Fellow Zoomerbros... I am at a wit's end... what IS their secret?
>>75723382>women over 25 are all walled hags!>um actually no they all look like they’re 24, gotta try to own the zoomers
>>75723409Zoomies are exposed to estrogen from birth.
>>75723391This post was made by a female she doesn’t know what she is saying
>>75723382milennials do look young compared to their parents. it turns out drinking less and staying indoors more is good for your complexion.
>>75723382I'm just one dude, but my secret is that I get enough sleep, my nutrition is pretty much on point, I don't smoke or vape, and I lift.
>>75723433Kek literally me. I’m 30 and everyone thinks I’m 18
>>75723429I thought they were drinking too much was the narrative
Zoomers are braindead retards, news at 11
>>75723429Way less smoking too
>>75723429>>75723382This OP, millennials are the first generation to grow up with high SPF sunscreen use and excessive sun exposure ages the fuck out of youAlso worth pointing out that millennials grew up after cigarette smoking was banned indoors and before nicotine vapes so they also avoided another premature aging factor thereI am 35 and if I shave my beard the only tell I am over 30 is my grey streak in my hair. Minimizing excess sun exposure, not smoking, and trying to live a low stress lifestyle are all very good for not prematurely aging
Zoomers are aging very badly. Were you never told that drugs, alcohol and smoking is bad? Given the fact that I was told to never put my real name on the internet and you were told to always your your very traceable identity on the internet I think it's because you were raised wrong on purpose, child abuse.
>>75723506Millennials were young enough to have avoided teacher physically beating them and old enough to have avoided teachers forcing drugs pills on them. Truly blessed turn of the millennium chads.
>>75723515We grew up in a very brief moment where the worst parts of growing up in 20th century had been fixed but the horrors of the 21st had yet to be invented.
>>75723506>Also worth pointing out that millennials grew up after cigarette smoking was banned indoorsNigger that shit happened when we were 10 or 12 and even afterwards there were plenty of people still smoking indoors and not giving a fuck.But in general I agree, Millennials are the first generation to say no to smoking, drinking alcohol and avoid the sun like the devil.
>>75723382I'm 36 and frequently have zoomers think I'm their age or just barely older than them (+3-5 years). Most of them seem genuinely shocked when I tell them my age. FWIW I feel like I look my age. I just never drink alcohol or smoke, and spend most of my time indoors. There's no really big secret.
zoomies love to talk to me at the gym and I have no idea what they're saying half the time. Apparently they thought I was around 24 (I'm 32).
>>75723382Zoom Zooms are all mixed mutts. Millennials were the last white generation/thread
>>75723507>raised wrong on purpose,It really do be like that.
Weird, I can't get it in my head that zoomers are almost thirty now, every time I see a 27 year old zoomzoom, he or she looks like a teenybopper to me.
>>75723582That depends on where you grew up I suppose but the big picture is that smoking was way less prevalent for millennials, whether that was secondhand smoke or picking up the habit ourselves. It was pretty firmly "uncool" by the time we were teenagers and we were better off for it
>>75723382Millennials were the faggot generation in their 20s and they're becoming the Chad generation in their 30s.
>>75723515That and childhood obesity doubled between 1988 and 2004
I think a big factor is that the first part of millenial's lives things were getting better every year before going downhill after the millenium. Zoomers have only lived in a world that gets worse every year. Millenials are able to remember that things were once different and know they can be different again
I'm an older millennial (42) and I'd say most of my friends looked the same until about 38. We've all walled now though. I think it is because we always dressed like 90's faggots and then the 90's came back in again so from 28 to 38 we were just indeterminately aged hipsters.
I heard an anon on /pol/ say it is because the Millennial Generation is the generation of no testosterone. Therefore they never aged right. It makes sense, all the social justice woke shit really took off with hipster millennials. But I’ve met some millennial bros who are cool. >T. 20 yo zoomerboomer
>>75723382Not dealing with women anymore
i’m 53 and people think i’m 14. all i did was eat right, avoid sun, don’t smoke, get plenty of sun and throw tantrums in public. people always tell me i’m like a kid!
>>75723812>larping as if hipsters were ever coolWe hated them even back then
>>75723812zoomer testosterone is even lower though... how do you fit that fact in your hypothesis?
i just gave my complexion a firm handshake and wa la
>>75723844The onions boy meme came from millennial men. That is what everyone thinks millennial men are, I’ve met a couple who are cool bros but most have fit the archetype. The testosterone levels are going down generationally though cause of all the shit they put in food and literally everything we consume.
