Why do white people complain about being replaced when they simply aren't birthing people? Immigrants let in by Biden are birthing at 177,000 a month. How come immigrants and black folk don't have any problem birthing kids while the whites are complaining about being replaced?
>>489092429>https://nypost.com/2024/11/20/us-news/cenk-uygur-slams-allan-lichtmans-stupidly-wrong-election-prediction-in-wild-clash-on-piThLights have had everything around them get extremely expensive and jobs taken away all by 1 class and 1 tribe so keep talking
>>489092429What is the color of the foreign born?
>>489092429And you paid for all their hospital bills.
>self ownHow stupid are these people.
>>489092429Flood in 60 million foreigners.Give them money. Make jobs unavailable to locals. Look foreigners have kids. Gas all you fucks.
>>489092429you do realize that immigrants lives are paid for by the taxes of white americans and white Americans receive nothing? Right, Kike? Right? Stfu