Why do crackers move their countries everywhere while asians just stay where they are. Studying crackers history is confusing af while azn history is pretty straight forward. Ukraine for example spawned like half of eastern European countries like Hungarians, Romanians, Bulgarians, kikes they all spawned from the same place and invaded europe and Just killed or assimilated the local people there. Most seastern European countries aren't native to their geographic area.
>>489063848Because east asians are insectoid slave meat that lacks the faustian spirit and drive to move expand and conquer
>>489063848That's not how you make an anti-Bulgaria thread, sgt. ramirez. It requires some basic historical understanding of this region which, at best, can be found in about 1% of westerners. No one's going to reply to boring shit that they never learned at school.What you need is gypsies. Abandoned buildings. Potholes. Corruption. Be creative.
>>489064423Go back to ukraine where you fucking belong.
>American education lolGo back to dancing the alphabet monkey
>>489064423your ancestors were oriental steppe people lmao