Keep seeing this lil negro posted in all my German groups.1. Why do they even partake in a culture that isn't even of their own race?2. Why are Germans so obsessed with him and propping him up just because he's a negro?It's so annoying to see.I wish I could be at this festival playing but I'm here stuck in fucking America, and I'm White Germanic meanwhile there's negroes all over my country and negroes all over my ancestral homeland. When will this shit end? I hate it
>>489100713>Look at me, I'm the German now
>>489100713We want them to integrate, retard
>>489100804yeah I guess, this is better than them listening to rap music and being degens.But there's something so uncanny about it. Everyone should just be in their natural fucking habitat where their ancestors are from. We are supposed to die not far from where we were born. Globalism is Satanic. It's as uncanny as a white person dressing up in traditional African clothes. It's just not right.
>>489100713>and I'm White Germanicthat Nigga is more German than you are.he can speak fluent German, meanwhile you cant.Also why do you hate an integrated Person? do you also hate cripples and retards because they are different?
>>489100713people enjoy when foreigners take an interest in their culture. more news at 11