I feel super low energy while cutting. How do I force myself to workout/keep my lifts from plummeting while cutting?
>>75723785Look in the mirror. Seeing all my definition keeps me going
I've not figured this one out. I'm trying to get the balance right. To do it 'right' (not have zero energy) I need a small calorie deficit and a diet high in protein and carbs. Thing is that is basically the hardest diet to cut on for me. I actually find it easy to starve myself and eat nothing but lean protein when I do eat. Like the more I eat and the more carbs I eat the more I want to eat and the more I tend to overeat. Going without food for a couple of days is actually easy for me, but ruins my gym workouts and basically RIP a year + of gains.
>>75723785stop cutting yourself emo weirdo
It’s normal that you feel low energy when you are forcing your body to drop weight by using its own reserves. Wtf did you expect Also if you are cutting just build more cardio in and work on your endurance because adrenaline on hunger is nice
>>75723785Start watching funny videos while lifting weights. Cool bitch fuck a china dick . Thats good to hear.
>>75723785S T I M U L A N T S