenge you

>She needs to be your best friend, what would you even talk about?
I already have friends, and men will be infinitely more interesting because of your shared experience and similarity in personality
My 33 year old wanted to fuck more than I did and it's not like I wasn't wanting it all the time. Didn't slow down until several years later and even then it was still several times a week.

I agree about zoomers. That's the trend I've seen.
You can't compare American salaries with Swedish salaries, even regular European salaries. Your salary is already deducted by taxes, by retirement savings (your employer pays like 2/5th directly to your pension) and all kinds of insurances. Americans have to pay all of that manually, so in the end they bring home not much more than us.
The dire need Americans have for an "emergency fund" that Dave Ramsey loves so much may seem ridiculous to us but for them, medical bills alone can financially ruin you, which is just unfathomable to us
>Pay monthly for assets is better than having assets
>Coming from a guy who owns all the assets
Another billionaire boomer with meaningless advice that's not designed to help anyone but himself?
>if you want a good conversation or anything with any sort of depth
Why? I already have friends. What you're describing is a roommate
>they don't suck at sex
Yes they do. All the teenagers I dated when younger were not good at it.
>or giving birth
Giving birth they're probably fine, raising the child they suck at too I guarantee it. I would much prefer a woman who isn't retarded rather than having to wait a decade.
all I care about is that the younger woman has fewer sexual partners than the older one. Women do not mentally mature past the age of 13 anyway so 18 year olds think the exact same way as women in their 30s so theres no difference
Good morning sir
That is very rude
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my cynic side can't help but scream at me telling me that he settled for the bottom of the barrel and she is a single mom

that is literally worse than just being a ksv incel, I personally respect more an incel who goes to the gym than a single mom enabler
In places like California that's not far from the truth
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>22 year old with a 32 year old wife
>Children and inevitable divorce in 10 years time
>He's now 32 year old himself with one or two children with a 42 year old woman

Imagine if he dated down instead. He could be a relatively wealthy 30 year old with a 20 year old girlfriend.
Unfortunately twitter and tiktok generate the normie viewpoint. Whatever those apps agree is the societal standard, becomes the societal standard.

You'll see 18yos canceled for dating 16yos
30yo and 20yo is a pedophile

The funniest thing is that a 50yo woman dating a 25yo guy is a "queen" and "living her youth again" because the guy wants it and cannot be taken advantage of because men are "always in a position of power over women"
>I've had nearly double digits and my girlfriend is similar.
You do you, but statistically she WILL divorce you. It's simply more likely than not that she will divorce you. I'm sure you love her, and she loves you but realistically you shouldn't take the 30% chance that your marriage will last beyond 7 years

Did you know women carry the genetic information from their previous partners? Having children with a non-virgin is literally cuckoldry

Statistically you and her will be less happy in your marriage, and will most likely divorce:

Every additional (sexual) ex will make future pair bonding more difficult, explaining the above phenomena:
I have never experienced this in my entire life. I know girls in their early 20s who have dated men in their 30s and 40s.

I feel bad for whatever liberal shithole of a city you live in, cus it isnt the reality for the overwhelming amount of society.
>Scientists have discovered a new form of non-genetic inheritance, showing for the first time that offspring can resemble a mother's previous sexual partner -- in flies at least.
>in flies
What experience does a 33 yo woman have that a 23 year old won't have, that will help her being a mother? You think hiking in Indonesia and slaving away for some boss will somehoe make her a better person? Nothing makes her grow up more than having a child, she will rise to the occasion. The only thing the 33 year old hag has over her is that you can be careless with busting inside because the odds of getting pregnant are less than 10% of what they used to be
How much research did you find when you investigated microchimerism?




If she has no kids, not tattoos, can cook and goes to church it's a major win.
>32 year old
>not a virgin
>going to church
Yeah I'm not buying it. She's a "reformed" roastie who's looking for a beta provider, and thinks that naive good men at church will fall for her scheme
pump and dump
at some point he'll ditch her and marry an 18yo virgin
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Only sensible post itt
Some families need 2 incomes. A 33yo could have a career and be making 80k+ which really helps out a household.

She would also be more mature. A 23yo could always relapse into a party girl because her friends tell her she's missing out.
Also 23 year old have a more materialistic expectation. They always want things. Expensive things, because they see other girls online get expensive things.

Personally 23 is a little young for me. She probably just graduated college or she's been living in a one city her whole life. She hasn't experienced the world and has an unrealistic set of expectations (such as wanting a man with a 500k salary). A 33 yo would be more laid back, understanding and willing to be a wife but she's too old.

25-28 is the prime age to meet your wife. Old enough to know she wants to have kids without feeling like she's missing out on party life, she probably graduated college so she can work a job if needed, smart enough to know that 100k is a realistic salary for a man. Without being too old that having children becomes challenging like a 33yo.
>Assuming he lives at home, not that he actually just visits his parents
Genuinely sad projection.
And she's right.

You call one of the other broads in your phonebook.
>She would also be more mature.

