I'm 72 hours in.It's at the end of my longest binge session of probably 5 months of drinking everyday. And in saying that the gap between my previous binge of months was perhaps 3 weeks.Health had been pretty bad. I developed a near permanent wheeze, dizzy spells, and put on a load of weight. Couldn't get myself out of the bed until all hours from being hungover.My drinking has got steadily worse over the past two years as it coincided with a number of difficult life changes. The aim is to at least to get to the end of January drink free and to break the cycle of drinking everyday.To tell the truth it's not been going to good. I'm not getting any sleep and I'm getting lots of panic attacks and existential dread. I've only slept a few broken disturbed hours since Monday.Anyway, determined to get to the end of the month and to start turning things around. Be interested in hearing any others experience or advice
>>75730604>I'm not getting any sleep and I'm getting lots of panic attacks and existential dread. I've only slept a few broken disturbed hours since Monday. yea this is what being sober is like retard
I feel so much better since I quit drinking.Like a shroud of depression, carelessness, and feeling like shit has been lifted.
>>75730604uh i used to clear a 5th of whiskey then hit the bar before work, then after shift i would go to the bar and drink until they closed at 2am, then i would drive home. my dad was diagnosed with cancer and i was still living at home at the time and it tore the house apart so i drank 24/7. i ended up getting it together after having 3 different dui tests and the cops kept letting me off with a warning because i was speeding not driving erratically. after the 3rd time i realized this was a dead end path and quit drinking, started working out hard for about a year and then joining the military. i know the military isnt for everyone but it gave me a better path then the one i was on, and it saved my life i guess idk
>>75730626>i realized this was a dead end path and quit drinking, started working out hard for about a year and then joining the military.I do have some short and long term goals. I'm starting to clean my home which I've been failing to keep on top of for over a year.Maybe I do need to quit for good. It's very hard for me to see that as a reality at this stage. I always tell myself that I can revert to "normal drinking behaviour", but I've been unable to stick with it for any substantial length of time
>>75730604I quit drinking when I go to bed, but start again in the morning.
>>75730604do you drink coffee or caffeine? do you eat junk food? Are you a retarded moron? Do you breathe through your nose? These are all questions that you have to answer first before asking something like this
>>75730604Nope, I already fucked up. 2026 will be my year.
>>75731851I'm an expert btw on alcohol and alcohol use disorders, I'm the holy grail
>>75730604I'll never understand how people can drink literally every day and still have a job and shit. Also don't go from drinking every day to nothing at all, that's how people die. Half your use every week until you can safely drop it
My favorite thing is to walk around the city during the day completely plastered, on very crowded streets or on boardwalk by sea or river, with container maybe it looks like iced tea or water but is full of alcohol. At night I don’t enjoy as much, but during the day to walk around in a state of great enthusiasm and energy powered by liquor or, best of all, some kind of wine that energizes you to a great and holy rage. I don’t mean really rage, because I’m laughing on the inside, but I love to walk around like this, to see the people, to accost strangers in all kinds of ways, nothing is more entertaining.
>>75730604>To tell the truth it's not been going to good. I'm not getting any sleep and I'm getting lots of panic attacks and existential dread. I've only slept a few broken disturbed hours since Monday.This will pass and then you'll start having proper deep sleeps again. You'll feel like a million bucks once that starts happening.
>>75731868It's been like five days, he would have died already if that was going to happen. He's fine to keep going cold turkey from here.
>>75731873ok bronze age pervert
>>75730604shit man. Sounds bad. I went to germany last summer, ever since all of that shit beer, I couldnt find a reason to stop drinking. So I kept up beer drinking till new years.Since 2 weeks back ive been off it and well, before saying too much, I dont even feel like drinking again. So I probably will try to remember that and just stop this forever this time.Its not like drinking is cheap either. Loads of money over the months you can do better things with.
I've stopped because alcohol became like chasing the dragon like with heroin. I have these memories of months ago when I had a good experience drinking, but every single time I went back to it I didn't enjoy it, and the next day kept getting worse. But every time I still thought "man remember how good it felt before". So I thought back and realized I had enjoyed drinking maybe one time in six months. Meanwhile things got so bad with my health I was vomiting all the next day.
I haven’t had a drink since 2021 but I wanna ask if drinking 2 shots of vodka every night before bed makes you alcoholic. Because my local orthodox priest told me he does this every night but he is not addicted lmao
>>75730604do you even lift bro
>>75730604I used to drink every day, even had a seizure when I went to long without it. I decided those AA fags were full of shit. I drink 1-2 times a month anywhere from 2-6 drinks on those days
>>75732217eastern people are not the same. that's like the 101 of drinking.