>>75723882*onions boy meme
>>75723842That’s good, hipsters are retarded. And now a lot of millennial men seem to be wearing mullets and mustaches but then being left wing men. Whole world’s gone mad I say.
>>75723382>u/throatgobblerrrYou just have to avoid making dumb choices>>75723751it's always like that.
>>75723882kek i voice mog u effeminate bitch boy
>>75723382I told a zoomer coworker to put moisturizer on his face after the shower and he refused. I can also smell him from 5 feet away. Zoomers have shit hygiene and it's catching up to them. Plus they vape toxic metals into their lungs, they eat and wear plastic, they use sunscreen religiously because muh skin cancer and they stare at screens 24/7.
>>75723506This is why I wear a beard, I’m 39 and I don’t have any greys on the top of my head yet (a few in the beard), so if I shave clean, my apparent visual age is “highschooler”. It’s honestly tedious if I’m not trying to fuck college aged girls. Which is why I only shave my beard in late December when they come back home from school for winter break.
>>75723382Zoomers follow trendy millennial influencers who act young and look young
>>75723382You're not ready to hear the truth. Turns out being in touch with your feelings keeps you young. Also, the looksmaxxing trend is pure cancer ensuring you look like a leather purse left out in the sun and not anything resembling a human.
>>75723382We didn't spend our youth stuck in doors all day covering our faces in mystery Korean goop and calling it "skin care routines".Ever consider that Korean skin care companies work in close proximity to plastic surgeons and so they have a vested interest in absolutely fucking your skin up so you have to answer the call? gg go next
>>75723986yeah looksmaxxing is pretty dumbthey should have been youthmaxxing
>>75723969You are a millennial, the generation of zero testosterone. More millennials are left wing than zoomerboomers, get rekt.
cope zoom zoom i voice mog u to the streets of mumbai
>>75723838Gary Coleman you're supposed to be dead.
>>75724015Test levels are down gen by gen. Millennials grew up and were conceived in a pre pozzed world. You can't compare to us.
>>75723382It's cope. Everyone looks their age. Some people look good *for* their age, but still look their age. Nobody beats father time. Millennials just have a juvenile styling and fashion sense which creates the illusion of youthfulness.
>>75723974It's pretty based being able to age down 10 years with a shave and haircut.
I'm 32, last time I went to a night club a girl thought I was 22. But I am 10% bodyfat, have a full head of hair, no wrinkles. There is a lot of shit you can prevent to look younger
>>75723429I use coconut oil as sun screen and my skin is radiant.
>>75723382Just the right amount of childhood vaxes. Boomers didn't get enough and zoomers are over vaxed.
>>75724041Zoomers are generation of /fit/ there are more zoomers desiring a good body and working out then millennials ever did. Even though we post gay TikTok edits of our bodies we’re still all working out besides the left wing trannies and weirdos. Which I will admit we have a lot of. But millennials and Zoomers need to band together. We’re the ones inheriting the worst of what the boom booms have left behind.
>>75724062yeah all those covid boosters age you
>>75724064>If it's not on tiktok it's not realYour generation is doomed to hell.
> grow facial hair out> grizzled man look> shave> apparently look 5-10 years youngerThis shit ain't nothing to me man
>>75724064zoomers just do whatever the algorithm tells them to
>>75724074You know it’s true, zoomer high schoolers are all in the gym working out constantly. All the millennials when they were young were not unless they were in sports. All the movies you guys grew up on vilified the jocks and everyone thought it was cool to be the nerd.
>>75724015We are the generation who redpilled the world on jews after inheriting a literal matrix reality from bluepilled boomers and nihilistic genxers. You should be grateful zoomer.
>>75724083sad!t high t millennial
>>75724015Yet your generation has even less test. Gen z test is almost in the negatives, which explains why gen z has the most trannys
>>75723479Millennials are the pinnacle of drinking. Our generation did it the most and most commonly out of all of recorded history. Is alcohol keeping us young looking?I bet it from living through the dimensional rift that happened December 12th 2012
>>75724093Fair enough, I will give you that one, thankfully most zoomers are beginning to see the Jewish facade more than any other generation recently. All thanks to Millennials
>>75724092>If it's not on social media it didn't happenAgain, your generation is going to be fed face first into a meat grinder because you're actually fucking retarded. Do you think gyms just weren't a thing until some zoomie posted their routine on tiktok? I guess I just hallucinated Zyzz.