Girls stop maturing around 12. From a maturity standpoint, it literally doesn't matter if you date a 12 yo, a 22 yo, a 32 yo or a 82 yo.
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I did this for a year with a 37 year old woman, shit was tight.
nice reddit meme
>Some families need 2 incomes.
No, you just NEED to cut expenses. You don't need 2 holidays and you don't need new brand clothing every year. Spending time with your child is infinitely more rewarding and useful than living a luxury lifestyle.

>She hasn't experienced the world
Like I asked before, what experience is relevant? Working for multiple bosses? Traveling the world? Having multiple sexual experiences? Which of those help her make a better person, in ways that are meaningful?

>A 33 yo would be more laid back, understanding and willing to be a wife
She will have lower standards, is that good? Sounds like she's settling for a beta bucks guy that she's not really attracted to, because really attractive men don't have to settle for her. You would be her 10th choice, how is that encouraging? I don't want to be second choice, let alone the 10th

>23 year old have a more materialistic expectation. They always want things. Expensive things
The opposite is true. A 33 year old will have peers, family and friends who all own houses and multiple cars, while a 23 year old might just have a bus pass. She'd be glad that date somebody with a car, let alone who owns a house

>25-28 is the prime age to meet your wife.
You're gonna have children on your very first date? Let's say you do everything fast, you date for one year, then get engaged and get married one year later, then you maybe want to spend a year together before having kids, and by that time she's already way past 30, and she has almost no eggs left.

>smart enough to know that 100k is a realistic salary for a man
The median salary is $47,960 jackass, the "average" number is way skewed because of the few billionaires at the top.

You say old women have lower demands when it comes to income because they are more mature. I would argue instead that it is because they have lower options, so she demands less. A young, nubille queen is able to attract men who make 500k, a 30 year old roastie is not.
This post was either written by a woman, or some kind of retarded homosexual.
All this text in response to a post that essentially read "I like my women a little older because they're more mature."
Yeah I'm addressing each argument specifically, that was rather polite of me
I would be pissed
Yeah but 9 years is enough of an age difference that you start running into generation gaps. It’s an odd dynamic
Lmaooo how fookn smol are you??
Czeched, it happens plenty in my liberal shithole too despite the screeching from harpies and betas
that doesn't sound too bad.
if it's 40 hours a week why can't you see your family
Dude a respectable house and 2 cars (one for you and her) is like 2000 for the house and 1000 for 2 cars and with insurance you're looking at 3500 minimum on just living expenses x12 and that's already 42,000. Plus groceries and savings and anything else you need 50k minimum just to survive these days unless you're living below a comfortable standard. (Smaller house, older cars, smaller meals)

Add kids into that equation, it costs almost 15k per kid once gynecology and hospital bills are paid. You're looking at 30k extra expenses for a 2 kid family on top of the average median of 30k in student loans.

47k is not enough to live in 2025. If you're making 47k your wife absolutely has to work another job.

>what experience is relevant
Real world experience. She should have worked a job, payed rent, had to deal with a roommate. That way she knows what to expect from life. She knows what going to work is like, she knows what paying for a place to stay is like so that way she doesn't take the things you do for granted and she can appreciate you waking up at 5am everyday.

>she will have lower standards
Being more willing to be a wife isn't a lower standard. It just means she won't chase unrealistic celebrity and Instagram influencer dreams.

If you meet a girl at 25 and marry her by 27 she's still prime breeding age. If she's a good girl you won't need 5 years of getting to know her before you're ready for marriage

A 23yo and a 25 yo are only 2 years apart but those 2 years of being on your own really teach you about what you want in life. It's important that she knows what she wants before you marry her and the things she wants don't align with a house wife life

I'm a guy with realistic expectations. I don't expect women to be perfect at 23. Every girl that's 23 still thinks she could have 1 million followers and be super rich from going viral like hawk tuah
I'm dating someone who was groomed by an older woman and he told me "she taught him how to be a man"
I haven't seen any childish behaviour or need for me to mommy him
Ofc all of this is anecdotical
>itt: amerilards who are scared of manual labor
That's why the mexicans and the chinese are stealing ur jerbs
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>She can't get a real man, and he can't get a lady and the funny thing is they both think they're settling
Can you go into detail, anon? What do you think is wrong with the guy in this scenario? He appears to be a young, fit, handsome man. Do you think he might not be making enough money? Personally, I would love to have an older girlfriend. I already know damn well she would have to be a bit of a loser, but I believe older women deserve some fun with younger men. I made out with a 24-year-old woman when I was 15, and all my sexual interactions since then have been with older women (and one older femboy).
The problem with that post is what about the boys who didn't grow up getting to have girlfriends? And what if those boys who did have an adult woman girlfriend while teenagers later learn how functional relationships with girls work? It's not a big deal.
Alright, but you're missing the point. Older women are HOT. A lot of them are already going through menopause by their mid 40s, and I've read that their pussies change a lot during that time, so the thought of having sex with a woman like that weirds me out a bit. Still, some women in their 50s are still hot, and I've got a pretty high sex drive, so I believe I'd be loving that woman for at least a few decades, and I hope she'd love having sex with a hot, fit, young man. I imagine you wouldn't have to worry about her cheating on you as much.
I imagine that it’s easier
Like honestly anyone would get bug if they knew how to lift it just takes a year for your frame to get bigger to where you'd believe you can put like 40lbs on your frame upper body
Nigga how. My chick wants to fuck once a week, twice at most. Almost makes me miss schizoid gf, she wanted to go like 2 or 3 times a day (Was trying to baby trap me)
Because they love each other, Anon.
I love teen girls who have daddy issues and are looking for an older man to fill that void. I'll certainly do so in more ways than one.
You rent cars?
You have monthly car payments. A new economic car is 30,000 which roughly is 400 to 600 in car payments a month. A car for you and her would roughly be 1000a month
70k a year at UPS???
Checking misleading post.
Maybe if you’re dating a ((your_age)+10years)yo whore she can teach you things, but the average 32yo woman has lower dick mileage and isn’t going to be some sexual Yoda who takes you under her wing. Then again a 32yo woman who will date a 22yo man is probably higher dick mileage, but women are still more often than not submissive because of genetics.

