Is there a more trustworthy influencer than /ourguy/ Mike Israetel?These are the eyes of an honest man, FR FR on God no Cap!
Do you really have nothing better to do than try and hate on him? At least post porn if you wanna be funny.
>>75723494Porn is funny?
Will Mike respond?
>>75723494Holy shit, Mike does post here.
>>75723473Yes, i took his advice and lost 47lbs of muscle in 2 really helped me shit my spine out during a deadlift because shoulder shouldnt be worked
>>75723494I've gone back and forth on whether the current "campaign" by certain e-celebs is warranted but I'm again leaning towards it being needed if only because the fag is only increasing the amount of useless videos he peddles. It's even obvious that he just pads out the time with his ebin "cringe intrusive thoughts" gimmick constantly.
>>75723473Buy an ad kike.