>>75724112Touche', but you act as if gen z doesnt have even more of that shit now
>>75723382>have beard>still get ID'd iff clean shaven at 30>no wrinkles or crows feet
>>75724113I don’t use TikTok so I don’t know. I’ll give credit where credit is due though and say zoomers do have a social media problem though. It’s even worse then you could ever imagine
>>75724104Glad I'm not the only one that realizes the complacency and complicity of genX. Like yes boomers sold out our future from under our feet but gen X sat around and watched it happen when they were adults. Millennials went into the real world with some fight in us. Call us soi or sjw or whatever but at least we changed some shit. And we did it before massive fully connected social media controlled literally everything.
>>75723382I think people just have a confused perception of what people look like at different agesI’m 30 and people typically think I’m mid-20s. I look decent for my age but it’s still relatively youngBoomers and Gen x characters in tv and film were often portrayed by people a bit older than the character themselves and I think that’s contributed to a lot of confusion
>>75724103That's what I'm wondering. We didn't smoke but damn if we didn't drink. Maybe zoomies are aging like shit because they vape but don't drink.
>>75723882so you agree with me that zoomers have even lower T, good. not sure what is your point then
>>75724123We do, the fluffy hair meme is real and most of our women are alt af. They dress like it’s the early 2000s that’s what I see most when I’m up in the club with my bros. The one thing I will always be jealous of millennials of is when they were young social media and phones weren’t as huge. It’s unstoppable at this point my generation is fucked when it comes to phones.
>>75724153let lil bro cope lol
>>75723382I'm the age of his examples. Women in my circle do look younger. The secret? They're middle class - upper middle class with comfy low stress jobs, family money and like their husbands.
>>75724128Yup. My point is millennials were in the gym. We just didn't have 4k cameras in our pocket when we were your age so you just went to the gym with a regular fucking iPod, did your routine and left. Nobody needed to see your workout. Doesn't mean it didn't happen.
>>75724153Millenial men are mostly leftist liberals. Gen Z men are not. The male feminist thing came from millennials. I have never seen ever millennial men on mass being right wing. It’s not a thing
>>75724211non sequiturwe are talking about T levels
>>75724157I'm millenial, I've read mangas in my bed, I've watched TV from my bed, I've played the OG Gameboy in my bed but I've never once used my phone in my bed other than for checking the time, and I'm very glad for this, had I have been born 15 years later I probably would have the bad habit of using a phone to endlessly scroll on some bullshit website right before sleeping.
>>75724211>Everything I see on social media is real lifeMillennials are the generation that grew up calling everything gay and retarded. It wasn't until we were in the work force and faggot zoomies in college started yelling about micro aggressions. Boomers being boomers just called everyone that looked young millennials until they realized we were all in our 30s.
>>75724225Testosterone ages you, the one thing i never understand about millennials is that they want to look 25 at 35 and are proud of it. It reminds me of women clawing desperately at holding onto their youth. I’m not saying it’s all but all the ones here for sure do.
>>75724248That’s just blatantly wrong. Micro aggressions and the SJW were all millennials in college when me and my fellow zoomer boomers were still in middle school and elementary school.
>>75724112He doesn't even look like that much. I know a guy who looks like the gnome, short, rapidly aging beard, eyebrows in the submissive state trying to look feminine for some reason, his profile picture his eye looking sideways, he can't even look at the camera. His wife isn't an ogre though but he brags he can finally eat steak on weekends because his wife his of course a millennial who's a vegetarian but then my question is why is your wife so often away for 2 days?
>>75723382I think Millenials are the first generation to take physical health seriously. They got interested in diet, exercise, healthy habits in a way prior generations didnt. And also had the benefits of a pre-online childhood.
>>75723382Hormones at the gym. Lots of hormones. Crazed bitch fuck a china dick. Hormones affect aging.
>>75724262What year? I was firmly in the work place before I heard a peep about that.