The other woman you plan to form a mating pair with later in life may also hate the “dick skills” that you learned and she definitely doesn’t want to hear about what your ex liked. Some women love tongue kissing, some hate it. Some want you to play with their nipples, some don’t. Some will let you do anal when they’re bleeding out their snatch, and for some it’s vaginal only and anal won’t happen until hell freezes over despite the Mercedes you bought them. (And homos are really missing out. Anal sucks compared to vaginal sex and I don’t get the hype. Only makes sense when it’s the only thing she’ll let you do because of the aforementioned snatch bleeding).

And really:
a good dick + cardio >>>>>>> “dick skills”
Practice is good, but if that’s what we mean by “dick skills” it doesn’t have to be with some older broad, just any gf who wants to fuck you.
You just assume he drives for UPS. He could work in admin or HR or load packages for all you know.
They hated jesus because he told the truth

Regardless of literally everything, youre gonna end up in a dead bedroom after marriage plus kids. Womens lizard brains fucking hate familiarity
What fucking city are you in? I’m not in a flyover state and next to me a two bedroom apartment is $980/month.
>this small shitty house “worth” $1mil in the middle of San Francisco costs the same as any house anywhere in the US
Even in an urban area like Houston or Orlando the average housing price is a third of that.
The dead bedroom thing is so true. My wife is in a mom church group and they have dialogs about how much they have sex. Apparently the counselor asked the women when was the last time you had sex with your husband. Starting at 2 months, most hands were raised about like 30 women. 1 month, half the hands were up. 2 weeks ago, less than 5 hands, 1 week ago, it was only my wife and one other lady.

Really insane when you think about it, that once you get married you just stop having sex.
The counselor said the ladies need to initiate sex and the women all gave excuses about how they were too tired.

I've heard from some anons, they don't like to be the one always initiating sex. Well, I think one thing that leads to dead marriages is that mentality. If you start expecting your wife to initiate sex, how is she supposed to if she's spent the entire day watching kids, cooking, and cleaning. As a man you should be telling her you want to have sex. Most of the wives, I believe, would fuck if you told her you wanted to. If she still says no you have other problems in your marriage.

I just remember one time I was with my wife and her neighbor friend and our kids were playing. My wife goes
>we got this, you can go home and spend time with your husband
Her friend said
>Nah he's being an ass that's why I'm here
Later on my wife told me they haven't had sex in 3 months. Oof.
>once you get married you just stop having sex.
Kids put a damper on it, but people grow tired of fucking each other generally and want something new.
Not in my experience. Just harder when you have kids because moving a sleeping baby can be like defusing a bomb.
I don't get tired of fucking her, but it is annoying having to either sneak away or wait till the kids go to bed, which can be as late as 12am on some days
>people just want to fuck someone new instead of the woman they’ve been dating/married to for a dozen years
Lol, fuck that, my wife is still gets me going just as easily as she did when we started dating. Maybe those people settled for someone they shouldn’t have married or they are eating a meat deficient diet and therefore have hormonal issues and are probably fat.
Yeah. Literally every single long term couple I know that's also happy as hell with zero problems either had no experience or just a bit. Once you've had more than 2 people beforehand, it's over.
Dating and marrying a roastie that is older than you is pretty high on the dumbass list
Because he’s bitchmade
That's how society was run for hundreds of years and why womens' virginity was so highly valued. If they don't take any other dick then they don't know what they are missing out on and they don't consider thoughts like "maybe I can do better" or compare you to all her ex boyfriends or cheat on you.
OP tweet claims his son makes $70k a year
I'm just posting evidence that proves that's a completely reasonable salary for a UPS driver since that's what their national contract stipulates.
He could be loading packages and be doing overtime and also make $70k a year.
Very unlikely he is white collar at age 22 without a college degree.
Make that thousands if not tens of thousands of years
Either gay or cucked. Permanently broken regardless
it's not forty hours a week though retard
In all seriousness it depends on a lot of factors. But normal western women (sluts) won't date 4chan spergs because there's little guys like us can offer to them that some normie semi-Chads can't offer the same minus the tismo.

It just so happens chan spergs tend to have a much deeper (often neurotic, exaggerated, or problematic) approach to life than shallow normies, so the minority of women who are looking for something deeper (kind of like Gaga's song, except for real, not just for show) tend to find it in "unconventional" guys who happen to also be attractive and display only bearable tismo quirks.

