When do you realize that 99% of the human population are just biological cogs for the rich?
>>489067111during covid
fuck wagie gon' do?
>>489067111After i made the elite my bitches
>>489067779how so?
>>489067111Maybe stop being so greedy and thinking that your life is merely summed up by the money in your bank account?
>>489068335How did i make them my bitches? The natural order always resurfaces no matter what junk you try to pile on top of it. It was just inevitable
>>489067111Since 2020 they're trying to push sinicization for turkish prison socialism that accumulates, instead of federated and US centric companies / nato / jews, to centralized government corporation structure where humans are an agricultural commodity just like broccoli.
>>489067111/pol/ is too much absorbed in hating other ethnicities they can't realize it