I'd be sexy as fuck if I didn't have gyno. Sadly, I am forced to exist with female pepperoni nipples
>>75728889at least you can become on online incel who copes by constantly affirming that all women are worthless whores who can't love or be loyal anyway, which would mean that you weren't missing out on anything and in fact it's the attractive, sex-having men in romantic relationships who are the real losers.
>>75728913You need to be the biggest loser to win in this rigged game
>>75728889>[he hasn't heard of gyno chemo with A.I.s and/or SERMs]>ack-milky 1975+50.
>>75728889you're a natural tranny
>>75728913>implying thats not trueWomen are a curse will one day be replaced by AI, it’s inevitable
>>75728913This is true though. He's not missing out on anything worthwhile. Women are like leeches. Even with my last gf, I made almost no progress in life. Starting 1 week after she left I had a new career path, more money, better opportunities, more time, more gains, better place, literally everything improved after she left.
If raloxifene doesn't clear my gyno up I'm just gonna quit lifting and give up I think
>>75728889just get the surgery, anon. it's life changing and there's little reason not to. unless you like the puffy, sensitive nipples. some guys do.
I have gyno and virtually no chest hair except for immediately around my nips.Also my nipples have zits for some reason.
>>75728913>and in fact it's the attractive, sex-having men in romantic relationships who are the real losers.Attractive men don't have relationships, they have one night stands. Only chumps and suckers have relationships - why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?