But if she is a standard woman (vapid and shallow) AND is with a 4channer, then yes, chances are she has at least one serious psychiatric disorder. Otherwise she'd be content with a shallow normie, switching to another shallow normie whenever she feels necessary to increase her "happiness".
This, can confirm.
Although you DO have to have a good dick game so she'll cum everytime. Since she won't have an ex to compare that he made her cum 33% more times per fuck, she'll be completely satisfied that she cums everytime, more than once.
I dont understand this post
is he bragging that his son hasnt gone to college and is dating an older woman?
I know i'm coping but i found a beautiful unvaxxed 30 year old girl at the church 2 weeks ago and we went on a date already. Should i just drop her and look for younger women? im 32

btw this church girl is unvaxxed and she lifts and she is thin and hot but i know she is a post wall roastie
>that's illegal.
American hands typed this post
high iq post
>My last girlfriend was a 22 year old virgin,
why did you break up
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>actually it because virgins can pairbond.

Holy fuck guys im on a crossroads now that you are talking about virgins and i don't know what to do:

Option A girl:
>virgin (confirmed 100%)
>village girl
>trad parents
>chill to be around
>dated her for 6 months so i got to know her
>mid face
>low income job
>31 years old

Option B girl:
>Orthodox Christian
>Does orthodox fasting and attends church every day
>very high income job (60k euros per year)
>pretty face and good body
>met her at the church
>30 years old
>kinda short (5'5)
>very close with her mom
>only went 2 dates with her

Who the fuck do i choose bros?
Younger generations have more sexual partners on average. Unless you kidnap a someone eight to ten and keep them in your basement, they will probably have 2-3 partners by the time they hit high school, before graduating. The youth have been raised by the media to live in a casual sex culture. It is disgusting. Also no, I do not condone kidnapping. Hard disagree on the mental maturing thing as well, sounds like an issue with the women you are looking at over all women. Plenty of immature women exist and most women lack the ability to think like a man, but there are many who have common sense, decency and a good head on their shoulders. Christ, never thought I would have to go to bat for women on 4chan in all my years on here.
Will she? I have seen the graphs for the study you speak of, but did that factor in other reasons for divorce? If a person finds someone they can love and be loved by, they can either take the leap of faith, or they can foolishly go "Well I am sure the grass is greener on the other side of the fence." and wait for the fabled virgin waifu that will fulfill all their fantastical checkboxes. There are virgins in their thirties sure, but most are pretty fucked up mentally one way or another, man. I've met a few to know this personally.

Telegony in flies is interesting, but I do not see the relevance in humans. That said I appreciate you citing your claims and that you approached the topic in a polite way. Thank you, Anon.

Will you be happy just because her age has two less numbers on it? How do their personalities match up?
No, we usually talk about pre-tax income here too. The reality is that we’re poorer than you.
I guess either pair bonding doesn't work and it's bullshit cope