>>75724255bro I'm still not sure what is your pointyou hate Millenials, we get it, but your arguments are just all over the placethe original train of though wasMillenials look younger (fact)Zoomers look older (fact)Millenials are low TEvery generation is lower T than the one beforeTherefore, Zoomers are even lower T--> Zoomers are lower T than Millenialsyet your response to that is that testosterone ages you (huh? supposedly aging Zoomers even though they have lower T because every generation is lower T)are you just baiting me or genuinely retardedalso>the one thing i never understand about millennials is that they want to look 25 at 35 and are proud of itZoomers are the ones absolutely obsessed with looksmaxxing and looking youngermost Millenials don't even try, they just look younger -> hence the mystery
>>75724292I first started getting into that shit in about 2015-2016. I was in elementary school at the time I was 11-12 years old when I started watching right wing YouTubers. I suppose I got into the political shit when the trump derangement syndrome was at an all time high. I’ll be 21 in 5 days. Oh man to go back to 2016.
>>75724316I have nothing better to do. I don’t hate millennials. I hate faggot left leaning skinny fat millennials. I have no doubt I would get along with all the millennials in this thread. We’d just talk shit about eachothers generation and Jews all day while lifting.
>>75724316also, let me add one more thing to this mostly it's women who wall hardgen Z women wall hardregardless of Testosteronebecause T levels (to my knowledge) have little effect on how females ageso it is unrelated to the difference in millenials women vs gen Z women
>>75724338does test age men?
>>75724338Women are retarded Gen Z and millennial women think the exact same way and act the exact same way. They should not have rights. Every woman walls eventually.
>>75724262Watch any movie made in the millenial age of 90-2000's. That was the era when calling people fags in music was accepted, and the punchline in jokes simply being "hes gay" was acceptable
>>75724340probably yesespecially if you overdo it with steroidsbut what ages women, fuck if I knowbesides losing collagen, would Zoom girls lose it more?>>75724335alright, we can agree on thatI hate faggy Millenials too, always with cuck glassesbut I've met my fair share of based Millenialsmight be because I'm a Slav, so I have a different environmentI work for an American company and yet we all openly laugh at trannies, Jews, faggots in the office, it's a different culture
>>75724141Worse, Gen X made their livings doing the boomers' dirty work but somehow managed to blame millenials for it
>>75724064Explain why zoomers are the fattest generation that's ever lived, then
>>75724361I’m an American ZogBot. Yes yes I know.i joined cause I want to do special operations and kill mudslimes all day. And we all laugh at the same things you guys do behind closed doors. Most of my millennial NCOs fit the faggy millennial archetype but some of them are cool and /fit/ bros. I don’t think I’ve ever met a Slav once in my life. I just know you guys are very racist and there’s nothing wrong with that.
>>75724375No explanation for that. Just pure embarrassment. Disgusting fatties. I often tell them that to their face and openly talk shit about fat people when they’re around.
>>75723382I bet the “young” looking people are simply just not fat. Fat ages you.
>>75724248>>75724357>It wasn't until we were in the work force and faggot zoomies in college started yelling about micro aggressions.No anon. It WAS us. We were the peak of the politically correct era. We were the generation raised on Holocaust movies, Anne Frank diary book reports and fake Auschwitz videos. Back when we were in college during the late 2000s or early 2010s naming the jew was unheard of and we thought it was something that only literal schizo ku klux klan boomers would do. There is a reason why this video was so edgy and groundbreaking when it released:https://youtu.be/eS797lGsa2M?si=nGj6G4YL7xhZNIOvIt's crazy how tame and inoffensive it seems in today's environment.
>>7572338235 yo millenial married to 26 yo gen z'er. Discussed this same question with her and came to some insights>gen z is exposed to social media early. This means younger girls are exposed to influencer hoors shilling beauty products earlier, which fucks up your skin. In my day, 10 year old girls on makeup would be ridiculed. Nowadays they are encourage>bad sleeping habits. People nowadays are on their phones or online vidya till late at night. We didnt have that shit back in the day so we after our favorite tv shows or sports were over we slept>weedlmao. Millenials lived in the era of smoking cigs being demonized(anyone remember when they used to play ads of that one old lady with the hole in her neck from smoking?) but right before weed was legalized everywhere. Gen z doesnt smoke cigs either but they sure smoke hella weed, which does dry out ur skin still
>>75724048It helps with 19 year old pussy and nothing else. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
>>75723382>zoomers extremely ageist>scared of looking oldercan't feel sorry for you guys kek
>>75724318Somebody in college around 2015-2016 would be born in 1998. That's zoomer. Sorry about it. Your generation have been faggots since day one.