Or pair bonding does work but OP was already tarnished because he wasn't a virgin himself and couldn't pairbond with her
>How do their personalities match up?
only saw her twice but they match up quite well, isn't this a cope tho?
Just be yourself
Personality lasts long after beauty or anything else. Your 30 year old, unvaxxed potential GF will eventually become 32 and older with time, so why downgrade to a younger model if she ends up being insufferable?
I’m coming out of a very toxic relationship with a bpd ex gf and I still think about her from time to time (she was in my dreams last night). Despite her being bpd we matched 1000%, it’s just that when we had a fight, everything was terrible. But yeah I’m seeing this new girl on Saturday and we’ll see how it goes. I don’t know about her past yet
I don't know exactly what is wrong with him, but the simple fact that he has an expired hag as a girlfriend that nobody else wants, tells me he is a lower. I'm not a looksmaxx kind of guy but generally, people get together with partners of similar attraction with similar options
He's barefoot, basically in his underwear. Guests don't do that, even if they're family
>expired hag.
How old are you Anon? What age range do you look for women in? Are you 30+ looking for a teen or twenties girl?
Kek. How stuck up is your family? I walk around in underwear whenever I'm back at my parents house
An adult 14 years old girl.
op is an angry natty shoulderlet millennial
Nice deflection, roastie. A high value woman has many options because many men want to marry her. A low value woman like yourself has no options and is desparate for any man to look her way
Weird, and I'm not even being American
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I'll post it again
Why is it weird? Obviously I'm not talking about a visit for dinner. This was more so when I was coming home from college and staying for a couple months during the summer
What kind of woman can get pregnant? What is the major contribution a woman can give a family?
>manslut dumps virgins then complains that women are so evil!!
Kill yourself.
>staying for a couple months during the summer
Ok that's basically moving back in. "A few months" is not a vacation or a visit, then you're just back home
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Yes you should drop her. 99% chance that she’s a washed up whore at that age and if she’s SOMEHOW a hot virgin at the age of 30 then she is definitely insane hence why no man has married her. Even if she was magically a hot virgin with no issues at the age of 30 her age alone disqualifies her. Learn to stick to the standard for finding a good wife or else you will marry a train wreck and make your life hell because you couldn’t make the difficult decisions and reject chicks that had 90% of the requirements, but was still missing one or two things. I personally rejected tons of chicks before I met my fiancé because I had a cut throat set of rules.
She must:
>be a virgin
>under 25 (preferably 18-20)
>no children
>little to no dating experience
>have a proper family with both parents together
>no debt
>follows God and serves her man
>does not party or dress like a slut
>not a feminist
>not a liberal
>not difficult or argumentative
>not greedy
I probably forget a few, but I have rejected chicks who met all of these requirements, but were 26 years old for example. My fiancé meets all of these requirements and then some which I spent over a year verifying. You should never budge on the essentials if you were raised properly and know how to sniff out the good ones from the sea of trash.
Most definitely not a virgin, most probably infertile. Your marriage will fail and she cannot give you children. Why continue this farce?
>very high income job (60k euros per year)
Sounds like a horrible choice. A woman's money won't be shared, and she will find ways to rub this in your face. Women cannot handle any sort of power, this would give her the masculine role of provider in the relationship which means it will fail.
>31 years old
>30 years old
Why the fuck are you entertaining these hags? Vaxxed or not, they are infertile, at least they will be by the time you're thinking of kids, unless you plan on trying for a baby on the first date? People always forget there's like 3 to 5 years between your first date and your first child, so 25 should be the absolute maximum
I'm a dude, Anon. Being a woman sounds horrible, besides I do not play games on easy mode.
Pederasts get the rope.
Teenage girls are some of the most annoying creatures on earth I can't imagine living with one or being in a relationship with one, would be hell. Incel fantasy doesn't match reality
Zoomers barely have any sex
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They're only teenagers for a few years Anon. Having them in their prime is worth a little annoyance
Congratulations on having the exact same opinions and views as feminists, Jews and atheists
>A little annoyance
Lmao never talked to one have you
Also to expand on attractiveness:
A massive issue I’ve noticed with young men, especially the 4chan incel types is that their porn and social media addictions have warped their view on what women naturally look like resulting in them thinking their girl HAS to be a 10/10. It’s literally the male version of the chicks that demand a giga chad bf/husband. In reality the women that make great wives are not insanely hot. At most they are 8/10 and that’s rare. Usually they will be a 3-7. As long as she’s hot enough for you to find her sexually attractive then you’re good. The fact that she’s not an insane, infertile, old, bitchy, etc. whore is far more important than her being the hottest woman on earth. Don't like this? Then live the bachelor life and fuck hot sluts until you die. Nothing wrong with that, just don’t cry about it if it’s your choice.
I never put much credence in the "INCEL" claims I had heard, but holy fuck this thread might have changed my mind.
I work on a regular basis with abused kids, including sexually abused kids. Nothing based or redpilled about fucking a minor. Tell yourself that it is a heckin based attack against the kikes by fucking kids, but know that it makes you just as vile as the Jews, feminists and other types of inhuman trash.
Roastie cope. No man expects his girl to be a 10/10. Men are generally very rational and honest about their self-image. What you're describing is female behavior
>kid abuser
Which is it, Schlomo?
I notice a blatant difference in these 2 posts, the former talks only of the present, the latter of the future. Does the former even acknowledge that the future exists? Do you understand the arrow of time? Are you even sentient or just a talking animal? Eat when you are hungry, sleep when sleepy, easily scared, live only through present emotions, does that describe you? I'm serious, this is rather significant.
Newest spotted. Hang around here for a bit if you are actually ignorant enough to think that no men (especially zoomers) have unrealistic expectations for what women should look like
I never put much credence in the "INCEL" claims I had heard, but holy fuck this post might have changed my mind.
No. Actually it's woman who have unrealistic expectations for what men should do
Fucking kids is immoral, wrong and those who do it should be killed. Simple as.
Ah yes, feel free to use a funny reaction image to show me as an angry woman. Women often are irrational, questionable beings who have caused a fuckton of issues, but there are also plenty who are of sound mind and reasonable beliefs most of the time. Dating/marrying a woman will tend to shift her views towards the males as well.
>I work on a regular basis with abused kids, including sexually abused kids. Nothing based or redpilled about fucking a minor.
Did you miss the part about marriage for life and open to life?
Do you understand that women being denied their matron status in their last half of their life is abuse? From 40 to 80 they are invisible, instead of being grandma that everybody respects. That's what you prefer? Do you think sex has no purpose just like homosexual activity? On how much propaganda are you?
>Fucking kids is immoral
Why is it legal for kids to fuck other kids? At any point, needing 0 approval from any adult party either, is that immoral? What would make it moral if not? And why is it moral if yes?
>Fucking kids is immoral, wrong and those who do it should be killed. Simple as.
Agreed. But what about the thing we were talking about?
>n-no!!! Only women can have unrealistic expectations! Men can’t!
You sound like the kind of retard who also thinks only white people are racist
Yeah men are much more rational and honest with themselves, and each other.
It's funny when they say "I can't imagine having anything to say to a 16 years old"

What the fuck, I manage to hold a conversation with a 7 years old, and that's normal, what are these people desperately trying to hide?
What are their relationships with their fathers like?
You reach like a woman. I literally support men dating 16 years olds. As long as it’s legal and she has undergone puberty she is an adult and I don’t give a fuck. They’re only a pedophile and should be shot and thrown into a ditch if they’re going after actual children who have not undergone puberty
>what are these people desperately trying to hide?
Ok that's a silly train of thought. Let me guess, homophobes are actually secretly homosexual?
They do, and when they don't we call those men effeminates lmao
>troll with shit b8
>redpill rage incel that is the natural consequence of feminism and exists as the other side of the coin
Pick one
>I literally support men dating 16 years olds.
That's not what you said here where you called me a pederast for explaining teen pregnancy
The fuck are you talking about? You replied to the wrong person retard.
No, it's something genuinely strange to say, why do they feel the need to brag that they cannot even hold a conversation with a 16 years old as if that's normal? First it's not normal to not be able to hold a conversation, second why brag about this? This isn't normal on all front, unlike being afraid of homosexuals or spiders, that's normal.
On 4chan we don't have accounts so everybody is named Anonymous. I'm just following the chain of replies
You literally replied to a random post that had absolutely nothing to do with whatever the fuck you’re whining about. Simply admit that you fucked up. Actual room temperature IQ moment
All sex outside of marriage should be treated the same, a 18 years old still has dignity and deserve protection just like those younger.
The treatment? Prison for all fornicators of course, I'm not joking, it's the deserving sentence for such destruction and the only one that animals will understand.
A lot of people think that "I don't understand thing" is a way of saying that "Thing is stupid". They think that expressing how unable they are to fathom such a thing, must mean that that thing is unfathomable. So when feminist hags want to increase AOC in a way to make it illegal to date hotter women than them, they will express it this way
No, I was following the chain of replies. I can look back and link each one but you're the one with the problem so you can do the work
Ya if your dating a teenager in your 20s youre not thinking about the future at all because that girl is going to leave you. Not of the girls I new in highschool who were dating older guys stayed with them. As soon as they grew up they dumped them.
No complaints from me there
Ok I was exaggerating before, but now I am convinced that you actually are stupid as fuck.checks out
Well obviously every relationship has the risk of breaking up, do you think that young people break up more often? A young woman will have less trauma and less drama than an old woman, so she will likely be more loyal. Every sexual ex is costs her an additional 8% of marriage stability or something
Because I confused 2 anonymous posters posting under the same name in the same sequence?
Even after dating my autistic BPD whore gf for 3 years, I never told her I use 4chan regularly. We would trove for cancer and lolcows on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Tumblr. Many times I thought to enlighten her that the funniest website is 4chan, but my good judgment prevented me from doing so. She was actually funny too, but she was extremely antiracism and antisexism, even as jokes. Don't think she'd have liked it here lmao.
Anyway I'm going to bed
>>geriatric pregnancy
he wants crippled grand kids
Zoomers are the new boomers.
>Not my problem
My wife calls it "the little frog website". She says it's "weird" but doesn't mind me browsing it, she accepts my weirdness.
Teenagers can be just a promiscuous as adult women. Congrats your dating the highschool bicycle, after she fucked all the dudes in highschool she moved on to older men. A teenage who is dating older men is more likely to be promiscuous. You want a girl who has an established history of loyalty to a partner, so a girl who has had just a few long term boyfriends in the past. A girl who had the same boyfriend throughout all of highschool. Someone who only has sex if in a relationship.
Lots of zoomers have mommy/daddy issues. I think it's just their way of following trends
What the fuck compels a father to post shit like this?
His son is going to kill him
Why not a virgin?
And if she wants to lose her virginity to an older guy (inside a relationship), how does that make her promiscuous?
>you want a girl who has been fucked by few dudes in relationships
I mean it's not terrible, but
>you want a girl who hasn't been fucked
is miles better.
>You want a girl who has an established history of loyalty to a partner,
>so a girl who has had just a few long term boyfriends in the past.
Dude what? seriosuly wat!?
Homophobes are faggots though. Normal straight people just don't give a shit and spend their time thinking about sex between men and women. Only closeted tranny faggot schizos spend any amount of time thinking or talking about gay stuff.
Both good

I guess it’s over guys, I will have to find a way somehow and block her on Saturday. I was even the one who approached in the church. It’s fucking over, this girl seemed to like me aswell.

What’s the next step forward? Find a girl under 25? Kinda hard with my circumstances but what do I will have to fight
classic late bloomer
anon? ironic shitposting is still shitposting
they're worse
women don't have depth LOL
it's like you never had friends
>20 to 25 is peak
>dont care about the "conversation"
now it's clear as day
you never had any friends
it's sad
This is the most obvious case of samefag I've ever seen
we need IDs across all boards immediately
it's a fag 100%
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can't deny those quads
>You have monthly car payments
good goy
depends on her baggage
low baggage, go for it
If you don't have 3d delts, you're not /fit/.
Sounds like you just need to get /fit/ faggot.
it's a paid poster, he's waging a "culture war" on a fucking wednesday
where the hell do you live if you don't mind me asking
it's eastern europe isn't it
>Simple as.
bongs aren't human, opinion rejected
Haven’t you read the fucking thread?