>>75724389>I just know you guys are very racistextremelywhat's hilarious is that, even our faggy leftists hate gypsies, because they grew next to them and pretty much 90% of people got at least once assaulted and robbed by a gypsy as a kidmyself, I got punched as a kid and they stole the equivalent of 1 centthat was the time I decided to start boxingeverybody hates gypsiesWe actually had our own "Floyd moment" where the cops killed a gypsy during arrestthen the leftist retards tried to start something like BLM, so they announced a protestit was in the news...around 20 people showed up to the protest kek
>>75724529picrel our gypsies, if you've never seenrumour has it they have descended from Indian lowest castebut among us they behave most of the time, because we don't kneel to them, they get the shit beat out of them if they start something hhh
>>75723382A millennial hag wrote that post
>>75724504Just because we weren't goose stepping doesn't mean we were the Zoomers in college in 2015 crying about micro aggressions. The math disagrees with you.
>>75724554>>75724529Based Romanian BVLL. Gypies should be allowed to be legally murdered. Fortunately we don't get many of them here.t. Dutchman
As a millennial vampire Chad, the main secrets seem to be eating a fuck-ton of fruit, doing differin, chemical peels, topical photodynamic chemotherapy, and duct tape.
>>75724211>I have never seen ever millennial men on mass being right wing.wtf does it even mean when all right wing gurus are millenials
>>75723382Some people actually take care of themselves. Notice he only made references about two encounters?
>>75724064Based and unity pilled
Oh look another age thread on fit. Let me guess, everyone here coincidentally gets mistaken for being 5-10 years younger than they are, people are always telling you how amazed they are to hear about your actual age, and you are all fucking 18-24 year old girls when you’re in your mid to late 30s or 40s, right?
We closely observed what the boomers did and then did the complete opposite. I need to thank my gluttonous, fatass relatives for inadvertently sending me down the path of enlightment.
>>75723794I'm 40 and I look 30 but manly.True I played videogames for all my youth and stayed up all night a a smoking weed but I finally fixed all that shit,sonow I feel I'm in a zone where there is no competition for me, everyone my age looks like shit so I accentuate this by becoming fit and working outdoor all spring to autumn.
>>75723974>It’s honestly tedious if I’m not trying to fuck college aged girls.>Which is why I only shave my beard in late December when they come back home from school for winter break.based
>>75724060what do you do when it rains and you start to float away
>>75723382I think it has to do with the food you are raised on, I'm a millennial raised by boomers and I was fed mostly home cooked meals of meat and vegetables, I think a lot of zoomers raised by gen x were fed a lot more ready meals and fast food.
>>75723417Yeah but too much, it's a balancing act between 12 year olds with chest hair and 22 year olds with beer guts
>>75723382There were less plastics in the food when we were coming up. Plus our parents used to beat us instead of locking us in a corner with fast food and ipads. Also our drugs of choice are weed, test, and booze instead of mystery Chinese bathtub chemicals, estrogen, and hypno videos.
I lived a life full of stress and depression, but I tend to be a laid back guy.I abused weed for 12 years, smoking copious amounts every day, missing maybe 3 weeks total in that time, usually because of family vacations.I've been using fancy skincare products since age 16, but no pharmaceutical skincare stuff, just a cleanser, ph balancing tonic, antiaging serum from Garden of Wisdom, and a coconut based moisturizer.I had about 4 years of taking large amounts of red kratom (baby's first heroin) every night.I smoked cigarettes at half a pack a day for about 7 years, but they were American Spirit brands which are just tobacco.I drink alcohol maybe 1-3 times a year socially.I was physically unfit until 4 years ago I don't wear sunscreen often, but I also don't spend a lot of time in the sun.I've used 4chan everyday since 2007, but I've never gotten into other social medias. I've spent the majority of my waking life on screens of various types. I've masterbated every day at least 3 times a day since age 14 or so.My diet was absolute trash for most of my adult life, but was mainly homecooked meals while growing up. I'm about to be 30 and I look significantly younger than lots of zoomers I'm seeing who are under 22 undergrads.I have no clue what the fuck is going on with the zoomer hyper-aging phenomenon.I think it's either gotta be the disposal vapes or something related to social-media induced stress. Nothing else makes sense to me as an explanation.
>>75724862Nah I haven't got a hair on my fucking head for years now, not everyone escapes the reaper. That said it's not unreasonable to expect the average person that at least tries to watch what they eat and exercises a bit looks better than the average american lard elemental.
i think most people just have a warped idea of what 30 looks like
>>75723382>exercise>drink water and coffee>never drink boomer energy drinks>wash myself once daily>hate jewsI mean what else do you want from me?
>>75725331Haha bro that’s so fucking epic how you hate Jews and tell everyone XD
people always are surprised when I tell them my age and say I look younger. gets kind of annoying sometimes.>t.oldfag
>>75723382Crazy thought here:>christmas dinner>40 yo rage feminist sister>me 32 yo male>sister has dominant dads family genetics>i have moms>mom has dry skin>dads family skin is naturally greasy>sister is a yupi who just go to meme concerts and is an artsy bitch with an alcohol problem and just goes from gastrobar to gastrobar eating "gourmet" fast food>she starves herself to stay skinny>i always hated drinking but loved smoking literally anything>i go full retard mode at the gym 5 times a week and i eat large amounts of food without getting fatter>both have exposed ourselves to the sun a lot>i have more facial wrinkles than herFor context, men use to have less wrinkles because of more collagen than women, but my sister naturally keeps her skin moisturised because shes a greasy bitch. I have dry skin and when i feel greasy i use agressive soaps.
>>75723844>zoomer testosterone is even lower thoughthat's why they are so tall, having low T during puberty makes you grow taller than normal.for a example, kleinfelters syndrome is characterized in part by low T which results in the classic tall stature of such men.
>>75723382zoomies have gen x for parents and those are the big first generation of single moms. So they eat goy slop more than any other generation, they have more microplastics in their bodies from microwave foods, they are always stressed from being on soical media 24/7
>>75723986Being an angry hateful alt right chud ages the shit out of you from the inside out.
>>75724056>I'm 32, last time I went to a night club a girl thought I was 22. it's dark in there and peoples judgements are affected by drugs and alcohol
>>75725416>normal intelligenceBros, that I was close. If I wasn't retard, I would be full Klinefelter.
>>75724092I dont know specifically about millennials, but the gym boom started in the 80s. That's why you saw so many roided muscle actors like Arnie, Stallone, Dolph Lundgren, Van Damme suddenly in the movies in the 80s and 90s. Pro bodybuilding and training used to be shown on TV on ESPN. Back then there was no internet or social media so the only way to get info was through magazines, books and television channels.https://youtu.be/Mb0sDSzC9XY
>>75725370Damn bro that’s crazy you must actually look really young, it’s definitely not a social convention for people to tell people how young and good they look
>>75724862>Let me guess, everyone here coincidentally gets mistaken for being 5-10 years younger than they areI've plugged my face into A.I. age detectors and they've said I've literally aged backwards two years from shit as simple as topical retinoids, chemical peels, and phototherapy. If you think all this shit is just a bunch of internet liars, it's a research skill issue.
>>75723382Peterpan syndrome, we never grew up. no kids until 30s, no serious job. we stayed in school until our late twenties.
>>75723429>>75723479>>75723504>>7572350639 here.Pretty much everyone with whom I went to school and socialised smoked at some point, spent every summer at the beach h and drank like a fish>ITT: people who don't do/haven't been/aren't a thing making up fanfics about it, as usual.
>>75726231You are not a millennial thoughbeitever, you're gen x gramps
>>75726262Britannica disagrees
>>75723382No Adderall few energy drinks
>>75723382I'm 30, probably just lucky but I got told I look "young as hell" twice in the same day, they didn't know I was old enough for the job I was applying for. #1. I take care of myself, perfect diet/exercise#2. spent most my teens/20s inside on internet, low stress/low sun damage, my skin doesn't have alot of visible damage. cheap entertainment actually has the benefit of reducing stress. a job that you hate day in and day out will age you to oblivion. I got a crappy job last year and I swear it started giving me gray hairs. #3. I have a long haircut and clothing that a teen/20s might wear, when I get a haircut I look my age. #4. genetics
>>75723582Depends where you live. We banned smoking indoors in 2001 when I was 7, so I think it's safe to say I grew up without fag smoke indoors most of my life
>>75723382>NYC zoomer saying yall
>>75729136It's entered the popular vernacular. The ignorant northerners finally realized that English was always supposed to have a plural form of you the way every other language does and old English did.
>>7572626239 is absolutely millennialt. 36
>opened the thread>was worried one of my millenialbros would spill the secret (the real one)>pleasantly surprised no one has told themThere is no secret, just suncreen and vitamins or some shit lmao