Over 25 and non virgin is a guaranteed divorce rape
I’m in Greece
American moment
My cousin married his babysitter who is eight years older than him. He told me they started having sex when he was 15 and she was 23, now he's 26 and she's 34 and they're expecting their fourth child.

She basically groomed him since he was a teenager. I dunno, they seem happy, kinda envious and wish a girl had groomed me.
>only 70k
the eternal
>I make 200k from home answering emails
fuck I wish I had a 23 year old woman banging my 15 year old self.
>kinda envious and wish a girl had groomed me.
He's saying the money he used to buy the house didn't appreciate very much in many decades and he could have made a lot more money on stock, which is true.
I'll also point out that Buffet just still owns the house, but lives in California in a much nicer (higher value) house.
I had a 30yo GF when I was 20. We fucked minimum 3 times a day and she just let me go on for as long as i wanted. She was a bipolar bitch too. good times
I see it now
Hags can be hot
>Kinda hard
Yeah well that's life. You're man and life is tough, nobody is coming to save you. Women have that luxury, of always having the safety net but we don't
Hindsight is 20/20. He's conveniently leaving out all the other related costs and hassle of renting. The mental stress alone of being on rented is not worth the savings.
Chiming in late to this conversation to throw in my two cents. As a 26yo guy who came off of a healthy diet of 19-24 year olds, older women just can't compare. After fucking girls my age for a little less than a decade I dipped my toes in the water and tried fucking older women just to see what the fuss was about.

They just can't compete. I fucked a 31yo and a 38yo, both fit and slim, cream of the crop, prime milf material. Yet despite working out and eating healthy their skin was still saggy. I'll admit, older women know what they want and they're quick to get to the point, they don't waste any time, in both cases I scored on the first date. But nothing compares to the firm and supple skin of a 20yo, and when you're fit and manly many of them are happy to hand the reins and let you fuck them till they can't stand.

Heed my advice bros, it's good to fuck an older woman just to get a taste of what you're missing, but don't kid yourselves. Nothing compares to prime, 20yo pussy.
>people get together with partners of similar attraction with similar options
Are you familiar with hypergamy? Women are super picky. An attractive woman in her early 30s still has a ton of sexual marketplace value. She could still easily get a sugar daddy, even as a single mother. Pic is of an elite escort in her early 30s who charges $1000 per hour.

Women are also super picky about wealth. You can take a fit, attractive man in his early 20s, but if he's broke, he's going to have to settle for a lot less. A 10/10 man who is broke is going to struggle getting even a 4/10 woman. When the sexes are reversed, the opposite is never true.
>She could still easily get a sugar daddy, even as a single mother.
Yeah a woman getting laid is NOT a flex, dude. It's basically free for them, obviously. I said "get together" specifically because obviously there's a hundred horny men for every woman. What she can't do at that level is get a man who wants to commit. For women, their "league" is the type of man who wants to commit to her. There is a massive gap between "men who want to fuck her" and "men who want to marry her" and women often refuse to see this gap. See >>75724267
>When the sexes are reversed, the opposite is never true.
Yeah men and women are not the same, and neither is their desires. Virginity and innocence is what men seek in a woman, not the other way around. Dominance and power is what women seek in a man, not the other way around, the opposite actually. Most women would rather be part of the King's harem than to be loyal to a normal man. Women don't mind being in Chad's rotation because she deludes herself that he will want more from her eventually. Men hate being in any girl's rotation.
Let me ask you this: How many men have a bunch of hot, attractive women in his friendzone even while he has a girlfriend?
>32 year old hag likely with a bodycount in the hundred
Wow what an achievement buddy
>For women, their "league" is the type of man who wants to commit to her.
So for men, their league is whom they can get laid with, while for women, their league is whom they can get to commit to them. Thanks for the redpills, and I saved that image.
You're welcome brother
It's retarded that he's talking about marriage, but there is a certain appeal to older women. I wish it were possible for men to get decent-looking sugar mommas, but in practice, even the ones who are just upper middle class, rather than actually being rich, are still hideous women in their 50s and older, and they're still going to expect you to be a decent-looking young man.
why couldnt that be me...
Older women will take advantage of younger men. Hags know they missed their opportunity to secure a chad and will try to get knocked up by one and ruin his life with her issues.
Their age gap is the wrong way around, but that is the right way for long-term happiness. Grooming such an ugly word, they just grew together in their most formative years, that's beautiful. I'm glad they found each other
Virgin every time
You can make more money, you can't get that bond from a sloot
Just make sure you're not fantasizing about anything when you finally fuck
Cumming to your girl and only your girl is the real key to long term happiness in a relationship
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>very high income job (60k euros per year)
>I’m in Greece
That's very high for europoor.
she has a high position in government? doctor or lawyer, judge?
anyhow, huge redflag. She's been focused on her meme career + she's 30 lol
that's not a homemaker nigga.
I got to latin mass here in Portugal. Starting to think these trad whores are worse than normie girls.
Is that supposed to be a merchant?
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>with no chance of promotion or salary increase
Were you not paying attention when UPS got a union and their drivers were given a pay range of $70-240k? A topped out UPS driver will be making 240k before retirement if it was his first job. They start at 70k to drive a fucking truck and deliver packages and get significant pay raises every year, that's the power of unions and exactly why the greedy corpo kikes pushed for immigration and union busting.

UPS pilots start at 170k and top out at idk probably an insane rate. We need to fight to bring back unions.
>these trad whores are worse than normie girls
They look at you more for what they can get out of you, they're worried about what worth and status you can bring them if they bear your children. For the children as well I guess. But they are gold diggers in their own right trying only to secure a good future for themselves in a logical manner. Normie girls are dumb and actually believe in love and that's their only driving factor in a relationship is how well you make their pussy tingle and what her friends think of her for dating you.
>A topped out UPS driver will be making 240k before retirement if it was his first job.
Huh? This actually sounds wrong. Also, unions are retarded for doing things like preventing automation. They use lawfair to keep things running inefficiently. This results in more expenses for the average person in his or her daily life.
So put tens of thousands of people (white working men) out of jobs when you know the greedy kikes still won't lower the price of your precious consoomer goods? Nah, neo-luddism is based. All job stealing machines should be destroyed on sight.
>All job stealing machines should be destroyed on sight.
When you have technological advancement, to an extent, you create demand for jobs in specialized fields in STEM, like technology and engineering. It's pretty based when technology develops. Would you rather be working a mindless job or be working on creating the next great piece of technology?
They're replacing STEM workers with pajeet bots you stupid brown fuck. You have no idea the hardship that's coming due to a broken middle class economy. Go die.
>They're replacing STEM workers with pajeet bots you stupid brown fuck.
I know. Programming is already a field that is fucked due to international employment. Why hire a local programming expert when you could get 10 to 20 poos who are somewhat decent at python for the same cost? Just be super anti-immigration. Pressure Republicans to be super anti-immigration no matter what. I've been wondering if it's even worth it for someone like me to get an engineering degree.
>But they are gold diggers in their own right trying only to secure a good future for themselves in a logical manner.
I wish we could just discuss this like rational people. She's looking for a wallet, I'm looking for a fertile womb who can give me many sons. I can't just put that on my dating profile, I have to play along with this whole theater of pretending girls are interesting and funny and charming. I've actually been looking at arrangement/sugardating websites where the parameters of the relationship are discussed beforehand
No one said she was a single mom
My wife initiates sex and we're like 10 years in. She started going to the gym too. Their husbands probably just look like shit.
>this whole theater of pretending girls are interesting and funny and charming
nta but I'm sorry you've never genuinely enjoyed the company of woman
I am pretty cynical but some of you guys need to experience love
Your thesis being true scares me off marriage. It's so firmly engrained in my beliefs at this point that I don't want to get married unless I know my wife is ok with me fucking other women (I would not let her fuck other men)
I've only had real sex with 2 women, one 19 and the other 29, now 30 (I'm 24 and still see her). Honestly the sex is better with the older one but she looks young (half-latina genetics I guess), I thought she was my age originally.
I haven't fucked enough young women yet to settle down and I do feel a bit bad for "wasting" this woman's time so to speak, because I do care about her and she is genuinely funny and fun to be around. But also I live in a desert for pussy and she's all I can get right now and I've been going insane from the feeling of missing out on women since I was about 16
>I found a beautiful woman about my age who seems to share my values but I know if she is [4chan slur for being my age]
>lemme ask 4chan if I should continue to see her
Women are retarded. They literally have lower IQs on average, and they tend to be somewhat crazy by default. The word hysterical literally comes from the Ancient Greek word for uterus. It's bullshit that we have to deal with them due to our brains being programmed to want to have sex with them. Some women are sweet, but you're retarded if you don't recognize that girls won't be interested in you unless you have the ability to provide for them more than what they already have and they perceive you as their idea of alpha. Those are the two prerequisites for a woman to be interested in you. For guys, the woman just needs to have the bare minimum amount of visual sex appeal.
I actually agree with most of what you said except
>It's bullshit that we have to deal with them due to our brains being programmed to want to have sex with them
there is no masculine without the feminine, no feminine without the masculine. I encourage you to think deeper about the subject.

Have you never had a woman enhance your life anon?
>I encourage you to think deeper about the subject.
I have. If men had to chose between modern women and women who think just like men and are programmed with male sexuality, but attracted to men instead of women, then modern women would go out of business. They wouldn't be able to find anybody willing to put up with their bullshit. The stress level for men would be drastically lower than what it actually is. A ton of male anxiety comes from trying to please and impress women. Women are the driving force for evolution due to being so damn picky. Low-IQ women who reproduce with the trash of society should be sterilized.
So you've never had a woman improve your life?
Im coming in Lisbon in May, is it good? Also the girl desu just studied law in the UK and was a layer until two years ago but now it's just a random position in a building, very high paying job tho.

>I got to latin mass here in Portugal. Starting to think these trad whores are worse than normie girls.
Well she does keep up with the orthodox practices and i can say even better than me on some things but i don't know her true self yet. A friend of mine told me to test her for 2 months.
>Shorts and wifebeater is underwear
How you dress expresses how you feel about the event. I wear the same thing to my parents place as I would to a restaurant, it's a sign of respect

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